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OPC and .NET with COM Interoperability

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How to access OPC (OLE for Process Control) from .NET with advanced COM interop
  File:      OPC_Data_Grp.cs

  Summary:   OPC DA group interfaces wrapper class

  This file is part of the Viscom OPC Code Samples.

  Copyright(c) 2001 Viscom ( All rights reserved.


using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Diagnostics;

using OPC.Common;
using OPC.Data.Interface;

namespace OPC.Data

// ------------- managed side only structs ----------------------

public class OPCItemDef
	public OPCItemDef() { }
	public OPCItemDef( string id, bool activ, int hclt, VarEnum vt )
		{	ItemID=id; Active=activ; HandleClient=hclt; RequestedDataType = vt; }
	public string	AccessPath	= "";
	public string	ItemID;
	public bool		Active;
	public int		HandleClient;
	public byte[]	Blob			= null;
	public VarEnum	RequestedDataType;

public class OPCItemResult
	public int				Error;			// content below only valid if Error=S_OK
	public int				HandleServer;
	public VarEnum			CanonicalDataType;
	public OPCACCESSRIGHTS	AccessRights;
	public byte[]			Blob;

public class OPCItemState
	public int		Error;			// content below only valid if Error=S_OK
	public int		HandleClient;	// always valid for callbacks
	public object	DataValue;
	public long		TimeStamp;
	public short	Quality;

	public override string ToString()
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "OPCIST: ", 256 );
		sb.AppendFormat( "error=0x{0:x} hclt=0x{1:x}", Error, HandleClient );
		if( Error == HRESULTS.S_OK )
			sb.AppendFormat( " val={0} time={1} qual=", DataValue, TimeStamp );
			sb.Append( OpcGroup.QualityToString( Quality ) );
		return sb.ToString();

public class OPCWriteResult
	public int		Error;
	public int		HandleClient;

public class OPCItemAttributes
	public string			AccessPath;
	public string			ItemID;
	public bool				Active;
	public int				HandleClient;
	public int				HandleServer;
	public OPCACCESSRIGHTS	AccessRights;
	public VarEnum			RequestedDataType;
	public VarEnum			CanonicalDataType;
	public OPCEUTYPE		EUType;
	public object			EUInfo;
	public byte[]			Blob;

	public override string ToString()
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "OPCIAT: '", 512 );
		sb.Append( ItemID );	sb.Append( "' ('" );	sb.Append( AccessPath );
		sb.AppendFormat( "') hc=0x{0:x} hs=0x{1:x} act={2}", HandleClient, HandleServer, Active );
		sb.AppendFormat( "\r\n\tacc={0} typr={1} typc={2}", AccessRights, RequestedDataType, CanonicalDataType );
		sb.AppendFormat( "\r\n\teut={0} eui={1}", EUType, EUInfo );
		if( ! (Blob == null) )
			sb.AppendFormat( " blob size={0}", Blob.Length );
		return sb.ToString();

public struct OPCGroupState
	public string	Name;
	public bool		Public;
	public int		UpdateRate;
	public bool		Active;
	public int		TimeBias;
	public float	PercentDeadband;
	public int		LocaleID;
	public int		HandleClient;
	public int		HandleServer;

// ----------------- event arguments + handlers ------------------------

						// IOPCAsyncIO2
public class DataChangeEventArgs : EventArgs
	public DataChangeEventArgs()

	public int				transactionID;
	public int				groupHandleClient;
	public int				masterQuality;
	public int				masterError;

	public OPCItemState[]	sts;
public delegate void DataChangeEventHandler( object sender, DataChangeEventArgs e );

public class ReadCompleteEventArgs : EventArgs
	public ReadCompleteEventArgs()

	public int				transactionID;
	public int				groupHandleClient;
	public int				masterQuality;
	public int				masterError;

	public OPCItemState[]	sts;
public delegate void ReadCompleteEventHandler( object sender, ReadCompleteEventArgs e );

public class WriteCompleteEventArgs : EventArgs
	public WriteCompleteEventArgs()

	public int				transactionID;
	public int				groupHandleClient;
	public int				masterError;

	public OPCWriteResult[]	res;
public delegate void WriteCompleteEventHandler( object sender, WriteCompleteEventArgs e );

public class CancelCompleteEventArgs : EventArgs
	public CancelCompleteEventArgs( int transactionIDp, int groupHandleClientp )
		transactionID		= transactionID;
		groupHandleClient	= groupHandleClientp;

	public int				transactionID;
	public int				groupHandleClient;
public delegate void CancelCompleteEventHandler( object sender, CancelCompleteEventArgs e );

