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HTMLEditor Provider - How to write a custom provider for ASP.NET 2.0

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5 Sep 200614 min read 122.2K   2.4K   123  
A tutorial on how to use the Provider Templates to create your own provider.
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
 * For further information visit:
 * "Support Open Source software. What about a donation today?"
 * File Name: fck_link.js
 * 	Scripts related to the Link dialog window (see fck_link.html).
 * File Authors:
 * 		Frederico Caldeira Knabben (
 * 		Dominik Pesch ?dom? (empty selection patch) (

var oEditor		= window.parent.InnerDialogLoaded() ;
var FCK			= oEditor.FCK ;
var FCKLang		= oEditor.FCKLang ;
var FCKConfig	= oEditor.FCKConfig ;

//#### Dialog Tabs

// Set the dialog tabs.
window.parent.AddTab( 'Info', FCKLang.DlgLnkInfoTab ) ;

if ( !FCKConfig.LinkDlgHideTarget )
	window.parent.AddTab( 'Target', FCKLang.DlgLnkTargetTab, true ) ;

if ( FCKConfig.LinkUpload )
	window.parent.AddTab( 'Upload', FCKLang.DlgLnkUpload, true ) ;

if ( !FCKConfig.LinkDlgHideAdvanced )
	window.parent.AddTab( 'Advanced', FCKLang.DlgAdvancedTag ) ;

// Function called when a dialog tag is selected.
function OnDialogTabChange( tabCode )
	ShowE('divInfo'		, ( tabCode == 'Info' ) ) ;
	ShowE('divTarget'	, ( tabCode == 'Target' ) ) ;
	ShowE('divUpload'	, ( tabCode == 'Upload' ) ) ;
	ShowE('divAttribs'	, ( tabCode == 'Advanced' ) ) ;

	window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

//#### Regular Expressions library.
var oRegex = new Object() ;

oRegex.UriProtocol = new RegExp('') ;
oRegex.UriProtocol.compile( '^(((http|https|ftp|news):\/\/)|mailto:)', 'gi' ) ;

oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol = new RegExp('') ;
oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol.compile( '^(http|https|ftp|news)://(?=.)', 'gi' ) ;

oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther = new RegExp('') ;
//oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther.compile( '^(javascript:|#|/)', 'gi' ) ;
oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther.compile( '^((javascript:)|[#/\.])', 'gi' ) ; 

oRegex.ReserveTarget = new RegExp('') ;
oRegex.ReserveTarget.compile( '^_(blank|self|top|parent)$', 'i' ) ;

oRegex.PopupUri = new RegExp('') ;
oRegex.PopupUri.compile( "^javascript:void\\(\\s*\\(\\s*'([^']+)'\\s*,\\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\\s*,\\s*'([^']*)'\\s*\\)\\s*\\)\\s*$" ) ;

oRegex.PopupFeatures = new RegExp('') ;
oRegex.PopupFeatures.compile( '(?:^|,)([^=]+)=(\\d+|yes|no)', 'gi' ) ;

//#### Parser Functions

var oParser = new Object() ;

oParser.ParseEMailUrl = function( emailUrl )
	// Initializes the EMailInfo object.
	var oEMailInfo = new Object() ;
	oEMailInfo.Address	= '' ;
	oEMailInfo.Subject	= '' ;
	oEMailInfo.Body		= '' ;

	var oParts = emailUrl.match( /^([^\?]+)\??(.+)?/ ) ;
	if ( oParts )
		// Set the e-mail address.
		oEMailInfo.Address = oParts[1] ;

		// Look for the optional e-mail parameters.
		if ( oParts[2] )
			var oMatch = oParts[2].match( /(^|&)subject=([^&]+)/i ) ;
			if ( oMatch ) oEMailInfo.Subject = unescape( oMatch[2] ) ;

			oMatch = oParts[2].match( /(^|&)body=([^&]+)/i ) ;
			if ( oMatch ) oEMailInfo.Body = unescape( oMatch[2] ) ;

	return oEMailInfo ;

oParser.CreateEMailUri = function( address, subject, body )
	var sBaseUri = 'mailto:' + address ;

	var sParams = '' ;

	if ( subject.length > 0 )
		sParams = '?subject=' + escape( subject ) ;

	if ( body.length > 0 )
		sParams += ( sParams.length == 0 ? '?' : '&' ) ;
		sParams += 'body=' + escape( body ) ;

	return sBaseUri + sParams ;

