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19 Jun 20054 min read 50.4K   472   23  
An app for easy image scrolling.
' Original code and adaptations of ideas from other sources 
'  by Mel Shaline
' V05.05.15.05 Creates contiguous CSharp comment blocks for documentation purposes
' V05.03.29.09 Changed CSharp function header spacing (col 29)
' V04.11.08.18 Fixed VB.Net function formating for Handles subs
' V04.11.08.11 CS function headers with doc comments - work in progress
' V03.12.17.13    (YY.MM.DD.HH)\
' V03.12.17.13 Close all the open Tool windows
' V03.12.01.12 modified macPropertiesConvert to handle C Sharp code
' V03.11.17.04 conditionalizes region code for CS and VB
' V03.11.15.05 modified region code for CS, label header for CS
' V03.10.20.07 bug in measure line
' V03.08.20.14 added a ";" after trace statement in HtoCPP function
' V03.08.18.06 Header formating for CSharp

' Beauty and source code formatting are items that are very much in the eye of the
'  beholder. My selection of what is beauty in source code structure is motivated as a
'  consequence of wanting to incorporate the following ideals:
' 1. The code should be written in a style that is easy for someone else to understand.
' 2. If possible an individual line should be capable of conveying on it own its
'     functionality, impact and required arguments and type.
' 3. Consistent function, object, and variable naming conventions should be employed.
' Naming conventions used throughout this code.
' Hungarian prefixes are used for instantiation of all objects. Standard Hungarian naming
'  lists can be found many places like FMS, and PaulSheriff and I conform to the majority
'  of those. There are a few variations.
'  For Booleans I use the prefix "yn".  This prefix came from my early Access days and it
'   cannot be confused with "b" that could be a byte or Boolean, and "f" that could be a
'   flag of floating point. There is no other interpretation on "yn".
'  For Floating points I use "sfp" for singles and "dfp" for doubles
' Before .Net all my Hungarian prefixes where two or three characters in length but with
'  the profusion of objects in .Net I occasionally had to increase that to four letters.
' After the object data type prefix the naming of the object is typically 
' "NounAdjectiveVerb". This syntax amongst other things results in sorts of functions
'  by the objects on which they have an impact. It can however change some things we may
' have gotten used to, i.e.
'    "GetNewObject" becomes "ObjectNewGet_obj"
' When a function returns a data type I postfix that data type to the function name. This
'  results in immediately knowing the specific data type returned.
' NOTE: An excellant tool to do your Regex syntax testing is "Expresso" found at
' The C/C++ formating section takes the Microsoft .NET Regular Expression Engine out for
'  a major spin. 

Imports EnvDTE
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Text       ' for StringBuilder
Imports System.Exception  ' for our try, catch(exception) blocks

Module Mels
    Enum E_LANG_TYPE
    End Enum
    Enum E_HDR_TYPE
    End Enum
    Enum E_MODE
    End Enum
    Enum E_XML_TYPE
    End Enum
    Enum E_ERROR
    End Enum
    'Const XML_LANG As String = "HTML/XML"
    'Const CPP_LANG As String = "C/C++"

    Const REGX_OPTS_IGCASE_EXPCAP As RegexOptions = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase _
                                                 Or RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture
    Const STR_VB_COMMENT As String = "'"
    Const STR_CPP_COMMENT As String = "//"
    Const STR_CS_COMMENT As String = "//"
    Const STR_EMPTY As String = ""
    Const STR_DIVIDER As String = "------------------------------------------------------------------"
    Const STR_COPYRIGHT As String = "{0} Copyright (C) {1} Internation Gaming Corp{3}{0} All rights reserved.{3}{0}{3}{0} THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED ""AS IS"" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER{3}{0} EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED....{3}"

    ' Module global File TYpe Variables
    Private m_strExtension As String
    Private m_strComment As String
    Private m_strEditor As String

    '-------------------- F i l e T y p e _ e n u m --------------------
    ' Determines the type of the active document
    ' Helper function that sets up all the file type parameters
    Private Function FileType_enum( _
      ByVal doc As Document) _
      As E_LANG_TYPE

        Dim strExt As String
        Dim s32IX As Integer

        FileType_enum = E_LANG_TYPE.UNKNOWN
        m_strExtension = STR_EMPTY
        m_strComment = STR_EMPTY
        m_strEditor = STR_EMPTY

        ' If (doc Is Nothing) Then Exit Function
        strExt = doc.Name
        s32IX = InStrRev(strExt, ".")  ' Get the right most one
        If (s32IX < 1) Then Exit Function

        m_strEditor = doc.Language
        'We could probably use the Language as out principal type indicator
        ' but we will use the select statement to make sure the only file
        ' types we operate on are the ones we have tested against
        m_strExtension = LCase(Right(strExt, Len(strExt) - s32IX))
        Select Case m_strExtension
            Case "h", "cpp", "c"
                'doc.Language = EnvDTE.Constants.dsCPP
                FileType_enum = E_LANG_TYPE.CPP
                m_strComment = STR_CPP_COMMENT
            Case "jav", "java"
                'doc.Language = EnvDTE.Constants.dsJava
                FileType_enum = E_LANG_TYPE.CPP
                m_strComment = STR_CPP_COMMENT
            Case "cs"
                FileType_enum = E_LANG_TYPE.CS
                m_strComment = STR_CS_COMMENT
            Case "vb", "frm", "cls"
                FileType_enum = E_LANG_TYPE.VB
                m_strComment = STR_VB_COMMENT
            Case "odl", "idl"
                'doc.Language = EnvDTE.Constants.dsIDL
                FileType_enum = E_LANG_TYPE.IDL
            Case "rc", "rc2"
                FileType_enum = E_LANG_TYPE.RC
            Case "htm", "html", "xml"
                'doc.Language = EnvDTE.Constants.dsHTML_IE3
                'doc.Language = EnvDTE.Constants.dsHTML_RFC1866
                FileType_enum = E_LANG_TYPE.XML
                'Case "cs"
                '  'EnvDTE.Constants.dsVBSMacro
                '  FileType_enum = LANG_VBMAC
            Case "def"
                FileType_enum = E_LANG_TYPE.DEF
            Case "txt"
                FileType_enum = E_LANG_TYPE.TEXT
            Case Else
                FileType_enum = E_LANG_TYPE.UNKNOWN
        End Select
    End Function
    '----------------- m a c H F u n c D e f T o C P P -----------------
    ' This macro uses the function definition in a .h file and formats
    ' it and places it in its companion CPP file.
    ' What we do is select the whole definition line, then parse it,
    ' then add the class, ship it to the .cpp file and then call 
    ' the formating procedure to do its work
    Sub macHFuncDefToCPP()

        Dim doc As Document
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim sbld As StringBuilder
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim strArgs As String
        Dim strClass As String
        Dim strFunc As String
        Dim strLine As String
        Dim strReturn As String
        Dim strFile As String
        Dim s32Space As Integer
        Dim s32LParen As Integer
        Dim strPathFile As String
        Dim strPlusPlus As String
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CPP) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If (m_strExtension <> "h") Then
            MsgBox("You need to have an active C/C++ header document (.h) open" + _
               vbLf + "with the function prototype selected.")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        tsel = doc.Selection
        tsel.SelectLine()  ' Make sure the whole line is selected
        strLine = LineForParsingWash_str(tsel.Text) ' all white space is single space
        If (strLine.Length = 0) Then
            MsgBox("No content in the selected line")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'we have data, work with the line, first peel of the return type
        s32Space = InStr(strLine, " ")
        If (s32Space < 1) Then
            strReturn = ""
            strReturn = Left(strLine, s32Space - 1)
        End If

        s32LParen = InStr(strLine, "(")
        If (s32LParen < 1) Then    ' bad systax of prototype
            MsgBox("Bad function definition syntax")
            Exit Sub
            strArgs = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - (s32LParen - 1))
            s32IX = InStr(strArgs, ";")
            If (s32IX > 0) Then
                strArgs = Left(strArgs, s32IX - 1)
            End If
        End If

        ' extract the function name out of the function definition line
        strFunc = Mid(strLine, s32Space + 1, s32LParen - (s32Space + 1))
        strFunc = Trim(strFunc)
        'Now we want to find the "class " defintion in the file and put it
        ' in the line that will be the cpp def
        If (tsel.FindText("class ", vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsBackwards)) Then
            strClass = Trim(tsel.Text)
            strPlusPlus = tsel.Text
            strPlusPlus = "::"
        Else ' class not there, must be regular C
            strClass = ""
            strPlusPlus = ""
        End If

        sbld = New StringBuilder(200)
        sbld.AppendFormat("{0} {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}" _
              & "{{" & "{5}" _
              & " TRACE0( ""{1}{2}{3}\n"" );{5}" _
              & "{5}" _
              & "}} /* End of {3} */{5}", _
              strReturn, _
              strClass, _
              strPlusPlus, _
              strFunc, _
              strArgs, _

        strFile = doc.Name
        s32IX = InStrRev(strFile, ".")  ' Get the right most one
        strFile = Left(strFile, s32IX - 1)
        If (strClass <> "") Then
            strPathFile = doc.Path & strFile & ".cpp"
            strPathFile = doc.Path & strFile & ".c"
        End If

        DTE.ItemOperations.OpenFile(strPathFile) ' its now the activeDocument
        tsel = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection

        tsel.Text = sbld.ToString()
        tsel.LineUp(False, 5)  'want to be sitting on the function line
        tsel.CharRight(False, 5)
        FunctionDefDivide(E_HDR_TYPE.FULL)  'give it a full header
    End Sub
    '----------------- m a c C o m p a n i o n O p e n -----------------
    Public Sub macCompanionOpen()

