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CMenuXP - The Office XP Style Menu

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13 Jul 2003CPOL2 min read 1.3M   27.9K   242  
Owner drawn menu with the Office XP visual style
// Draw.cpp : implementation file

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Tools.h"
#include "Draw.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

    unsigned char minval = min(GetRValue(rgb), min(GetGValue(rgb), GetBValue(rgb)));
    unsigned char maxval = max(GetRValue(rgb), max(GetGValue(rgb), GetBValue(rgb)));
    float mdiff  = float(maxval) - float(minval);
    float msum   = float(maxval) + float(minval);
    float luminance = msum / 510.0f;
    float saturation = 0.0f;
    float hue = 0.0f; 

    if ( maxval != minval )
        float rnorm = (maxval - GetRValue(rgb)  ) / mdiff;      
        float gnorm = (maxval - GetGValue(rgb)) / mdiff;
        float bnorm = (maxval - GetBValue(rgb) ) / mdiff;   

        saturation = (luminance <= 0.5f) ? (mdiff / msum) : (mdiff / (510.0f - msum));

        if (GetRValue(rgb) == maxval) hue = 60.0f * (6.0f + bnorm - gnorm);
        if (GetGValue(rgb) == maxval) hue = 60.0f * (2.0f + rnorm - bnorm);
        if (GetBValue(rgb) == maxval) hue = 60.0f * (4.0f + gnorm - rnorm);
        if (hue > 360.0f) hue = hue - 360.0f;
    return HLS ((hue*255)/360, luminance*255, saturation*255);

static BYTE _ToRGB (float rm1, float rm2, float rh)
  if      (rh > 360.0f) rh -= 360.0f;
  else if (rh <   0.0f) rh += 360.0f;
  if      (rh <  60.0f) rm1 = rm1 + (rm2 - rm1) * rh / 60.0f;   
  else if (rh < 180.0f) rm1 = rm2;
  else if (rh < 240.0f) rm1 = rm1 + (rm2 - rm1) * (240.0f - rh) / 60.0f;      
  return (BYTE)(rm1 * 255);

    float hue        = ((int)HLS_H(hls)*360)/255.0f;
    float luminance  = HLS_L(hls)/255.0f;
    float saturation = HLS_S(hls)/255.0f;

    if ( saturation == 0.0f )
        return RGB (HLS_L(hls), HLS_L(hls), HLS_L(hls));
    float rm1, rm2;
    if ( luminance <= 0.5f ) rm2 = luminance + luminance * saturation;  
    else                     rm2 = luminance + saturation - luminance * saturation;
    rm1 = 2.0f * luminance - rm2;   
    BYTE red   = _ToRGB (rm1, rm2, hue + 120.0f);   
    BYTE green = _ToRGB (rm1, rm2, hue);
    BYTE blue  = _ToRGB (rm1, rm2, hue - 120.0f);

    return RGB (red, green, blue);

COLORREF HLS_TRANSFORM (COLORREF rgb, int percent_L, int percent_S)
    HLSCOLOR hls = RGB2HLS (rgb);
    BYTE h = HLS_H(hls);
    BYTE l = HLS_L(hls);
    BYTE s = HLS_S(hls);

    if ( percent_L > 0 )
        l = BYTE(l + ((255 - l) * percent_L) / 100);
    else if ( percent_L < 0 )
        l = BYTE((l * (100+percent_L)) / 100);
    if ( percent_S > 0 )
        s = BYTE(s + ((255 - s) * percent_S) / 100);
    else if ( percent_S < 0 )
        s = BYTE((s * (100+percent_S)) / 100);
    return HLS2RGB (HLS(h, l, s));

    HDC     hDC;
    HDC     hMemDC;
    HBITMAP hNewBitmap = NULL;

    if ( (hDC = ::GetDC (NULL)) != NULL )
        if ( (hMemDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC (hDC)) != NULL )
            if ( (hNewBitmap = ::CreateCompatibleBitmap (hDC, pRect->right - pRect->left, pRect->bottom - pRect->top)) != NULL )
                HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(hMemDC, hNewBitmap);
                ::BitBlt (hMemDC, 0, 0, pRect->right - pRect->left, pRect->bottom - pRect->top,
                          hDC, pRect->left, pRect->top, SRCCOPY);
                ::SelectObject (hMemDC, (HGDIOBJ) hOldBitmap);
            ::DeleteDC (hMemDC);
        ::ReleaseDC (NULL, hDC);
    return hNewBitmap;

