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Adding XP Visual Style Support to OWNERDRAW Controls using HTHEME Wrapper

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A wrapper class to use the visual styles APIs available in Windows XP
In this article, you will see a wrapper class for the HTHEME handle used in connection with the Visual Styles API available in Windows XP. The class is heavily based on the CVisualStylesXP class by David Yuheng Zhao.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// File   : uxtheme.h
// Version: 1.0
#ifndef _UXTHEME_H_
#define _UXTHEME_H_
#include <commctrl.h>
//#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)     // only available on XP
// Define API decoration for direct importing of DLL references.
#ifndef THEMEAPI
#if !defined(_UXTHEME_)
#define THEMEAPI          STDAPI
#define THEMEAPI_(type)   STDAPI_(type)
#endif // THEMEAPI
typedef HANDLE HTHEME;          // handle to a section of theme data for class

// NOTE: PartId's and StateId's used in the theme API are defined in the 
//       hdr file <tmschema.h> using the TM_PART and TM_STATE macros.  For
//       example, "TM_PART(BP, PUSHBUTTON)" defines the PartId "BP_PUSHBUTTON".

//  OpenThemeData()     - Open the theme data for the specified HWND and 
//                        semi-colon separated list of class names. 
//                        OpenThemeData() will try each class name, one at 
//                        a time, and use the first matching theme info
//                        found.  If a match is found, a theme handle
//                        to the data is returned.  If no match is found,
//                        a "NULL" handle is returned. 
//                        When the window is destroyed or a WM_THEMECHANGED
//                        msg is received, "CloseThemeData()" should be 
//                        called to close the theme handle.
//  hwnd                - window handle of the control/window to be themed
//  pszClassList        - class name (or list of names) to match to theme data
//                        section.  if the list contains more than one name, 
//                        the names are tested one at a time for a match.  
//                        If a match is found, OpenThemeData() returns a 
//                        theme handle associated with the matching class. 
//                        This param is a list (instead of just a single 
//                        class name) to provide the class an opportunity 
//                        to get the "best" match between the class and 
//                        the current theme.  For example, a button might
//                        pass L"OkButton, Button" if its ID=ID_OK.  If 
//                        the current theme has an entry for OkButton, 
//                        that will be used.  Otherwise, we fall back on 
//                        the normal Button entry.
THEMEAPI_(HTHEME) OpenThemeData(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszClassList);

//  CloseTHemeData()    - closes the theme data handle.  This should be done 
//                        when the window being themed is destroyed or
//                        whenever a WM_THEMECHANGED msg is received 
//                        (followed by an attempt to create a new Theme data 
//                        handle).
//  hTheme              - open theme data handle (returned from prior call
//                        to OpenThemeData() API).
THEMEAPI CloseThemeData(HTHEME hTheme);

//    functions for basic drawing support 
// The following methods are the theme-aware drawing services.
// Controls/Windows are defined in drawable "parts" by their author: a 
// parent part and 0 or more child parts.  Each of the parts can be 
// described in "states" (ex: disabled, hot, pressed).  
// For the list of all themed classes and the definition of all
// parts and states, see the file "tmschmea.h".
// Each of the below methods takes a "iPartId" param to specify the 
// part and a "iStateId" to specify the state of the part.  
// "iStateId=0" refers to the root part.  "iPartId" = "0" refers to 
// the root class.  
// Note: draw operations are always scaled to fit (and not to exceed)  
// the specified "Rect".

//  DrawThemeBackground()   
//                      - draws the theme-specified border and fill for 
//                        the "iPartId" and "iStateId".  This could be 
//                        based on a bitmap file, a border and fill, or 
//                        other image description.  
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  hdc                 - HDC to draw into
//  iPartId             - part number to draw
//  iStateId            - state number (of the part) to draw
//  pRect               - defines the size/location of the part
//  pClipRect           - optional clipping rect (don't draw outside it)
THEMEAPI DrawThemeBackground(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, 
    int iPartId, int iStateId, const RECT *pRect, OPTIONAL const RECT *pClipRect);