        Dim strPathFile As String
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim ynIsHOrCpp As Boolean
        Dim win As EnvDTE.Window
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CPP) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ynIsHOrCpp = False
        strPathFile = doc.FullName()
        s32IX = InStrRev(strPathFile, ".cpp")
        If (s32IX > 0) Then
            strPathFile = Left(strPathFile, Len(strPathFile) - 3) + "h"
            ynIsHOrCpp = True
            s32IX = InStrRev(strPathFile, ".h")
            If (s32IX > 0) Then
                strPathFile = Left(strPathFile, Len(strPathFile) - 1) + "cpp"
                ynIsHOrCpp = True
            End If
        End If

        If ynIsHOrCpp = True Then
            win = DTE.ItemOperations.OpenFile(strPathFile)
        End If
    End Sub
    '------------- m a c M e a s u r e L i n e I n s e r t -------------
    ' Maximum line length before VS7 print wraps
    Public Sub macMeasureLineInsert()

        Dim doc As Document
        Dim strExt As String
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim strText As String
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.UNKNOWN) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.UNKNOWN) Then Exit Sub
        If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.VB) Then
            m_strComment = m_strComment & "-"
        End If

        tsel = doc.Selection
        strText = m_strComment & _
         "--+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----" & _
        tsel.Text = strText  ' put our new block back
    End Sub
    '------ m a c F u n c t i o n F o r m a t F u l l H e a d e r ------
    Sub macFunctionFormatFullHeader()
        'DESCRIPTION: Creates a Full Function Header and split arguments from a any selection on the definition line
    End Sub
    '----- m a c F u n c t i o n F o r m a t L a b e l H e a d e r -----
    Sub macFunctionFormatLabelHeader()
        'DESCRIPTION: Creates and Label Function Header and split arguments from a any selection on the definition line
    End Sub
    '-------- m a c F u n c t i o n F o r m a t N o H e a d e r --------
    Sub macFunctionFormatNoHeader()
        'DESCRIPTION: Makes multiple argument lines out of a function definition
    End Sub
    '---------------- F u n c t i o n D e f D i v i d e ----------------
    '  This macro divides a function definition into its constitute parts
    '  and reformats them into multiple lines, 1 line for each argument
    Private Sub FunctionDefDivide( _
      ByVal eHdr As E_HDR_TYPE)

        Dim doc As Document
        Dim strExt As String
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim s32IY As Integer
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim sbldNew As StringBuilder
        Dim s32TopLine As Integer
        Dim astrArgs() As String  ' Dynamic array to store function arguments.
        Dim strArg As String
        Dim strArgs As String
        Dim strClass As String
        Dim strDType As String
        Dim strFunc As String
        Dim strLastChar As String
        Dim strComment As String  ' CPP and CS can have comments on the line
        Dim strLine As String
        Dim strReturn As String
        Dim strSpaces As String
        Dim s32ArgCnt As Integer
        Dim s32Class As Integer
        Dim s32Comma As Integer
        Dim s32LParen As Integer
        Dim s32RParen As Integer
        Dim s32Space As Integer
    Dim strLineBegin As String
        Dim sbld As StringBuilder
        Dim s32IndentStyle As Integer
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CPP _
            And eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CS _
            And eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.VB) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        sbld = New StringBuilder(600)

        tsel = CType(DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection(), EnvDTE.TextSelection)
        strLine = tsel.Text

        'Application.PrintToOutputWindow "strLine =" & strLine
        ' we are gonna break up our input line into its parts
        strLine = LineForParsingWash_str(strLine)
        If (strLine.Length = 0) Then Exit Sub

        'we have a line of data to work on
        If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.VB) Then   ' Vb code to do
            ' Public/Private Function/Sub FunctName(arg1 as type, arg2 as type)
            s32Class = InStr(strLine, "Sub")
            If (s32Class > 0) Then ' its a Sub
                s32IX = s32Class + 2
                strClass = Left(strLine, s32IX)
                strLine = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - s32IX)
            Else 'it could be a function
                s32Class = InStr(strLine, "Function")
                If (s32Class > 0) Then ' its a Function
                    s32IX = s32Class + 7
                    strClass = Left(strLine, s32IX)
                    strLine = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - s32IX)
                Else 'incorrectly formatted line
                    strClass = ""
                End If
            End If
            s32LParen = InStr(strLine, "(")
            If s32LParen > 0 Then
                strFunc = Left(strLine, s32LParen - 1)
                strFunc = Trim(strFunc)
                strLine = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - s32LParen)
            End If 's32LParen > 0

            s32RParen = InStr(strLine, ")")
            If (s32RParen > 0) Then
                ' the return data type, if any is after the ")"
                ' we will replace the terminating ")" with a comma for arg parsing
                strReturn = Trim(Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - s32RParen))
                If (strReturn <> "") Then
                    s32IX = InStr(strReturn, "As ")
                    If (s32IX > 0) Then   'a function returning a type
                        strReturn = Right(strReturn, Len(strReturn) - 3)
                        If (InStr(strReturn, vbCr)) Then
                            strReturn = Left(strReturn, Len(strReturn) - 2)
                        End If
                        strReturn = "As " & strReturn
                        s32IX = InStr(strReturn, "Handles ")
                        If (s32IX > 0) Then
                            strReturn = Right(strReturn, Len(strReturn) - 8)
                            If (InStr(strReturn, vbCr)) Then
                                strReturn = Left(strReturn, Len(strReturn) - 2)
                            End If
                            strReturn = "Handles " & strReturn
                            strReturn = ""
                        End If
                    End If
                    ' set up for parsing the arguments
                    strLine = Left(strLine, s32RParen - 1)
                    strLine = Trim(strLine)
                    If (Len(strLine) > 0) Then
                        strLine = strLine & ","  ' provide for last arg
                    End If
                End If
                '      'Count the number of arguments by number of commas.
                s32ArgCnt = 0
                strArgs = strLine
                s32Comma = InStr(strArgs, ",")
                Do While s32Comma <> 0
                    s32ArgCnt = s32ArgCnt + 1
                    strArgs = Right(strArgs, Len(strArgs) - s32Comma)
                    s32Comma = InStr(strArgs, ",")

                '      'Store the parameter list in the array.
                If s32ArgCnt > 0 Then  ' If multiple params, probablt ending with a )
                    ReDim astrArgs(s32ArgCnt)
                    s32IX = 0
                    s32Comma = InStr(strLine, ",")
                    Do While s32IX < s32ArgCnt
                        strArgs = Left(strLine, s32Comma - 1)
                        strLine = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - s32Comma)
                        astrArgs(s32IX) = Trim(strArgs)
                        s32Comma = InStr(strLine, ",")
                        s32IX = s32IX + 1
                End If
            End If
        ElseIf (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.CS) Then     ' CSharp
            ' Scope other return function( args)
            strClass = ""
            s32LParen = InStr(strLine, "(")
            strReturn = Left(strLine, s32LParen - 1)
            strLine = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - s32LParen)
            s32Space = InStrRev(strReturn, " ")
            strFunc = Right(strReturn, Len(strReturn) - s32Space)
            strReturn = Left(strReturn, s32Space - 1)
            strReturn = Trim(strReturn)
            ' For now we will leave the scope values in the return string
            's32Space = InStrRev(strReturn, " ")
            'strReturn = Right(strReturn, Len(strReturn) - s32Space)
            If (strFunc.Length = 0) Then Exit Sub ' no function, nothing to do

            s32RParen = InStr(strLine, ")")
            If (s32RParen > 0) Then
                ' first we will dump everything after and including the ")"
                ' we will replace the terminating ")" with a comma for arg parsing
                strLine = Left(strLine, s32RParen - 1)
                strLine = Trim(strLine)
                If (Len(strLine) > 0) Then
                    strLine = strLine & ","  ' provide for last arg
                End If
            End If

            s32ArgCnt = 0
            strArgs = strLine
            s32Comma = InStr(strArgs, ",")
            'Count the number of arguments by number of commas.
            Do While s32Comma <> 0
                s32ArgCnt = s32ArgCnt + 1
                strArgs = Right(strArgs, Len(strArgs) - s32Comma)
                s32Comma = InStr(strArgs, ",")

            '      'Store the parameter list in the array.
            If s32ArgCnt > 0 Then  ' If multiple params, probablt ending with a )
                ReDim astrArgs(s32ArgCnt)
                s32IX = 0
                s32Comma = InStr(strLine, ",")
                Do While s32IX < s32ArgCnt
                    strArgs = Left(strLine, s32Comma - 1)
                    strLine = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - s32Comma)
                    astrArgs(s32IX) = Trim(strArgs)
                    s32Comma = InStr(strLine, ",")
                    s32IX = s32IX + 1
            End If

        Else  ' eType = LANG_CPP  
            s32Space = InStr(strLine, " ")
            s32Class = InStr(strLine, "(")
            strReturn = ""
            If s32Space < s32Class Then  ' it may not have a return data type
                strReturn = Left(strLine, s32Space - 1)
                strLine = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - s32Space)
            End If

            s32Class = InStr(strLine, "::") - 1 'Get the function name.
            strClass = ""
            If (s32Class > 0) Then  'if no '::' then its a C function
                strClass = Left(strLine, s32Class)  ' Peel off the class name
                strLine = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - (s32Class + 2))
            End If
            'Application.PrintToOutputWindow "strClass = " & strClass & ",strLine= " & strLine

            s32LParen = InStr(strLine, "(")
            strFunc = ""
            If (s32LParen > 0) Then
                strFunc = Left(strLine, s32LParen - 1)
                strFunc = Trim(strFunc)
                strLine = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - (s32LParen))
            End If 's32LParen > 0 there was a '('
            If (strFunc.Length = 0) Then Exit Sub ' no function, nothing to do

            s32RParen = InStr(strLine, ")")
            If (s32RParen > 0) Then
                ' first we will dump everything after and including the ")"
                ' we will replace the terminating ")" with a comma for arg parsing
                strLine = Left(strLine, s32RParen - 1)
                strLine = Trim(strLine)
                If (Len(strLine) > 0) Then
                    strLine = strLine & ","  ' provide for last arg
                End If
            End If

            s32ArgCnt = 0
            strArgs = strLine
            s32Comma = InStr(strArgs, ",")
            'Count the number of arguments by number of commas.
            Do While s32Comma <> 0
                s32ArgCnt = s32ArgCnt + 1
                strArgs = Right(strArgs, Len(strArgs) - s32Comma)
                s32Comma = InStr(strArgs, ",")

