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High Speed Graphics Library for WinCE

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24 Jun 2002CPOL2 min read 265.6K   2.3K   91  
CEDraw is a high speed graphics library for WinCE.
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *                          Windows CE Graphics Libary v1.00.0000
 *    Written by James.
 *    Bug report :
 *                                                             Copyright 2001
// File : CEGDIObject.CPP
// Graphics Object define.
//										Update Information.

 * Created by James D. 2001.
 * Date: 01/11/2001
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "CEGDIObject.h"
#include "CEDraw.h"

/*----------------------------------- Pen Class ------------------------------- */

// Function : CCEPen()
// Purpose  : Construction function.
CCEPen::CCEPen( UINT nPenStyle, UINT nWidth, unsigned short Color )
	m_nPenStyle    = nPenStyle;
	m_nWidth       = nWidth;
	m_Color        = Color;

	m_nPenStyle = 0;
	m_nWidth    = 1;
	m_Color     = 0;

// Function : ~CCEPen()
// Purpose  : Destruction function.


// Function : CreatePen()
// Purpose  : Create the pen and set items' style
BOOL CCEPen::CreatePen( UINT nPenStyle, UINT nWidth, unsigned short Color )
	m_nPenStyle = nPenStyle;
	m_nWidth    = nWidth;
	m_Color     = Color;
	return TRUE;

/*----------------------------------- Brush Class ------------------------------- */

// Function : CCEBrush()
// Purpose  : Construction function.
CCEBrush::CCEBrush( UINT nBrushStyle, unsigned short Color, long lbHatch )
	m_nBrushStyle  = nBrushStyle;
	m_lbHatch      = lbHatch;
	m_Color        = Color;
	m_nBrushStyle  = 0;
	m_lbHatch      = 0;
	m_Color        = 0;

// Function : ~CCEPen()
// Purpose  : Destruction function.


// Function : CreatePen()
// Purpose  : Create the pen and set items' style
BOOL CCEBrush::CreateBrush( UINT nBrushStyle, unsigned short Color, long lbHatch )
	m_nBrushStyle  = nBrushStyle;
	m_lbHatch      = lbHatch;
	m_Color        = Color;
	return TRUE;

/*----------------------------------- Font Class ------------------------------- */

// Function : CCEFont()
// Purpose  : Construction function.
	m_hFont = NULL;

// Function : ~CCEFont()
// Purpose  : Destruction function.
	if( NULL != m_hFont )
		::DeleteObject( m_hFont );

// Function : CreateFont()
// Purpose  : Create the Font
BOOL CCEFont::CreateFont( 	int nHeight,
							int nWidth,
							int nEscapement,
							int nOrientation,
							int nWeight,
							BYTE bItalic,
							BYTE bUnderline,
							BYTE cStrikeOut,
							BYTE nCharSet,
							BYTE nOutPrecision,
							BYTE nClipPrecision,
							BYTE nQuality, 
							BYTE nPitchAndFamily,
							LPCTSTR lpszFacename )
	LOGFONT logFont;
	logFont.lfHeight		 = nHeight;
	logFont.lfWidth			 = nWidth;
	logFont.lfEscapement     = nEscapement;
	logFont.lfOrientation    = nOrientation;
	logFont.lfWeight         = nWeight;
	logFont.lfItalic         = bItalic;
	logFont.lfUnderline      = bUnderline;
	logFont.lfStrikeOut      = cStrikeOut;
	logFont.lfCharSet        = nCharSet;
	logFont.lfOutPrecision   = nOutPrecision;
	logFont.lfClipPrecision  = nClipPrecision;
	logFont.lfQuality        = nQuality;
	logFont.lfPitchAndFamily = nPitchAndFamily;
	memcpy( logFont.lfFaceName, lpszFacename, LF_FACESIZE );

	m_hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect( &logFont );
	if ( NULL == m_hFont ) return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

BOOL CCEFont::CreateFontIndirect( const LOGFONT *lpFont )
	m_hFont = ::CreateFontIndirect( lpFont );
	if ( NULL == m_hFont ) return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

/*----------------------------------- Bitmap Class ------------------------------- */

