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COM in plain C, Part 7

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8 Aug 2006CPOL13 min read 93.6K   2K   83  
An ActiveX Script Host with custom COM objects. This allows a script to call C functions in your app.
// Main functions for an example program that loads and executes a script.

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400
#include <windows.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <activscp.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "IActiveScriptSite.h"
#include "AppObject.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "guids.h"
#include "extern.h"

typedef struct {
	IActiveScript	*EngineActiveScript;
	HANDLE			ThreadHandle;
	LPCTSTR			Filename;
	GUID			Guid;

// This app's handle
HINSTANCE			InstanceHandle;

// Main window of our app
HWND				MainWindow;

HFONT				FontHandle;

// For running a script
MYARGS				MyArgs;

// Class name for my text viewer window
static const TCHAR		TextViewerName[] = _T("TextViewer");

static const TCHAR		NewLine[] = _T("\r\n");

// For getting engine's GUID from registry
static const TCHAR		CLSIDStr[] = _T("CLSID");
static const TCHAR		ScriptEngineStr[] = _T("ScriptEngine");

// Error message box
static const TCHAR		ErrorStr[] = _T("Error");
static const wchar_t	ErrorStrWide[] = L"Error";

/***************** getITypeInfoFromExe() ***************
 * Loads/creates an ITypeInfo for the specified GUID.
 * guid =			The GUID of the Object/VTable for
 *					which we want an ITypeInfo.
 * iTypeInfo =		Where to return the ITypeInfo. 
 * RETURNS: 0 if success, or HRESULT if fail.
 * NOTE: Our type library must be embedded as a custom
 * resource in this EXE using the following line:
 * 1 TYPELIB MOVEABLE PURE   "some_name.tlb"
 * Where "some_name.tlb" would be the name of the type library.
 * The caller must AddRef() the returned ITypeInfo to keep
 * it in memory.

HRESULT getITypeInfoFromExe(const GUID &guid, ITypeInfo **iTypeInfo) 
	wchar_t				fileName[MAX_PATH];
	ITypeLib			*typeLib;
	register HRESULT	hr;

	// Assume an error
	*iTypeInfo = 0;

	// Load the type library from our EXE's resources
	::GetModuleFileNameW(0, &fileName[0], MAX_PATH);
	if (!(hr = ::LoadTypeLib(&fileName[0], &typeLib)))
		// Let Microsoft's GetTypeInfoOfGuid() create a generic ITypeInfo
		// for the requested item (whose GUID is passed)
		hr = typeLib->GetTypeInfoOfGuid(guid, iTypeInfo);

		// We no longer need the type library


/********************* display_sys_error() ********************
 * Displays a messagebox for the passed OS error number.
 * NOTE: If passed a 0, this calls GetLastError().

void display_sys_error(DWORD err)
	TCHAR	buffer[160];

	if (!err) err = ::GetLastError();		// If passed a 0, caller wants us to call GetLastError(). Do it FIRST!
	buffer[0] = 0;
	::MessageBox(MainWindow, &buffer[0], &ErrorStr[0], MB_OK);

/*********************** loadUnicodeScript() ********************
 * Reads a script off of disk, and copies it to a UNICODE
 * buffer.
 * fn =		Filename of script.
 * RETURNS: A pointer to the allocated UNICODE buffer if success,
 * or zero if failure.
 * NOTE: Caller must GlobalFree() the returned buffer.
 * Displays an error message if a failure.

static OLECHAR * loadUnicodeScript(LPCTSTR fn)
	register OLECHAR	*script;
	register HANDLE		hfile;
	DWORD				error;

	// Assume no error
	error = 0;

	// Open the file
		DWORD	filesize;
		char	*psz;

		// Get a buffer to read in the file
		filesize = ::GetFileSize(hfile, 0);
		if ((psz = (char *)::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, filesize + 1)))
			DWORD	read;

			// Read in the file
			::ReadFile(hfile, psz, filesize, &read, 0);

