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File Server Viewer

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9 Nov 2011GPL32 min read 17.2K   587   9  
Views records from File Server Audit program
'Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class FileAuditViewerBase
    'SQL Connection
    Public objSQLConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(My.Settings.SQLConnection)
    'Global variables for communication between threads
    Public strParentField As String
    Public c1Field As String
    Public c2Field As String
    Public c3Field As String
    Public c4Field As String
    Public c5Field As String
    Public c6Field As String
    Public intParentkey As Integer
    Public intc1key As Integer
    Public intc2key As Integer
    Public intc3key As Integer
    Public intc4key As Integer
    Public intc5key As Integer
    Public intc6key As Integer
    Public IsInherited As Boolean = False
    Public StrRunDate As String
    Public StrDriveLetter As String
    Public StrSelectedTreeView As String
    Public StrDatabase As String
    Public StrTableName As String = My.Settings.SQLTable

    Private Sub FileAuditViewerBase_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim objSQLCommand As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
        Dim strSQL As String
        Dim objSQLReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader

        Select Case UCase(My.Settings.SQLServerType)
            Case "MYSQL"

            Case "MSSQL"
                objSQLConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(My.Settings.SQLConnection)
                'StrDatabase = dicSQLInfo.Item("Initial Catalog")
                StrDatabase = objSQLConnection.Database
            Case Else
                MsgBox("Unknown SQL Provider: " & My.Settings.SQLServerType & "Check config")
        End Select

        'Populates Drive Letter Combobox
        strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTRING([FolderPath],1,3) As Drive FROM [" & My.Settings.SQLTable & "] ORDER BY Drive;"
        objSQLCommand.Connection = objSQLConnection
        objSQLCommand.CommandText = strSQL

        objSQLReader = objSQLCommand.ExecuteReader
        If objSQLReader.HasRows Then
            Do While objSQLReader.Read()
                If Not objSQLReader.Item(0) = "" Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
        End If
        DriveLetter.SelectedIndex = 0

        'Populates Run Date Box
        strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT [RunDate] FROM [" & My.Settings.SQLTable & "] ORDER BY [RunDate];"
        objSQLCommand.CommandText = strSQL
        objSQLReader = objSQLCommand.ExecuteReader
        If objSQLReader.HasRows Then
            Do While objSQLReader.Read()
                If Not objSQLReader.Item(0) = 0 Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
        End If
        RunDate.SelectedIndex = 0
        objSQLCommand = Nothing
        strSQL = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub BTNRun_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles BTNRun.Click
        Dim pnode As TreeNode
        Dim cnode1 As TreeNode
        Dim cnode2 As TreeNode
        'Handles the Run/Cancel button
        Select Case BTNRun.Text
            Case "Run"
                'Start enumerating records for currently selected tab.
                'Change text in button 
                BTNRun.Text = "Cancel"
                'Finds out which tab is selected
                Select Case TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name
                    Case "FtoU"
                        'Setup layout for treeview
                        strParentField = "FolderPath"
                        c1Field = "GroupSAMAccountName"
                        c2Field = "AccountSAMAccountName"
                        c3Field = "Rights"
                        c4Field = "Owner"
                        c5Field = "Inheritance"
                        c6Field = "ManagedBy"
                        StrSelectedTreeView = "FtoUTreeView"
                    Case "UtoF"
                        'Setup layout for treeview
                        strParentField = "AccountSAMAccountName"
                        c1Field = "GroupSAMAccountName"
                        c2Field = "FolderPath"
                        c3Field = "Rights"
                        c4Field = "Owner"
                        c5Field = "Inheritance"
                        c6Field = "ManagedBy"
                        StrSelectedTreeView = "UtoFTreeView"
                    Case "GtoF"
                        'Setup layout for treeview
                        strParentField = "GroupSAMAccountName"
                        c1Field = "FolderPath"
                        c2Field = "AccountSAMAccountName"
                        c3Field = "Rights"
                        c4Field = "Owner"
                        c5Field = "Inheritance"
                        c6Field = "ManagedBy"
                        StrSelectedTreeView = "GtoFTreeView"
                    Case Else
                        Exit Sub
                End Select
                'Check for Inherited checkbox
                If RemoveInherited.Checked Then
                    IsInherited = False
                    IsInherited = True
                End If
                'Check for rundate
                If RunDate.SelectedItem.ToString = "" Then
                    MsgBox("Please select run date.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)
                    Exit Sub
                    StrRunDate = RunDate.SelectedItem.ToString
                End If
                'Check for Drive letter
                If DriveLetter.SelectedItem.ToString = "" Then
                    MsgBox("Please select drive letter.", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)
                    Exit Sub
                    StrDriveLetter = DriveLetter.SelectedItem.ToString
                End If
                'Clear old data view
                'Fills out Key at the top of interface
                pnode = TreeViewHeading.Nodes.Add(strParentField)
                cnode1 = pnode.Nodes.Add(c1Field)
                cnode2 = cnode1.Nodes.Add(String.Format("{0,-50} {1,-50} {2,-50} {3,-50} {4,-50}", c2Field, c3Field, c4Field, c5Field, c6Field))
                TreeViewHeading.Enabled = False
                'Starts background worker to fill data
                If Not BackgroundWorker1.IsBusy Then BackgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync()
            Case "Cancel"
                'Stop Background worker
                If BackgroundWorker1.IsBusy Then
                    BTNRun.Text = "Run"
                End If
        End Select
    End Sub

    Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As System.Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
        'Setup for private varibles
        Dim strSQL As String
        Dim strTemp As String
        Dim ArgDel(1) As Object
        Dim StartTime As DateTime, EndTime As DateTime, ElapsedTime As TimeSpan
        Dim objSQLDataAdapter As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
        Dim ObjDataSet As System.Data.DataSet
        Dim parentrow As DataRow
        Dim childrow1 As DataRow
        Dim childrow2 As DataRow
        Dim ptable As DataTable
        Dim c1table As DataTable
        Dim c2table As DataTable
        Dim RootTree As New TreeNode
        Dim pnode As TreeNode = New TreeNode
        Dim cnode1 As TreeNode = New TreeNode
        Dim cnode2 As TreeNode = New TreeNode
        Dim cnode3 As TreeNode = New TreeNode
        Dim cnode4 As TreeNode = New TreeNode
        Dim cnode5 As TreeNode = New TreeNode
        Dim cnode6 As TreeNode = New TreeNode
        Dim UpdateTitleDel As UpdateTitleDelegate = New UpdateTitleDelegate(AddressOf UpdateTitle)
        Dim UpdateTreeViewDel As UpdateTreeViewDelegate = New UpdateTreeViewDelegate(AddressOf UpdateTreeView)
        Dim UpdateTreeViewDelC As UpdateTreeViewDelegateC = New UpdateTreeViewDelegateC(AddressOf UpdateTreeViewC)
        'Updates title in form
        Me.Invoke(UpdateTitleDel, "Working")
        StartTime = Now
        'open the connection
        'Select parent data using strParentField
        If Not IsInherited Then
            strSQL = "SELECT distinct [" & strParentField & "]" _
             & " FROM [" & My.Settings.SQLTable & "]" _
             & " Where [RunDate] = '" & StrRunDate & "' And [IsInherited] = '" & IsInherited.ToString & "' And SUBSTRING([FolderPath],1,3) = '" & StrDriveLetter & "'" _
             & " ORDER BY [" & strParentField & "];"
            strSQL = "SELECT distinct [" & strParentField & "]" _
             & " FROM [" & My.Settings.SQLTable & "]" _
             & " Where [RunDate] = '" & StrRunDate & "'  And SUBSTRING([FolderPath],1,3) = '" & StrDriveLetter & "'" _
             & " ORDER BY [" & strParentField & "];"
        End If
        objSQLDataAdapter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, objSQLConnection)
        'Try to use parent data
            'Fill ptable
            ObjDataSet = New System.Data.DataSet
            objSQLDataAdapter.Fill(ObjDataSet, My.Settings.SQLTable)
            ptable = ObjDataSet.Tables(My.Settings.SQLTable)
            'Loops though all parent records
            For Each parentrow In ptable.Rows
                'checks for cancelation
                If BackgroundWorker1.CancellationPending = True Then
                    Exit Try
                End If
                'Add parent node on to root node
                pnode = New TreeNode(parentrow(strParentField))
                Me.Invoke(UpdateTreeViewDel, pnode, StrSelectedTreeView)

