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Drawing with DirectDraw & GDI

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24 May 2002 300.6K   13.8K   68  
Drawing Graphics fast with DirectDraw than with GDI
// DDSurface.h: interface for the NDDSurface class.

#if !defined(AFX_DDSURFACE_H__D9D7EBE5_7660_4622_97D4_254D08CD7C6D__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_DDSURFACE_H__D9D7EBE5_7660_4622_97D4_254D08CD7C6D__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include <ddraw.h>
//#include "cdxfile.h"

//typedef struct
//    RGBQUAD depth;		// How many bits of precision per channel
//    RGBQUAD position;	// At what bit position does the color start
//	UINT    bpp;        // Bits Per Pixel

// TYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// basic unsigned types
typedef unsigned short USHORT;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
typedef unsigned char  UCHAR;
typedef unsigned char  BYTE;

 //container structure for bitmaps .BMP file
//typedef struct BITMAP_FILE_TAG
//	BITMAPFILEHEADER bitmapfileheader;  // this contains the bitmapfile header
//	BITMAPINFOHEADER bitmapinfoheader;  // this is all the info including the palette
//	PALETTEENTRY     palette[256];      // we will store the palette here
//	UCHAR            *buffer;           // this is a pointer to the data

typedef struct
    RGBQUAD depth;		// How many bits of precision per channel
    RGBQUAD position;	// At what bit position does the color start
	UINT    bpp;        // Bits Per Pixel

void DDError(HRESULT hErr, HWND hWnd);
class NDDScreen;
class NDDSurface  
	NDDSurface(NDDScreen *pScreen, int Width, int Height);

	BOOL Create(NDDScreen *pScreen, int Width, int Height);
	void SetDest(int t, int l, int b, int r);
 	void SetSrc(int t, int l, int b, int r);
	HRESULT Restore(void);
	void Fill(DWORD FillColor);

	HRESULT Lock(void);
	HRESULT UnLock(void);
	HDC		GetDC();
	HRESULT	ReleaseDC();

	virtual HRESULT Draw(NDDSurface* lpDDS);
	virtual HRESULT Draw(NDDScreen* lpDDS);
	virtual HRESULT DrawFast(int X, int Y, NDDSurface* lpDDS);
	inline  HRESULT PutPixel(int X, int Y, DWORD Col) { return (*this.*m_fpPutPixel)(X, Y, Col); }
    inline  HRESULT PutAAPixel(int X, int Y, DWORD Col, WORD ALPHA) { return (*this.*m_fpPutAAPixel)(X, Y, Col, ALPHA); }
    inline  DWORD   GetPixel(int X, int Y) { return (*this.*m_fpGetPixel)(X, Y); }
    inline  HRESULT VLine(int Y1, int Y2, int X, DWORD Col) { return (*this.*m_fpVLine)(Y1, Y2, X, Col); }
    inline  HRESULT HLine(int X1, int X2, int Y, DWORD Col) { return (*this.*m_fpHLine)(X1, X2, Y, Col); }
    inline  LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 GetDDS( void ) { return m_lpDDS; }
	void*       GetSurfacePointer( void ) { return m_DDSD.lpSurface; }
    int         GetWidth( void ) { return m_PixelWidth;  }
    int         GetHeight( void ) { return m_PixelHeight; }
	DWORD       GetPitch( void ) { return m_DDSD.lPitch; }
	NDDScreen*  GetScreen(void) { return Screen; }
	HRESULT AttachClipper(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 pddSurface,int num_rects,LPRECT clip_list);
	BOOL Create(NDDScreen *pScreen,int Width,int Height,int BPP);
	HRESULT Release();
	HRESULT TextOut(int x, int y, COLORREF col, LPCTSTR pString);
	void Swap (int *a,int *b);
	HRESULT SaveAsBMP(const char * szFilename);
	HRESULT RoundedRect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int Radius, DWORD Col);
	HRESULT Line(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, DWORD Col);
	HRESULT AALine(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, DWORD Col);
	HRESULT Rect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, DWORD Col);
	HRESULT FillRect(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, DWORD Col);
	HRESULT FillCircle(int X, int Y, int Radius, DWORD Col);
//	int DrawBitmapToSurface(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 pdds,BITMAP_FILE_PTR bitmap,int width,int height);
//	int Unload_Bitmap_File(BITMAP_FILE_PTR bitmap);
//	int Load_Bitmap_File(BITMAP_FILE_PTR bitmap, const char *filename);
	int Flip_Bitmap(UCHAR *image, int bytes_per_line, int height);
	HRESULT DDCopyBitmap(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 pdds, HBITMAP hbm, int x, int y, int dx, int dy);
	HRESULT LoadBitmap(const char *szFilename);
	HRESULT DrawText(LPCSTR pString, COLORREF col, LPRECT pRect);
	HRESULT SetFont(void);
	HRESULT ChangeFont(const char* FontName, int Width, int Height, int Attributes = FW_NORMAL);
	HRESULT ReLoadBitmap(const char* fileName = NULL);
	char* GetFontName(char* name);
	char* GetFileName(char* name);
	void SetClipRect(RECT *clipRect);
	BOOL ClipRect(RECT *Rect);
	BOOL ValidateBlt(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG *lDestX, LONG *lDestY, RECT *srcRect);
	HRESULT DrawBlk(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT* srcRect);
	HRESULT InvertColors( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 );
	HRESULT Circle(int X, int Y, int Radius, DWORD Col);
	void GetPixelFormat(RGBFORMAT* format);
	void FunctionMapper(void);
	HRESULT Flip();
	int		m_PixelWidth;
	int		m_PixelHeight;