//----- DrawThemeText() flags ----

#define DTT_GRAYED      0x1         // draw a grayed-out string  

//  DrawThemeText()     - draws the text using the theme-specified 
//                        color and font for the "iPartId" and 
//                        "iStateId".  
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  hdc                 - HDC to draw into
//  iPartId             - part number to draw
//  iStateId            - state number (of the part) to draw
//  pszText             - actual text to draw
//  dwCharCount         - number of chars to draw (-1 for all)
//  dwTextFlags         - same as DrawText() "uFormat" param
//  dwTextFlags2        - additional drawing options 
//  pRect               - defines the size/location of the part
THEMEAPI DrawThemeText(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, LPCWSTR pszText, int iCharCount, DWORD dwTextFlags, 
    DWORD dwTextFlags2, const RECT *pRect);

//  GetThemeBackgroundContentRect()
//                      - gets the size of the content for the theme-defined 
//                        background.  This is usually the area inside
//                        the borders or Margins.  
//      hTheme          - theme data handle
//      hdc             - (optional) device content to be used for drawing
//      iPartId         - part number to draw
//      iStateId        - state number (of the part) to draw
//      pBoundingRect   - the outer RECT of the part being drawn
//      pContentRect    - RECT to receive the content area
THEMEAPI GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(HTHEME hTheme, OPTIONAL HDC hdc, 
    int iPartId, int iStateId,  const RECT *pBoundingRect, 
    OUT RECT *pContentRect);

//  GetThemeBackgroundExtent() - calculates the size/location of the theme-
//                               specified background based on the 
//                               "pContentRect".
//      hTheme          - theme data handle
//      hdc             - (optional) device content to be used for drawing
//      iPartId         - part number to draw
//      iStateId        - state number (of the part) to draw
//      pContentRect    - RECT that defines the content area
//      pBoundingRect   - RECT to receive the overall size/location of part
THEMEAPI GetThemeBackgroundExtent(HTHEME hTheme, OPTIONAL HDC hdc,
    int iPartId, int iStateId, const RECT *pContentRect, 
    OUT RECT *pExtentRect);

typedef enum THEMESIZE
    TS_MIN,             // minimum size
    TS_TRUE,            // size without stretching
    TS_DRAW,            // size that theme mgr will use to draw part
//  GetThemePartSize() - returns the specified size of the theme part
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  hdc                 - HDC to select font into & measure against
//  iPartId             - part number to retrieve size for
//  iStateId            - state number (of the part) 
//  prc                 - (optional) rect for part drawing destination
//  eSize               - the type of size to be retreived
//  psz                 - receives the specified size of the part 
THEMEAPI GetThemePartSize(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, 
    OPTIONAL RECT *prc, enum THEMESIZE eSize, OUT SIZE *psz);

//  GetThemeTextExtent() - calculates the size/location of the specified 
//                         text when rendered in the Theme Font. 
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  hdc                 - HDC to select font & measure into
//  iPartId             - part number to draw
//  iStateId            - state number (of the part) 
//  pszText             - the text to be measured
//  dwCharCount         - number of chars to draw (-1 for all)
//  dwTextFlags         - same as DrawText() "uFormat" param
//  pszBoundingRect     - optional: to control layout of text
//  pszExtentRect       - receives the RECT for text size/location
THEMEAPI GetThemeTextExtent(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, 
    int iPartId, int iStateId, LPCWSTR pszText, int iCharCount, 
    DWORD dwTextFlags, OPTIONAL const RECT *pBoundingRect, 
    OUT RECT *pExtentRect);

//  GetThemeTextMetrics()
//                      - returns info about the theme-specified font
//                        for the part/state passed in.
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  hdc                 - optional: HDC for screen context
//  iPartId             - part number to draw
//  iStateId            - state number (of the part) 
//  ptm                 - receives the font info
THEMEAPI GetThemeTextMetrics(HTHEME hTheme, OPTIONAL HDC hdc, 
    int iPartId, int iStateId, OUT TEXTMETRIC* ptm);

//  GetThemeBackgroundRegion()
//                      - computes the region for a regular or partially 
//                        transparent theme-specified background that is 
//                        bound by the specified "pRect".
//                        If the rectangle is empty, sets the HRGN to NULL 
//                        and return S_FALSE.
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  hdc                 - optional HDC to draw into (DPI scaling)
//  iPartId             - part number to draw
//  iStateId            - state number (of the part) 
//  pRect               - the RECT used to draw the part
//  pRegion             - receives handle to calculated region
THEMEAPI GetThemeBackgroundRegion(HTHEME hTheme, OPTIONAL HDC hdc,  
    int iPartId, int iStateId, const RECT *pRect, OUT HRGN *pRegion);