CBufferDC::CBufferDC (HDC hDestDC, const CRect& rcPaint) : m_hDestDC (hDestDC)
    if ( rcPaint.IsRectEmpty() )
        ::GetClipBox (m_hDestDC, m_rect);
        m_rect = rcPaint;
    VERIFY(Attach (::CreateCompatibleDC (m_hDestDC)));
    m_bitmap.Attach (::CreateCompatibleBitmap (m_hDestDC, m_rect.right, m_rect.bottom));
    m_hOldBitmap = ::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_bitmap);

    if ( > 0 )
        ExcludeClipRect (0, 0, m_rect.right,;
    if ( m_rect.left > 0 )
        ExcludeClipRect (0,, m_rect.left, m_rect.bottom);

CBufferDC::~CBufferDC ()
    VERIFY(::BitBlt (m_hDestDC, m_rect.left,, m_rect.Width(), m_rect.Height(), m_hDC, m_rect.left,, SRCCOPY));
    ::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hOldBitmap);

CPenDC::CPenDC (HDC hDC, COLORREF crColor) : m_hDC (hDC)
    VERIFY(m_pen.CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 1, crColor));
    m_hOldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_pen);

CPenDC::~CPenDC ()
    ::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hOldPen);

void CPenDC::Color (COLORREF crColor)
    ::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hOldPen);
    VERIFY(m_pen.CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 1, crColor));
    m_hOldPen = (HPEN)::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_pen);

COLORREF CPenDC::Color () const
    LOGPEN logPen;

    ((CPenDC*)this)->m_pen.GetLogPen (&logPen);

    return logPen.lopnColor;

CBrushDC::CBrushDC (HDC hDC, COLORREF crColor) : m_hDC (hDC)
    if ( crColor == CLR_NONE ) VERIFY(m_brush.CreateStockObject (NULL_BRUSH));
    else                       VERIFY(m_brush.CreateSolidBrush (crColor));
    m_hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_brush);

CBrushDC::~CBrushDC ()
    ::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hOldBrush);

void CBrushDC::Color (COLORREF crColor)
    ::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hOldBrush);
    if ( crColor == CLR_NONE ) VERIFY(m_brush.CreateStockObject (NULL_BRUSH));
    else                       VERIFY(m_brush.CreateSolidBrush (crColor));
    m_hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_brush);

COLORREF CBrushDC::Color () const
    LOGBRUSH logBrush;

    ((CBrushDC*)this)->m_brush.GetLogBrush (&logBrush);

    return logBrush.lbColor;

CFontDC::CFontDC (HDC hDC, LPCTSTR sFaceName, COLORREF crText)
        : m_hDC (hDC), m_hFont (NULL), m_hDefFont (NULL), m_crTextOld (CLR_NONE)
    *this = sFaceName;

    if ( crText != CLR_DEFAULT )
        *this = crText;

CFontDC::CFontDC (HDC hDC, BYTE nStockFont, COLORREF crText)
        : m_hDC (hDC), m_hFont (NULL), m_hDefFont (NULL), m_crTextOld (CLR_NONE)
    *this = nStockFont;

    if ( crText != CLR_DEFAULT )
        *this = crText;

CFontDC::CFontDC (HDC hDC, HFONT hFont, COLORREF crText)
        : m_hDC (hDC), m_hFont (NULL), m_hDefFont (NULL), m_crTextOld (CLR_NONE)
    *this = hFont;

    if ( crText != CLR_DEFAULT )
        *this = crText;

CFontDC::~CFontDC ()
    if ( m_hDefFont != NULL )
        ::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hDefFont);
        DeleteObject (m_hFont);
    if ( m_crTextOld != CLR_NONE )
        ::SetTextColor (m_hDC, m_crTextOld);

const CFontDC& CFontDC::operator = (LPCTSTR sFaceName)
    LOGFONT lf;