// Function : CCEBitmap()
// Purpose  : Construction function.
	m_pBitmapBuffer = NULL;
	m_nType         = CEB_TYPE_BITMAP;

// Function : ~CCEFont()
// Purpose  : Destruction function.
	if( NULL != m_pBitmapBuffer )
		free( m_pBitmapBuffer );

// Function : LoadBitmap()
// Purpose  : Load the bitmap and translate to the GAPI recoginzlia memory buffer...
BOOL CCEBitmap::LoadBitmap( CCEDraw* pCEDraw, LPCTSTR lpszBitmapName )
	HBITMAP hBitmap;
	BITMAP  Bitmap;

	// Free the buffer, if it exist...
	if( NULL != m_pBitmapBuffer ) 
		free( m_pBitmapBuffer );
		m_pBitmapBuffer = NULL;

	// If the lpszBitmapName == NULL, that means we create a screen bitmap...
	if( NULL == lpszBitmapName )
	{ = pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cxWidth; = pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cyHeight;
		m_pBitmapBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc( * * pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cBPP / 8 );
		memcpy( m_pBitmapBuffer, pCEDraw->GetBuffer(), * * pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cBPP / 8 );
		return TRUE;

	// First to load the bitmap from file...
	hBitmap = (HBITMAP) LoadFile( lpszBitmapName );
	//hBitmap =(HBITMAP)::LoadBitmap( GetModuleHandle( NULL ), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP1));
	if( hBitmap == NULL ) 
		// Failed to load the bitmap...
		return FALSE;
	GetObject( hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &Bitmap );
	// Creating new bitmap and receive pointer to it's bits.
	HBITMAP hTargetBitmap;
	unsigned char *pBuffer;

	// Initilize DIBINFO structure
	dibInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
	dibInfo.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
	dibInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
	dibInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = 0;
	dibInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = Bitmap.bmHeight;
	dibInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
	dibInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
	dibInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = Bitmap.bmWidth*Bitmap.bmHeight*3;
	dibInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = Bitmap.bmWidth;
	dibInfo.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 3780;
	dibInfo.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 3780;
	dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbBlue = 0;
	dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbGreen = 0;
	dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbRed = 0;
	dibInfo.bmiColors[0].rgbReserved = 0;

	// Create bitmap and receive pointer to points into pBuffer
	HDC hDC = ::GetDC(NULL);
	hTargetBitmap = CreateDIBSection( hDC,
									  (const BITMAPINFO*)&dibInfo,

	::ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);

	// Copy source bitmap into the target bitmap.

	// Create 2 device contexts 
	HDC memDc;
	if ( !( memDc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL) ) ) 
		DeleteObject( hBitmap );
		DeleteObject( hTargetBitmap );
		return FALSE;

	HDC targetDc;
	if ( !( targetDc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL) ) ) 
		DeleteDC( memDc );
		DeleteObject( hBitmap );
		DeleteObject( hTargetBitmap );
		return FALSE;

	// Select source bitmap into one DC, target into another
	HBITMAP hOldBitmap1 = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject( memDc, hBitmap);
	HBITMAP hOldBitmap2 = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject( targetDc, hTargetBitmap );

	// Copy source bitmap into the target one
	::BitBlt( targetDc, 0, 0, Bitmap.bmWidth, Bitmap.bmHeight, memDc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );

	// Create my own bitmap buffer use the GAPI recognized style...
	// Free the memory if it exist...

	int nX, nY;
	unsigned short nColor;
	int nBitmapYPitch = ((Bitmap.bmWidth*3)+3) & 0xfffc;

	BOOL   bReturn = TRUE;
	if( NULL != m_pBitmapBuffer ) 
		free( m_pBitmapBuffer );
		m_pBitmapBuffer = NULL;

	long cByte = pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cBPP / 8; = Bitmap.bmWidth; = Bitmap.bmHeight;
	m_pBitmapBuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc( Bitmap.bmWidth * Bitmap.bmHeight * cByte );
	if( !m_pBitmapBuffer ) 
		bReturn = FALSE;
		goto Exit;