//----- HitTestThemeBackground, HitTestThemeBackgroundRegion flags ----

//  Theme background segment hit test flag (default). possible return values are:
//  HTCLIENT: hit test succeeded in the middle background segment
//  HTTOP, HTLEFT, HTTOPLEFT, etc:  // hit test succeeded in the the respective theme background segment.
#define HTTB_BACKGROUNDSEG          0x0000  

//  Fixed border hit test option.  possible return values are:
//  HTCLIENT: hit test succeeded in the middle background segment
//  HTBORDER: hit test succeeded in any other background segment
#define HTTB_FIXEDBORDER            0x0002  // Return code may be either HTCLIENT or HTBORDER. 

//  Caption hit test option.  Possible return values are:
//  HTCAPTION: hit test succeeded in the top, top left, or top right background segments
//  HTNOWHERE or another return code, depending on absence or presence of accompanying flags, resp.
#define HTTB_CAPTION                0x0004  

//  Resizing border hit test flags.  Possible return values are:
//  HTCLIENT: hit test succeeded in middle background segment
//  HTTOP, HTTOPLEFT, HTLEFT, HTRIGHT, etc:    hit test succeeded in the respective system resizing zone
//  HTBORDER: hit test failed in middle segment and resizing zones, but succeeded in a background border segment
#define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_LEFT    0x0010  // Hit test left resizing border, 
#define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_TOP     0x0020  // Hit test top resizing border
#define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_RIGHT   0x0040  // Hit test right resizing border
#define HTTB_RESIZINGBORDER_BOTTOM  0x0080  // Hit test bottom resizing border


// Resizing border is specified as a template, not just window edges.
// This option is mutually exclusive with HTTB_SYSTEMSIZINGWIDTH; HTTB_SIZINGTEMPLATE takes precedence  
#define HTTB_SIZINGTEMPLATE      0x0100

// Use system resizing border width rather than theme content margins.   
// This option is mutually exclusive with HTTB_SIZINGTEMPLATE, which takes precedence.

//  HitTestThemeBackground()
//                      - returns a HitTestCode (a subset of the values 
//                        returned by WM_NCHITTEST) for the point "ptTest" 
//                        within the theme-specified background
//                        (bound by pRect).  "pRect" and "ptTest" should 
//                        both be in the same coordinate system 
//                        (client, screen, etc).
//      hTheme          - theme data handle
//      hdc             - HDC to draw into
//      iPartId         - part number to test against
//      iStateId        - state number (of the part) 
//      pRect           - the RECT used to draw the part
//      hrgn            - optional region to use; must be in same coordinates as
//                      -    pRect and pTest.
//      ptTest          - the hit point to be tested
//      dwOptions       - HTTB_xxx constants
//      pwHitTestCode   - receives the returned hit test code - one of:
//                        HTRIGHT, HTTOPRIGHT, HTBOTTOMRIGHT,
//                        HTTOP, HTBOTTOM, HTCLIENT
THEMEAPI HitTestThemeBackground(HTHEME hTheme, OPTIONAL HDC hdc, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, DWORD dwOptions, const RECT *pRect, OPTIONAL HRGN hrgn, 
    POINT ptTest, OUT WORD *pwHitTestCode);

//  DrawThemeEdge()     - Similar to the DrawEdge() API, but uses part colors
//                        and is high-DPI aware
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  hdc                 - HDC to draw into
//  iPartId             - part number to draw
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  pDestRect           - the RECT used to draw the line(s)
//  uEdge               - Same as DrawEdge() API
//  uFlags              - Same as DrawEdge() API
//  pContentRect        - Receives the interior rect if (uFlags & BF_ADJUST)
THEMEAPI DrawThemeEdge(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, 
                       const RECT *pDestRect, UINT uEdge, UINT uFlags, OPTIONAL OUT RECT *pContentRect);