//#### Initialization Code

// oLink: The actual selected link in the editor.
var oLink = FCK.Selection.MoveToAncestorNode( 'A' ) ;
if ( oLink )
	FCK.Selection.SelectNode( oLink ) ;

window.onload = function()
	// Translate the dialog box texts.
	oEditor.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage(document) ;

	// Fill the Anchor Names and Ids combos.
	LoadAnchorNamesAndIds() ;

	// Load the selected link information (if any).
	LoadSelection() ;

	// Update the dialog box.
	SetLinkType( GetE('cmbLinkType').value ) ;

	// Show/Hide the "Browse Server" button.
	GetE('divBrowseServer').style.display = FCKConfig.LinkBrowser ? '' : 'none' ;

	// Show the initial dialog content.
	GetE('divInfo').style.display = '' ;

	// Set the actual uploader URL.
	if ( FCKConfig.LinkUpload )
		GetE('frmUpload').action = FCKConfig.LinkUploadURL ;

	// Activate the "OK" button.
	window.parent.SetOkButton( true ) ;

var bHasAnchors ;

function LoadAnchorNamesAndIds()
	// Since version 2.0, the anchors are replaced in the DOM by IMGs so the user see the icon 
	// to edit them. So, we must look for that images now.
	var aAnchors = new Array() ;
	var oImages = oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.getElementsByTagName( 'IMG' ) ;
	for( var i = 0 ; i < oImages.length ; i++ )
		if ( oImages[i].getAttribute('_fckanchor') )
			aAnchors[ aAnchors.length ] = oEditor.FCK.GetRealElement( oImages[i] ) ;
	var aIds = oEditor.FCKTools.GetAllChildrenIds( oEditor.FCK.EditorDocument.body ) ;

	bHasAnchors = ( aAnchors.length > 0 || aIds.length > 0 ) ;

	for ( var i = 0 ; i < aAnchors.length ; i++ )
		var sName = aAnchors[i].name ;
		if ( sName && sName.length > 0 )
			oEditor.FCKTools.AddSelectOption( GetE('cmbAnchorName'), sName, sName ) ;

	for ( var i = 0 ; i < aIds.length ; i++ )
		oEditor.FCKTools.AddSelectOption( GetE('cmbAnchorId'), aIds[i], aIds[i] ) ;

	ShowE( 'divSelAnchor'	, bHasAnchors ) ;
	ShowE( 'divNoAnchor'	, !bHasAnchors ) ;

function LoadSelection()
	if ( !oLink ) return ;

	var sType = 'url' ;

	// Get the actual Link href.
	var sHRef = oLink.getAttribute( '_fcksavedurl' ) ;
	if ( !sHRef || sHRef.length == 0 )
		sHRef = oLink.getAttribute( 'href' , 2 ) + '' ;
	// TODO: Wait stable version and remove the following commented lines.
//	if ( sHRef.startsWith( FCK.BaseUrl ) )
//		sHRef = sHRef.remove( 0, FCK.BaseUrl.length ) ;

	// Look for a popup javascript link.
	var oPopupMatch = oRegex.PopupUri.exec( sHRef ) ;
	if( oPopupMatch )
		GetE('cmbTarget').value = 'popup' ;
		sHRef = oPopupMatch[1] ;
		FillPopupFields( oPopupMatch[2], oPopupMatch[3] ) ;
		SetTarget( 'popup' ) ;

	// Search for the protocol.
	var sProtocol = oRegex.UriProtocol.exec( sHRef ) ;

	if ( sProtocol )
		sProtocol = sProtocol[0].toLowerCase() ;
		GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = sProtocol ;

		// Remove the protocol and get the remainig URL.
		var sUrl = sHRef.replace( oRegex.UriProtocol, '' ) ;

		if ( sProtocol == 'mailto:' )	// It is an e-mail link.
			sType = 'email' ;

			var oEMailInfo = oParser.ParseEMailUrl( sUrl ) ;
			GetE('txtEMailAddress').value	= oEMailInfo.Address ;
			GetE('txtEMailSubject').value	= oEMailInfo.Subject ;
			GetE('txtEMailBody').value		= oEMailInfo.Body ;
		else				// It is a normal link.
			sType = 'url' ;
			GetE('txtUrl').value = sUrl ;
	else if ( sHRef.substr(0,1) == '#' && sHRef.length > 1 )	// It is an anchor link.
		sType = 'anchor' ;
		GetE('cmbAnchorName').value = GetE('cmbAnchorId').value = sHRef.substr(1) ;
	else					// It is another type of link.
		sType = 'url' ;

		GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = '' ;
		GetE('txtUrl').value = sHRef ;

	if ( !oPopupMatch )
		// Get the target.
		var sTarget = ;

		if ( sTarget && sTarget.length > 0 )
			if ( oRegex.ReserveTarget.test( sTarget ) )
				sTarget = sTarget.toLowerCase() ;
				GetE('cmbTarget').value = sTarget ;
				GetE('cmbTarget').value = 'frame' ;
			GetE('txtTargetFrame').value = sTarget ;

	// Get Advances Attributes
	GetE('txtAttId').value			= ;
	GetE('txtAttName').value		= ;
	GetE('cmbAttLangDir').value		= oLink.dir ;
	GetE('txtAttLangCode').value	= oLink.lang ;
	GetE('txtAttAccessKey').value	= oLink.accessKey ;
	GetE('txtAttTabIndex').value	= oLink.tabIndex <= 0 ? '' : oLink.tabIndex ;
	GetE('txtAttTitle').value		= oLink.title ;
	GetE('txtAttContentType').value	= oLink.type ;
	GetE('txtAttCharSet').value		= oLink.charset ;

	if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
		GetE('txtAttClasses').value	= oLink.getAttribute('className',2) || '' ;
		GetE('txtAttStyle').value	= ;
		GetE('txtAttClasses').value	= oLink.getAttribute('class',2) || '' ;
		GetE('txtAttStyle').value	= oLink.getAttribute('style',2) ;

	// Update the Link type combo.
	GetE('cmbLinkType').value = sType ;

//#### Link type selection.
function SetLinkType( linkType )
	ShowE('divLinkTypeUrl'		, (linkType == 'url') ) ;
	ShowE('divLinkTypeAnchor'	, (linkType == 'anchor') ) ;
	ShowE('divLinkTypeEMail'	, (linkType == 'email') ) ;

	if ( !FCKConfig.LinkDlgHideTarget )
		window.parent.SetTabVisibility( 'Target'	, (linkType == 'url') ) ;

	if ( FCKConfig.LinkUpload )
		window.parent.SetTabVisibility( 'Upload'	, (linkType == 'url') ) ;

	if ( !FCKConfig.LinkDlgHideAdvanced )
		window.parent.SetTabVisibility( 'Advanced'	, (linkType != 'anchor' || bHasAnchors) ) ;

	if ( linkType == 'email' )
		window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

//#### Target type selection.
function SetTarget( targetType )
	GetE('tdTargetFrame').style.display	= ( targetType == 'popup' ? 'none' : '' ) ;
	GetE('tdPopupName').style.display	=
		GetE('tablePopupFeatures').style.display = ( targetType == 'popup' ? '' : 'none' ) ;

	switch ( targetType )
		case "_blank" :
		case "_self" :
		case "_parent" :
		case "_top" :
			GetE('txtTargetFrame').value = targetType ;
			break ;
		case "" :
			GetE('txtTargetFrame').value = '' ;
			break ;

	if ( targetType == 'popup' )
		window.parent.SetAutoSize( true ) ;

//#### Called while the user types the URL.
function OnUrlChange()
	var sUrl = GetE('txtUrl').value ;
	var sProtocol = oRegex.UrlOnChangeProtocol.exec( sUrl ) ;

	if ( sProtocol )
		sUrl = sUrl.substr( sProtocol[0].length ) ;
		GetE('txtUrl').value = sUrl ;
		GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = sProtocol[0].toLowerCase() ;
	else if ( oRegex.UrlOnChangeTestOther.test( sUrl ) )
		GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value = '' ;

//#### Called while the user types the target name.
function OnTargetNameChange()
	var sFrame = GetE('txtTargetFrame').value ;

	if ( sFrame.length == 0 )
		GetE('cmbTarget').value = '' ;
	else if ( oRegex.ReserveTarget.test( sFrame ) )
		GetE('cmbTarget').value = sFrame.toLowerCase() ;
		GetE('cmbTarget').value = 'frame' ;

