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Multiple convolution neural networks approach for online handwriting recognition

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9 Apr 2013CPOL8 min read 81.7K   25.1K   75  
The research focuses on the presentation of word recognition technique for an online handwriting recognition system which uses multiple component neural networks (MCNN) as the exchangeable parts of the classifier.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using ANN.Perceptron.ArchiveSerialization;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UPImage.Common;
using UPImage.Data;
using ANN.Perceptron.Common;
using ANN.Perceptron.Neurons;
namespace ANN.Perceptron.Network
    public class ForwardPropagation:NetworkProvider,IDisposable
        protected bool _bDataReady;
        //backpropagation and training-related members
        protected ConvolutionNetwork network;
        protected double[] m_DispH;  // horiz distortion map array
        protected double[] m_DispV;  // vert distortion map array
        protected Size inputImageSize;
        protected int inputNeuronCount;
        protected double[,] gaussianKernel = new double[NNDefinations.GAUSSIAN_FIELD_SIZE, NNDefinations.GAUSSIAN_FIELD_SIZE];
        protected ByteImageData[] patternsData;
        private ThreadSafeRandom RandomGenerator = new ThreadSafeRandom();
     //   public double EtaLearningRatePrevious;
        public double EtaLearningRate;
        public HiPerfTimer HPTime;
        public int PatternCount { get; set; }
        public int CurrentPattern { get; set; }
        public NetworkParameters Parameters { get; set; }
        public ByteImageData[] PatternsData
                return patternsData;
                if (patternsData == value)
                patternsData = value;
                PatternCount =(int) patternsData.Count();
        public List<Char> Letters;
        public ConvolutionNetwork Network
                return network;
                if (network == value)
                network = value;
        public ForwardPropagation():base()
            CurrentPattern = 0;
            _bDataReady = false;
            network = null;
            HPTime = new HiPerfTimer();
            PatternCount = 0;
            // allocate memory to store the distortion maps
            network = null;
            inputImageSize.Width = 0;
            inputImageSize.Height = 0;
            inputNeuronCount = inputImageSize.Height * inputImageSize.Width;
            m_DispH = new double[inputNeuronCount];
            m_DispV = new double[inputNeuronCount];
            Letters = null;
        public ForwardPropagation(ConvolutionNetwork net):this()
            CurrentPattern = 0;
            _bDataReady = false;
            network = null;
            HPTime = new HiPerfTimer();
            PatternCount = 0;
            // allocate memory to store the distortion maps
            network = net;
            inputImageSize = net.InputDesignedPatternSize;
            inputNeuronCount = inputImageSize.Height * inputImageSize.Width;
            patternsData = null;
            m_DispH = new double[inputNeuronCount];
            m_DispV = new double[inputNeuronCount];

        protected void GetGaussianKernel(double _dElasticSigma)
            // create a gaussian kernel, which is constant, for use in generating elastic distortions

            int iiMid = NNDefinations.GAUSSIAN_FIELD_SIZE / 2;  // GAUSSIAN_FIELD_SIZE is strictly odd

            double twoSigmaSquared = 2.0 * (_dElasticSigma) * (_dElasticSigma);
            twoSigmaSquared = 1.0 / twoSigmaSquared;
            double twoPiSigma = 1.0 / (_dElasticSigma) * Math.Sqrt(2.0 * Math.PI);

            /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "NNDefinations.GAUSSIAN_FIELD_SIZE" which is now called only *once*,
            to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
           (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
            Parallel.For(0, NNDefinations.GAUSSIAN_FIELD_SIZE,ParallelOption, col =>
                for (int row = 0; row < NNDefinations.GAUSSIAN_FIELD_SIZE; ++row)
                    gaussianKernel[row, col] = twoPiSigma * (Math.Exp(-(((row - iiMid) * (row - iiMid) + (col - iiMid) * (col - iiMid)) * twoSigmaSquared)));
        public void Calculate(double[] inputVector, int iCount,
                                 double[] outputVector /* =NULL */, int oCount /* =0 */,
                                 NeuronOutputs[] pNeuronOutputs /* =NULL */ )
            var lit = network.Layers.First();
            // first layer is imput layer: directly set outputs of all of its neurons
            // to the input vector
            if (network.LayerCount > 1)
                Parallel.For(0,lit.NeuronCount,ParallelOption, i =>
                    var nit = lit.Neurons[i];
                    nit.output = inputVector[i];

