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Custom Control Graph and Process Bar

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13 Dec 20064 min read 92.8K   6.8K   45  
An article on a Win32 custom graph control and process bar creation.
#include "Graph.h"

 Draw initial Graph 
void DrawGraph(HDC hdc, RECT Rect)
	// Variable declaration
    POINT penpoint;           

	HBRUSH hOldBrush, hNewBrush;
    HPEN   hOldPen, hNewPen;
    LOGBRUSH lbrush;     
    LOGPEN   lpen;          

	int XInt, YInt;
	int iLoop, Index;
	static int IncYAxis = 0;

    penpoint.x           = (long)NULL;
    penpoint.y           = (long)NULL;

	// Set Pen Color
    lpen.lopnColor = RGB( 000, 000, 000 );
    lpen.lopnStyle = PS_SOLID;
    lpen.lopnWidth = penpoint;

	// Set Brush Style.
    lbrush.lbStyle     = BS_SOLID;
    lbrush.lbColor     = RGB( 000, 000, 000 );
    lbrush.lbHatch     = 0;

	// Select New Pen DC.
	hNewPen   = CreatePenIndirect(&lpen);    
	hOldPen   = SelectPen( hdc, hNewPen);

	// Select New Brush DC.
    hNewBrush   = CreateBrushIndirect(&lbrush);
    hOldBrush	 = SelectBrush( hdc, hNewBrush);

	// Calculate the diff value for x and y axis.
    XInt = (Rect.right - Rect.left)/GRAPH_GAP;
	YInt = (Rect.bottom -;

	// Draw the Box
	Rectangle(hdc, Rect.left, , Rect.right - GRAPH_HEADER_LOC, Rect.bottom);

	//Change the brush color
    lbrush.lbStyle     = BS_SOLID;
    lbrush.lbColor     = RGB(000, 80, 40);
    lbrush.lbHatch     = 0;

	// Select New Brush DC.
    hNewBrush   = CreateBrushIndirect(&lbrush);
    hOldBrush	 = SelectBrush( hdc, hNewBrush);

	// Draw the Box
	Rectangle(hdc, Rect.right - GRAPH_HEADER_LOC, , Rect.right, Rect.bottom);

	//Change pen color to DRAK GREEN
	lpen.lopnColor = RGB( 000, 125, 000 );
	hNewPen   = CreatePenIndirect(&lpen);    
	hOldPen   = SelectPen( hdc, hNewPen);

	// Move the Background of the graph
	IncYAxis += VER_LINE_GAP;
	if(IncYAxis > VER_MAX_MOV)
		IncYAxis  = 0;
	//Draw Y Axis . Vertical Line
	for (iLoop = Rect.left + IncYAxis; (iLoop+ IncYAxis) <= (Rect.right - GRAPH_HEADER_LOC); iLoop += XInt)

		MoveToEx(hdc, iLoop + IncYAxis,, NULL); 
		LineTo(hdc, iLoop + IncYAxis, + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP));

	//Draw X Axis . Horizontal Line
	Index = GRAPH_GAP;
	for (iLoop =; iLoop <= Rect.bottom ; iLoop += YInt)
		MoveToEx(hdc, Rect.left, iLoop, NULL); 
		LineTo(hdc, Rect.right - GRAPH_HEADER_LOC, iLoop);
		Index --;
	if(Index == 0)
		MoveToEx(hdc, Rect.left, Rect.bottom, NULL); 
		LineTo(hdc, Rect.right - GRAPH_HEADER_LOC, Rect.bottom);

	SelectObject(hdc, hOldPen);
    SelectObject(hdc, hOldBrush);

	Plot Graph points
void UpdateGraph(HDC hdc, RECT Rect, unsigned long RxValue, unsigned long TxValue, int GraphNo)
    HFONT  hOldFont, hNewFont;
    HPEN   hOldPen, hNewPen;
    LOGPEN   lpen;          
    LOGFONT  lfont;          