	::GetObject (::GetCurrentObject (m_hDC, OBJ_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);

    if ( _tcsicmp (sFaceName, lf.lfFaceName) )
        if ( m_hDefFont != NULL )
            ::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hDefFont);
            DeleteObject (m_hFont);
        _tcscpy (lf.lfFaceName, sFaceName);
        m_hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect (&lf);
        m_hDefFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hFont);
	return *this;

const CFontDC& CFontDC::operator = (BYTE nStockFont)
    if ( m_hDefFont != NULL )
        ::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hDefFont);
        DeleteObject (m_hFont);
    m_hFont = (HFONT)::GetStockObject (nStockFont);
    m_hDefFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hFont);

	return *this;

const CFontDC& CFontDC::operator = (HFONT hFont)
    if ( m_hDefFont != NULL )
        ::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hDefFont);
        DeleteObject (m_hFont);
    m_hFont = hFont;
    m_hDefFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hFont);

	return *this;

const CFontDC& CFontDC::operator = (COLORREF crText)
    if ( m_crTextOld == CLR_NONE )
        m_crTextOld = ::GetTextColor (m_hDC);
    ::SetTextColor (m_hDC, crText);

	return *this;

CFontDC::operator LPCTSTR ()
    LOGFONT lf;

	::GetObject (::GetCurrentObject (m_hDC, OBJ_FONT), sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);

    return lf.lfFaceName;

CFontDC::operator COLORREF ()
    return ::GetTextColor (m_hDC);

CBoldDC::CBoldDC (HDC hDC, bool bBold) : m_hDC (hDC), m_hDefFont (NULL)
    LOGFONT lf;

    CFont::FromHandle((HFONT)::GetCurrentObject(m_hDC, OBJ_FONT))->GetLogFont (&lf);

    if ( ( bBold && lf.lfWeight != FW_BOLD) ||
         (!bBold && lf.lfWeight == FW_BOLD) )
        lf.lfWeight = bBold ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;

        m_fontBold.CreateFontIndirect (&lf);
        m_hDefFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_fontBold);

CBoldDC::~CBoldDC ()
    if ( m_hDefFont != NULL )
        ::SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hDefFont);

#define DB_GETTYPE(Style)       ((Style)&0x00FF)
#define DB_ISENABLED(Style)     (!((Style)&DB_DISABLED))
#define DB_ISBORDER(Style)      (((Style)&DB_BORDER)==DB_BORDER)
#define DB_ISWINDOWDC(Style)    (((Style)&DB_WINDOWDC)==DB_WINDOWDC)
#define DB_ISFLAT(Style)        (((Style)&DB_FLAT)==DB_FLAT)
#define DB_ISPRESSED(Style)     (((Style)&(DB_PRESSED|DB_PRESSED2))!=0)
#define DB_ISPRESSED1(Style)    (((Style)&DB_PRESSED)==DB_PRESSED)
#define DB_ISPRESSED2(Style)    (((Style)&DB_PRESSED2)==DB_PRESSED2)
#define DB_ISOVER(Style)        (((Style)&DB_OVER)==DB_OVER)

static void _DrawTriangle (CDC* pDC, int x, int y, int nSize, bool bDown)
    for ( int i = 0; i < nSize; i++ )
        pDC->MoveTo (x-i, bDown ? y-i : y+i);
        pDC->LineTo (x+i+1, bDown ? y-i : y+i);

void CDrawButton::Draw (CDC* pDC, DWORD wStyle) const
    if ( wStyle == DB_DEFAULT )
        wStyle = m_wStyle;
    ASSERT (pDC != NULL);
    CRect rc (m_Rect);
    CPenDC pen (pDC->m_hDC, ::GetSysColor (COLOR_3DFACE));
    CBrushDC brush (pDC->m_hDC, ::GetSysColor (COLOR_3DFACE));

    if ( DB_ISBORDER(m_wStyle) && !DB_ISFLAT(wStyle) )
        pDC->MoveTo (rc.right-1,;
        pDC->LineTo (rc.left,;
        pDC->LineTo (rc.left, rc.bottom);
        pDC->SetPixel (rc.right-1,, ::GetSysColor (COLOR_3DDKSHADOW));
    COLORREF crBorder = 0, crPressed = 0, crOver = 0, crText = 0;