			// Get a buffer to convert to UNICODE (plus an extra wchar_t to nul-terminate it since
			// the engine's IActiveScriptParse ParseScriptText expects that)
			if ((script = (OLECHAR *)::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, (filesize + 1) * sizeof(OLECHAR))))
				// Convert to UNICODE and nul-terminate
				::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, filesize, script, filesize + 1);
				script[filesize] = 0;
				error = ::GetLastError();

			error = ::GetLastError();

		error = ::GetLastError();

	if (error)
		::PostMessage(MainWindow, WM_APP, 0, error);
		script = 0;


/********************** display_COM_error() ********************
 * Displays a messagebox for a COM error.
 * msg =		Format string for sprintf().
 * hr =			COM error number.
 * NOTE: Total size of error msg must be < 256 TCHARs.

void display_COM_error(LPCTSTR msg, HRESULT hr)
	TCHAR			buffer[256];

	wsprintf(&buffer[0], msg, hr);
	::MessageBox(MainWindow, &buffer[0], &ErrorStr[0], MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

/************************** runScript() ***********************
 * Runs a script (on disk).
 * args =	Contains the filename of the script to run, and
 *			the GUID of the script engine that runs the script.

unsigned int __stdcall runScript(void *args)
	register HRESULT	hr;
	IActiveScriptParse	*activeScriptParse;

	// Each thread must initialize the COM system individually

	// Create an instance of the script engine, and get its IActiveScript object
	if ((hr = ::CoCreateInstance(((MYARGS *)args)->Guid, 0, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IActiveScript, (void **)&((MYARGS *)args)->EngineActiveScript)))
		::PostMessage(MainWindow, WM_APP, (WPARAM)"Can't get engine's IActiveScript: %08X", hr);
		// Get the script engine's IActiveScriptParse object (which we can do from its
		// IActiveScript's QueryInterface since IActiveScriptParse is a
		// sub-object of the IActiveScript)
		if ((hr = ((MYARGS *)args)->EngineActiveScript->QueryInterface(IID_IActiveScriptParse, (void **)&activeScriptParse)))
			::PostMessage(MainWindow, WM_APP, (WPARAM)"Can't get engine's IActiveScriptParse: %08X", hr);
			// Initialize the engine. This just lets the engine internally
			// initialize some stuff in preparation of us adding scripts to it
			// for the first time
			if ((hr = activeScriptParse->InitNew()))
				::PostMessage(MainWindow, WM_APP, (WPARAM)"Can't initialize engine : %08X", hr);
				// Give the engine our IActiveScriptSite object. If all goes well,
				// the engine will call its QueryInterface (which will AddRef it)
				if ((hr = ((MYARGS *)args)->EngineActiveScript->SetScriptSite((IActiveScriptSite *)&MyActiveScriptSite)))
					::PostMessage(MainWindow, WM_APP, (WPARAM)"Can't set our IScriptSite : %08X", hr);
					// Add our own application object to engine's namespace (ie, add it to the script)
					if ((hr = ((MYARGS *)args)->EngineActiveScript->AddNamedItem(&MyRealIApp.MyAppObjectName[0], SCRIPTITEM_ISVISIBLE|SCRIPTITEM_NOCODE)))
						::PostMessage(MainWindow, WM_APP, (WPARAM)"Can't add our application object to engine's namespace : %08X", hr);
						register LPOLESTR	str;

						// Load the script from disk. NOTE: We need to load it UNICODE for ParseScriptText()
						if (!(str = loadUnicodeScript(((MYARGS *)args)->Filename)))
							::PostMessage(MainWindow, WM_APP, (WPARAM)"Can't load script from disk", E_FAIL);
							// Have the script engine parse it and add it to its internal list
							// of scripts to run. NOTE: We don't pass any object name, so this
							// script is put inside the "global or default object" and therefore
							// this script will be run as soon as we set the engine to the
							// connected state
							hr = activeScriptParse->ParseScriptText(str, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