            '      'Store the parameter list in the array.
            If s32ArgCnt > 0 Then  ' If multiple params, probablt ending with a )
                ReDim astrArgs(s32ArgCnt)
                s32IX = 0
                s32Comma = InStr(strLine, ",")
                Do While s32IX < s32ArgCnt
                    strArgs = Left(strLine, s32Comma - 1)
                    strLine = Right(strLine, Len(strLine) - s32Comma)
                    astrArgs(s32IX) = Trim(strArgs)
                    s32Comma = InStr(strLine, ",")
                    s32IX = s32IX + 1
            End If
        End If  'Language type

        'Position the cursor one line above the selected text.
        If (eHdr <> E_HDR_TYPE.NONE) Then
            strLineBegin = m_strComment
            If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.VB) Then
                strLineBegin = strLineBegin & "-"
            End If
            'sbld.Append(vbLf & StrToCommentLine_str(strLineBegin, strFunc))
            sbld.Append(StrToCommentLine_str(strLineBegin, strFunc))
        End If
        m_strComment = vbLf & m_strComment
        If (eHdr = E_HDR_TYPE.FULL) Then
            If eType = E_LANG_TYPE.CS Then  ' CSHARP Documenting header
                sbld.AppendFormat( _
                    "{0}" _
                  & "{0}/<summary>Handles the ? event.</summary>", _
                'If s32ArgCnt < 1 Then
                'sbld.AppendFormat("{0}  Arguments:  NONE", m_strComment)
                If s32ArgCnt = 2 Then   ' Good bet its an event
                    s32IX = 0
                    strArg = astrArgs(s32IX)
                    s32IX = s32IX + 1
                    s32IY = strArg.LastIndexOf(" ")
                    strArg = strArg.Substring(s32IY + 1)
                    sbld.AppendFormat("{0}/<param name='{1}'>Object sending the event.</param>", _
                                m_strComment, strArg)
                    strArg = astrArgs(s32IX)
                    s32IX = s32IX + 1
                    s32IY = strArg.LastIndexOf(" ")
                    strArg = strArg.Substring(s32IY + 1)
                    sbld.AppendFormat("{0}/<param name='{1}'>Event arguments.</param>", _
                            m_strComment, strArg)
                Else ' func has some arguments
                    s32IX = 0
                    Do While s32IX < s32ArgCnt
                        strArg = astrArgs(s32IX)
                        s32IX = s32IX + 1
                        s32IY = strArg.LastIndexOf(" ")
                        strArg = strArg.Substring(s32IY + 1)
                        sbld.AppendFormat("{0}/<param name='{1}'>Arg{2}Purpose.</param>", _
                                    m_strComment, strArg, s32IX)
                End If
                If strReturn.StartsWith("public ") Then
                    strReturn = strReturn.Substring(7)     ' truncate it off
                End If
                If strReturn.StartsWith("private ") Then
                    strReturn = strReturn.Substring(8)
                End If
                sbld.AppendFormat("{0}/<returns>{2}.</returns>" _
                                & "{0}/<remarks>Narrative.</remarks>" _
                                & "{0}", m_strComment, Now, strReturn)
                '            & "{0}" _
        '            & "{0}  Written By: Mel Shaline  -  {1:MMMM dd, yyyy}" _
            ElseIf eType = E_LANG_TYPE.VB Then
                sbld.AppendFormat( _
          "{0}" _
        & "{0}  Function:   {2}" _
        & "{0}  Descr:      ", _
            m_strComment, strClass, strFunc)
                If s32ArgCnt < 1 Then
                    sbld.AppendFormat( _
                         "{0}  Arguments:  NONE", _
                Else ' func has some arguments, 1st one get an arg label
                    sbld.AppendFormat("{0}  Arguments:  {1}", _
                              m_strComment, astrArgs(0))
                    s32IX = 1
                    Do While s32IX < s32ArgCnt
                        sbld.AppendFormat("{0}              {1}", _
                                  m_strComment, astrArgs(s32IX))
                        s32IX = s32IX + 1
                End If
                sbld.AppendFormat("{0}  Return:     {1}", m_strComment, strReturn)
                sbld.AppendFormat( _
                    "{0}" _
                    & "{0}  Written By: Mel Shaline  -  {1:MMMM dd, yyyy}", _
                  m_strComment, Now)

            Else  ' Not CSharp Code
                sbld.AppendFormat( _
                          "{0}" _
                        & "{0}  Class:      {1}" _
                        & "{0}  Function:   {2}" _
                        & "{0}  Descr:      ", _
                            m_strComment, strClass, strFunc)
                If s32ArgCnt < 1 Then
                    sbld.AppendFormat( _
                         "{0}  Arguments:  NONE", _
                Else ' func has some arguments, 1st one get an arg label
                    sbld.AppendFormat("{0}  Arguments:  {1}", _
                              m_strComment, astrArgs(0))
                    s32IX = 1
                    Do While s32IX < s32ArgCnt
                        sbld.AppendFormat("{0}              {1}", _
                                  m_strComment, astrArgs(s32IX))
                        s32IX = s32IX + 1
                End If
                sbld.AppendFormat("{0}  Return:     {1}", m_strComment, strReturn)
        sbld.AppendFormat( _
         "{0}" _
      & "{0}  Written By: Mel Shaline  -  {1:MMMM dd, yyyy}" _
      & "{0}", _
          m_strComment, Now)
            End If

        End If
        If (eHdr <> E_HDR_TYPE.NONE) Then  ' If we have a header, finish it off
            sbld.AppendFormat("{2}{0}{1}{2}", strLineBegin, STR_DIVIDER, vbLf)
        End If

        ' now we reformat the definition line for multiple argument lines
        If (s32ArgCnt < 1) Then
            If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.CPP _
                Or eType = E_LANG_TYPE.CS) Then
                If (strClass.Length = 0) Then ' no class, no separator
                    strArg = ""
                    strArg = "::"
                End If
                sbld.AppendFormat("{0} {1}{2}{3}(){4}", _
                              strReturn, strClass, strArg, strFunc, vbCrLf)
            Else ' eType = E_LANG_TYPE.VB
                sbld.AppendFormat("{0} {1}() {2}{3}", _
                              strClass, strFunc, strReturn, vbCrLf)
            End If

        Else ' argcnt greater than zero
            If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.CPP _
              Or eType = E_LANG_TYPE.CS) Then
                If (strClass.Length = 0) Then ' no class, no separator
                    strArg = ""
                    strArg = "::"
                End If
                sbld.AppendFormat("{0} {1}{2}{3}({4}", _
                        strReturn, strClass, strArg, strFunc, vbCrLf)
                strLastChar = ","
                For s32IX = 0 To (s32ArgCnt - 1)  ' all but the last one
                    If (s32IX = (s32ArgCnt - 1)) Then
                        strLastChar = " )"
                    End If
                    strArg = astrArgs(s32IX)
                    s32Space = InStr(strArg, " ")
                    strDType = Left(strArg, s32Space - 1)
                    strArg = Right(strArg, Len(strArg) - s32Space)
                    s32Space = 21 - Len(strDType)  '23 - Len(strDType)
                    strSpaces = " "
                    If (s32Space < 0) Then
                        s32Space = 0
                    End If
                    While s32Space > 0
                        strSpaces = strSpaces & " "
                        s32Space = s32Space - 1
                    End While
                    sbld.AppendFormat("  {0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", _
                            strDType, _
                            strSpaces, _
                            strArg, _
                            strLastChar, _
                Next 's32IX
            Else '(eType = E_LANG_TYPE.VB)
                sbld.AppendFormat("{0} {1}( _{2}", _
                      strClass, strFunc, vbCrLf)
                strLastChar = ","
                For s32IX = 0 To (s32ArgCnt - 1)  ' all but the last one
                    If (s32IX = (s32ArgCnt - 1)) Then
                        If (strReturn.Length = 0) Then
                            strLastChar = ")"
                            strLastChar = ") _"
                        End If
                        strLastChar = ", _"
                    End If
                    strArg = astrArgs(s32IX)
                    sbld.AppendFormat("    {0}{1}{2}", _
                            strArg, _
                            strLastChar, _
                Next 's32IX
                If (strReturn <> "") Then
                    sbld.AppendFormat("    {0}{1}", strReturn, vbCrLf)
                End If
            End If ' argument format language types
        End If ' s32ArgCnt < 1 | > 0

        s32IndentStyle = DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value = _

        'tsel.Insert(sbld.ToString, vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsInsertAtEnd _
        '   Or vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsContainNewText)
        Select Case eHdr  '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            Case E_HDR_TYPE.FULL  ' Move up to the description section
                If (s32ArgCnt = 0) Then
                    s32IX = 11
                    s32IX = (2 * s32ArgCnt) + 10
                End If
                tsel.LineUp(True, s32IX)
                tsel.StartOfLine()      ' gonna move down and select the "Purpose" word
                If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.CS) Then
                    tsel.FindText("?", vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchWholeWord)
                    tsel.FindText("Purpose", vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchWholeWord)
                End If
                'tsel.LineDown(False, 2)
                'tsel.CharRight(False, 21)
                'tsel.CharRight(False, 19)
            Case E_HDR_TYPE.NONE
                tsel.LineUp(False, s32ArgCnt + 1)
            Case E_HDR_TYPE.PARTIAL
                tsel.LineUp(True, s32ArgCnt + 3)
        End Select
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value() = s32IndentStyle
        '  ' Test function invocations that can be pasted in source to test this function
        '  'Private Function fncJustReturn() As Integer
        '  'End Function