// ----------------- class OpcGroup ------------------------

public class OpcGroup : IOPCDataCallback
	internal OpcGroup( ref IOPCServer ifServerLink, bool isPublic, string groupName, bool setActive, int requestedUpdateRate )
		ifServer				= ifServerLink;

		state.Name				= groupName;
		state.Public			= isPublic;
		state.UpdateRate		= requestedUpdateRate;
		state.Active			= setActive;
		state.TimeBias			= 0;
		state.PercentDeadband	= 0.0f;
		state.LocaleID			= 0;
		state.HandleClient		= this.GetHashCode();
		state.HandleServer		= 0;

		// marshaling helpers:
		typeOPCITEMDEF			= typeof( OPCITEMDEFintern );
		sizeOPCITEMDEF			= Marshal.SizeOf( typeOPCITEMDEF );
		typeOPCITEMRESULT		= typeof( OPCITEMRESULTintern );
		sizeOPCITEMRESULT		= Marshal.SizeOf( typeOPCITEMRESULT );

		{ Remove( false ); }

	internal void internalAdd( int[] biasTime, float[] percentDeadband, int localeID )
		Type	typGrpMgt = typeof( IOPCGroupStateMgt );
		Guid	guidGrpTst = typGrpMgt.GUID;

		object	objtemp;
		if( state.Public )
			IOPCServerPublicGroups	ifPubGrps = null;
			ifPubGrps = (IOPCServerPublicGroups)	ifServer;
			if( ifPubGrps == null )
				Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_NOINTERFACE );

			ifPubGrps.GetPublicGroupByName( state.Name, ref guidGrpTst, out objtemp );
			ifPubGrps = null;
			ifServer.AddGroup(	state.Name, state.Active, state.UpdateRate, state.HandleClient, biasTime, percentDeadband, state.LocaleID,
								out state.HandleServer, out state.UpdateRate, ref guidGrpTst, out objtemp );
		if( objtemp == null )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_NOINTERFACE );

		ifMgt = (IOPCGroupStateMgt) objtemp;
		objtemp = null;

	public void Remove( bool bForce )
		if( ! (callbackcpoint == null) )
			if( callbackcookie != 0 )
				callbackcpoint.Unadvise( callbackcookie );
				callbackcookie = 0;
			int	rc = Marshal.ReleaseComObject( callbackcpoint );
			callbackcpoint = null;

		cpointcontainer	= null;
		ifItems		= null;
		ifSync		= null;
		ifAsync		= null;

		if( ! (ifMgt == null) )
			int	rc = Marshal.ReleaseComObject( ifMgt );
			ifMgt = null;

		if( ! (ifServer == null) )
			if( ! state.Public )
				ifServer.RemoveGroup( state.HandleServer, bForce );
			ifServer	= null;

		state.HandleServer = 0;

	// -------------- IOPCServerPublicGroups + IOPCPublicGroupStateMgt

	public void DeletePublic( bool bForce )
		if( ! state.Public )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_FAIL );

		IOPCServerPublicGroups	ifPubGrps = null;
		ifPubGrps = (IOPCServerPublicGroups)	ifServer;
		if( ifPubGrps == null )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_NOINTERFACE );
		int	serverhandle = state.HandleServer;
		Remove( false );
		ifPubGrps.RemovePublicGroup( serverhandle, bForce );
		ifPubGrps = null;

	public void MoveToPublic()
		if( state.Public )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_FAIL );

		IOPCPublicGroupStateMgt		ifPubMgt = null;
		ifPubMgt = (IOPCPublicGroupStateMgt)	ifMgt;
		if( ifPubMgt == null )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_NOINTERFACE );
		ifPubMgt.GetState( out state.Public );
		ifPubMgt = null;