							// We no longer need the loaded script

							// NOTE: If the script engine has a problem parsing/tokenizing the script, it will
							// have called our IActiveScriptSite's OnScriptError() to display an error msg, so
							// we don't need to do that here
							if (!hr &&

								// Set engine's state to CONNECTED. NOTE: If we called the engine's AddNamedItem()
								// to add some objects, then the script engine will QueryInterface our
								// IActiveScriptSite for the needed IDispatch objects from us
								(hr = ((MYARGS *)args)->EngineActiveScript->SetScriptState(SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED)))
								::PostMessage(MainWindow, WM_APP, (WPARAM)"Engine can't connect events: %08X", hr);

			// Release script engine's IActiveScriptParse

		// We're supposed to Close() the engine before we Release() the IActiveScript
		((MYARGS *)args)->EngineActiveScript->Close();

		// Release script engine's IActiveScript
		((MYARGS *)args)->EngineActiveScript->Release();


	// NOTE: We really should have a critical section around this access to
	// ThreadHandle since the main thread also accesses it. It is left up to
	// you to implement this

	// Let main thread know that we're done (running the script)
	CloseHandle(((MYARGS *)args)->ThreadHandle);
	((MYARGS *)args)->ThreadHandle = 0;

	// Terminate this thread


/************************** textViewerProc() ****************************
 * The message procedure for "TextViewer" window class.

static long APIENTRY textViewerProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT wParam, long lParam)
	switch (uMsg)
		//======================== Redraw Window ========================
		case WM_PAINT:
			register LPTSTR	ptr;
			register DWORD	len;
			HDC				hdc;
			HGDIOBJ			temp;
			RECT			rectWnd;
			long			bottom;
			unsigned char	extra;
			register MyRealIDocument *doc;

			// Get DC
			hdc = ::BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);

			// Get current width/height of Client
			::GetClientRect(hwnd, &rectWnd);

			// Erase background
//			::FillRect(hdc, &rectWnd, (HBRUSH)1);

			// Get the IDocument
			if ((doc = (MyRealIDocument *)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA)) && (ptr = doc->Text))
				// Set TRANSPARENT mode for text output
				::SetBkColor(hdc, 0x004040FF);
				::SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
				::SetTextColor(hdc, 0);

				// Select the font
				temp = ::SelectObject(hdc, (HGDIOBJ)FontHandle);

				// Start with top line = 1;
				bottom = rectWnd.bottom;
					rectWnd.bottom = + 13;

					// Do we have some more chars to print?
					len = extra = 0;
					while (*(ptr + len))
						// Newline?
						if (*(ptr + len) == '\r')
							if (*(ptr + len + 1) == '\n') ++extra;


					if (!len)
						if (!*ptr) break;

						// A blank line
						goto skipline;

					// Display this line

					// Next line
	skipline:		ptr += len + extra; = rectWnd.bottom;

					// Any more chars to print? Is there room for another line?
				} while (*ptr && rectWnd.bottom < bottom);

				// Restore orig font
				::SelectObject(hdc, temp);

			// ====================================================

			// Free DC
			::EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);


		case WM_CREATE:

			// Store the IDocument in our GWL_USERDATA field
			SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)cs->lpCreateParams);

		case WM_DESTROY:
			register MyRealIDocument *doc;

			// Get the IDocument and Release() it
			if ((doc = (MyRealIDocument *)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA)))
				doc->Hwnd = 0;


	// Indicate that I handled the msg
	return(::DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam));

/**************************** mainWndProc() *****************************
 * The message procedure for MainWindow. It is called by Windows whenever
 * there is a message for MainWindow to process.

static BOOL CALLBACK mainWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT wParam, long lParam)
		// ******************************************************************
		case WM_APP:
			// Our script thread posts a WM_APP if it needs us to display an error message.
			// wParam = A pointer to the string to display. If 0, then lParam is an error
			// number to be passed to display_sys_error().
			// lParam = The HRESULT. If 0, then wParam is an allocated WCHAR string which
			// we must free with GlobalFree()
			if (!wParam)
			else if (!lParam)
				::MessageBoxW(hwnd, (const WCHAR *)wParam, &ErrorStrWide[0], MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
				::GlobalFree((void *)wParam);
				display_COM_error((LPCTSTR)wParam, (HRESULT)lParam);