        '  'Private Function fncOneArgNoRet(ByVal arg1 As Integer)
        '  'End Function

        '  'Private Function fncOneArgRet(ByVal arg1 As Integer) As Integer
        '  'End Function

        '  'Private Function fncTwoArgsRet(ByVal arg1 As Integer, ByVal arg2 As String) As Integer
        '  'End Function

        '  'Private Function fncTwoArgsNoRet(ByVal arg1 As Integer, ByVal arg2 As String)
        '  'End Function
        '  '=========================================================================
    End Sub

    '----------- L i n e F o r P a r s i n g W a s h _ s t r -----------
    '  replaces all multiple tabs and spaces with a single space
    Private Function LineForParsingWash_str( _
        ByVal strIn) _
        As String

        Dim strLeft As String
        Dim strRight As String
        Dim s32IX As Integer

        ' First we replace all tabs with a space
        s32IX = InStr(strIn, vbTab)
        Do While s32IX <> 0
            strLeft = Left(strIn, s32IX - 1)
            strRight = Right(strIn, Len(strIn) - (s32IX))
            strIn = strLeft & " " & strRight
            s32IX = InStr(strIn, vbTab)

        'Then we replace all multiple spaces with a space
        s32IX = InStr(strIn, "  ")
        Do While s32IX <> 0
            strLeft = Left(strIn, s32IX)
            strRight = Right(strIn, Len(strIn) - (s32IX + 1))
            strIn = strLeft & strRight
            s32IX = InStr(strIn, "  ")

        LineForParsingWash_str = Trim(strIn)
    End Function

    '------------- S t r T o C o m m e n t L i n e _ s t r -------------
    Private Function StrToCommentLine_str( _
        ByVal strLineBegin As String, _
        ByVal strInput As String) _
        As String
        'DESCRIPTION: function name to comment line
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim s32Len As Integer
        Dim s32Pad As Integer
        Dim sbld As StringBuilder

        sbld = New StringBuilder(strLineBegin, 70)
        s32Len = Len(strInput)
        s32Pad = 32 - s32Len
        If (s32Pad < 0) Then
            s32Pad = 0
        End If
        sbld.Append("-"c, s32Pad)
        ' Now take each letter of the string and pad with spaces
        For s32IX = 1 To s32Len
            sbld.Append(" " + Mid(strInput, s32IX, 1))
        sbld.Append(" "c)
        sbld.Append("-"c, s32Pad + 1)
        StrToCommentLine_str = sbld.ToString()
        sbld = Nothing
    End Function
    '--------- m a c S e l e c t e d T o F u n c C o m m e n t ---------
    Sub macSelectedToFuncComment()

        Dim strSel As String
        Dim topline As String
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim s32TopLine As Integer
        Dim strLineBegin As String
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.UNKNOWN) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'tsel does not have a word select
        DTE.ExecuteCommand("Edit.SelectCurrentWord")  ' in case word not selected
        tsel = doc.Selection
        strSel = tsel.Text
        s32TopLine = tsel.TopPoint.Line
        topline = ActiveDocument.Selection.topline
        strLineBegin = m_strComment
        If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.VB) Then
            strLineBegin = strLineBegin & "-"
        End If
        strSel = StrToCommentLine_str(strLineBegin, strSel)
        tsel.MoveToLineAndOffset(s32TopLine, 1)
        tsel.Text = vbLf & strSel & vbLf & m_strComment & STR_DIVIDER
    End Sub
    '------------- m a c I f E l s e B l o c k I n s e r t -------------
    ' Inserts an If/else code block where the cursor is
    Sub macIfElseBlockInsert()
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim s32TopLine As Integer
        Dim strTab As String
        Dim s32TabSize As Integer
        Dim s32IndentStyle As Integer
        Dim sbld As StringBuilder
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CPP) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        tsel = doc.Selection
        s32TopLine = tsel.TopPoint.Line

        s32TabSize = doc.TabSize   ' Figure out how many spaces in a tab
        strTab = ""
        Do While s32TabSize > 0
            strTab = strTab & " "
            s32TabSize = s32TabSize - 1

        tsel = doc.Selection
        s32TopLine = tsel.TopPoint.Line
        sbld = New StringBuilder(300)
        sbld.AppendFormat("{1}" _
                  & "{0}if ( nVal == 0 ){1}" _
                  & "{0}{{{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}IfTrueCode();{1}" _
                  & "{0}}}{1}" _
                  & "{0}else{1}" _
                  & "{0}{{{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}IfFalseCode();{1}" _
                  & "{0}}}{1}", _
                  strTab, vbLf)

        s32IndentStyle = DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value = vsSmartFormatOptions.vsSmartFormatOptionsNone
        tsel.Text = sbld.ToString  ' put or new block back
        tsel.MoveToLineAndOffset(s32TopLine + 1, 1, False)
        tsel.CharLeft(False, 11)
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value() = s32IndentStyle
    End Sub
    '------------- m a c S w i t c h B l o c k I n s e r t -------------
    ' Makes a Switch code block
    Public Sub macSwitchBlockInsert()

        Dim doc As Document
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim s32TopLine As Integer
        Dim strTab As String
        Dim s32TabSize As Integer
        Dim s32IndentStyle As Integer
        Dim sbld As StringBuilder
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.CPP) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        tsel = doc.Selection
        s32TopLine = tsel.TopPoint.Line
        s32TabSize = doc.TabSize   ' Figure out how many spaces in a tab
        strTab = ""  ' Gonna make the space version of selected tab size
        For s32IX = 1 To s32TabSize
            strTab = strTab & " "

        tsel = doc.Selection
        s32TopLine = tsel.TopPoint.Line

        sbld = New StringBuilder(300)
        sbld.AppendFormat("{1}" _
                  & "{0}switch( nVal ){1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}{{{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}case Val1:{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}{0}{{{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}{0}Val1Code();{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}{0}break;{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}{0}{{{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}default:{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}{0}{{{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}{0}DefaultCode();{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}{0}break;{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}{0}}}{1}" _
                  & "{0}{0}}}// End of switch nVal{1}", _
                  strTab, vbLf)

        s32IndentStyle = DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value = vsSmartFormatOptions.vsSmartFormatOptionsNone
        tsel.Text = sbld.ToString  ' put or new block back
        ' Now we are goin to re-select what we started with
        tsel.MoveToLineAndOffset(s32TopLine + 1, 1, False)
        tsel.CharLeft(False, 6)
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value() = s32IndentStyle
    End Sub
    '---------------- m a c S t a r C o m m e n t O u t ----------------
    ' Proceeds all the lines in the selected block with "/*" first, " *" 
    ' in between, and "*/" Last
    Public Sub macStarCommentOut()
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim s32LF As Integer
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim s32TopLine As Integer
        Dim s32BottomLine As Integer
        Dim strBlkOld As String
        Dim s32IndentStyle As Integer
        Dim sbld As StringBuilder
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CPP) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ' First we need to keep a record of what was selected to begin with
        ' this also goes to the beginning of the first line and the end
        ' of the last line so a position of the caret selects the whole line
        tsel = doc.Selection
        s32TopLine = tsel.TopPoint.Line
        s32BottomLine = tsel.BottomPoint.Line
        ' even if the user did not select complete lines at the top and
        ' bottom, the following code makes sure it is block line selected
        tsel.MoveToLineAndOffset(s32TopLine, 1, False)
        tsel.MoveToLineAndOffset(s32BottomLine, 1, True)

        strBlkOld = tsel.Text
        sbld = New StringBuilder("/*" & vbLf, Len(strBlkOld) + 100)  ' start with 50
        'Walk down the lines adding " *" at the beginning
        s32LF = InStr(strBlkOld, vbLf)
        Do While s32LF > 0
            sbld.AppendFormat(" *{0}", Left(strBlkOld, s32LF))
            strBlkOld = Right(strBlkOld, (Len(strBlkOld) - s32LF))
            s32LF = InStr(strBlkOld, vbLf)
        If (Len(strBlkOld) > 0) Then
            sbld.AppendFormat(" *{0}", strBlkOld)
        End If
        sbld.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", vbLf, " */") ' now add the tail piece

        ' an IndentStyle of "Smart" will susessively indent the next line,
        ' so before we put the new block we will make sure that mode is 
        ' turned off and replace the original mode when we are done
        s32IndentStyle = DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value = vsSmartFormatOptions.vsSmartFormatOptionsNone
        tsel.Text = sbld.ToString  ' put or new block back
        tsel.MoveToLineAndOffset(s32BottomLine + 1, 1, False)
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value() = s32IndentStyle
    End Sub
    '----------- m a c F i r s t T w o C h a r s D e l e t e -----------
    ' Removes the first 2 characters on each line of then selection
    Public Sub macFirstTwoCharsDelete()