	HDC				m_hDC;
	RECT			SrcRect;
	RECT			DestRect;
	NDDScreen		*Screen;
	RGBFORMAT   m_PixelFormat;          // Structure that holds the information about the color depths, etc.
    RECT        m_ClipRect;             // The rectangle to which drawing operations are clipped
    DWORD       m_LockCount;            // Reference count to avoid mulitple lock/Unlocks
    char        m_FileName[256];		// The name of the bitmap file loaded, used in Restore
    char        m_FontName[256];        // Current font associated to the surface
    HFONT       m_Font;					// A HFONT object describing the currently selected font
    DWORD       m_DeviceContextCount;   // Reference count to avoid mulitple GetDC/ReleaseDC

	    //Function  Pointer declarations
    HRESULT (NDDSurface::* m_fpPutPixel)(int X, int Y, DWORD Col);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* m_fpPutAAPixel)(int X, int Y, DWORD Col, WORD ALPHA);
	DWORD   (NDDSurface::* m_fpGetPixel)(int X, int Y);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* m_fpVLine)(int Y1, int Y2, int X, DWORD Col);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* m_fpHLine)(int X1, int X2, int Y, DWORD Col);
    HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawBlk)(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawDDBlk)(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawTrans)(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawDDTrans)(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawBlkHFlip)(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawTransHFlip)(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawBlkVFlip)(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawTransVFlip)(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawBlkAlphaFast)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawTransAlphaFast)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawBlkAlpha)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect, WORD ALPHA);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawTransAlpha)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect, WORD ALPHA);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawBlkShadow)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect, WORD SHADOW);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawTransShadow)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect, WORD SHADOW);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawBlkShadowFast)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawTransShadowFast)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawTransAlphaMask)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawTransScaled)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect, float scaleFactor);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawBlkScaled)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect, float scaleFactor);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawBlkStretched)(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect, LONG width, LONG height);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpDrawTransStretched)(NDDSurface* lpCDXS, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect, LONG width, LONG height);
	HRESULT (NDDSurface::* fpFade)(NDDSurface* dest, LONG lDestX, LONG lDestY, RECT srcRect, WORD ALPHA);

    // Specific video mode function declarations
    HRESULT PutPixel8(int X, int Y, DWORD Col);
    HRESULT PutPixel16(int X, int Y, DWORD Col);
    HRESULT PutPixel24(int X, int Y, DWORD Col);
    HRESULT PutPixel32(int X, int Y, DWORD Col);

    HRESULT PutAAPixel8(int X, int Y, DWORD Col, WORD ALPHA);
    HRESULT PutAAPixel15(int X, int Y, DWORD Col, WORD ALPHA);
    HRESULT PutAAPixel16(int X, int Y, DWORD Col, WORD ALPHA);
    HRESULT PutAAPixel24(int X, int Y, DWORD Col, WORD ALPHA);
    HRESULT PutAAPixel32(int X, int Y, DWORD Col, WORD ALPHA);

    DWORD   GetPixel8(int X, int Y);
    DWORD   GetPixel16(int X, int Y);
    DWORD   GetPixel24(int X, int Y);
    DWORD   GetPixel32(int X, int Y);

    HRESULT VLine8(int Y1, int Y2, int X, DWORD Col);
    HRESULT VLine16(int Y1, int Y2, int X, DWORD Col);
    HRESULT VLine24(int Y1, int Y2, int X, DWORD Col);
    HRESULT VLine32(int Y1, int Y2, int X, DWORD Col);

    HRESULT HLine8(int Y1, int Y2, int X, DWORD Col);
    HRESULT HLine16(int Y1, int Y2, int X, DWORD Col);
    HRESULT HLine24(int Y1, int Y2, int X, DWORD Col);
    HRESULT HLine32(int Y1, int Y2, int X, DWORD Col);


#endif // !defined(AFX_DDSURFACE_H__D9D7EBE5_7660_4622_97D4_254D08CD7C6D__INCLUDED_)

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China China
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