    /* Warning : Does not support 8 byte color model in here */
	for( nY = 0; nY < Bitmap.bmHeight ; nY ++ )
		for( nX = 0; nX < Bitmap.bmWidth ; nX ++ )

			nColor = pCEDraw->GetBitmapPointColor( ( pBuffer +  ( nX ) * 3 +
											               ( Bitmap.bmHeight - nY - 1 ) * 
											                 nBitmapYPitch ) );
			if( cByte == 2 )
				*(unsigned short*)( m_pBitmapBuffer + ( nX + nY * Bitmap.bmWidth ) * cByte ) = nColor;
			else *( m_pBitmapBuffer + ( nX + nY * Bitmap.bmWidth ) * cByte ) = (BYTE)nColor;

	// Restore device contexts
	::SelectObject( memDc, hOldBitmap1 );
	::SelectObject( targetDc, hOldBitmap2 );
	DeleteDC( memDc );
	DeleteDC( targetDc );
	DeleteObject( hBitmap );
	DeleteObject( hTargetBitmap );
	return bReturn;

// Function : BitBlt()
// Transfers pixels from a specified source rectangle to a specified destination rectangle
BOOL CCEBitmap::BitBlt( CCEDraw* pCEDraw, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, DWORD dwRop, float fAlpha )
	if( NULL == pCEDraw || NULL == m_pBitmapBuffer ) return FALSE;
	unsigned char* pBuffer = pCEDraw->GetBuffer();
	unsigned char* pBitmap = m_pBitmapBuffer;
	long cbxPitch = pCEDraw->m_cbxPitch;
	long cbyPitch = pCEDraw->m_cbyPitch;
	long cbxBmpPitch = pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cBPP / 8;
	long cbyBmpPitch = cbxBmpPitch *;
	long cBPP = pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cBPP;
	// The buffer type is screenbuffer, so...
	if( m_nType == CEB_TYPE_SCREENBUFFER  )
		//cbxBmpPitch = cbxPitch;
		//cbyBmpPitch = cbyPitch;
		if( dwRop == SRCCOPY )
			memcpy( pCEDraw->GetBuffer(), m_pBitmapBuffer, * * pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cBPP / 8 );
		else return FALSE;

	nWidth == 0 ? nWidth = : nWidth;
	nHeight == 0 ? nHeight = : nHeight;

    if( ( nXSrc + nWidth ) > ) nWidth = - nXSrc;
	if( ( nYSrc + nHeight ) > ) nHeight = - nYSrc;
	if( ( nXDest + nWidth ) > (LONG)pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cxWidth )
		nWidth = pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cxWidth - nXDest;
	if( ( nYDest + nHeight ) > (LONG)pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cyHeight )
		nHeight = pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().cyHeight - nYDest;

	if( pCEDraw->IsPointOutside( nXDest, nYDest ) && 
		pCEDraw->IsPointOutside( nXDest + nWidth, nYDest + nHeight ) &&
		pCEDraw->IsPointOutside( nXDest + nWidth, nYDest ) &&
		pCEDraw->IsPointOutside( nXDest, nYDest + nHeight ) ) return TRUE; // Not need to draw the bitmap;

	// Prepare the buffer pointer...
	pBuffer += nXDest * cbxPitch + nYDest * cbyPitch;
	pBitmap += nXSrc * cbxBmpPitch + nYSrc * cbyBmpPitch;

	// Copy the buffer data ...
	unsigned char* pHeadBuffer = pBuffer;
	unsigned char* pHeadBmpBuffer = pBitmap;
	unsigned short ColorR, ColorG, ColorB, Color;
	if( dwRop == SRCCOPY )
		for( int y = 0; y < nHeight; y ++ ) 
			pBuffer = pHeadBuffer;
			pBitmap = pHeadBmpBuffer;
			for( int x = 0; x < nWidth; x ++ ) 
				if( cBPP == 8 ) 
					*pBuffer = *pBitmap;
					*(unsigned short*)pBuffer = *(unsigned short*)pBitmap;
				pBuffer += cbxPitch;
				pBitmap += cbxBmpPitch;
			pHeadBmpBuffer += cbyBmpPitch;
			pHeadBuffer += cbyPitch;
	else if( dwRop == SRCCOLORKEY )
		// Get the up left color as the colorkey
		unsigned short ColorKey;
		if( cBPP == 8 ) ColorKey = *pHeadBmpBuffer;
		else ColorKey = *(unsigned short*)pHeadBmpBuffer;