                'Start 1st child
                'Select 1st child data using c1Field
                If Not IsInherited Then
                    strSQL = "SELECT distinct [" & c1Field & "]" _
                     & " FROM [" & My.Settings.SQLTable & "]" _
                     & " Where [RunDate] = '" & StrRunDate & "' And [IsInherited] = '" & IsInherited.ToString & "' And [" & strParentField & "] = '" & parentrow(strParentField) & "' And SUBSTRING([FolderPath],1,3) = '" & StrDriveLetter & "'" _
                     & " ORDER BY [" & c1Field & "];"
                    strSQL = "SELECT distinct [" & c1Field & "]" _
                     & " FROM [" & My.Settings.SQLTable & "]" _
                     & " Where [RunDate] = '" & StrRunDate & "' And [" & strParentField & "] = '" & parentrow(strParentField) & "' And SUBSTRING([FolderPath],1,3) = '" & StrDriveLetter & "'" _
                     & " ORDER BY [" & c1Field & "];"
                End If
                objSQLDataAdapter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, objSQLConnection)
                'Try to use 1st child data
                    'Fill c1table
                    ObjDataSet = New System.Data.DataSet
                    objSQLDataAdapter.Fill(ObjDataSet, My.Settings.SQLTable)
                    c1table = ObjDataSet.Tables(My.Settings.SQLTable)
                    'Loops though all 1st child records
                    For Each childrow1 In c1table.Rows
                        'Adds 1st child node to parent node
                        cnode1 = New TreeNode(childrow1(c1Field))
                        cnode1 = Me.Invoke(UpdateTreeViewDelC, pnode, cnode1, childrow1(c1Field), StrSelectedTreeView)

                        'Start 2nd child
                        'Select 2nd child data using c2Field
                        If Not IsInherited Then
                            strSQL = "SELECT distinct [" & c2Field & "],[" & c3Field & "],[" & c4Field & "],[" & c5Field & "],[" & c6Field & "]" _
                             & " FROM [" & My.Settings.SQLTable & "]" _
                             & " Where [RunDate] = '" & StrRunDate & "' And [IsInherited] = '" & IsInherited.ToString & "' And [" & strParentField & "] = '" & parentrow(strParentField) & "'" _
                            & " And [" & c1Field & "] = '" & childrow1(c1Field) & "' And SUBSTRING([FolderPath],1,3) = '" & StrDriveLetter & "'" _
                            & " ORDER BY [" & c2Field & "];"
                            strSQL = "SELECT distinct [" & c2Field & "],[" & c3Field & "],[" & c4Field & "],[" & c5Field & "],[" & c6Field & "]" _
                             & " FROM [" & My.Settings.SQLTable & "]" _
                             & " Where [RunDate] = '" & StrRunDate & "' And [" & strParentField & "] = '" & parentrow(strParentField) & "'" _
                            & " And [" & c1Field & "] = '" & childrow1(c1Field) & "' And SUBSTRING([FolderPath],1,3) = '" & StrDriveLetter & "'" _
                            & " ORDER BY [" & c2Field & "];"
                        End If