	// -------------------------- IOPCGroupStateMgt
	public void SetName( string newName )
		ifMgt.SetName( newName );
		state.Name = newName;

	public void GetStates()		// like a refresh
		ifMgt.GetState( out	state.UpdateRate, out state.Active, out state.Name, out state.TimeBias, out state.PercentDeadband,
						out state.LocaleID, out state.HandleClient, out state.HandleServer );

	public string Name
		get	{ return state.Name; }
		set	{
			SetName( value );

	public bool Active
		get	{ return state.Active; }
		set	{
			ifMgt.SetState( null, out state.UpdateRate, new bool[1] { value }, null, null, null, null );
			state.Active = value;

	public bool Public
		get	{ return state.Public; }

	public int UpdateRate
		get	{ return state.UpdateRate; }
		set	{
			ifMgt.SetState( new int[1] { value }, out state.UpdateRate, null, null, null, null, null );

	public int TimeBias
		get	{ return state.TimeBias; }
		set	{
			ifMgt.SetState( null, out state.UpdateRate, null, new int[1] { value }, null, null, null );
			state.TimeBias = value;

	public float PercentDeadband
		get	{ return state.PercentDeadband; }
		set	{
			ifMgt.SetState( null, out state.UpdateRate, null, null, new float[1] { value }, null, null );
			state.PercentDeadband = value;

	public int LocaleID
		get	{ return state.LocaleID; }
		set	{
			ifMgt.SetState( null, out state.UpdateRate, null, null, null, new int[1] { value }, null );
			state.LocaleID = value;

	public int HandleClient
		get	{ return state.HandleClient; }
		set	{
			ifMgt.SetState( null, out state.UpdateRate, null, null, null, null, new int[1] { value } );
			state.HandleClient = value;

	public int HandleServer
		get	{ return state.HandleServer; }

	// ------------------------ IOPCItemMgt ---------------
	public bool AddItems(	OPCItemDef[] arrDef, out OPCItemResult[] arrRes )
		arrRes			= null;
		bool hasblobs	= false;
		int	count		= arrDef.Length;

		IntPtr	ptrDef = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem( count * sizeOPCITEMDEF );
		int	runDef = (int) ptrDef;
		OPCITEMDEFintern	idf = new OPCITEMDEFintern();
		idf.wReserved = 0;
		foreach( OPCItemDef d in arrDef )
			idf.szAccessPath		= d.AccessPath;
			idf.szItemID			= d.ItemID;
			idf.bActive				= d.Active;
			idf.hClient				= d.HandleClient;
			idf.vtRequestedDataType	= (short) d.RequestedDataType;
			idf.dwBlobSize = 0;	idf.pBlob = IntPtr.Zero;
			if( d.Blob != null )
				idf.dwBlobSize = d.Blob.Length;
				if( idf.dwBlobSize > 0 )
					hasblobs = true;
					idf.pBlob = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem( idf.dwBlobSize );
					Marshal.Copy( d.Blob, 0, idf.pBlob, idf.dwBlobSize );

			Marshal.StructureToPtr( idf, (IntPtr) runDef, false );
			runDef += sizeOPCITEMDEF;

		IntPtr	ptrRes;
		IntPtr	ptrErr;
		int	hresult = ifItems.AddItems( count, ptrDef, out ptrRes, out ptrErr );

		runDef = (int) ptrDef;
		if( hasblobs )
			for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
				IntPtr blob = (IntPtr) Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runDef + 20) );
				if( blob != IntPtr.Zero )
					Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( blob );
				Marshal.DestroyStructure( (IntPtr) runDef, typeOPCITEMDEF );
				runDef += sizeOPCITEMDEF;
			for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
				Marshal.DestroyStructure( (IntPtr) runDef, typeOPCITEMDEF );
				runDef += sizeOPCITEMDEF;
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrDef );

		if( HRESULTS.Failed( hresult ) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hresult );

		int	runRes = (int) ptrRes;
		int	runErr = (int) ptrErr;
		if( (runRes == 0) || (runErr == 0) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_ABORT );

		arrRes		= new OPCItemResult[ count ];
		for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			arrRes[i] = new OPCItemResult();
			arrRes[i].Error = Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) runErr );
			if( HRESULTS.Failed( arrRes[i].Error ) )
			arrRes[i].HandleServer		= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) runRes );
			arrRes[i].CanonicalDataType	= (VarEnum)(int) Marshal.ReadInt16( (IntPtr)(runRes + 4) );
			arrRes[i].AccessRights		= (OPCACCESSRIGHTS) Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runRes + 8) );

			int ptrblob	= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runRes + 16) );
			if( (ptrblob != 0) )
				int blobsize	= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runRes + 12) );
				if( blobsize > 0 )
					arrRes[i].Blob = new byte[ blobsize ];
					Marshal.Copy( (IntPtr) ptrblob, arrRes[i].Blob, 0, blobsize );
				Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( (IntPtr) ptrblob );

			runRes += sizeOPCITEMRESULT;
			runErr += 4;