    if ( DB_ISFLAT(wStyle) )
        crBorder = ::GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
        crPressed = HLS_TRANSFORM (crBorder, +50, -50);
        crOver = HLS_TRANSFORM (crBorder, +70, -57);
    if ( DB_GETTYPE(wStyle) == DB_UPDOWN )
        if ( !DB_ISPRESSED2(wStyle) )
            if ( DB_ISFLAT(wStyle) )
                CRect rcBtn (rc.left,, rc.right, (;

                if ( DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) && DB_ISOVER(wStyle) )
                    pen.Color (crBorder);
                    brush.Color (DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle) ? crPressed : crOver);
                    pDC->Rectangle (rcBtn);
                else if ( !DB_ISTRANSPARENT(wStyle) )
                    pen.Color (::GetSysColor (DB_ISBORDER(m_wStyle) ? COLOR_3DSHADOW : COLOR_WINDOW));
                    pDC->Rectangle (rcBtn);
                CRect rcBtn (rc.left,, rc.right, (;

                pDC->DrawFrameControl (rcBtn, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH|(DB_ISPRESSED1(wStyle) ? DFCS_PUSHED : 0));
        if ( !DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle) && !DB_ISFLAT(wStyle) )
            pDC->MoveTo (rc.left, (;
            pDC->LineTo (rc.right, (;
        if ( !DB_ISPRESSED1(wStyle) )
            if ( DB_ISFLAT(wStyle) )
                CRect rcBtn (rc.left, (*+rc.Height()%2*/, rc.right, rc.bottom);

                if ( DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) && DB_ISOVER(wStyle) )
                    pen.Color (crBorder);
                    brush.Color (DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle) ? crPressed : crOver);
                    pDC->Rectangle (rcBtn);
                else if ( !DB_ISTRANSPARENT(wStyle) )
                    pen.Color (::GetSysColor (DB_ISBORDER(m_wStyle) ? COLOR_3DSHADOW : COLOR_WINDOW));
                    pDC->Rectangle (rcBtn);
                CRect rcBtn (rc.left, (, rc.right, rc.bottom);

                pDC->DrawFrameControl (rcBtn, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH|(DB_ISPRESSED2(wStyle) ? DFCS_PUSHED : 0));
        if ( DB_ISFLAT(wStyle) )
            crText = DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) && pDC->GetPixel (rc.left+1, == crOver ? RGB(0,0,0) : ::GetSysColor (COLOR_BTNTEXT);
            pen.Color (DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle) ? RGB(240,240,240) : DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) ? crText : ::GetSysColor (COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
            pen.Color (::GetSysColor (DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) ? COLOR_BTNTEXT : COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
        if ( !DB_ISPRESSED2(wStyle) )
            _DrawTriangle (pDC, (rc.left+rc.right)/2 + ((DB_ISPRESSED1(wStyle)&&!DB_ISFLAT(wStyle)) ? 1 : 0),
                                (*3+rc.bottom)/4 + ((DB_ISPRESSED1(wStyle)||DB_ISFLAT(wStyle)) ? 1 : 0) - 2, 3, false);
        if ( !DB_ISPRESSED1(wStyle) )
            _DrawTriangle (pDC, (rc.left+rc.right)/2 + ((DB_ISPRESSED2(wStyle)&&!DB_ISFLAT(wStyle)) ? 1 : 0),
                                (*3)/4 + ((DB_ISPRESSED2(wStyle)&&!DB_ISFLAT(wStyle)) ? 1 : 0) + 1, 3, true);
        if ( DB_ISFLAT(wStyle) )
            if ( DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) && DB_ISOVER(wStyle) )
                pen.Color (crBorder);
                brush.Color (DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle) ? crPressed : crOver);
                pDC->Rectangle (rc);
            else if ( !DB_ISTRANSPARENT(wStyle) )
                pen.Color (::GetSysColor (DB_ISBORDER(m_wStyle) ? COLOR_3DSHADOW : COLOR_WINDOW));
                pDC->Rectangle (rc);
            pDC->DrawFrameControl (rc, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH|(DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle) ? DFCS_PUSHED : 0));
        switch ( DB_GETTYPE(wStyle) )
            case DB_3POINTS:
                if ( DB_ISFLAT(wStyle) )
                    crText = DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) && pDC->GetPixel (rc.left+1, == crOver ? RGB(0,0,0) : ::GetSysColor (COLOR_BTNTEXT);
                    crText = DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle) ? RGB(240,240,240) : DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) ? crText : ::GetSysColor (COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
                    crText = ::GetSysColor (DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) ? COLOR_BTNTEXT : COLOR_GRAYTEXT);
                crText = pDC->SetTextColor (crText);
                pDC->SetBkMode (TRANSPARENT);
                pDC->DrawText (_T("..."), 3, CRect(rc.left + ((DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle)||DB_ISFLAT(wStyle)) ? 2 : 1),
                                         , rc.right, rc.bottom + ((DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle)&&!DB_ISFLAT(wStyle)) ? 1 : 0)),
                pDC->SetTextColor (crText);