            //caculate output of next layers
            for (int i = 1; i < network.LayerCount; i++)

            // load up output vector with results

            if (outputVector != null)
                lit = network.Layers[network.LayerCount - 1];

                Parallel.For(0, oCount, ParallelOption, ii =>
                    outputVector[ii] = lit.Neurons[ii].output;

            // load up neuron output values with results
            if (pNeuronOutputs != null)
                // check for first time use (re-use is expected)
                // it's empty, so allocate memory for its use
                pNeuronOutputs = new NeuronOutputs[network.LayerCount];

                /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "network.LayerCount" which is now called only *once*,
                to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
               (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
                Parallel.For(0, network.LayerCount, ParallelOption, index =>
                    var nnlit = network.Layers[index];
                    var layerOut = new NeuronOutputs();
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < nnlit.NeuronCount; ++ii)
                    pNeuronOutputs[index] = layerOut;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get Next Parttern in Parttern List
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iSequenceNum"></param>
        /// <param name="bFromRandomizedPatternSequence"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void CalculateNeuralNet(double[] inputVector, int count,
                                   double[] outputVector /* =NULL */, int oCount /* =0 */,
                                   NeuronOutputs[] pNeuronOutputs /* =NULL */,
                                   bool bDistort /* =FALSE */ )
            // wrapper function for neural net's Calculate() function, needed because the NN is a protected member
            // waits on the neural net mutex (using the CAutoMutex object, which automatically releases the
            // mutex when it goes out of scope) so as to restrict access to one thread at a time
                if (bDistort != false)

                Calculate(inputVector, count, outputVector, oCount, pNeuronOutputs);
        /// <summary>
        /// Distortion Pattern
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputVector"></param>
        protected void ApplyDistortionMap(double[] inputVector)
            // applies the current distortion map to the input vector

            // For the mapped array, we assume that 0.0 == background, and 1.0 == full intensity information
            // This is different from the input vector, in which +1.0 == background (white), and 
            // -1.0 == information (black), so we must convert one to the other

            double[,] mappedVector = new double[inputImageSize.Width,inputImageSize.Height];
            /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "inputImageSize.Width" which is now called only *once*,
            to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
           (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
            Parallel.For(0, inputImageSize.Width, ParallelOption, i =>
                for (int j = 0; j < inputImageSize.Height; j++)
                    mappedVector[i, j] = 0.0;