		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrRes );
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrErr );
		return hresult == HRESULTS.S_OK;

	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	public bool ValidateItems(	OPCItemDef[] arrDef, bool blobUpd,
								out OPCItemResult[] arrRes )
		arrRes			= null;
		bool hasblobs	= false;
		int	count		= arrDef.Length;

		IntPtr	ptrDef = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem( count * sizeOPCITEMDEF );
		int	runDef = (int) ptrDef;
		OPCITEMDEFintern	idf = new OPCITEMDEFintern();
		idf.wReserved = 0;
		foreach( OPCItemDef d in arrDef )
			idf.szAccessPath		= d.AccessPath;
			idf.szItemID			= d.ItemID;
			idf.bActive				= d.Active;
			idf.hClient				= d.HandleClient;
			idf.vtRequestedDataType	= (short) d.RequestedDataType;
			idf.dwBlobSize = 0;	idf.pBlob = IntPtr.Zero;
			if( d.Blob != null )
				idf.dwBlobSize = d.Blob.Length;
				if( idf.dwBlobSize > 0 )
					hasblobs = true;
					idf.pBlob = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem( idf.dwBlobSize );
					Marshal.Copy( d.Blob, 0, idf.pBlob, idf.dwBlobSize );

			Marshal.StructureToPtr( idf, (IntPtr) runDef, false );
			runDef += sizeOPCITEMDEF;

		IntPtr	ptrRes;
		IntPtr	ptrErr;
		int	hresult = ifItems.ValidateItems( count, ptrDef, blobUpd, out ptrRes, out ptrErr );

		runDef = (int) ptrDef;
		if( hasblobs )
			for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
				IntPtr blob = (IntPtr) Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runDef + 20) );
				if( blob != IntPtr.Zero )
					Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( blob );
				Marshal.DestroyStructure( (IntPtr) runDef, typeOPCITEMDEF );
				runDef += sizeOPCITEMDEF;
			for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
				Marshal.DestroyStructure( (IntPtr) runDef, typeOPCITEMDEF );
				runDef += sizeOPCITEMDEF;
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrDef );

		if( HRESULTS.Failed( hresult ) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hresult );

		int	runRes = (int) ptrRes;
		int	runErr = (int) ptrErr;
		if( (runRes == 0) || (runErr == 0) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_ABORT );

		arrRes		= new OPCItemResult[ count ];
		for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			arrRes[i] = new OPCItemResult();
			arrRes[i].Error = Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) runErr );
			if( HRESULTS.Failed( arrRes[i].Error ) )
			arrRes[i].HandleServer		= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) runRes );
			arrRes[i].CanonicalDataType	= (VarEnum)(int) Marshal.ReadInt16( (IntPtr)(runRes + 4) );
			arrRes[i].AccessRights		= (OPCACCESSRIGHTS) Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runRes + 8) );

			int ptrblob	= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runRes + 16) );
			if( (ptrblob != 0) )
				int blobsize	= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runRes + 12) );
				if( blobsize > 0 )
					arrRes[i].Blob = new byte[ blobsize ];
					Marshal.Copy( (IntPtr) ptrblob, arrRes[i].Blob, 0, blobsize );
				Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( (IntPtr) ptrblob );

			runRes += sizeOPCITEMRESULT;
			runErr += 4;

		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrRes );
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrErr );
		return hresult == HRESULTS.S_OK;