        Dim strBlkOld As String
        Dim s32TopLine As Integer
        Dim s32BottomLine As Integer
        Dim s32IndentStyle As Integer
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim s32LF As Integer
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim sbld As StringBuilder
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CPP) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ' First we need to keep a record of what was selected to begin with
        ' this also goes to the beginning of the first line and the end
        ' of the last line so a position of the caret selects the whole line
        tsel = doc.Selection
        s32TopLine = tsel.TopPoint.Line
        s32BottomLine = tsel.BottomPoint.Line
        ' even if the user did not select complete lines at the top and
        ' bottom, the following code makes sure it is block line selected
        tsel.MoveToLineAndOffset(s32TopLine, 1, False)
        tsel.MoveToLineAndOffset(s32BottomLine, 1, True)

        strBlkOld = tsel.Text
        sbld = New StringBuilder(Len(strBlkOld))

        strBlkOld = Right(strBlkOld, Len(strBlkOld) - 2)
        s32LF = InStr(strBlkOld, vbLf)
        If (s32LF > 1) Then
            sbld.Append(Left(strBlkOld, s32LF))
            strBlkOld = Right(strBlkOld, (Len(strBlkOld) - s32LF))
            s32LF = InStr(strBlkOld, vbLf)
            Do While (s32LF > 1)
                strBlkOld = Right(strBlkOld, Len(strBlkOld) - 2)
                sbld.Append(Left(strBlkOld, s32LF - 2))
                strBlkOld = Right(strBlkOld, (Len(strBlkOld) - (s32LF - 2)))
                s32LF = InStr(strBlkOld, vbLf)
        End If
        ' and get the last line that has no vbLf
        s32LF = Len(strBlkOld)
        If (s32LF > 2) Then
            sbld.Append(Right(strBlkOld, s32LF - 2))
        End If

        ' an IndentStyle of "Smart" will susessively indent the next line,
        ' so before we put the new block we will make sure that mode is 
        ' turned off and replace the original mode when we are done
        s32IndentStyle = DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "C/C++").Item("IndentStyle").Value
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "C/C++").Item("IndentStyle").Value = vsSmartFormatOptions.vsSmartFormatOptionsNone

        tsel.Text = sbld.ToString  ' put or new block back

        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "C/C++").Item("IndentStyle").Value() = s32IndentStyle
        ' Now we are goin to re-select what we started with
        tsel.MoveToLineAndOffset(s32TopLine, 1, False)
        tsel.MoveToLineAndOffset(s32BottomLine, 1, True)
    End Sub
    '------------------ m a c R e g i o n I n s e r t ------------------
    Public Sub macRegionInsert()

        Dim strRegName As String
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CPP _
            And eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CS _
            And eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.VB) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        strRegName = InputBox("Region Name?")
        If (Not strRegName.Trim = String.Empty) Then
            DTE.UndoContext.Open("InsertRegion", False)
            tsel = CType(DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection, TextSelection)
            With tsel
                If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.VB) Then
                    .Insert(String.Format("#Region ""{0}""{1}", strRegName, vbCrLf), _
                        vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsContainNewText Or _
                    .Insert(String.Format("{0}#End Region{0}", vbCrLf), _
                        vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsInsertAtEnd Or _
                    .Insert(String.Format("#region {0}{1}", strRegName, vbCrLf), _
                        vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsContainNewText Or _
                    .Insert(String.Format("{0}#endregion{0}", vbCrLf), _
                        vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsInsertAtEnd Or _
                End If
            End With
        End If ' strRegName not empty
    End Sub
    '------------- m a c P r o p e r t i e s C o n v e r t -------------
    Public Sub macPropertiesConvert()
        'DESCRIPTION: Converts "m_" variables to Get/Set class properties
        Dim strLine As String
        Dim strCodeBlock As String
        Dim strVarName As String
        Dim strPubName As String
        Dim strDataType As String
        Dim strOpenCurly As String
        Dim strCloseCurly As String
        Dim sbld As StringBuilder
        Dim astrLines() As String
        Dim rexp As Regex
        Dim mtch As Match
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.VB) _
            And (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CS) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

            tsel = CType(doc.Selection, TextSelection)
            strCodeBlock = tsel.Text

            If (strCodeBlock.Length = 0) Then Exit Sub

            sbld = New StringBuilder
            If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.VB) Then

                rexp = New Regex( _
                "(Dim|Private)\s*(?<varname>\S*)\s*(As|As New)\s*(?<typename>\S*)", _
                RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)

                astrLines = Split(strCodeBlock, vbLf)
                For Each strLine In astrLines
                    strLine = strLine.Trim
                    If Not strLine = String.Empty Then

                        mtch = rexp.Match(strLine)
                        If mtch.Success Then
                            strVarName = mtch.Groups("varname").Value.Trim
                            strDataType = mtch.Groups("typename").Value.Trim
                            'this assumes a consistent use of a 2-char prefix
                            'on private variables... in my case "m_"
                            strPubName = strVarName.Substring(2)

                            sbld.AppendFormat( _
                                      "{0}Public Property {1} As {2}{0}" _
                                    & "    Get{0}" _
                                    & "        Return {3}{0}" _
                                    & "    End Get{0}" _
                                    & "    Set(ByVal Value As {2}){0}" _
                                    & "        {3} = Value{0}" _
                                    & "    End Set{0}" _
                                    & "End Property{0}", _
                                vbCrLf, strPubName, _
                                strDataType, strVarName)
                        End If
                    End If

            ElseIf (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.CS) Then  ' C Sharp flavor of this
                strOpenCurly = "{"
                strCloseCurly = "}"
                rexp = New Regex("(private|public)\s*(?<typename>\S*)\s*(?<varname>\S*)", _
                        RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)

                astrLines = Split(strCodeBlock, vbLf)
                For Each strLine In astrLines
                    strLine = strLine.Trim
                    If Not strLine = String.Empty Then
                        mtch = rexp.Match(strLine)
                        If mtch.Success Then
                            strVarName = mtch.Groups("varname").Value.Trim
                            If (strVarName.LastIndexOf(";") > 0) Then
                                strVarName = strVarName.Substring(0, strVarName.Length - 1)
                            End If
                            strDataType = mtch.Groups("typename").Value.Trim
                            'this assumes a consistent use of a 2-char prefix
                            'on private variables... in my case "m_"
                            strPubName = strVarName.Substring(2)

                            sbld.AppendFormat( _
                                      "{0}    public {2} {1}{0}" _
                                    & "    {4}{0}" _
                                    & "      get{0}" _
                                    & "      {4}{0}" _
                                    & "        return {3};{0}" _
                                    & "      {5}{0}" _
                                    & "      set{0}" _
                                    & "      {4}{0}" _
                                    & "        {3} = value;{0}" _
                                    & "      {5}{0}" _
                                    & "    {5}{0}", _
                                vbCrLf, strPubName, _
                                strDataType, strVarName, _
                                strOpenCurly, strCloseCurly)
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
            tsel.Insert(sbld.ToString, _
                vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsInsertAtEnd _
                Or vsInsertFlags.vsInsertFlagsContainNewText)

        Catch ex As System.Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
    '--------- m a c C o p y r i g h t H e a d e r I n s e r t ---------
    Public Sub macCopyrightHeaderInsert()
        Dim strCHdr As String
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim strExt As String
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim strLineBeign As String
        Dim sbld As StringBuilder
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.UNKNOWN) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        tsel = doc.Selection
        '{0} = end of line, {1} = year, {2} = month
        sbld = New StringBuilder(80)
        sbld.AppendFormat(STR_COPYRIGHT, _
                  m_strComment, CStr(Now.Year), String.Format("{0:Y}", Now), vbCr)

        tsel = CType(DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection, TextSelection)
    End Sub
    Public Sub macVersionManagerHdrInsert()
        'Dim strCHdr As String
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim strFile As String
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim strLineBeign As String
        Dim sbld As StringBuilder
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE
        Dim ynHFile As Boolean

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CPP _
            And eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CS _
            And eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.VB) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        sbld = New StringBuilder(600)
        ynHFile = False
        If (m_strExtension = "h") Then
            ynHFile = True
        End If

        tsel = doc.Selection
        sbld.AppendFormat( _
            "/*{0}" _
          & " *   Copyright 1997, 2002 XYZ  All Rights Reserved.{0}" _
          & " *{0}" _
          & " *  This software is made available solely pursuant to the terms of a{0}" _
          & " *  software license agreement which governs its use.  Unauthorized {0}" _
          & " *  duplication, distribution or sale are strictly prohibited.{0}" _
          & " *{0}" _
          & " *  Description:{0}" _
          & " *{0}" _
          & " *  Notes:{0}" _
          & " *{0}" _
          & " *    Original Author(s): Mel Shaline{0}" _
          & " *            Created on: {1:MMMM dd, yyyy}{0}" _
          & " *{0}" _
          & " * Revision Control Information:{0}" _
          & " *{0}" _
          & " * $Workfile${0}" _
          & " *     $Date${0}" _
          & " * $Revision${0}" _
          & " *{0}" _
          & " * Revision History:{0}" _
          & " *{0}" _
          & " * $Log${0}" _
          & " */{0}" _
          & " {0}", _
           vbLf, Now)

        If ynHFile = True Then
            strFile = doc.Name
            s32IX = InStr(strFile, ".")  ' Get the right most one
            strFile = strFile.Substring(0, s32IX - 1)
            strFile = strFile.ToUpper()
            sbld.AppendFormat( _
                     "#ifdef MAIN{0}" _
                   & "    static char const {1}_Hdoc[] = ""$Archive$$Workfile$$Date$$Revision$"";{0}" _
                   & "#endif{0}" _
                   & "{0}" _
                   & "#pragma once{0}", _
                    vbLf, strFile)
            If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CS) Then
                sbld.AppendFormat("static char ident[] = ""$Archive$$Workfile$$Date$$Revision$"";{0}{0}", _
            End If
        End If

        tsel = CType(DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection, TextSelection)
        tsel.StartOfDocument(False)  ' beginning of doc, do not extend
    End Sub