    POINT penpoint;           

	char Buf[20];
	int XAxisValues;
	int ModVal;
	int iLoop, Index, Check_Index;
	float XPlotDiff, YPlotDiff;
	int XInt, YInt;

    XInt = (Rect.right - Rect.left)/GRAPH_GAP;
	YInt = (Rect.bottom -;

	// Update the Max Bytes that has send / Received through the socket.
	if(RxValue > MaxRx)
		MaxRx = RxValue;
	if(TxValue > MaxTx)
		MaxTx = TxValue;

	if(MaxTx <= 0 && MaxRx <= 0)
		MaxTx = 100;
	// Assign the x axis difference values. Get six intervals values for x axis.
	if(MaxTx > MaxRx)
		XAxisValues = MaxTx / GRAPH_GAP;
		XAxisValues = MaxRx / GRAPH_GAP;
	// Round off the xaxis values for draw graph
	ModVal = (int) XAxisValues % 10;
	ModVal = 10 - ModVal;
	if(ModVal != 10)
		XAxisValues += ModVal;

	// Set the font to display the x - axis values.
	lfont.lfHeight		=	-9;
	lfont.lfWeight		=	FW_THIN;
	lfont.lfWidth		=	0;
	lfont.lfEscapement	=	0;
	lfont.lfOrientation =	0;
	lfont.lfUnderline	=	FALSE;
	lfont.lfStrikeOut   =	FALSE;
	lfont.lfItalic		=	FALSE;
    lfont.lfCharSet		= DEFAULT_CHARSET;
    lfont.lfOutPrecision= OUT_TT_PRECIS;
    lfont.lfPitchAndFamily   = VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
    lfont.lfQuality          = PROOF_QUALITY;
    lfont.lfClipPrecision    = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
	strcpy(lfont.lfFaceName, "Times New Roman");
	hNewFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lfont);
	hOldFont = SelectFont(hdc, hNewFont);

	SetTextColor(hdc, RGB( 255, 255, 255));
	SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_LEFT | TA_BASELINE);
	// Display the x axis values
	Index = GRAPH_GAP;
	SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(000, 80, 40));
	for (iLoop =; iLoop < Rect.bottom ; iLoop += YInt)
		memset(Buf, 0x00, sizeof(Buf));
		sprintf(Buf, "%d", XAxisValues * Index);
		if(Index == 0)
			TextOut(hdc, Rect.right - GRAPH_HEADER_LOC+1, iLoop, Buf, strlen(Buf));
			TextOut(hdc, Rect.right - GRAPH_HEADER_LOC+1, iLoop + 8, Buf, strlen(Buf));
		Index --;
	if(Index == 0)
		TextOut(hdc, Rect.right - GRAPH_HEADER_LOC+1, Rect.bottom, "0", strlen("0"));

	// Format the bytes structure.
	for(iLoop = NO_OF_POINTS; iLoop > 1; iLoop--)
		GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop-1].RxBytes	=	GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop-2].RxBytes;
		GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop-1].TxBytes	=	GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop-2].TxBytes;
	// Move the current value into the structure
	GraphInfo[GraphNo][0].RxBytes	=	RxValue;
	GraphInfo[GraphNo][0].TxBytes	=	TxValue;

	//Get Plot Pos Difference
	XPlotDiff = (float) XInt * GRAPH_GAP;
	XPlotDiff /= NO_OF_POINTS;

	YPlotDiff = (float) Rect.bottom - (;
	YPlotDiff /=  (XAxisValues*GRAPH_GAP);

	//Change pen color to DRAK GREEN
    penpoint.x           = (long)NULL;
    penpoint.y           = (long)NULL;

	lpen.lopnColor = RGB( 000, 255, 000);
    lpen.lopnStyle = PS_SOLID;
    lpen.lopnWidth = penpoint;
	hNewPen   = CreatePenIndirect(&lpen);    
	hOldPen   = SelectPen( hdc, hNewPen);