		// ******************************************************************
		case WM_APP+1:
			register HWND	edit;

			edit = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_TRACE);
			if (wParam)
				::SendMessageW(edit, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)wParam);
				::SendMessage(edit, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)-1, -1);
				::GlobalFree((void *)wParam);
			if (lParam)
				::SendMessage(edit, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)&NewLine[0]);
				::SendMessage(edit, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)-1, -1);

		// ******************************************************************
		case WM_APP+2:
			MyRealIDocument		*doc;

			// Our IApp's CreateDocument() sends us this message when it wants us
			// to create a new document.
			// WPARAM = A handle where to return the IDocument for this window
			// LPARAM = BSTR of the name for the document

			// Create an IDocument for this window
			if (wParam && !allocIDocument(&doc))
				// Create the child window and put its HWND into the IDocument. Also
				// pass the IDocument to WM_CREATE so it's stored in the HWND's GWL_USERDATA
#ifdef UNICODE
				if ((doc->Hwnd = ::CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_APPWINDOW|WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, &TextViewerName[0],
					CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 200, 200, hwnd, 0, InstanceHandle, (LPVOID)doc)))
				TCHAR	buffer[180];

				::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (const WCHAR *)lParam, -1, &buffer[0], sizeof(buffer), 0, 0);
				if ((doc->Hwnd = ::CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_APPWINDOW|WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, &TextViewerName[0],
					CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 200, 200, hwnd, 0, InstanceHandle, (LPVOID)doc)))
					// Return the IDocument
					*((IDispatch **)wParam) = static_cast<IDispatch *>(doc);
					delete doc;


		// ******************************************************************
			::SetFocus(::GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_TRACE));

		// ******************************************************************
		case WM_SIZE:
			::MoveWindow(::GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_TRACE), 0, 0, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam), TRUE);

		// ******************************************************************
		// ====================== Create main window ========================
			HICON	icon;

			// Load/set icon for System menu on the window. I put my icon
			// in this executable's resources. Note that windows frees this
			// when my window is closed
			if ((icon = ::LoadIcon(InstanceHandle,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MAIN_ICON))))
				::SetClassLong(hwnd, GCL_HICON, (LONG)icon);
			::SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_TRACE, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), 0);


		// ******************************************************************
		// =================== User wants to close window ===================
		case WM_CLOSE:
			// NOTE: We really should have a critical section around this access to
			// ThreadHandle since the script thread also accesses it. It is left up to
			// you to implement this

			// Is a script running?
			if (MyArgs.ThreadHandle)
				// Abort the script by calling InterruptScriptThread. This
				// is one of the few IActiveScript functions we can call by
				// any thread
				MyArgs.EngineActiveScript->InterruptScriptThread(SCRIPTTHREADID_ALL, 0, 0);

				// Empty out any WM_APP messages. We need to do this because our IApp's
				// LoadDocument() does a SendMessage(). So it waits for that WM_APP
				// message to be returned before the script engine gets back control.
				// So if we had to abort the script, we need to let the script engine
				// get control back
				MSG		msg;

				while (::PeekMessage(&msg, hwnd, WM_APP, WM_APP+100, PM_REMOVE))
					if (msg.message == WM_USER+2) msg.wParam = 0;

				// NOTE: Just because InterruptScriptThread has returned doesn't mean
				// that the thread has terminated. It simply means that the engine has
				// marked the running script for termination. We still have to "wait" for the
				// thread to terminate. We'll do that by testing when ThreadHandle is
				// 0. (Remember that the script thread zeroes it upon termination).
				// There's one other problem. If the script thread is somehow "sleeping"
				// or waiting for something itself, for example in a call to MessageBox,
				// then the engine will never get a chance to terminate it. To get
				// around this problem, we'll increment a count, and Sleep() in between
				// increments. When the count "times out", then we'll assume the script
				// is locked up, and brute force terminate it ourselves
				wParam = 0;
				while (MyArgs.ThreadHandle && ++wParam < 25) ::Sleep(100);
				if (MyArgs.ThreadHandle) ::TerminateThread(MyArgs.ThreadHandle, 0);