            /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "inputImageSize.Width" which is now called only *once*,
            to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
           (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
            Parallel.For(0, inputImageSize.Width, ParallelOption, row =>
                for (int col = 0; col < inputImageSize.Height; ++col)
                    // the pixel at sourceRow, sourceCol is an "phantom" pixel that doesn't really exist, and
                    // whose value must be manufactured from surrounding real pixels (i.e., since 
                    // sourceRow and sourceCol are floating point, not ints, there's not a real pixel there)
                    // The idea is that if we can calculate the value of this phantom pixel, then its 
                    // displacement will exactly fit into the current pixel at row, col (which are both ints)
                    double sourceRow, sourceCol;
                    double fracRow, fracCol;
                    double w1, w2, w3, w4;
                    double sourceValue;
                    int sRow, sCol, sRowp1, sColp1;
                    bool bSkipOutOfBounds;
                    sourceRow = (double)row - m_DispV[row * inputImageSize.Height + col];
                    sourceCol = (double)col - m_DispH[row * inputImageSize.Height + col];
                    // weights for bi-linear interpolation
                    fracRow = sourceRow - (int)sourceRow;
                    fracCol = sourceCol - (int)sourceCol;
                    w1 = (1.0 - fracRow) * (1.0 - fracCol);
                    w2 = (1.0 - fracRow) * fracCol;
                    w3 = fracRow * (1 - fracCol);
                    w4 = fracRow * fracCol;
                    // limit indexes
                                            while (sourceRow >= mpatternSize.Width ) sourceRow -= mpatternSize.Width;
                                            while (sourceRow < 0 ) sourceRow += mpatternSize.Width;
                                            while (sourceCol >= mpatternSize.Height ) sourceCol -= mpatternSize.Height;
                                            while (sourceCol < 0 ) sourceCol += mpatternSize.Height;
                    bSkipOutOfBounds = false;
                    if ((sourceRow + 1.0) >= inputImageSize.Width)
                        bSkipOutOfBounds = true;
                    if (sourceRow < 0)
                        bSkipOutOfBounds = true;
                    if ((sourceCol + 1.0) >= inputImageSize.Height)
                        bSkipOutOfBounds = true;
                    if (sourceCol < 0)
                        bSkipOutOfBounds = true;
                    if (bSkipOutOfBounds == false)
                        // the supporting pixels for the "phantom" source pixel are all within the 
                        // bounds of the character grid.
                        // Manufacture its value by bi-linear interpolation of surrounding pixels
                        sRow = (int)sourceRow;
                        sCol = (int)sourceCol;
                        sRowp1 = sRow + 1;
                        sColp1 = sCol + 1;
                        while (sRowp1 >= inputImageSize.Width)
                            sRowp1 -= inputImageSize.Width;
                        while (sRowp1 < 0)
                            sRowp1 += inputImageSize.Width;
                        while (sColp1 >= inputImageSize.Height)
                            sColp1 -= inputImageSize.Height;
                        while (sColp1 < 0)
                            sColp1 += inputImageSize.Height;
                        // perform bi-linear interpolation
                        sourceValue = w1 * inputVector[sRow * inputImageSize.Height + sCol] + w2 * w1 * inputVector[sRow * inputImageSize.Height + sColp1] + w3 * w1 * inputVector[sRowp1 * inputImageSize.Height + sCol] + w4 * w1 * inputVector[sRowp1 * inputImageSize.Height + sColp1];
                        // At least one supporting pixel for the "phantom" pixel is outside the
                        // bounds of the character grid. Set its value to "background"
                        sourceValue = 1.0; // "background" color in the -1 -> +1 range of inputVector
                    mappedVector[row, col] = 0.5 * (1.0 - sourceValue); // conversion to 0->1 range we are using for mappedVector

            // now, invert again while copying back into original vector

            /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "inputImageSize.Width" which is now called only *once*,
            to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
           (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
            Parallel.For(0, inputImageSize.Width, ParallelOption, row =>
                for (int col = 0; col < inputImageSize.Height; ++col)
                    inputVector[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] = 1.0 - 2.0 * mappedVector[row, col];

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="severityFactor"></param>
        protected void GenerateDistortionMap(double severityFactor /* =1.0 */ )
            // generates distortion maps in each of the horizontal and vertical directions
            // Three distortions are applied: a scaling, a rotation, and an elastic distortion
            // Since these are all linear tranformations, we can simply add them together, after calculation
            // one at a time

            // The input parameter, severityFactor, let's us control the severity of the distortions relative
            // to the default values.  For example, if we only want half as harsh a distortion, set
            // severityFactor == 0.5

            // First, elastic distortion, per Patrice Simard, "Best Practices For Convolutional Neural Networks..."
            // at page 2.
            // Three-step process: seed array with uniform randoms, filter with a gaussian kernel, normalize (scale)

            double[] uniformH = new double[inputNeuronCount];
            double[] uniformV = new double[inputNeuronCount];
            /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "inputImageSize.Height" which is now called only *once*,
            to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
           (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
            Parallel.For(0, inputImageSize.Height,ParallelOption, col =>
                for (int row = 0; row < inputImageSize.Width; ++row)
                    uniformH[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] = (double)(2.0 * RandomGenerator.NextDouble() - 1.0);
                    uniformV[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] = (double)(2.0 * RandomGenerator.NextDouble() - 1.0);