	TotalRxBytes = TotalTxBytes = 0;
	//Plot Rx Bytes information on the graph
	Check_Index = 0;
	for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < NO_OF_POINTS; iLoop ++)
		if((Rect.left+Check_Index+XPlotDiff) > (Rect.right - GRAPH_HEADER_LOC))
		if((( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop].RxBytes * YPlotDiff)) < (GRAPH_HEADER_LOC + ) )
			MoveToEx(hdc, (int)(Rect.left+Check_Index),, NULL); 
		else if((( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop].RxBytes * YPlotDiff)) > Rect.bottom )
			MoveToEx(hdc, (int)(Rect.left+Check_Index), Rect.bottom, NULL); 
			MoveToEx(hdc, (int)(Rect.left+Check_Index), (int) (( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop].RxBytes * YPlotDiff)), NULL); 
		if((( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop+1].RxBytes * YPlotDiff)) < (GRAPH_HEADER_LOC + ) )
			LineTo(hdc, (int)((Rect.left+Check_Index+XPlotDiff)),; 
		else if((( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop].RxBytes * YPlotDiff)) > Rect.bottom )
			LineTo(hdc, (int)(Rect.left+Check_Index), Rect.bottom); 
			LineTo(hdc, (int)((Rect.left+Check_Index+XPlotDiff)), (int) (( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop+1].RxBytes * YPlotDiff))); 
		Check_Index += (int) XPlotDiff;
		TotalRxBytes += GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop].RxBytes;

	//Change pen color to DRAK GREEN
	lpen.lopnColor = RGB( 255, 000, 000 );
    lpen.lopnStyle = PS_SOLID;
    lpen.lopnWidth = penpoint;
	hNewPen   = CreatePenIndirect(&lpen);    
	hOldPen   = SelectPen( hdc, hNewPen);
	//Plot Tx Bytes information on the graph
	Check_Index = 0;
	for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < NO_OF_POINTS; iLoop ++)
		if((Rect.left+Check_Index+XPlotDiff) > (Rect.right - GRAPH_HEADER_LOC))
		if((( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop].TxBytes * YPlotDiff)) < (GRAPH_HEADER_LOC + ) )
			MoveToEx(hdc, (int)(Rect.left+Check_Index),, NULL); 
		else if((( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop].TxBytes * YPlotDiff)) > Rect.bottom )
			MoveToEx(hdc, (int)(Rect.left+Check_Index), Rect.bottom, NULL); 
			MoveToEx(hdc, (int)(Rect.left+Check_Index), (int) (( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop].TxBytes * YPlotDiff)), NULL); 

		if((( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop+1].TxBytes * YPlotDiff)) < (GRAPH_HEADER_LOC + ) )
			LineTo(hdc, (int)((Rect.left+Check_Index+XPlotDiff)),; 
		else if((( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop].TxBytes * YPlotDiff)) > Rect.bottom )
			LineTo(hdc, (int)(Rect.left+Check_Index), Rect.bottom); 
			LineTo(hdc, (int)((Rect.left+Check_Index+XPlotDiff)), (int) (( + (YInt * GRAPH_GAP)) - (GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop+1].TxBytes * YPlotDiff))); 
		Check_Index += (int) XPlotDiff;

		TotalTxBytes += GraphInfo[GraphNo][iLoop].TxBytes;


Process Bar.
void DrawBar(HDC hdc, RECT Rect, int Process_Value)
    POINT penpoint;           

	HBRUSH hOldBrush, hNewBrush;
    HFONT  hOldFont, hNewFont;
    HPEN   hOldPen, hNewPen;
    LOGBRUSH lbrush;     
    LOGPEN   lpen;          
    LOGFONT  lfont;          

	int XInt, YInt;
	int iLoop, EndPos = 0;
	float IncYAxis = 0;
	char Buf[BUF_LEN];

	XInt = YInt = iLoop = 0;