//  DrawThemeIcon()     - draws an image within an imagelist based on 
//                        a (possible) theme-defined effect. 
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  hdc                 - HDC to draw into
//  iPartId             - part number to draw
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  pRect               - the RECT to draw the image within
//  himl                - handle to IMAGELIST 
//  iImageIndex         - index into IMAGELIST (which icon to draw)
THEMEAPI DrawThemeIcon(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, const RECT *pRect, HIMAGELIST himl, int iImageIndex);

//  IsThemePartDefined() - returns TRUE if the theme has defined parameters
//                         for the specified "iPartId" and "iStateId".
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  iPartId             - part number to find definition for
//  iStateId            - state number of part
THEMEAPI_(BOOL) IsThemePartDefined(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId);

//  IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent()
//                      - returns TRUE if the theme specified background for 
//                        the part/state has transparent pieces or 
//                        alpha-blended pieces.
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
THEMEAPI_(BOOL) IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(HTHEME hTheme, 
    int iPartId, int iStateId);

//    lower-level theme information services
// The following methods are getter routines for each of the Theme Data types.
// Controls/Windows are defined in drawable "parts" by their author: a 
// parent part and 0 or more child parts.  Each of the parts can be 
// described in "states" (ex: disabled, hot, pressed).  
// Each of the below methods takes a "iPartId" param to specify the 
// part and a "iStateId" to specify the state of the part.  
// "iStateId=0" refers to the root part.  "iPartId" = "0" refers to 
// the root class.  
// Each method also take a "iPropId" param because multiple instances of 
// the same primitive type can be defined in the theme schema.

//  GetThemeColor()     - Get the value for the specified COLOR property
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  iPropId             - the property number to get the value for
//  pColor              - receives the value of the property
THEMEAPI GetThemeColor(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT COLORREF *pColor);

//  GetThemeMetric()    - Get the value for the specified metric/size
//                        property
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  hdc                 - (optional) hdc to be drawn into (DPI scaling)
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  iPropId             - the property number to get the value for
//  piVal               - receives the value of the property
THEMEAPI GetThemeMetric(HTHEME hTheme, OPTIONAL HDC hdc, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT int *piVal);

//  GetThemeString()    - Get the value for the specified string property
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  iPropId             - the property number to get the value for
//  pszBuff             - receives the string property value
//  cchMaxBuffChars     - max. number of chars allowed in pszBuff
THEMEAPI GetThemeString(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT LPWSTR pszBuff, int cchMaxBuffChars);

//  GetThemeBool()      - Get the value for the specified BOOL property
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  iPropId             - the property number to get the value for
//  pfVal               - receives the value of the property
THEMEAPI GetThemeBool(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT BOOL *pfVal);

//  GetThemeInt()       - Get the value for the specified int property
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  iPropId             - the property number to get the value for
//  piVal               - receives the value of the property
THEMEAPI GetThemeInt(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT int *piVal);

//  GetThemeEnumValue() - Get the value for the specified ENUM property
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  iPropId             - the property number to get the value for
//  piVal               - receives the value of the enum (cast to int*)
THEMEAPI GetThemeEnumValue(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT int *piVal);

//  GetThemePosition()  - Get the value for the specified position
//                        property
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  iPropId             - the property number to get the value for
//  pPoint              - receives the value of the position property
THEMEAPI GetThemePosition(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT POINT *pPoint);

//  GetThemeFont()      - Get the value for the specified font property
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  hdc                 - (optional) hdc to be drawn to (DPI scaling)
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  iPropId             - the property number to get the value for
//  pFont               - receives the value of the LOGFONT property
//                        (scaled for the current logical screen dpi) 
THEMEAPI GetThemeFont(HTHEME hTheme, OPTIONAL HDC hdc, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT LOGFONT *pFont);

//  GetThemeRect()      - Get the value for the specified RECT property
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  iPropId             - the property number to get the value for
//  pRect               - receives the value of the RECT property
THEMEAPI GetThemeRect(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT RECT *pRect);

typedef struct _MARGINS
    int cxLeftWidth;      // width of left border that retains its size
    int cxRightWidth;     // width of right border that retains its size
    int cyTopHeight;      // height of top border that retains its size
    int cyBottomHeight;   // height of bottom border that retains its size

