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Bird Programming Language: Part 1

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1 Jan 2013GPL312 min read 427.4K   2.7K   153  
A new general purpose language that aims to be fast, high level and simple to use.
CompilingSucceded		= "Compiling succeded"
CompilingFailed			= "Compiling failed"

NoMacro 				= "The macro is not defined"
NotValidName 			= "The identifier name contains wrong characters"
WrongParamList 			= "The parameter list contains a mistake"
NoMatchingIf 			= "There is no matching condition for this"
MacroAlreadyDefined 	= "The macro is already defined"
NoParamName 			= "The parameter is not specified"
ParamCount 				= "Incorrect number of parameters"
NoEndif 				= "The condition is not closed"
UnknownType 			= "Unknown type"
WrongDefinition 		= "Incorrect definition"
'ConstStringErr 		= "The string is not closed"
ZNumErr 				= "There is no pair for this bracket"
ConstNumErr 			= "The number cannot be parsed"
UnknownOp 				= "Unknown operator in the expression"
CantCall 				= "This variable cannot be called"
MustBeConst 			= "This value must be constant"
CannotConvert 			= "The value with type of '{0}' cannot be converted to '{1}'"
InvalidScopeIndent 		= "Incorrect number of whitespaces before the line"
UnknownId 				= "Unknown identifier"
OpsInGblScope 			= "Commands must be in function"
NotExpected 			= "Unexpected expression"
TypeNotSpecified 		= "The type is not specified"
IdAlreadyDefined 		= "This identifer name is already defined"
DeficientExpr 			= "Deficient expression"
DeficientDoWhile 		= "The do-while loop is not closed"
LoopWithoutDo 			= "The do-loop loop hasn't got begining command"
CantOpApplied 			= "This operation can't be used with '{0}' type"
CallingNotFunc 			= "Only functions can be called"
MissingParam 			= "A parameter is missing"
MissingThen 			= "The condition must be followed by then, if it is a one-line condition"
'???????? AsmNotRId 	= "Nem lehet m�velet az asm-ben haszn�lt hivatkoz�sok"
NotAllPathReturn 		= "The function does not return all path with value"
AssignRValue 			= "The destination cannot be a r value"
UnknownCommand 			= "Unknown command"
ImplicitlyCast 			= "Explicit cast is needed for the type conversion ('{0}' -> '{1}')"
ForToDownToUntil		= "The loop variable's final value is not specified"
NoForVar 				= "The loop variable is not specified"
MoreForVar 				= "Can't be more than one loop variable"
NoForInitValue 			= "The loop variable hasn't got initial value"
NeedThenElse 			= "Must be then and else statement in the condition"
WrongSettings 			= "Wrong setting: '{0}'"
EntryNotFound 			= "Cannot find entry point ('{0}')"
EntryNotSpecified 		= "The entry point is not specified"
ImpExpGlbScope 			= "The import and export scope must be global"
CannotConvertConst 		= "The value ('{0}') cannot be converted to '{1}' type"
UnassignedVar 			= "The variable not all path gets value"
AddressOfRValue 		= "Can't get address of R value"
MustBeGlobal			= "The '{0}' must be global"
Untyped 				= "The value's type cannot be determined"
CannotDeclVar 			= "Variables can't be declared here"
CantOpApplied2			= "This operation cannot be performed with '{0}' and '{1}' values"
PreprocError 			= ""
UnknownType2 			= "Unknown type({0})"
SameEnumValue 			= "The value is same as '{0}'"
DefFuncParamVal 		= "The function parameters cannot have initial value"
UnBreakCountinueable 	= "Break/continue only can be used in loops"
CaseWithoutSwitch 		= "Case/default only can be used after switch"
CaseSystaxErr 			= "After case/default ':' should indicate the end of expression"
SwitchNoCaseDef 		= "After switch only case/default can be used"
SwitchAlreadyHasDef 	= "The switch statement can only contain one default label"
EnumValOverflow 		= "The are no more assignable value"
LabelAlreadyDefined 	= "A label with the same name is already defined"
UnknownLabel 			= "Unknown label"
ConstOutOfRange 		= "The value cannot be stored in this type"
ReadOnly 				= "This variable cannot be written"
CallConvErr 			= "Only functions can have this property"
UntypedFunction			= "The function's return type is not specified"
CannotInherit 			= "The type cannot be inherited"
TypeCannotBeSpecified 	= "Variables cannot be declared after types"
NoConstructor 			= "This type hasn't got public constructor"