//#### Builds the javascript URI to open a popup to the specified URI.
function BuildPopupUri( uri )
	var oReg = new RegExp( "'", "g" ) ;
	var sWindowName = "'" + GetE('txtPopupName').value.replace(oReg, "\\'") + "'" ;

	var sFeatures = '' ;
	var aChkFeatures = document.getElementsByName('chkFeature') ;
	for ( var i = 0 ; i < aChkFeatures.length ; i++ )
		if ( i > 0 ) sFeatures += ',' ;
		sFeatures += aChkFeatures[i].value + '=' + ( aChkFeatures[i].checked ? 'yes' : 'no' ) ;

	if ( GetE('txtPopupWidth').value.length > 0 )	sFeatures += ',width=' + GetE('txtPopupWidth').value ;
	if ( GetE('txtPopupHeight').value.length > 0 )	sFeatures += ',height=' + GetE('txtPopupHeight').value ;
	if ( GetE('txtPopupLeft').value.length > 0 )	sFeatures += ',left=' + GetE('txtPopupLeft').value ;
	if ( GetE('txtPopupTop').value.length > 0 )		sFeatures += ',top=' + GetE('txtPopupTop').value ;

	return ( "javascript:void('" + uri + "'," + sWindowName + ",'" + sFeatures + "'))" ) ;

//#### Fills all Popup related fields.
function FillPopupFields( windowName, features )
	if ( windowName )
		GetE('txtPopupName').value = windowName ;

	var oFeatures = new Object() ;
	var oFeaturesMatch ;
	while( ( oFeaturesMatch = oRegex.PopupFeatures.exec( features ) ) != null )
		var sValue = oFeaturesMatch[2] ;
		if ( sValue == ( 'yes' || '1' ) )
			oFeatures[ oFeaturesMatch[1] ] = true ;
		else if ( ! isNaN( sValue ) && sValue != 0 )
			oFeatures[ oFeaturesMatch[1] ] = sValue ;

	// Update all features check boxes.
	var aChkFeatures = document.getElementsByName('chkFeature') ;
	for ( var i = 0 ; i < aChkFeatures.length ; i++ )
		if ( oFeatures[ aChkFeatures[i].value ] )
			aChkFeatures[i].checked = true ;

	// Update position and size text boxes.
	if ( oFeatures['width'] )	GetE('txtPopupWidth').value		= oFeatures['width'] ;
	if ( oFeatures['height'] )	GetE('txtPopupHeight').value	= oFeatures['height'] ;
	if ( oFeatures['left'] )	GetE('txtPopupLeft').value		= oFeatures['left'] ;
	if ( oFeatures['top'] )		GetE('txtPopupTop').value		= oFeatures['top'] ;

//#### The OK button was hit.
function Ok()
	var sUri, sInnerHtml ;

	switch ( GetE('cmbLinkType').value )
		case 'url' :
			sUri = GetE('txtUrl').value ;

			if ( sUri.length == 0 )
				alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoUrl ) ;
				return false ;

			sUri = GetE('cmbLinkProtocol').value + sUri ;

			if( GetE('cmbTarget').value == 'popup' )
				sUri = BuildPopupUri( sUri ) ;

			break ;

		case 'email' :
			sUri = GetE('txtEMailAddress').value ;

			if ( sUri.length == 0 )
				alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoEMail ) ;
				return false ;

			sUri = oParser.CreateEMailUri(
				GetE('txtEMailBody').value ) ;
			break ;

		case 'anchor' :
			var sAnchor = GetE('cmbAnchorName').value ;
			if ( sAnchor.length == 0 ) sAnchor = GetE('cmbAnchorId').value ;

			if ( sAnchor.length == 0 )
				alert( FCKLang.DlnLnkMsgNoAnchor ) ;
				return false ;

			sUri = '#' + sAnchor ;
			break ;

	// No link selected, so try to create one.
	if ( !oLink )
		oLink = oEditor.FCK.CreateLink( sUri ) ;
	if ( oLink )
		sInnerHtml = oLink.innerHTML ;		// Save the innerHTML (IE changes it if it is like a URL).
		// If no selection, use the uri as the link text (by dom, 2006-05-26)

		sInnerHtml = sUri;

		// try to built better text for empty link
		switch (GetE('cmbLinkType').value)
			// anchor: use old behavior --> return true
			case 'anchor':
				sInnerHtml = sInnerHtml.replace( /^#/, '' ) ;

			// url: try to get path
			case 'url':
				var oLinkPathRegEx = new RegExp("//?([^?\"']+)([?].*)?$");
				var asLinkPath = oLinkPathRegEx.exec( sUri );
				if (asLinkPath != null)
					sInnerHtml = asLinkPath[1];  // use matched path

			// mailto: try to get email address
			case 'email':
				sInnerHtml = GetE('txtEMailAddress').value

		// built new anchor and add link text
		oLink = oEditor.FCK.CreateElement( 'a' ) ;
	oEditor.FCKUndo.SaveUndoStep() ;

	oLink.href = sUri ;
	SetAttribute( oLink, '_fcksavedurl', sUri ) ;

	oLink.innerHTML = sInnerHtml ;		// Set (or restore) the innerHTML

	// Target
	if( GetE('cmbTarget').value != 'popup' )
		SetAttribute( oLink, 'target', GetE('txtTargetFrame').value ) ;
		SetAttribute( oLink, 'target', null ) ;