	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	public bool RemoveItems( int[] arrHSrv, out int[] arrErr )
		arrErr		= null;
		int	count	= arrHSrv.Length;
		IntPtr		ptrErr;
		int	hresult = ifItems.RemoveItems( count, arrHSrv, out ptrErr );
		if( HRESULTS.Failed( hresult ) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hresult );

		arrErr		= new int[ count ];
		Marshal.Copy( ptrErr, arrErr, 0, count );
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrErr );
		return hresult == HRESULTS.S_OK;

	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	public bool SetActiveState( int[] arrHSrv, bool activate, out int[] arrErr )
		arrErr		= null;
		int	count	= arrHSrv.Length;
		IntPtr		ptrErr;
		int	hresult = ifItems.SetActiveState( count, arrHSrv, activate, out ptrErr );
		if( HRESULTS.Failed( hresult ) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hresult );

		arrErr		= new int[ count ];
		Marshal.Copy( ptrErr, arrErr, 0, count );
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrErr );
		return hresult == HRESULTS.S_OK;

	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	public bool SetClientHandles( int[] arrHSrv, int[] arrHClt, out int[] arrErr )
		arrErr		= null;
		int	count	= arrHSrv.Length;
		if( count != arrHClt.Length )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_ABORT );

		IntPtr	ptrErr;
		int	hresult = ifItems.SetClientHandles( count, arrHSrv, arrHClt, out ptrErr );
		if( HRESULTS.Failed( hresult ) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hresult );

		arrErr		= new int[ count ];
		Marshal.Copy( ptrErr, arrErr, 0, count );
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrErr );
		return hresult == HRESULTS.S_OK;

	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	public bool SetDatatypes( int[] arrHSrv, VarEnum[] arrVT, out int[] arrErr )
		arrErr		= null;
		int	count	= arrHSrv.Length;
		if( count != arrVT.Length )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_ABORT );

		IntPtr ptrVT = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem( count * 2 );
		int	runVT = (int) ptrVT;
		foreach( VarEnum v in arrVT )
			Marshal.WriteInt16( (IntPtr) runVT, (short) v );
			runVT += 2;

		IntPtr	ptrErr;
		int	hresult = ifItems.SetDatatypes( count, arrHSrv, ptrVT, out ptrErr );

		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrVT );

		if( HRESULTS.Failed( hresult ) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hresult );

		arrErr		= new int[ count ];
		Marshal.Copy( ptrErr, arrErr, 0, count );
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrErr );
		return hresult == HRESULTS.S_OK;

	// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	public OpcEnumItemAttributes CreateAttrEnumerator()
		Type	typEnuAtt = typeof( IEnumOPCItemAttributes );
		Guid	guidEnuAtt = typEnuAtt.GUID;
		object	objtemp;

		int	hresult = ifItems.CreateEnumerator( ref guidEnuAtt, out objtemp );
		if( HRESULTS.Failed( hresult ) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hresult );
		if( (hresult == HRESULTS.S_FALSE) || (objtemp == null) )
			return null;

		IEnumOPCItemAttributes	ifenu = (IEnumOPCItemAttributes) objtemp;
		objtemp = null;

		OpcEnumItemAttributes	enu = new OpcEnumItemAttributes( ifenu );
		return enu;

	// ------------------------ IOPCSyncIO ---------------

	public bool Read( OPCDATASOURCE src, int[] arrHSrv, out OPCItemState[] arrStat )
		arrStat		= null;
		int			count = arrHSrv.Length;
		IntPtr		ptrStat;
		IntPtr		ptrErr;
		int	hresult = ifSync.Read( src, count, arrHSrv, out ptrStat, out ptrErr );
		if( HRESULTS.Failed( hresult ) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hresult );

		int	runErr	= (int) ptrErr;
		int	runStat	= (int) ptrStat;
		if( (runErr == 0) || (runStat == 0) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_ABORT );

		arrStat		= new OPCItemState[ count ];
		for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			{														// WORKAROUND !!!
			arrStat[i]				= new OPCItemState();

			arrStat[i].Error		= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) runErr );
			runErr += 4;

			arrStat[i].HandleClient	= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) runStat );

			if( HRESULTS.Succeeded( arrStat[i].Error ) )
				short vt = Marshal.ReadInt16( (IntPtr) (runStat + 16) );
				if( vt == (short) VarEnum.VT_ERROR )
					arrStat[i].Error = Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) (runStat + 24) );

				arrStat[i].TimeStamp	= Marshal.ReadInt64( (IntPtr) (runStat + 4) );
				arrStat[i].Quality		= Marshal.ReadInt16( (IntPtr) (runStat + 12) );
				arrStat[i].DataValue	= Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant( (IntPtr) (runStat + 16) );
				DUMMY_VARIANT.VariantClear( (IntPtr) (runStat + 16) );
				arrStat[i].DataValue = null;

			runStat += 32;