			// Destroy this window


		case WM_DESTROY:
 			// Post the WM_QUIT message to quit the message loop in WinMain()


	// Indicate that I didn't handle the msg

/************************** WinMain() **************************
 * Our EXE's entry point. This is called by Windows when our
 * EXE first starts up.

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
	HRESULT				hr;

	// Save Instance handle which I need when opening the "Choose engine" dialog
	// box. That dialog is linked into this executable's resources, so I need to pass
	// this handle to DialogBox() when I open that dialog
	InstanceHandle = hInstance;

	// Loads Windows common control's DLL

	// MainWindow not open yet
	MainWindow = 0;

	// Initialize COM DLL
	if ((hr = ::CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED)))
		display_COM_error("Failed to initialize COM: %08X", hr);
		// Initialize my one and only IApp custom COM object

		// Register my "text viewer" window class
		WNDCLASS	wndClass;

		ZeroMemory(&wndClass, sizeof(WNDCLASS));
		wndClass.hInstance = InstanceHandle;
		wndClass.lpfnWndProc = textViewerProc;
		wndClass.lpszClassName = &TextViewerName[0];

		if (!::RegisterClass(&wndClass)) goto bad;

		FontHandle = (HFONT)::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);

		// Create Main window
		if (!(MainWindow = ::CreateDialog(InstanceHandle, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_MAINWINDOW), 0, mainWndProc)))
			// Show the window with default size/position
			::ShowWindow(MainWindow, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);

			HKEY		hk;

			// Get the filename of the script to run
			MyArgs.Filename = "test.vbs";

			// Get the VBscript engine's GUID
			if (!::RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".vbs", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE|KEY_READ, &hk))
				HKEY			subKey;
				wchar_t			language[100];
				unsigned char	flag;
				DWORD			type;
				DWORD			size;

				type = REG_SZ;
				size = sizeof(language);
				size = ::RegQueryValueEx(hk, 0, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&language[0], &size);
				flag = 1;
				if (!size)
again:				size = sizeof(language);
					if (!::RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, (LPCTSTR)&language[0], 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE|KEY_READ, &hk))
						if (!::RegOpenKeyEx(hk, &CLSIDStr[0], 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE|KEY_READ, &subKey))
							size = ::RegQueryValueExW(subKey, 0, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&language[0], &size);
						else if (flag)
							if (!::RegOpenKeyEx(hk, &ScriptEngineStr[0], 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE|KEY_READ, &subKey))
								size = ::RegQueryValueEx(subKey, 0, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&language[0], &size);
								if (!size)
									flag = 0;
									goto again;


						if (!size && (size = ::CLSIDFromString(&language[0], &MyArgs.Guid)))
							display_COM_error("Can't get engine GUID: %08X", size);

				// Now that we've got the GUID, and the script filename, run the script thread
				if (!size)
					// NOTE: We really should have a critical section around this access to
					// ThreadHandle since the script thread also accesses it. It is left up to
					// you to implement this

					// Create a secondary thread to run the script. It will do the
					// actual call to the engine to run the script while we go back and
					// manage the user interface
					MyArgs.ThreadHandle = (void *)_beginthreadex(0, 0, runScript, &MyArgs, 0, (unsigned int *)&size);

					// NOTE: If script thread starts, 'ThreadHandle' will be closed by that
					// thread when it terminates

			MSG		msg;

			// Here's our message loop which is executed until the user closes
			// down our MainWindow
			while (::GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0) == 1)

bad:	freeMyRealIAppObject();

		// Allow our IActiveScriptSite to free any resource

	// Free COM


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