	// Advances Attributes
	SetAttribute( oLink, 'id'		, GetE('txtAttId').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oLink, 'name'		, GetE('txtAttName').value ) ;		// No IE. Set but doesnt't update the outerHTML.
	SetAttribute( oLink, 'dir'		, GetE('cmbAttLangDir').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oLink, 'lang'		, GetE('txtAttLangCode').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oLink, 'accesskey', GetE('txtAttAccessKey').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oLink, 'tabindex'	, ( GetE('txtAttTabIndex').value > 0 ? GetE('txtAttTabIndex').value : null ) ) ;
	SetAttribute( oLink, 'title'	, GetE('txtAttTitle').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oLink, 'type'		, GetE('txtAttContentType').value ) ;
	SetAttribute( oLink, 'charset'	, GetE('txtAttCharSet').value ) ;

	if ( oEditor.FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
		SetAttribute( oLink, 'className', GetE('txtAttClasses').value ) ; = GetE('txtAttStyle').value ;
		SetAttribute( oLink, 'class', GetE('txtAttClasses').value ) ;
		SetAttribute( oLink, 'style', GetE('txtAttStyle').value ) ;

	// Select the link.
	return true ;

function BrowseServer()
	OpenFileBrowser( FCKConfig.LinkBrowserURL, FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowWidth, FCKConfig.LinkBrowserWindowHeight ) ;

function SetUrl( url )
	document.getElementById('txtUrl').value = url ;
	OnUrlChange() ;
	window.parent.SetSelectedTab( 'Info' ) ;

function OnUploadCompleted( errorNumber, fileUrl, fileName, customMsg )
	switch ( errorNumber )
		case 0 :	// No errors
			alert( 'Your file has been successfully uploaded' ) ;
			break ;
		case 1 :	// Custom error
			alert( customMsg ) ;
			return ;
		case 101 :	// Custom warning
			alert( customMsg ) ;
			break ;
		case 201 :
			alert( 'A file with the same name is already available. The uploaded file has been renamed to "' + fileName + '"' ) ;
			break ;
		case 202 :
			alert( 'Invalid file type' ) ;
			return ;
		case 203 :
			alert( "Security error. You probably don't have enough permissions to upload. Please check your server." ) ;
			return ;
		default :
			alert( 'Error on file upload. Error number: ' + errorNumber ) ;
			return ;

	SetUrl( fileUrl ) ;
	GetE('frmUpload').reset() ;

var oUploadAllowedExtRegex	= new RegExp( FCKConfig.LinkUploadAllowedExtensions, 'i' ) ;
var oUploadDeniedExtRegex	= new RegExp( FCKConfig.LinkUploadDeniedExtensions, 'i' ) ;

function CheckUpload()
	var sFile = GetE('txtUploadFile').value ;
	if ( sFile.length == 0 )
		alert( 'Please select a file to upload' ) ;
		return false ;
	if ( ( FCKConfig.LinkUploadAllowedExtensions.length > 0 && !oUploadAllowedExtRegex.test( sFile ) ) ||
		( FCKConfig.LinkUploadDeniedExtensions.length > 0 && oUploadDeniedExtRegex.test( sFile ) ) )
		OnUploadCompleted( 202 ) ;
		return false ;
	return true ;

By viewing downloads associated with this article you agree to the Terms of Service and the article's licence.

If a file you wish to view isn't highlighted, and is a text file (not binary), please let us know and we'll add colourisation support for it.


This article has no explicit license attached to it but may contain usage terms in the article text or the download files themselves. If in doubt please contact the author via the discussion board below.

A list of licenses authors might use can be found here

Written By
Systems Engineer Virtual RadioLogic
United States United States
Todd Davis has been working in web and application development for several years, using Silverlight, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, C++ and Javascript, as well as a great deal of work with SQL server and IIS.

He currently works for Virtual Radiologic in Eden Prairie, MN, however he is better known for his varied work in the open source community, especially the DotNetNuke project for which he provided several world-renowned training videos and modules. A huge advocate of open source and open knowledge sharing, everything on his website ( is always offered for free.

Whenever he is not actively coding at his laptop (a rarity to be sure), he can be found woodworking, walking with his wife and kids, or motoring along the back roads of MN on his Harley Davidson Fatboy.

Comments and Discussions