//  GetThemeMargins()   - Get the value for the specified MARGINS property
//      hTheme          - theme data handle
//      hdc             - (optional) hdc to be used for drawing
//      iPartId         - part number 
//      iStateId        - state number of part
//      iPropId         - the property number to get the value for
//      prc             - RECT for area to be drawn into
//      pMargins        - receives the value of the MARGINS property
THEMEAPI GetThemeMargins(HTHEME hTheme, OPTIONAL HDC hdc, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OPTIONAL RECT *prc, OUT MARGINS *pMargins);


typedef struct _INTLIST
    int iValueCount;      // number of values in iValues
    int iValues[MAX_INTLIST_COUNT];

//  GetThemeIntList()   - Get the value for the specified INTLIST struct
//      hTheme          - theme data handle
//      iPartId         - part number 
//      iStateId        - state number of part
//      iPropId         - the property number to get the value for
//      pIntList        - receives the value of the INTLIST property
THEMEAPI GetThemeIntList(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT INTLIST *pIntList);

    PO_STATE,           // property was found in the state section
    PO_PART,            // property was found in the part section
    PO_CLASS,           // property was found in the class section
    PO_GLOBAL,          // property was found in [globals] section
    PO_NOTFOUND         // property was not found

//  GetThemePropertyOrigin()
//                      - searches for the specified theme property
//                        and sets "pOrigin" to indicate where it was 
//                        found (or not found)
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  iPropId             - the property number to search for
//  pOrigin             - receives the value of the property origin
THEMEAPI GetThemePropertyOrigin(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT enum PROPERTYORIGIN *pOrigin);

//  SetWindowTheme()
//                      - redirects an existing Window to use a different 
//                        section of the current theme information than its 
//                        class normally asks for.
//  hwnd                - the handle of the window (cannot be NULL)
//  pszSubAppName       - app (group) name to use in place of the calling
//                        app's name.  If NULL, the actual calling app 
//                        name will be used.
//  pszSubIdList        - semicolon separated list of class Id names to 
//                        use in place of actual list passed by the 
//                        window's class.  if NULL, the id list from the 
//                        calling class is used.
// The Theme Manager will remember the "pszSubAppName" and the
// "pszSubIdList" associations thru the lifetime of the window (even 
// if themes are subsequently changed).  The window is sent a 
// "WM_THEMECHANGED" msg at the end of this call, so that the new
// theme can be found and applied.
// When "pszSubAppName" or "pszSubIdList" are NULL, the Theme Manager 
// removes the previously remember association.  To turn off theme-ing for 
// the specified window, you can pass an empty string (L"") so it 
// won't match any section entries.
THEMEAPI SetWindowTheme(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszSubAppName, 
    LPCWSTR pszSubIdList);

//  GetThemeFilename()  - Get the value for the specified FILENAME property.
//  hTheme              - theme data handle
//  iPartId             - part number 
//  iStateId            - state number of part
//  iPropId             - the property number to search for
//  pszThemeFileName    - output buffer to receive the filename
//  cchMaxBuffChars     - the size of the return buffer, in chars
THEMEAPI GetThemeFilename(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, 
    int iStateId, int iPropId, OUT LPWSTR pszThemeFileName, int cchMaxBuffChars);

//  GetThemeSysColor()  - Get the value of the specified System color. 
//  hTheme              - the theme data handle.  if non-NULL, will return
//                        color from [SysMetrics] section of theme.
//                        if NULL, will return the global system color.
//  iColorId            - the system color index defined in winuser.h
THEMEAPI_(COLORREF) GetThemeSysColor(HTHEME hTheme, int iColorId);

//  GetThemeSysColorBrush() 
//                      - Get the brush for the specified System color. 
//  hTheme              - the theme data handle.  if non-NULL, will return
//                        brush matching color from [SysMetrics] section of 
//                        theme.  if NULL, will return the brush matching
//                        global system color.
//  iColorId            - the system color index defined in winuser.h
THEMEAPI_(HBRUSH) GetThemeSysColorBrush(HTHEME hTheme, int iColorId);