		for( int y = 0; y < nHeight; y ++ ) 
			pBuffer = pHeadBuffer;
			pBitmap = pHeadBmpBuffer;
			for( int x = 0; x < nWidth; x ++ ) 
				if( cBPP == 8 ) 
					if( *pBitmap != ColorKey ) *pBuffer = *pBitmap;
					if( *(unsigned short*)pBitmap != ColorKey )
						*(unsigned short*)pBuffer = *(unsigned short*)pBitmap;
				pBuffer += cbxPitch;
				pBitmap += cbxBmpPitch;
			pHeadBmpBuffer += cbyBmpPitch;
			pHeadBuffer += cbyPitch;
	else if ( dwRop == SRCALPHA && fAlpha != 0.5f )
		for( int y = 0; y < nHeight; y ++ ) 
			pBuffer = pHeadBuffer;
			pBitmap = pHeadBmpBuffer;
			for( int x = 0; x < nWidth; x ++ ) 
				if( cBPP == 8 ) 
					*pBuffer = *pBitmap;
					if( pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().ffFormat & kfDirect565 )
						/* n% ALPHA */
						Color = *(unsigned short*)pBuffer;
						ColorR = (unsigned short)((Color >> 11) & 0x1f) * ( 1 - fAlpha );
						ColorG = (unsigned short)((Color >> 5) & 0x3f) * ( 1 - fAlpha );
						ColorB = (unsigned short)(Color & 0x1f) * ( 1 - fAlpha );
						Color = *(unsigned short*)pBitmap;
						ColorR = (unsigned short)(((Color >> 11)&0x1f) * fAlpha + ColorR);
						ColorG = (unsigned short)(((Color >> 5)&0x3f) * fAlpha + ColorG);
						ColorB = (unsigned short)((Color & 0x1f)* fAlpha + ColorB);
						Color = (unsigned short)( ( ColorR & 0xff ) << 11 | 
										  ( ColorG & 0xff ) << 5 | 
										  ( ColorB & 0xff ) );
						*(unsigned short*)pBuffer = Color;
					else if( pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().ffFormat & kfDirect555 )
							/* n% ALPHA */
						Color = *(unsigned short*)pBuffer;
						ColorR = (unsigned short)((Color >> 10) & 0x1f) * ( 1 - fAlpha );
						ColorG = (unsigned short)((Color >> 5) & 0x1f) * ( 1 - fAlpha );
						ColorB = (unsigned short)(Color & 0x1f) * ( 1 - fAlpha );
						Color = *(unsigned short*)pBitmap;
						ColorR = (unsigned short)(((Color >> 10)&0x1f) * fAlpha + ColorR);
						ColorG = (unsigned short)(((Color >> 5)&0x1f) * fAlpha + ColorG);
						ColorB = (unsigned short)((Color & 0x1f)* fAlpha + ColorB);
						Color = (unsigned short)( ( ColorR & 0xff ) << 10 | 
										  ( ColorG & 0xff ) << 5 | 
										  ( ColorB & 0xff ) );
						*(unsigned short*)pBuffer = Color;
					else *(unsigned short*)pBuffer = Color;
				pBuffer += cbxPitch;
				pBitmap += cbxBmpPitch;
			pHeadBmpBuffer += cbyBmpPitch;
			pHeadBuffer += cbyPitch;
	else if ( dwRop == SRCALPHA )
		for( int y = 0; y < nHeight; y ++ ) 
			pBuffer = pHeadBuffer;
			pBitmap = pHeadBmpBuffer;
			for( int x = 0; x < nWidth; x ++ ) 
				if( cBPP == 8 ) 
					*pBuffer = *pBitmap;
					if( pCEDraw->GetDisplayProperties().ffFormat & kfDirect565 )
						Color = *(unsigned short*)pBuffer;
						ColorR = ((Color >> 11)&0x1f)>>1;
						ColorG = ((Color >> 5)&0x3f)>>1;
						ColorB = (Color & 0x1f)>>1;
						Color = *(unsigned short*)pBitmap;
						ColorR = ((Color >> 11)&0x1f)>>1 + ColorR;
						ColorG = ((Color >> 5)&0x3f)>>1 + ColorG;
						ColorB = ((Color & 0x1f))>>1 + ColorB;
						Color = (unsigned short)( ( ColorR & 0xff ) << 11 | 
										  ( ColorG & 0xff ) << 5 | 
										  ( ColorB & 0xff ) );
						*(unsigned short*)pBuffer = Color;
					else *(unsigned short*)pBuffer = Color;
				pBuffer += cbxPitch;
				pBitmap += cbxBmpPitch;
			pHeadBmpBuffer += cbyBmpPitch;
			pHeadBuffer += cbyPitch;