    '------------------ m a c M e l T a g A p p e n d ------------------
    Public Sub macMelTagAppend()
        'DESCRIPTION: Append a string to the line you are on
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim strExt As String
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim strText As String
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.VB _
          And eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CPP) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        Select Case eType ' NOTE: these are different that standard comments
            Case E_LANG_TYPE.CPP
                strText = " //"
            Case E_LANG_TYPE.VB
                strText = " '"
            Case Else
                Exit Sub
        End Select

        tsel = doc.Selection
        tsel.Text = strText & "MS dotNet"  ' put our new block back
    End Sub
    '--------- m a c B l a n k L i n e s D e l e t e I n D o c ---------
    Public Sub macBlankLinesDeleteInDoc()
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.UNKNOWN) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        tsel = doc.Selection
    End Sub
    '--- m a c B l a n k L i n e s D e l e t e I n S e l e c t i o n ---
    Public Sub macBlankLinesDeleteInSelection()
        'Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.UNKNOWN) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

    End Sub
    '------ B l a n k L i n e s I n S e l e c t i o n D e l e t e ------
    Private Sub BlankLinesInSelectionDelete( _
      ByRef tsel As TextSelection)

        Dim doc As Document
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim strBlkNew As String
        Dim strBlkOld As String
        Dim strDoubleNL As String
        Dim s32IndentStyle As Integer

        strBlkNew = ""   'start
        strBlkOld = tsel.Text
        'Walk down the lines removing double LFs
        strDoubleNL = vbCrLf & vbCrLf
        s32IX = InStr(strBlkOld, strDoubleNL)
        Do While s32IX > 0
            If (s32IX = 1) Then ' just remove the from vbCrLf
                strBlkOld = Right(strBlkOld, (Len(strBlkOld) - 2))
                strBlkNew = strBlkNew + Left(strBlkOld, s32IX - 1)  ' no vbCrLF
                strBlkOld = Right(strBlkOld, (Len(strBlkOld) - (s32IX + 1)))
            End If
            s32IX = InStr(strBlkOld, strDoubleNL)
        strBlkNew = strBlkNew + strBlkOld

        ' an IndentStyle of "Smart" will susessively indent the next line,
        ' so before we put the new block we will make sure that mode is 
        ' turned off and replace the original mode when we are done
        s32IndentStyle = DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value = vsSmartFormatOptions.vsSmartFormatOptionsNone

        tsel.Text = strBlkNew  ' put or new block back

        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value() = s32IndentStyle
    End Sub
    '------------------ m a c G o o g l e S e a r c h ------------------
    Public Sub macGoogleSearch()
        Dim strUrl As String
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType = E_LANG_TYPE.UNKNOWN) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        tsel = doc.Selection()
        If (tsel.IsEmpty = True) Then  '
            DTE.ExecuteCommand("Edit.SelectCurrentWord")  ' force a word selection
            tsel = doc.Selection()
            If (tsel.IsEmpty = True) Then ' may not be in a word
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If

        strUrl = "" + tsel.Text ' Google Search!
        DTE.ExecuteCommand("View.URL", strUrl)  ' Navigate to it!
    End Sub
    '' To iterate throught the TextEditor Properties to finD Names
    'Dim s32Cnt As Integer
    '  s32Cnt = DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "C/C++").Count()
    '  For s32IX = 1 To s32Cnt
    '    strExt = DTE.Properties("TextEditor", "C/C++").Item(s32IX).Name
    '  Next

    '--------------------------- C P P _ F o r m a t -------------------------------
    ' This code is largely a port to .Net of a VS6 macro module written by Alvaro Mendez
    '  with modifcations suggested by others. It reproduces 90% of his defined
    '   functionality and since the source is provided it is expected the user may want to
    '   modify it to conform to their view of the most desirable format.
    ' At present this code does not test the context the strings are in,
    '  i.e., it does not try to figure out if you are in a comment or CPP macro. Generally
    '  the improvements in readability these macros provide would also benefit those areas.
    '  (including commented out code)
    '------------------ m a c C P P D o c F o r m a t ------------------
    Public Sub macCPPDocFormat()
    End Sub
    '------------ m a c C P P S e l e c t i o n F o r m a t ------------
    Public Sub macCPPSelectionFormat()
    End Sub
    '------------------------ C P P F o r m a t ------------------------
    Private Sub CPPFormat( _
      ByVal eMode As E_MODE)

        Dim doc As Document  ' This will be our Active Document
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim s32IndentStyle As Integer
        Dim strNew As String
        Dim ynRet As Boolean
        Dim strErr As String
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.CPP) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ' Select the whole file and reformat it
        tsel = doc.Selection
        If (eMode = E_MODE.DOC) Then
            tsel.StartOfDocument()   ' now select the whole document
        End If

        strNew = tsel.Text
        strErr = CPPFormat_str(strNew)
        strErr = CPPFormat2_str(strNew, "if")
        strErr = CPPFormat2_str(strNew, "for")

        s32IndentStyle = DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value = _
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value() = _
        DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value() = s32IndentStyle
    End Sub
    '------------------- C P P F o r m a t 2 _ s t r -------------------
    ' Here we take a conditional op (if|for|while..) and make sure they
    ' have their own line
    Private Function CPPFormat2_str( _
      ByRef strIn As String, _
      ByVal strOp As String) _
      As String

        Dim regxOp As Regex
        Dim strPatrn As String
        Dim optsRegx As RegexOptions
        Dim ynMatch As Boolean
        Dim mtch As Match
        Dim strBefore As String
        Dim strMid As String
        Dim strAfter As String
        Dim strPat2 As String
        Dim ynBefore As Boolean
        Dim ynBeforeWs As Boolean  ' include the before on this line
        Dim ynAfterCom As Boolean  ' include the after string
        Dim ynAfter As Boolean
        Dim strReplace As String
        Dim sbldReplace As StringBuilder
        Dim s32Start As Integer = 0
        Dim s32Len As Integer

        optsRegx = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase _
                Or RegexOptions.Multiline _
                Or RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture
        strPatrn = "(.*)(" & strOp & "\ \(.+[\)]?)(.*)"
        regxOp = New Regex(strPatrn, optsRegx)
        sbldReplace = New StringBuilder

        mtch = regxOp.Match(strIn, strPatrn)
        While (mtch.Success = True)  'Groups(0) = whole line
            strReplace = mtch.Groups(0).Value
            s32Start = mtch.Index
            s32Len = mtch.Length
            'Kludge the match would always break the match into piece
            ' on the first pass, but iterations would fail so I rematch
            ' with the total original match string
            'strBefore = mtch.Groups(1).Value
            'strMid = mtch.Groups(2).Value
            'strAfter = mtch.Groups(3).Value

            mtch = regxOp.Match(strReplace, strPatrn) ' rematch to break up
            strBefore = mtch.Groups(1).Value
            strMid = mtch.Groups(2).Value
            strAfter = mtch.Groups(3).Value

            ' Lets see if the before is anything but ws
            ynBeforeWs = True  ' assume it is
            ynBefore = False
            If (strBefore <> "") Then  ' is the before anything but white space
                ynBefore = True
                strPat2 = "([^\ \t])"
                If (regxOp.IsMatch(strBefore, strPat2)) Then
                    ynBeforeWs = False  ' include the after portion on this line
                End If
            End If
            ' Lets see if the after has a comment in it
            ynAfterCom = False
            ynAfter = False
            If (strAfter <> "") Then
                ynAfter = True
                strPat2 = "(.*)(//|/\*)"  ' Any comments in str?
                If (regxOp.IsMatch(strAfter, strPat2)) Then
                    ynAfterCom = True  ' include the after portion on this line
                End If
            End If

            ' now we construct our replacement string
            sbldReplace.Remove(0, sbldReplace.Length) 'clear it out 
            If (ynBeforeWs = False) Then   ' something other that ws
            End If
            If (ynAfter = True) Then
                If (ynAfterCom = True) Then
                    sbldReplace.Append(vbCrLf & strAfter)
                End If
            End If

            ' Remove the old string the match found
            strIn = strIn.Remove(s32Start, s32Len)
            ' and replace it with the new one
            strIn = strIn.Insert(s32Start, sbldReplace.ToString())
            ' Our work could change the size of the original and 
            '  where we start our next search
            s32Start = s32Start + sbldReplace.Length
            'see if there are any more of these to do
            'reset our pattern for our search, use a short src str
            'KLUDGE no oveloaded function for intput, pattern, and start
            regxOp.Match(strAfter, strPatrn) ' reset the pattern
            mtch = regxOp.Match(strIn, s32Start)  'check for a match
        End While
    End Function
    '-------------------- C P P F o r m a t _ s t r --------------------
    ' in the comments below I us "ws" (white space) to mean tabs and spaces
    ' regex use ws (/s) to mean [ \f\n\r\t\v]
    Private Function CPPFormat_str( _
      ByRef strIn As String) _
      As String
        ' We are gonna take the regex engine out for a major spin, some less than obvious
        ' match patterns. Many of the matches are dependent on the preceeding replaces
        ' haven taken place, so beware if they are arranged in a different order

        ' I am reminded of the old medical saw "First Do No Harm"
        ' Hopefully if a file compiled before these modifications it will
        '  compile afterwards
        Dim regx As Regex
        Dim strPtrn As String
        Dim mtch As Match
        Dim mgrp As Group
        'Dim caps As CaptureCollection
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim strRet As String = ""
        'Dim capc As CaptureCollection