	// Set Brush Style.
    lbrush.lbStyle     = BS_SOLID;
    lbrush.lbColor     = RGB( 000, 000, 000 );
    lbrush.lbHatch     = 0;

	// Select New Brush DC.
    hNewBrush   = CreateBrushIndirect(&lbrush);
    hOldBrush	 = SelectBrush( hdc, hNewBrush);

	// Calculate the diff value for x and y axis.
    XInt = (Rect.right  - Rect.left)/ NO_OF_BAR_PARTS;
	YInt = (Rect.bottom - + GRAPH_GAP) / NO_OF_BAR_PARTS;

	// Draw the Box
	Rectangle(hdc, Rect.left,, Rect.right, Rect.bottom);

	// Select the dark green pen for draw the line.
    penpoint.x           = (long)0;
    penpoint.y           = (long)0;

	lpen.lopnColor = RGB( 000, DARK_GREEN, 000 );
	lpen.lopnStyle = PS_SOLID;
	lpen.lopnWidth = penpoint;
	hNewPen   = CreatePenIndirect(&lpen);    
	hOldPen   = SelectPen( hdc, hNewPen);

	// Draw the initial horizontal line 
	for(iLoop = ( + GRAPH_GAP); iLoop <= (Rect.bottom - YInt); iLoop += LINE_GAP_LEN)
		MoveToEx(hdc, (Rect.left + XInt), iLoop, NULL);
		LineTo(hdc, (Rect.right - XInt), iLoop);
		EndPos = iLoop;

	//Get the length of plot area in y axis.
	IncYAxis = (float) (Rect.bottom - YInt) - ( + GRAPH_GAP);
	// Calculate the percentage value for the value.
	IncYAxis = (IncYAxis * Process_Value / 100);
	// Get the exact y axis value to display the graph
	IncYAxis = (Rect.bottom - YInt) - IncYAxis;

	// Change the pen style and color for draw the graph
    penpoint.x           = (long)0;
    penpoint.y           = (long)0;
	lpen.lopnColor = RGB( 000, LIGHT_GREEN, 000 );
	lpen.lopnStyle = PS_SOLID;
	lpen.lopnWidth = penpoint;
	hNewPen   = CreatePenIndirect(&lpen);    
	hOldPen   = SelectPen( hdc, hNewPen);

	// Fill the percentage area.
	for(iLoop = EndPos; iLoop >= IncYAxis; iLoop -= LINE_GAP_LEN)
		MoveToEx(hdc, (Rect.left + XInt), iLoop, NULL);
		LineTo(hdc, (Rect.right - XInt), iLoop);

	// Set Font Parameters.
	lfont.lfHeight		=	XInt;
	lfont.lfWeight		=	FW_THIN;
	lfont.lfWidth		=	XInt;
	lfont.lfEscapement	=	0;
	lfont.lfOrientation =	0;
	strcpy(lfont.lfFaceName, "courier");
	lfont.lfUnderline	=	FALSE;
	lfont.lfStrikeOut   =	FALSE;
	lfont.lfItalic		=	FALSE;
    lfont.lfCharSet		= DEFAULT_CHARSET;
    lfont.lfOutPrecision= OUT_TT_PRECIS;
    lfont.lfPitchAndFamily   = VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
    lfont.lfQuality          = PROOF_QUALITY;
    lfont.lfClipPrecision    = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;

	// Select New font DC.
	hNewFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lfont);
	hOldFont = SelectFont(hdc, hNewFont);

	// Set the text color and display the percentage as a text.
	SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(000, 000, 000));
	SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(000, LIGHT_GREEN, 000));
	sprintf(Buf, "%d %%",Process_Value);
	TextOut(hdc, Rect.left + (int) ((Rect.right  - Rect.left) / CENTER_VAL), (Rect.bottom - YInt) + (YInt/3), Buf, strlen(Buf));

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Written By
Architect Luxoft
Germany Germany
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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