//  GetThemeSysBool()   - Get the boolean value of specified System metric. 
//  hTheme              - the theme data handle.  if non-NULL, will return
//                        BOOL from [SysMetrics] section of theme.
//                        if NULL, will return the specified system boolean.
//  iBoolId             - the TMT_XXX BOOL number (first BOOL
//                        is TMT_FLATMENUS)
THEMEAPI_(BOOL) GetThemeSysBool(HTHEME hTheme, int iBoolId);

//  GetThemeSysSize()   - Get the value of the specified System size metric. 
//                        (scaled for the current logical screen dpi) 
//  hTheme              - the theme data handle.  if non-NULL, will return
//                        size from [SysMetrics] section of theme.
//                        if NULL, will return the global system metric.
//  iSizeId             - the following values are supported when 
//                        hTheme is non-NULL:
//                          SM_CXBORDER   (border width)
//                          SM_CXVSCROLL  (scrollbar width)
//                          SM_CYHSCROLL  (scrollbar height)
//                          SM_CXSIZE     (caption width)
//                          SM_CYSIZE     (caption height)
//                          SM_CXSMSIZE   (small caption width)
//                          SM_CYSMSIZE   (small caption height)
//                          SM_CXMENUSIZE (menubar width)
//                          SM_CYMENUSIZE (menubar height)
//                        when hTheme is NULL, iSizeId is passed directly
//                        to the GetSystemMetrics() function
THEMEAPI_(int) GetThemeSysSize(HTHEME hTheme, int iSizeId);

//  GetThemeSysFont()   - Get the LOGFONT for the specified System font. 
//  hTheme              - the theme data handle.  if non-NULL, will return
//                        font from [SysMetrics] section of theme.
//                        if NULL, will return the specified system font.
//  iFontId             - the TMT_XXX font number (first font
//                        is TMT_CAPTIONFONT)
//  plf                 - ptr to LOGFONT to receive the font value.
//                        (scaled for the current logical screen dpi) 
THEMEAPI GetThemeSysFont(HTHEME hTheme, int iFontId, OUT LOGFONT *plf);

//  GetThemeSysString() - Get the value of specified System string metric. 
//  hTheme              - the theme data handle (required)
//  iStringId           - must be one of the following values:
//                          TMT_CSSNAME
//                          TMT_XMLNAME
//  pszStringBuff       - the buffer to receive the string value
//  cchMaxStringChars   - max. number of chars that pszStringBuff can hold
THEMEAPI GetThemeSysString(HTHEME hTheme, int iStringId, 
    OUT LPWSTR pszStringBuff, int cchMaxStringChars);

//  GetThemeSysInt() - Get the value of specified System int.
//  hTheme              - the theme data handle (required)
//  iIntId              - must be one of the following values:
//                          TMT_DPIX
//                          TMT_DPIY
//                          TMT_MINCOLORDEPTH
//  piValue             - ptr to int to receive value
THEMEAPI GetThemeSysInt(HTHEME hTheme, int iIntId, int *piValue);

//  IsThemeActive()     - can be used to test if a system theme is active
//                        for the current user session.  
//                        use the API "IsAppThemed()" to test if a theme is
//                        active for the calling process.
THEMEAPI_(BOOL) IsThemeActive();

//  IsAppThemed()       - returns TRUE if a theme is active and available to
//                        the current process
THEMEAPI_(BOOL) IsAppThemed();

//  GetWindowTheme()    - if window is themed, returns its most recent
//                        HTHEME from OpenThemeData() - otherwise, returns
//                        NULL.
//      hwnd            - the window to get the HTHEME of
THEMEAPI_(HTHEME) GetWindowTheme(HWND hwnd);

//  EnableThemeDialogTexture() 
//  - Enables/disables dialog background theme.  This method can be used to 
//    tailor dialog compatibility with child windows and controls that 
//    may or may not coordinate the rendering of their client area backgrounds 
//    with that of their parent dialog in a manner that supports seamless 
//    background texturing.
//      hdlg         - the window handle of the target dialog
//      dwFlags      - ETDT_ENABLE to enable the theme-defined dialog background texturing,
//                     ETDT_DISABLE to disable background texturing,
//                     ETDT_ENABLETAB to enable the theme-defined background 
//                          texturing using the Tab texture

#define ETDT_DISABLE        0x00000001
#define ETDT_ENABLE         0x00000002
#define ETDT_USETABTEXTURE  0x00000004