            case DB_UP:
            case DB_DOWN:
                if ( DB_ISFLAT(wStyle) )
                    crText = DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) && pDC->GetPixel (rc.left+1, == crOver ? RGB(0,0,0) : ::GetSysColor (COLOR_BTNTEXT);
                    pen.Color (DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle) ? RGB(240,240,240) : DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) ? crText : ::GetSysColor (COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
                    pen.Color (::GetSysColor (DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) ? COLOR_BTNTEXT : COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
                _DrawTriangle (pDC, (rc.left+rc.right)/2 + ((DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle)&&!DB_ISFLAT(wStyle)) ? 1 : 0),
                                    ( + ((DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle)||DB_ISFLAT(wStyle)) ? 2 : 1) - ((DB_GETTYPE(wStyle) == DB_UP) ? 3 : 0),
                                    4, DB_GETTYPE(wStyle) == DB_DOWN);

            case DB_CROSS:
                    int x1 = (rc.left*2+rc.right)/3-1;
                    int x2 = (rc.left+rc.right*2)/3;
                    int y1 = (*2+rc.bottom)/3-1;
                    int y2 = (*2)/3-1;

                    if ( DB_ISFLAT(wStyle) )
                        x2++; y2++;
                    else if ( DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle) )
                        x1++; y1++;
                        x2++; y2++;
                    if ( DB_ISFLAT(wStyle) )
                        crText = DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) && pDC->GetPixel (x1, y1+1) == crOver ? RGB(0,0,0) : ::GetSysColor (COLOR_BTNTEXT);
                        pen.Color (DB_ISPRESSED(wStyle) ? RGB(240,240,240) : DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) ? crText : ::GetSysColor (COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
                        pen.Color (::GetSysColor (DB_ISENABLED(wStyle) ? COLOR_BTNTEXT : COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
                    pDC->MoveTo (x1, y1);
                    pDC->LineTo (x2, y2+1);
                    pDC->MoveTo (x1+1, y1);
                    pDC->LineTo (x2+1, y2+1);
                    pDC->MoveTo (x2-1, y1);
                    pDC->LineTo (x1-1, y2+1);
                    pDC->MoveTo (x2, y1);
                    pDC->LineTo (x1, y2+1);

static WORD s_wNotify = 0;
void CALLBACK EXPORT CDrawButton_TimerProcRepeat (HWND hWnd, UINT, UINT, DWORD)
    ::SendMessage (::GetParent (hWnd), WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG (GetDlgCtrlID (hWnd), s_wNotify), (LPARAM)hWnd);