		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrStat );
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrErr );
		return hresult == HRESULTS.S_OK;

	public bool Write( int[] arrHSrv, object[] arrVal, out int[] arrErr )
		arrErr		= null;
		int	count	= arrHSrv.Length;
		if( count != arrVal.Length )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_ABORT );

		IntPtr	ptrErr;
		int	hresult = ifSync.Write( count, arrHSrv, arrVal, out ptrErr );
		if( HRESULTS.Failed( hresult ) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hresult );

		arrErr		= new int[ count ];
		Marshal.Copy( ptrErr, arrErr, 0, count );
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrErr );
		return hresult == HRESULTS.S_OK;

	// ------------------------ IOPCAsyncIO2 ---------------

	public bool Read( int[] arrHSrv, int transactionID, out int cancelID, out int[] arrErr )
		arrErr		= null;
		cancelID	= 0;
		int	count	= arrHSrv.Length;

		IntPtr	ptrErr;
		int	hresult = ifAsync.Read( count, arrHSrv, transactionID, out cancelID, out ptrErr );
		if( HRESULTS.Failed( hresult ) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hresult );

		arrErr		= new int[ count ];
		Marshal.Copy( ptrErr, arrErr, 0, count );
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrErr );
		return hresult == HRESULTS.S_OK;

	public bool Write(	int[] arrHSrv, object[] arrVal, int transactionID,
						out int cancelID, out int[] arrErr )
		arrErr		= null;
		cancelID	= 0;
		int	count	= arrHSrv.Length;
		if( count != arrVal.Length )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( HRESULTS.E_ABORT );

		IntPtr	ptrErr;
		int	hresult = ifAsync.Write( count, arrHSrv, arrVal, transactionID, out cancelID, out ptrErr );
		if( HRESULTS.Failed( hresult ) )
			Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hresult );

		arrErr		= new int[ count ];
		Marshal.Copy( ptrErr, arrErr, 0, count );
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrErr );
		return hresult == HRESULTS.S_OK;

	public void Refresh2( OPCDATASOURCE	sourceMode, int transactionID, out int cancelID )
		ifAsync.Refresh2( sourceMode, transactionID, out cancelID );
	public void Cancel2( int cancelID )
		ifAsync.Cancel2( cancelID );
	public void SetEnable( bool doEnable )
		ifAsync.SetEnable( doEnable );
	public void GetEnable( out bool isEnabled )
		ifAsync.GetEnable( out isEnabled );

	// ------------------------ IOPCDataCallback ---------------

	void IOPCDataCallback.OnDataChange(
			int dwTransid, int hGroup, int hrMasterquality, int hrMastererror, int dwCount,
			IntPtr phClientItems, IntPtr pvValues, IntPtr pwQualities, IntPtr pftTimeStamps, IntPtr ppErrors )
		Trace.WriteLine( "OpcGroup.OnDataChange" );
		if( (dwCount == 0) || (hGroup != state.HandleClient) )
		int count = (int) dwCount;

		int	runh = (int) phClientItems;
		int	runv = (int) pvValues;
		int	runq = (int) pwQualities;
		int	runt = (int) pftTimeStamps;
		int	rune = (int) ppErrors;

		DataChangeEventArgs	e = new DataChangeEventArgs();
		e.transactionID		= dwTransid;
		e.groupHandleClient	= hGroup;
		e.masterQuality		= hrMasterquality;
		e.masterError		= hrMastererror;
		e.sts				= new OPCItemState[ count ];

		for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			e.sts[i] = new OPCItemState();
			e.sts[i].Error = Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) rune );
			rune += 4;

			e.sts[i].HandleClient = Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) runh );
			runh += 4;

			if( HRESULTS.Succeeded( e.sts[i].Error ) )
				short vt = Marshal.ReadInt16( (IntPtr) runv );
				if( vt == (short) VarEnum.VT_ERROR )
					e.sts[i].Error = Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) (runv + 8) );