THEMEAPI EnableThemeDialogTexture(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwFlags);

//  IsThemeDialogTextureEnabled() 
//  - Reports whether the dialog supports background texturing.
//      hdlg         - the window handle of the target dialog
THEMEAPI_(BOOL) IsThemeDialogTextureEnabled(HWND hwnd);

//---- flags to control theming within an app ----

#define STAP_ALLOW_NONCLIENT    (1 << 0)
#define STAP_ALLOW_CONTROLS     (1 << 1)
#define STAP_ALLOW_WEBCONTENT   (1 << 2)

//  GetThemeAppProperties()
//                      - returns the app property flags that control theming
THEMEAPI_(DWORD) GetThemeAppProperties();

//  SetThemeAppProperties()
//                      - sets the flags that control theming within the app
//      dwFlags         - the flag values to be set
THEMEAPI_(void) SetThemeAppProperties(DWORD dwFlags);

//  GetCurrentThemeName()
//                      - Get the name of the current theme in-use.  
//                        Optionally, return the ColorScheme name and the 
//                        Size name of the theme.
//  pszThemeFileName    - receives the theme path & filename
//  cchMaxNameChars     - max chars allowed in pszNameBuff
//  pszColorBuff        - (optional) receives the canonical color scheme name
//                        (not the display name)
//  cchMaxColorChars    - max chars allowed in pszColorBuff
//  pszSizeBuff         - (optional) receives the canonical size name 
//                        (not the display name)
//  cchMaxSizeChars     - max chars allowed in pszSizeBuff
THEMEAPI GetCurrentThemeName(
    OUT LPWSTR pszThemeFileName, int cchMaxNameChars, 
    OUT OPTIONAL LPWSTR pszColorBuff, int cchMaxColorChars,
    OUT OPTIONAL LPWSTR pszSizeBuff, int cchMaxSizeChars);

//  GetThemeDocumentationProperty()
//                      - Get the value for the specified property name from 
//                        the [documentation] section of the themes.ini file 
//                        for the specified theme.  If the property has been 
//                        localized in the theme files string table, the 
//                        localized version of the property value is returned. 
//  pszThemeFileName    - filename of the theme file to query
//  pszPropertyName     - name of the string property to retreive a value for
//  pszValueBuff        - receives the property string value
//  cchMaxValChars      - max chars allowed in pszValueBuff
#define SZ_THDOCPROP_DISPLAYNAME                L"DisplayName"
#define SZ_THDOCPROP_CANONICALNAME              L"ThemeName"
#define SZ_THDOCPROP_TOOLTIP                    L"ToolTip"
#define SZ_THDOCPROP_AUTHOR                     L"author"

THEMEAPI GetThemeDocumentationProperty(LPCWSTR pszThemeName,
    LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, OUT LPWSTR pszValueBuff, int cchMaxValChars);

//  Theme API Error Handling
//      All functions in the Theme API not returning an HRESULT (THEMEAPI_) 
//      use the WIN32 function "SetLastError()" to record any call failures.  
//      To retreive the error code of the last failure on the
//      current thread for these type of API's, use the WIN32 function 
//      "GetLastError()".
//      All Theme API error codes (HRESULT's and GetLastError() values)
//      should be normal win32 errors which can be formatted into
//      strings using the Win32 API FormatMessage().

// DrawThemeParentBackground()
//                      - used by partially-transparent or alpha-blended
//                        child controls to draw the part of their parent
//                        that they appear in front of.
//  hwnd                - handle of the child control

//  hdc                 - hdc of the child control

//  prc                 - (optional) rect that defines the area to be 
//                        drawn (CHILD coordinates)
THEMEAPI DrawThemeParentBackground(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, OPTIONAL RECT* prc);

//  EnableTheming()     - enables or disables themeing for the current user
//                        in the current and future sessions.
//  fEnable             - if FALSE, disable theming & turn themes off.
//                      - if TRUE, enable themeing and, if user previously
//                        had a theme active, make it active now.
THEMEAPI EnableTheming(BOOL fEnable);

//#endif  /* (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) *// 
#endif // _UXTHEME_H_

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Written By
Web Developer
Norway Norway
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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