            'Change multiple ";" on a line to multiple line
            ' this can make "for" loop invocations look stange
            strPtrn = "(;)(.+);"  ' more than one ; on a line
            regx = New Regex(strPtrn, REGX_OPTS_IGCASE_EXPCAP)

            'Replace stops on the first occurence on a line, so iterate till no more
            mtch = regx.Match(strIn)
            While (mtch.Success = True)
                strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, strPtrn, "$1" & vbCrLf & "$2;")
                mtch = regx.Match(strIn, strPtrn)
            End While
            'We only have to iterate now on occurances that can happen more than once
            ' on a line

            ' Make all curly braces be on a line by themselves
            ' nothing should be to the left but ws for the { and }
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([\w\);]+)[ \t]*([\{\}])", "$1" & vbCrLf & "$2")
            ' handle the {} case
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([\w\);{]+)[ \t]*\}", "$1" & vbCrLf & "}")
            ' or after them either
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([\{\}])\s*([\w])", "$1" & vbCrLf & "$2")

            ' Replace 2 or more blank lines(with possible only whitespace) with one
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "(\r\n)([ \t]*\r\n){2,}", "$1$2")

            ' we want all the following operators to be surrounded by spaces
            '* / + - = == != += -= *= /= <= >= << >> && || | ?
            'first it is safe to check all "=" not followed by ws
            ' Put a spaces after a "=",  not ==
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "=([^\s=])", "= $1")
            ' all single = have a space after them now, user it for space infront
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([\w\)\]])=([^=]?)", "$1 =$2")

            ' a space before 2 char ops
            strPtrn = "([^ \t]+)(\+=|\*=|\-=|/=|\|\||&&|>>|<<|!=)"
            'Replace stops on the first occurence on a line, so iterate till no more
            mtch = Regex.Match(strIn, strPtrn)
            While (mtch.Length > 0)
                strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, strPtrn, "$1 $2")
                mtch = Regex.Match(strIn, strPtrn)
            End While

            ' now a space after 2 char ops not ending with =
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "(\|\||&&|>>|<<)([^ \t=]+)", "$1 $2")

            ' Now we do singular ops MDAS( * / + - ) and < >
            ' Combining these has been more trouble than it worth,
            ' so we do them on a case by case basis

            ' a * not preceeded by ws or / and not followed by a =
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([^ \t/])\*([^=])", "$1 *$2")
            ' a * preceeded by ws and not followed by ws or a = or /
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([ \t])\*([^ \t=/])", "$1* $2")

            ' a / not preceeded by ws or a / or * and not followed by a = or /
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([^ \t/\*])/([^=/])", "$1 /$2")
            ' a / preceeded by ws and not followed by ws a + or a = or *
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([ \t])/([^ \t=/\*])", "$1/ $2")

            ' a + not preceeded by ws or a + and not followed by a + or a =
            ' the "e" prevents breaking expodentials
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([^ e\t\+])\+([^=\+])", "$1 +$2")
            ' a + not preceeded by a + and not followed by ws a + or a =
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([^\+e])\+([^ \t=\+]+)", "$1+ $2")

            ' a - not preceeded by ws or a - and not followed by a - or a = or >
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([^ e\t-])-([^=->])", "$1 -$2")
            ' a - not preceeded by a - and not followed by ws a - or a = or >
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([^-e])-([^- \t>=])", "$1- $2")

            ' something about >> searching for > prevents the second
            ' a > not preceeded by ws or -  and not followed by a > 
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([^ \t-])>([>]?)([^ \t])", "$1 >$2$3")
            ' a > not preceeded by ws or - and not followed by ws a > 
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([^>])>([^> \t])", "$1> $2")

            ' a < not preceeded by ws or and not followed by a <
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([^ \t<])<([^<])", "$1 <$2")
            ' a < not preceeded by ws and not followed by ws a <
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([ \t])<([^ \t<])", "$1< $2")

            ' Put a spaces before a *= += \= -=
            'strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([^\s])([\*\+\-/])=", "$1 $2=")

            ' handle if(, for(, while(, switch(, catch(, and return(, put in a space
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([if|for|while|switch|catch|return])\(", "$1 (")
            ' for while and switch need to be on there own line
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([^ \t])([if|for|while|switch|catch|return])\(", _
                          "$1" & vbCrLf & "$2")
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "([\w\);]+)[ \t]*([\{\}])", "$1" & vbCrLf & "$2")
            ' handle ->space and take out the space
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "->[ \t]+", "->")
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "[ \t]+->", "->")

            ' close the square bracket around value "[]"
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "[ \t]+\[", "[")
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "\[[ \t]+", "[")
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "[ \t]+\]", "]")

            'Remove ws before a ;
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, "[ \t]+;", ";")
            'but I do like ws after a comma
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, ",([^ \t])", ", $1")

            ' no ws after a ; and before a Cr, a ; Cr pair
            strIn = regx.Replace(strIn, ";[ \t]+(\r)", ";$1")

            ' Other possibilities
            '("\:b+::\:b+", "::") ("\:b+(", "(") ("(\:b+", "(")
            '("\:b+)", ")") (";)", "; )") (";;\:b+)", ";;)") ("|(", "| (")
            '("&(", "& (")
            'mtch = Regex.Match(strIn, "for \(")
            'If mtch.Length > 0 Then
            '  mgrp = mtch.Groups(0)
            '  caps = mgrp.Captures
            'End If
        Catch excp As System.Exception
            strRet = excp.Message
        End Try

        CPPFormat_str = strRet
    End Function

    ' Reformat the source code in the currently active file (document)
    'Function ReformatActiveDocument()

    '  ReformatActiveDocument = False
    '  ' Make sure these statements don't end on the same line they started.
    '  BreakSingleLiners("if (")
    '  BreakSingleLiners("for (")
    '  BreakSingleLiners("switch (")
    '  ' Break up simple else statements on the same line (except "else if")
    '  Replace("else\:b+if (", "elseif(")
    '  IsolateOnRight("else\:b+")
    '  Replace("elseif(", "else if (")
    '  ' Break up case statements appearing on single lines
    '  IsolateOnRight("case .+:\:b+")
    '  IsolateOnRight("default:\:b+")
    '  IsolateOnLeft("break;")
    '  ' Add a space between these operators
    '  FixLessThanAndGreaterThanOperators()
    '  FixExponents()
    '  ' Append a space after these
    '  AppendSpace(",")
    '  AppendSpace(";")
    '  ' Make sure the first C++ comment of every line has a space after it.
    '  InsertSpaceAfterFirstInLineComment()
    '  ' Replace all the trailing whitespace  (thanks to Paul Bludov)
    '  '''ActiveDocument.Selection.ReplaceText("\:b+\($\)", "\1", dsMatchRegExp)
    '  ' Run Smart Indent on function blocks only
    '  SmartIndentFunctionBlocks()
    '  ' Remove any lines that are considered extraneous (ie. extra blank lines)
    '  If Not RemoveExtraneousLines() Then
    '    Exit Function
    '  End If
    '  ' Indent every "case" inside switch statements (thanks to Jim Cooper)
    '  IndentSwitchBody()
    '  ' Return OK
    '  ReformatActiveDocument = True
    'End Function

    ' FILE DESCRIPTION: Routines to reformat XML.
    ' Created by Mark M. Baker - February 3, 2001 (Based on Alvaro Mendez's C/C++ formatter)
    ' Last Updated: February 4, 2001
    '------------------ m a c X M L F o r m a t D o c ------------------
    Sub macXMLFormatDoc()
    End Sub
    '------------ m a c X M L F o r m a t S e l e c t i o n ------------
    Sub macXMLFormatSelection()
    End Sub
    '------------------------ X M L F o r m a t ------------------------
    Private Sub XMLFormat( _
      ByVal eMode As E_MODE)

        ' Reformats a XML buffer
        Dim doc As Document
        Dim tsel As TextSelection
        Dim s32IndentStyle As Integer
        Dim eType As E_LANG_TYPE
        Dim strText As String

        doc = DTE.ActiveDocument
        If (doc Is Nothing) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'eType = FileType_enum(doc)
        'If (eType <> E_LANG_TYPE.XML) Then
        '    ErrorShow(E_ERROR.NO_XML)
        '    Exit Sub
        'End If

        tsel = doc.Selection
        If (eMode = E_MODE.DOC) Then
            tsel.StartOfDocument()   ' now select the whole document
        End If

        '//s32IndentStyle = DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value
        '//DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value = vsSmartFormatOptions.vsSmartFormatOptionsNone
        strText = tsel.Text
        '//DTE.Properties("TextEditor", m_strEditor).Item("IndentStyle").Value() = s32IndentStyle

    End Sub
    '----------------------- I n d e n t _ s t r -----------------------
    ' returns a string for the indenting on a new line count
    Function Indent_str( _
      ByVal s32Indent) _
      As String

        Dim sbld As StringBuilder

        sbld = New StringBuilder(CInt((s32Indent * 2) + 2))

        ' I prefer 2 spaces, prints correctly everywhere, handles deep nesting
        If (s32Indent > 0) Then
            sbld.Append(" "c, s32Indent)
            sbld.Append(" "c, s32Indent)
            '' it could instead be a tab
            ''sbld.Append(CChar(vbTab), s32Indent)
        End If ' s32Indent > 0

        Indent_str = sbld.ToString
    End Function
    '---------------------- T a g S i z e _ s 3 2 ----------------------
    ' Computes the size of the tag, searches for ">"
    Function TagSize_s32( _
      ByVal s32StartAt As Integer, _
      ByRef strIn As String) _
      As Integer