				e.sts[i].DataValue	= Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant( (IntPtr) runv );
				e.sts[i].Quality = Marshal.ReadInt16( (IntPtr) runq );
				e.sts[i].TimeStamp = Marshal.ReadInt64( (IntPtr) runt );

			runv += DUMMY_VARIANT.ConstSize;
			runq += 2;
			runt += 8;

		if( DataChanged != null )
			DataChanged( this, e );

	void IOPCDataCallback.OnReadComplete(
			int dwTransid, int hGroup, int hrMasterquality, int hrMastererror, int dwCount,
			IntPtr phClientItems, IntPtr pvValues, IntPtr pwQualities, IntPtr pftTimeStamps, IntPtr ppErrors )
		Trace.WriteLine( "OpcGroup.OnReadComplete" );
		if( (dwCount == 0) || (hGroup != state.HandleClient) )
		int count = (int) dwCount;

		int	runh = (int) phClientItems;
		int	runv = (int) pvValues;
		int	runq = (int) pwQualities;
		int	runt = (int) pftTimeStamps;
		int	rune = (int) ppErrors;

		ReadCompleteEventArgs	e = new ReadCompleteEventArgs();
		e.transactionID		= dwTransid;
		e.groupHandleClient	= hGroup;
		e.masterQuality		= hrMasterquality;
		e.masterError		= hrMastererror;
		e.sts				= new OPCItemState[ count ];

		for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			e.sts[i] = new OPCItemState();
			e.sts[i].Error = Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) rune );
			rune += 4;

			e.sts[i].HandleClient = Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) runh );
			runh += 4;

			if( HRESULTS.Succeeded( e.sts[i].Error ) )
				short vt = Marshal.ReadInt16( (IntPtr) runv );
				if( vt == (short) VarEnum.VT_ERROR )
					e.sts[i].Error = Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) (runv + 8) );

				e.sts[i].DataValue	= Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant( (IntPtr) runv );
				e.sts[i].Quality = Marshal.ReadInt16( (IntPtr) runq );
				e.sts[i].TimeStamp = Marshal.ReadInt64( (IntPtr) runt );

			runv += DUMMY_VARIANT.ConstSize;
			runq += 2;
			runt += 8;

		if( ReadCompleted != null )
			ReadCompleted( this, e );

	void IOPCDataCallback.OnWriteComplete(
			int dwTransid, int hGroup, int hrMastererr, int dwCount,
			IntPtr pClienthandles, IntPtr ppErrors )
		Trace.WriteLine( "OpcGroup.OnWriteComplete" );
		if( (dwCount == 0) || (hGroup != state.HandleClient) )
		int count = (int) dwCount;

		int	runh = (int) pClienthandles;
		int	rune = (int) ppErrors;

		WriteCompleteEventArgs	e = new WriteCompleteEventArgs();
		e.transactionID		= dwTransid;
		e.groupHandleClient	= hGroup;
		e.masterError		= hrMastererr;
		e.res				= new OPCWriteResult[ count ];

		for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			e.res[i] = new OPCWriteResult();

			e.res[i].Error = Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) rune );
			rune += 4;

			e.res[i].HandleClient = Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) runh );
			runh += 4;

		if( WriteCompleted != null )
			WriteCompleted( this, e );
	void IOPCDataCallback.OnCancelComplete( int dwTransid, int hGroup )
		Trace.WriteLine( "OpcGroup.OnCancelComplete" );
		if( hGroup != state.HandleClient )

		CancelCompleteEventArgs	e = new CancelCompleteEventArgs( dwTransid, hGroup );
		if( CancelCompleted != null )
			CancelCompleted( this, e );

	// -------------------------- events ---------------------

	public event DataChangeEventHandler		DataChanged;
	public event ReadCompleteEventHandler	ReadCompleted;
	public event WriteCompleteEventHandler	WriteCompleted;
	public event CancelCompleteEventHandler	CancelCompleted;

	// -------------------------- helper ---------------------

	public static string QualityToString( short	Quality )
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 256 );
		sb.AppendFormat( "{0}+{1}+{2}", oqm, oqs, oql );
		return sb.ToString();