DWORD CDrawButton::Click (CWnd* pWnd, CPoint pt, UINT nIDRepeat) const
    // don't handle if capture already set
    if ( ::GetCapture() != NULL || !DB_ISENABLED(m_wStyle) )
        return DB_DEFAULT;
    // set capture to the window which received this message
    ASSERT(pWnd == CWnd::GetCapture());

    bool  bDown = false, bClick = false;
    int   nSpinType = DB_PRESSED;
    CRect rcBtn(m_Rect);

    if ( DB_GETTYPE(m_wStyle) == DB_UPDOWN )
        if ( pt.y >= ( )
            nSpinType = DB_PRESSED2;
   = (;
            rcBtn.bottom = (;
        if ( nIDRepeat != 0 )
            s_wNotify = (nSpinType == DB_PRESSED) ? LOWORD(nIDRepeat) : HIWORD(nIDRepeat);

            if ( !pWnd->SetTimer (nIDRepeat, 100, &CDrawButton_TimerProcRepeat) )
                nIDRepeat = 0;
    // get messages until capture lost or cancelled/accepted
    while ( true )
        bool bNewDown = ::PtInRect (rcBtn, pt) != 0;

        if ( bNewDown != bDown )
            bDown = bNewDown;

            if ( DB_ISWINDOWDC(m_wStyle) )
                CWindowDC cDC (pWnd);
                Draw (&cDC, m_wStyle|(bDown ? nSpinType : DB_DEFAULT));
                CClientDC cDC (pWnd);
                Draw (&cDC, m_wStyle|(bDown ? nSpinType : DB_DEFAULT));
        MSG msg;
        VERIFY(::GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0));

        if ( CWnd::GetCapture() != pWnd )
            DispatchMessage (&msg);
            goto ExitLoop;
        switch ( msg.message )
            // handle movement messages
            case WM_MOUSEMOVE:
                pt.x = (short signed)LOWORD(msg.lParam);
                pt.y = (short signed)HIWORD(msg.lParam);

                if ( DB_ISWINDOWDC(m_wStyle) )
                    pWnd->ClientToScreen (&pt);
                    pt -= CWindowRect(pWnd).TopLeft();

            // handle accept messages
            case WM_LBUTTONUP:
                bClick = bDown;
                goto ExitLoop;

            // handle cancel messages
            case WM_KEYDOWN:
                if ( msg.wParam != VK_ESCAPE )
                // continue...

            case WM_CANCELMODE:
            case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
                goto ExitLoop;

            case WM_TIMER:
                if ( msg.wParam == nIDRepeat && !bDown )
                // continue...

                // just dispatch rest of the messages
                DispatchMessage (&msg);
    if ( DB_GETTYPE(m_wStyle) == DB_UPDOWN && nIDRepeat != 0 )
        pWnd->KillTimer (nIDRepeat);
    if ( bDown )
        if ( DB_ISWINDOWDC(m_wStyle) )
            CWindowDC cDC (pWnd);
            Draw (&cDC);
            CClientDC cDC (pWnd);
            Draw (&cDC);
    return bClick ? (DB_GETTYPE(m_wStyle)|nSpinType) : DB_DEFAULT;

void CALLBACK EXPORT CDrawButton_TimerProcMouseOver (HWND hWnd, UINT, UINT, DWORD)
    CPoint pt;

    ::GetCursorPos (&pt);

    // WM_MOUSEMOVE isn't necessary if pt is over the window !
    if ( ::WindowFromPoint (pt) != hWnd )
        ::ScreenToClient (hWnd, &pt);
        ::PostMessage (hWnd, WM_MOUSEMOVE, 0, MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y));

void CDrawButton::CheckForMouseOver (CWnd* pWnd, CPoint pt)
    if ( DB_ISFLAT(m_wStyle) )
        if ( !DB_ISOVER(m_wStyle) && PtInRect (pt) )
            if ( pWnd->SetTimer (54321, 300, &CDrawButton_TimerProcMouseOver) )
                m_wStyle |= DB_OVER;

                CClientDC cDC (pWnd);

                Draw (&cDC);
        else if ( DB_ISOVER(m_wStyle) && !PtInRect (pt) )
            pWnd->KillTimer (54321);

            m_wStyle &= ~DB_OVER;

            pWnd->InvalidateRect (m_Rect);

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Written By
Web Developer CSC
France France
Jean-Michel LE FOL is a GraphTalk product architect.
GraphTalk is a set of products which cover the whole scope of the development process. GraphTalk is used by the main insurance compagnies over the world.
The development team is currently based in France near Paris.

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