        Dim s32Cnt As Integer
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim s32InLen As Integer
        Dim strChar As String

        s32InLen = Len(strIn)
        s32Cnt = 0
        For s32IX = s32StartAt To s32InLen
            strChar = Mid(strIn, s32IX, 1)
            s32Cnt = s32Cnt + 1
            If (strChar = ">") Then
                Exit For
            End If

        TagSize_s32 = s32Cnt
    End Function
    '-------------------- X M L F o r m a t _ s t r --------------------
    ' Reformats the XML by inserting tabs, keeping track of indention levels, 
    ' handling element text, and dealing with special single element tags.
    Function XMLFormat_str( _
      ByVal strIn As String) _
      As String

        Dim eTagNext As E_XML_TYPE
        Dim eTagPrev As E_XML_TYPE
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim strChar As String
        Dim s32Indent As Integer
        Dim strIndent As String
        Dim s32Tag As Integer
        Dim strTag As String
        Dim s32InLen As Integer
        Dim sbld As StringBuilder

        s32Indent = 0
        strIndent = Indent_str(s32Indent)
        s32InLen = Len(strIn)
        sbld = New StringBuilder(s32InLen + 100)
        eTagPrev = E_XML_TYPE.NONE

        For s32IX = 1 To s32InLen
            strChar = Mid(strIn, s32IX, 1)
            If (strChar = "<") Then
                eTagNext = Tag_enum(s32IX, strIn)
                s32Tag = TagSize_s32(s32IX, strIn)
                strTag = Mid(strIn, s32IX, s32Tag)
                strTag = StripNewlinesAndTabs_str(strTag)
                Select Case eTagNext
                    Case E_XML_TYPE.START_ELEMENT
                        sbld.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", strIndent, strTag)
                        s32Indent = s32Indent + 1
                        strIndent = Indent_str(s32Indent)

                    Case E_XML_TYPE.SINGLE_ELEMENT
                        sbld.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", strIndent, strTag)

                    Case E_XML_TYPE.END_ELEMENT
                        s32Indent = s32Indent - 1
                        strIndent = Indent_str(s32Indent)
                        If ((eTagPrev = E_XML_TYPE.END_ELEMENT) _
                          Or (eTagPrev = E_XML_TYPE.SINGLE_ELEMENT)) Then
                            sbld.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", strIndent, strTag)
                        End If

                    Case E_XML_TYPE.START_XML

                    Case E_XML_TYPE.COMMENT
                        sbld.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", strIndent, strTag)
                End Select

                eTagPrev = eTagNext
                s32IX = s32IX + s32Tag - 1
                ' Now we need to find the next tag
                eTagNext = TagNext_enum(strIn, s32IX)

                If ((eTagPrev = E_XML_TYPE.START_ELEMENT) _
                  And (eTagNext = E_XML_TYPE.END_ELEMENT)) Then
                ElseIf ((strChar <> vbTab) _
                      And (strChar <> vbNewLine) _
                      And (strChar <> vbCr) _
                      And (strChar <> vbLf) _
                      And (strChar <> " ")) Then
                End If
            End If

        XMLFormat_str = sbld.ToString
    End Function
    '--------- S t r i p N e w l i n e s A n d T a b s _ s t r ---------
    ' Removes any existing newlines and tabs in the selection.
    Function StripNewlinesAndTabs_str( _
      ByRef strIn As String) _
      As String

        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim strChar As String
        Dim strNew As String
        Dim s32IY As Integer
        Dim s32InLen As Integer
        Dim strChar2 As String
        Dim s32QCnt As Integer
        Dim ynQuotedString As Boolean
        Dim ynStripQuotedNewlines As Boolean

        ynStripQuotedNewlines = False
        ynQuotedString = False
        strNew = ""
        s32InLen = Len(strIn) ' get the length of the input string
        For s32IX = 1 To s32InLen
            strChar = Mid(strIn, s32IX, 1)
            ' is this the beginning of an attribute value?
            If (strChar = Chr(34)) Then  ' double quote "
                If ynQuotedString = True Then
                    ynQuotedString = False
                    ynQuotedString = True
                    ' look ahead to the end of the string.  count length of Quote.
                    s32QCnt = 0
                    For s32IY = s32IX + 1 To s32InLen
                        strChar2 = Mid(strIn, s32IY, 1)
                        If (strChar2 = Chr(34)) Then ' double quote "
                            Exit For
                            s32QCnt = s32QCnt + 1
                        End If

                    ' strip newlines from embedded attribute text if text is not too long.  devstudio
                    ' can't handle really long lines.
                    If (s32QCnt < 1000) Then
                        ynStripQuotedNewlines = True
                        ynStripQuotedNewlines = False
                    End If
                End If
                strNew = strNew + strChar
                If (ynQuotedString = True) Then
                    If (ynStripQuotedNewlines = False) Then
                        strNew = strNew + strChar
                    ElseIf ((strChar <> vbNewLine) _
                      And (strChar <> vbLf) _
                      And (strChar <> vbCr)) Then
                        strNew = strNew + strChar
                    End If
                ElseIf ((strChar = vbTab) _
                    Or (strChar = vbNewLine) _
                    Or (strChar = vbLf)) Then
                    strNew = strNew + " "
                ElseIf (strChar <> vbCr) Then
                    strNew = strNew + strChar
                End If
            End If
        StripNewlinesAndTabs_str = strNew
    End Function
    '------------------------- T a g _ e n u m -------------------------
    ' Sitting on a "<" look ahead to determine what type of tag this is
    Function Tag_enum( _
      ByVal s32StartAt As Integer, _
      ByRef strIn As String) _
      As E_XML_TYPE

        Dim strChThis As String
        Dim strChPrev As String
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim s32Len As Integer

        Tag_enum = E_XML_TYPE.NONE
        strChPrev = ""
        s32Len = Len(strIn)
        For s32IX = s32StartAt To s32Len
            strChThis = Mid(strIn, s32IX, 1)
            If ((strChPrev = "<") _
                  And (strChThis = "/")) Then
                Tag_enum = E_XML_TYPE.END_ELEMENT
                Exit For
            ElseIf ((strChPrev = "/") _
                  And (strChThis = ">")) Then
                Tag_enum = E_XML_TYPE.SINGLE_ELEMENT
                Exit For
            ElseIf (strChThis = ">") Then
                Tag_enum = E_XML_TYPE.START_ELEMENT
                Exit For
            ElseIf ((strChPrev = "<") _
                  And (strChThis = "?")) Then
                Tag_enum = E_XML_TYPE.START_XML
                Exit For
            ElseIf ((strChPrev = "<") _
                  And (strChThis = "!")) Then
                Tag_enum = E_XML_TYPE.COMMENT
                Exit For
            End If
            strChPrev = strChThis
    End Function
    '--------------------- T a g N e x t _ e n u m ---------------------
    ' we just parse what we have until a "<" and then find is type
    Function TagNext_enum( _
      ByRef strIn As String, _
      ByVal s32StartAt As Integer) _
      As E_XML_TYPE

        Dim strChr As String
        Dim s32IX As Integer
        Dim s32Len As Integer

        TagNext_enum = E_XML_TYPE.NONE

        s32Len = Len(strIn)
        For s32IX = s32StartAt To s32Len
            strChr = Mid(strIn, s32IX, 1)
            If strChr = "<" Then
                TagNext_enum = Tag_enum(s32IX, strIn)
                Exit For
            End If
    End Function
    '------------------------ E r r o r S h o w ------------------------
    ' Show one of the predefined errors in a message box.
    Sub ErrorShow( _
      ByVal eType As E_ERROR)

        Dim strMessage
        Select Case eType
            Case E_ERROR.NO_DOC_ACTIVE
                strMessage = "There is no active source file"

            Case E_ERROR.NO_SELECTION
                strMessage = "Make a text selection and run this macro again."

            Case E_ERROR.NOT_CPP
                strMessage = "Select a C/C++ source file and run this macro again."

            Case E_ERROR.NOT_TYPE
                strMessage = "Select an appropriate source file and run this macro again."

            Case E_ERROR.NO_XML
                strMessage = "Select a XML file and run this macro again."

            Case E_ERROR.NOT_VB
                strMessage = "Select a VB file and run this macro again."

            Case E_ERROR.OUT_OF_MEMORY
                strMessage = "This macro is not working properly because " & _
                   "Visual C++ has apparently run out of memory." & _
                   vbLf & vbLf & "Unfortunately this is a bug in " & _
                   "Visual C++.  It typically manifests itself " & _
                   "whenever the macro is run multiple times on very " & _
                   "large files, inside the same Visual C++ session. " & _
                   "The only way around it is to open a new Visual " & _
                   "C++ session for each large file you want to " & _
                   "reformat." & vbLf & vbLf & "Press OK to go back " & _
                   "to the original file. You should then exit Visual C++."

            Case E_ERROR.UNKNOWN
                strMessage = "This is an unknown file type, select an appropriate file" _
                      & " and run this macro again"
            Case Else
                strMessage = "Unknown Error"
        End Select
        MsgBox(strMessage, vbExclamation)
    End Sub

    Sub macToolWindowsClose()

        ' the following closes the help and index if open
    End Sub

    Sub macFindSomeTildas()
        DTE.Find.FindWhat = "~~~~~~"
        DTE.Find.Target = vsFindTarget.vsFindTargetCurrentDocument
        DTE.Find.MatchCase = False
        DTE.Find.MatchWholeWord = False
        DTE.Find.Backwards = False
        DTE.Find.MatchInHiddenText = True
        DTE.Find.PatternSyntax = vsFindPatternSyntax.vsFindPatternSyntaxLiteral
        DTE.Find.Action = vsFindAction.vsFindActionFind
    End Sub
End Module

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