            // filter with gaussian

            /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "inputImageSize.Height" which is now called only *once*,
            to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
           (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
            /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "inputImageSize.Height" which is now called only *once*,
            to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
           (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
            Parallel.For(0, inputImageSize.Height, ParallelOption, col =>
                for (int row = 0; row < inputImageSize.Width; ++row)
                    double fConvolvedH, fConvolvedV;
                    double fSampleH, fSampleV;
                    double elasticScale = severityFactor * Parameters.ElasticScaling;
                    int xxxDisp, yyyDisp;
                    int iiMid = NNDefinations.GAUSSIAN_FIELD_SIZE / 2; // GAUSSIAN_FIELD_SIZE (21) is strictly odd
                    fConvolvedH = 0.0;
                    fConvolvedV = 0.0;
                    for (int xxx = 0; xxx < NNDefinations.GAUSSIAN_FIELD_SIZE; ++xxx)
                        for (int yyy = 0; yyy < NNDefinations.GAUSSIAN_FIELD_SIZE; ++yyy)
                            xxxDisp = col - iiMid + xxx;
                            yyyDisp = row - iiMid + yyy;
                            if (xxxDisp < 0 || xxxDisp >= inputImageSize.Height || yyyDisp < 0 || yyyDisp >= inputImageSize.Width)
                                fSampleH = 0.0;
                                fSampleV = 0.0;
                                fSampleH = uniformH[yyyDisp * inputImageSize.Height + xxxDisp];
                                fSampleV = uniformV[yyyDisp * inputImageSize.Height + xxxDisp];
                            fConvolvedH += fSampleH * gaussianKernel[yyy, xxx];
                            fConvolvedV += fSampleV * gaussianKernel[yyy, xxx];
                    m_DispH[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] = elasticScale * fConvolvedH;
                    m_DispV[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] = elasticScale * fConvolvedV;
            uniformH = null;
            uniformV = null;

            // next, the scaling of the image by a random scale factor
            // Horizontal and vertical directions are scaled independently

            double dSFHoriz = severityFactor * Parameters.MaxScaling / 100.0 * (2.0 * RandomGenerator.NextDouble() - 1.0);  // m_dMaxScaling is a percentage
            double dSFVert = severityFactor * Parameters.MaxScaling / 100.0 * (2.0 * RandomGenerator.NextDouble() - 1.0);  // m_dMaxScaling is a percentage

            int iMid = inputImageSize.Width / 2;

            /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "inputImageSize.Width" which is now called only *once*,
            to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
           (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
            /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "inputImageSize.Width" which is now called only *once*,
            to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
           (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
            Parallel.For(0, inputImageSize.Width, ParallelOption, row =>
                for (int col = 0; col < inputImageSize.Height; ++col)
                    m_DispH[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] = m_DispH[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] + dSFHoriz * (col - iMid);
                    m_DispV[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] = m_DispV[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] - dSFVert * (iMid - row); // negative because of top-down bitmap

            // finally, apply a rotation

            /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "inputImageSize.Width" which is now called only *once*,
            to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
           (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
            /*TODO: Check potentially-changing upper bound expression "inputImageSize.Width" which is now called only *once*,
            to ensure the new Parallel.For call matches behavior in the original for-loop
           (where this upper bound expression had previously been evaluated at the start of *every* loop iteration).*/
            Parallel.For(0, inputImageSize.Width, ParallelOption, row =>
                for (int col = 0; col < inputImageSize.Height; ++col)
                    double angle = severityFactor * Parameters.MaxRotation * (2.0 * RandomGenerator.NextDouble() - 1.0);
                    angle = angle * Math.PI / 180.0; // convert from degrees to radians
                    double cosAngle = Math.Cos(angle);
                    double sinAngle = Math.Sin(angle);
                    m_DispH[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] = m_DispH[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] + (col - iMid) * (cosAngle - 1) - (iMid - row) * sinAngle;
                    m_DispV[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] = m_DispV[row * inputImageSize.Height + col] - (iMid - row) * (cosAngle - 1) + (col - iMid) * sinAngle; // negative because of top-down bitmap

        public void Dispose()
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)

            RandomGenerator = null;

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Written By
Vietnam Maritime University
Vietnam Vietnam
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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