	// -------------------------- private ---------------------

	private	void getinterfaces()
		ifItems	= (IOPCItemMgt) ifMgt;
		ifSync	= (IOPCSyncIO) ifMgt;
		ifAsync	= (IOPCAsyncIO2) ifMgt;

		cpointcontainer	= (UCOMIConnectionPointContainer)	ifMgt;

	private void AdviseIOPCDataCallback()
		Type	sinktype = typeof( IOPCDataCallback );
		Guid	sinkguid = sinktype.GUID;
		cpointcontainer.FindConnectionPoint( ref sinkguid, out callbackcpoint );
		if( callbackcpoint == null )

		callbackcpoint.Advise( this, out callbackcookie );

	private	OPCGroupState		state;

	private	IOPCServer			ifServer	= null;
	private	IOPCGroupStateMgt	ifMgt		= null;
	private	IOPCItemMgt			ifItems		= null;
	private IOPCSyncIO			ifSync		= null;
	private IOPCAsyncIO2		ifAsync		= null;

	private	UCOMIConnectionPointContainer	cpointcontainer	= null;
	private	UCOMIConnectionPoint			callbackcpoint	= null;
	private int								callbackcookie	= 0;

	// marshaling helpers:
	private readonly Type		typeOPCITEMDEF;
	private readonly int		sizeOPCITEMDEF;
	private readonly Type		typeOPCITEMRESULT;
	private readonly int		sizeOPCITEMRESULT;
	}	// class OpcGroup

// ----------------- class OpcEnumItemAttributes ------------------------

public class OpcEnumItemAttributes
	internal OpcEnumItemAttributes( IEnumOPCItemAttributes ifEnump )
		ifEnum = ifEnump;
		{ Dispose(); }

	public void Dispose()
		if( ! (ifEnum == null) )
			int	rc = Marshal.ReleaseComObject( ifEnum );
			ifEnum = null;

	public void Next( int enumcountmax, out OPCItemAttributes[] attributes )
		attributes = null;

		IntPtr	ptrAtt;
		int		count;
		ifEnum.Next( enumcountmax, out ptrAtt, out count );
		int	runatt = (int) ptrAtt;
		if( (runatt == 0) || (count <= 0) || (count > enumcountmax) )

		attributes = new OPCItemAttributes[ count ];
		IntPtr	ptrString;
		for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
			attributes[i] = new OPCItemAttributes();

			ptrString = (IntPtr) Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr) runatt );
			attributes[i].AccessPath = Marshal.PtrToStringUni( ptrString );
			Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrString );

			ptrString = (IntPtr) Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runatt + 4) );
			attributes[i].ItemID = Marshal.PtrToStringUni( ptrString );
			Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrString );

			attributes[i].Active			= (Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runatt + 8) )) != 0;
			attributes[i].HandleClient		= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runatt + 12) );
			attributes[i].HandleServer		= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runatt + 16) );
			attributes[i].AccessRights		= (OPCACCESSRIGHTS) Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runatt + 20) );
			attributes[i].RequestedDataType	= (VarEnum) Marshal.ReadInt16( (IntPtr)(runatt + 32) );
			attributes[i].CanonicalDataType	= (VarEnum) Marshal.ReadInt16( (IntPtr)(runatt + 34) );

			attributes[i].EUType			= (OPCEUTYPE) Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runatt + 36) );
			attributes[i].EUInfo			= Marshal.GetObjectForNativeVariant( (IntPtr)(runatt + 40) );
			DUMMY_VARIANT.VariantClear( (IntPtr) (runatt + 40) );

			int ptrblob	= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runatt + 28) );
			if( (ptrblob != 0) )
				int blobsize	= Marshal.ReadInt32( (IntPtr)(runatt + 24) );
				if( blobsize > 0 )
					attributes[i].Blob = new byte[ blobsize ];
					Marshal.Copy( (IntPtr) ptrblob, attributes[i].Blob, 0, blobsize );
				Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( (IntPtr) ptrblob );

			runatt += 56;
		Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( ptrAtt );
	public void Skip( int celt )
		{ ifEnum.Skip( celt ); }

	public void Reset()
		{ ifEnum.Reset(); }

	private	IEnumOPCItemAttributes		ifEnum;

	}	// class OpcEnumItemAttributes

}	// namespace OPC.Data

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