CantDeclare 			= "Members cannot be declared with the same name as the enclosing type"
Static 					= "The member of structure is static"
NonStatic 				= "The member of structure is not static"
ExternNonMSCoff 		= "Extern scope only can be used in MS Coff assembly"
FuncCannotHaveInnerScope= "Functions declared in extern and import scope cannot have content"
CannotGetSize 			= "Cannot be queried the size of this identifier"
MacroWithoutValue 		= "This macro hasn't got value"
VarFuncRetType 			= "Function return type cannot be this type"
NonStaticInStaticClass 	= "Cannot be defined a non static member in a static class"
SealedErr 				= "Only type's member and class can be final"
StaticSealed 			= "Static classes can't be final"
CannotInheritStatic 	= "Static classes cannot be inherited"
CannotInheritSealed 	= "Final classes cannot be inherited"
NoParamLessConstructor 	= "The inherited class hasn't got parameterless constructor"
HasntGotMembers 		= "This type('{0}') can't have members"
CycleInStructured 		= "This type is not allowed, because it makes an infinity loop"
MustBeUnnamed 			= "If the first variable is named, then the other also should be named"
UnassignedVar2 			= "The variable('{0}') not all path gets value"
CannotBeThisType 		= "This variable's type is not incorrect"
MustBeNamed 			= "This variable must be named"
MustHaveInitVal 		= "This variable must have initial value"
FileDoesntExists 		= "The file doesn't exists"
CantLoadFile 			= "Failed to load the file"
EnumTypeError 			= "The members of enum types must be integer"
CantBeConst 			= "Constants' types cannot be this type"
ConstsCantBeStatic 		= "The constants cannot be static"
CantUseConstructors 	= "The constructors cannot be called directly"
CannotCalcConst 		= "The constants value cannot be calculated"
GuidCannotUsed 			= "The guid cannot be given here"
InvalidGuidFormat 		= "The guid's format is invalid"
SameOverloads 			= "There are already a function with the same parameters"
AmbiguousReference 		= "The identifier reference is ambiguous."
MoreAccessModifier		= "Can't be more than one access modifier on an identifier"
CantAccessPrivate		= "Can't use private identifiers from a different scope"
CantAccessProtected		= "Can't use protected identifiers from a different type"
PrivateInOtherLib		= "Can't use private identifiers which is declared in another type"
ProtPrivInNonStructured	= "Protected and private modifier can be only used in structured type"
OverrideAndVirtual		= "Override modifier can't be used with virtual"
StructorFuncModifier	= "The override/virtual can be used on constructors and destructors"
VirtualAbstractContainer= "Only functions in classes can be virtual or abstract"
NoOverridable			= "There are no appropriate overridable identifier"
OverrideNonvirtual		= "The overrided function is not virtual"
PrivateVirtual			= "Private functions cannot be virtual or abstract"
MustBeInteger			= "This value should be integer"
OverrideSealed			= "Final functions cannot be overriden"
NobaseError				= "The nobase modifier only can be used on non static classes"
NobaseClassbase			= "Classes marked with nobase cannot inherit"
ArrayLengthTooSmall		= "The arrays' length must be greater or equal to 1"
ArrayLengthTooBig		= "The arrays' length cannot be as big"
ArrayDifferentTypes		= "The item's type does not match with previous items"
ArrayInvalidType		= "The type of array's items is invalid"
WithMustBeStructured	= "The type of the with parameter must be structured"
InvalidCast				= "Can't convert to this type"
CantAccessInternal		= "The intendifiers marked with internal only can be used in the declaring module"
MissingTypeParams		= "The type parameters are missing"
ReinterpretSize			= "The size of values are different"
ArrayInvalidLength		= "The number of values is not the same as the other group members"
CharInvalidLength		= "Incorrent number of characters specified"
InvalidOp				= "This operator can't be used"
ReturnTypeNotTuple		= "The function's return value type is not tuple"
RetVarAlreadySpecified	= "The variable is already specified"
CannotDeclFunc			= "This function cannot be declared here"
CannotReturn			= "This function can't return a value"
IncompatibleMods		= "The modifier is not compatible with another modifier"
AbstractInner			= "Abstract functions cannot have inner scope"