	return TRUE;

// Function : LoadFile()
// Use the IMGDECMP.DLL to load the image data file...
HBITMAP CCEBitmap::LoadFile( LPCTSTR lpszBitmapName )
	HBITMAP hBitmap = 0;

	HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);

	BYTE    szBuffer[1024] = {0};

	DecompressImageInfo	dii;

		DeleteDC( hdc );
		return FALSE;

	// Fill in the 'DecompressImageInfo' structure
	dii.dwSize = sizeof( DecompressImageInfo );		// Size of this structure
	dii.pbBuffer = szBuffer;						// Pointer to the buffer to use for data
	dii.dwBufferMax = 1024;							// Size of the buffer
	dii.dwBufferCurrent = 0;						// The amount of data which is current in the buffer
	dii.phBM = &hBitmap;							// Pointer to the bitmap returned (can be NULL)
	dii.ppImageRender = NULL;						// Pointer to an IImageRender object (can be NULL)
	dii.iBitDepth = GetDeviceCaps(hdc,BITSPIXEL);	// Bit depth of the output image
	dii.lParam = ( LPARAM ) hFile;					// User parameter for callback functions
	dii.hdc = hdc;							    	// HDC to use for retrieving palettes
	dii.iScale = 100;   							// Scale factor (1 - 100)
	dii.iMaxWidth = 10000;		        			// Maximum width of the output image
	dii.iMaxHeight = 10000;     					// Maxumum height of the output image
	dii.pfnGetData = GetImageData;					// Callback function to get image data
	dii.pfnImageProgress = ImageProgress;			// Callback function to notify caller of progress decoding the image
	dii.crTransparentOverride = ( UINT ) -1;		// If this color is not (UINT)-1, it will override the
													// transparent color in the image with this color. (GIF ONLY)

	// Process and decompress the image data
	typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK* ULPRET)( DecompressImageInfo*	pParams );

	HINSTANCE       hLib;
    ULPRET          lpfnDLLProc;

    hLib = LoadLibrary ( L"Imgdecmp.dll" );
    if ( hLib )
       lpfnDLLProc = (ULPRET) GetProcAddress ( hLib, L"DecompressImageIndirect" );
       hr = (*lpfnDLLProc) ( &dii );
       FreeLibrary ( hLib );

	// Clean up 
	DeleteDC( hdc );
	CloseHandle( hFile );
	return hBitmap;

// Function : GetImageData()
// Callback function to load image data...
DWORD CALLBACK CCEBitmap::GetImageData(LPSTR szBuffer, DWORD dwBufferMax, LPARAM lParam )
	DWORD dwNumberOfBytesRead;

		return 0;

	ReadFile( (HANDLE)lParam, szBuffer, dwBufferMax, &dwNumberOfBytesRead, NULL );

	// Return number of bytes read
	return dwNumberOfBytesRead;

void CALLBACK CCEBitmap::ImageProgress(IImageRender *pRender, BOOL bComplete, LPARAM lParam )
	if( bComplete )
		// (Optional) add code here for completion processing

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Written By
Web Developer
China China
8 Years Development experience from MS-DOS v3.0 to WindowsXP in C/C++. Profession in Visual C++, Native Win32 and MFC programming, Embedded development.Computer Graphics(Computer Games),Network Program.

Living in China now.

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