AbstractInNonAbstract	= "Abstract members only can be declared in abstract classes"
LessAccessable			= "The identifier ('{0}') is less accessable"
StructParamLessCtor		= "Structs cannot have a parameterless constructor"
InvalidNumberOfIds		= "Only one identifier can be declared"
VirtualStructMember		= "Members of structs cannot be virtual or abstract"
ClassMustBeAbstract		= "Only abstract classes can contain abstract functions"
MultipleRadix			= "The number system specified multiple times"
QuotationMark			= "The quotation mark hasn't got a pair"
InvalidAddressType		= "The value's address cannot be queried"
NoPropertyGetter		= "The property hasn't got a get method"
NoPropertySetter		= "The property hasn't got a set method"
UnaccessableGetter		= "The property's getter method is not accessable"
UnaccessableSetter		= "The property's setter method is not accessable"
PropertyAccessLevel		= "The accessor's access level cannot be less restrictive"
ModifierCantBeUsed		= "The modifier cannot be used on this identifier"
ModifierCantBeUsed2		= "The {0} modifier cannot be used on this identifier"
EntryMustBePublic		= "The entry function must be public"
UnnamedIdentifier		= "The variable's name is not specified"
AssemblyNotFound		= "The given assembly cannot be found"
ParamIsntOptional		= "After an optional parameter all parameters have to be optional"
CannotHaveInitVal		= "Initial value cannot be specified"
ParamAlreadySpecified	= "The parameter has been already specified"
ParamNotSpecified		= "The parameter '{0}' hasn't been specified"
IdDescPtrFromLocal		= "Local variables hasn't got reflection data"
ForInvalidTupleSize		= "The tuple's size is invalid"
InvalidAlign			= "Identifier alignment is invalid"
NotAlignedEnough		= "The structure cannot have less alignment"
IndexOutOfRange			= "The index is out of the array's range"
StaticCallAbstract		= "Cannot call abstract function or property statically"
MissingPropertyIndices  = "The property's indices are missing"
ParamlessSelfIndexer	= "The unnamed indexer doesn't have paremeters"
UnimplementedWithIndices= "Indexers cannot be automatically implemented"
UnknownOpFunc			= "The operator is unknown or the number of parameters is invalid"
CastOpInvalidTypes		= "The return or the parameter type must be same as the enclosing type"
NoncastOpInvalidTypes	= "One of the parameters must have the same type as the enclosing type"
ArrayInitializerLength  = "The number of specified values is different from array's size"
ArrayLengthNotSpecified = "The size of array is not specified"
NoMatchingCommand		= "Matching command not found"
CannotLeaveFinally		= "Control cannot leave the finally scope"
ForInvalidOp			= "For loop must have a range expression"
MustBeType				= "The expression must be a type"
MustBeClass				= "The expression must be a class"
NoIdDataPointer			= "The identifier hasn't got reflection data"
UnassignedReadonly		= "Read-only variables must have an initial value"
GenericParamCount		= "Specified number of type parameters are invalid"
ParamArrayMustBeTheLast	= "Cannot be more parameters after the parameter array"
UnnamedParamAfterNamed	= "After the named parameters cannot be unnamed"
CatchesAllException		= "Cannot specify more catch scopes because the previous catches all exceptions"
NonGenericIdentifier	= "The identifier cannot be used with type arguments"
BaseIdNotImplemented	= "The class doesn't implement an abtract member ({0}) of the base class"

PreprocWarning 			= ""
EmptyScope 				= "This scope hasn't got content"
SingleThread 			= "The compiling is runing on single thread"
AssignSameVar 			= "Assignment to the same variable as the source"
UnreachableCode 		= "The control can't reach this command"
UnusedId 				= "The identifier is not used"
CastToSameType 			= "Explicit cast to the same type"
CmpSameVariable 		= "Relation operators between the same variables is meaningless"
AssignedButNeverUsed	= "The variable is assigned, but never used"
HidingRequired			= "The identifier hides a member of a base classes"
HidingUnnecessary		= "The identifier doesn't hide any member of base classes"

PreprocInfo 			= ""

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Written By
Software Developer
Hungary Hungary
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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