                        objSQLDataAdapter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, objSQLConnection)
                        'Try to use 2nd child data
                            'Fill c2table
                            ObjDataSet = New System.Data.DataSet
                            objSQLDataAdapter.Fill(ObjDataSet, My.Settings.SQLTable)
                            c2table = ObjDataSet.Tables(My.Settings.SQLTable)
                            'Loops though all 2nd child records
                            For Each childrow2 In c2table.Rows
                                'Since we are expending only to the 2nd level we fill out the rest of the data here
                                strTemp = String.Format("{0,-50} {1,-50} {2,-50} {3,-50} {4,-50}", childrow2(c2Field), childrow2(c3Field), childrow2(c4Field), childrow2(c5Field), childrow2(c6Field))
                                'Adds 2nd child node to 1st child node
                                cnode2 = New TreeNode(strTemp)
                                cnode2 = Me.Invoke(UpdateTreeViewDelC, cnode1, cnode2, strTemp, StrSelectedTreeView)
                            Next childrow2
                        Catch ex As Exception
                            MsgBox("2nd Child Node Error: " & Err.Description)
                        End Try
                    Next childrow1
                Catch ex As Exception
                    MsgBox("1st Child Node Error: " & Err.Description)
                End Try
            Next parentrow
        Catch ex As Exception
            MsgBox("Parent Node Error: " & Err.Description)
        End Try
        'close the connection
        'Updates title in form
        EndTime = Now
        ElapsedTime = EndTime.Subtract(StartTime)
        Me.Invoke(UpdateTitleDel, "Done; Total Time :" & vbTab & ElapsedTime.Hours & ":" & ElapsedTime.Minutes & ":" & ElapsedTime.Seconds & "." & ElapsedTime.Milliseconds)
    End Sub
    Delegate Sub UpdateTitleDelegate(ByVal StrAppend As String)
    Delegate Sub UpdateTreeViewDelegate(ByVal ObjInput As TreeNode, ByVal StrTree As String)
    Delegate Function UpdateTreeViewDelegateC(ByVal ObjInputP As TreeNode, ByVal ObjInputC As TreeNode, ByVal StrInput As String, ByVal StrTree As String) As TreeNode
    Public Sub UpdateTitle(ByVal StrAppend As String)
        'Changes Form title 
        Dim ArrTemp(1) As String
        Dim strTemp As String = ""
        ArrTemp = Split(Me.Text, "(")
        If IsNothing(ArrTemp) Then
            strTemp = Me.Text
            If Not ArrTemp(0) = "" Then strTemp = ArrTemp(0)
        End If
        Me.Text = strTemp & " (" & StrAppend & ")"
        If InStr(StrAppend, "Done") > 0 Then BTNRun.Text = "Run"
    End Sub
    Public Sub UpdateTreeView(ByVal ObjInput As TreeNode, ByVal StrTree As String)
        'Adds new child node to root node.
        Select Case UCase(StrTree)
            Case UCase("FtoUTreeView")
            Case UCase("UtoFTreeView")
            Case UCase("GtoFTreeView")
        End Select
    End Sub
    Public Function UpdateTreeViewC(ByVal ObjInputP As TreeNode, ByVal ObjInputC As TreeNode, ByVal StrInput As String, ByVal StrTree As String) As TreeNode
        'Needs to be a function otherwise the Treeview would not populate correctly
        'Adds new child node to parent
        Select Case UCase(StrTree)
            Case UCase("FtoUTreeView")
                ObjInputC = ObjInputP.Nodes.Add(StrInput)
                ObjInputC.Tag = StrInput
            Case UCase("UtoFTreeView")
                ObjInputC = ObjInputP.Nodes.Add(StrInput)
                ObjInputC.Tag = StrInput
            Case UCase("GtoFTreeView")
                ObjInputC = ObjInputP.Nodes.Add(StrInput)
                ObjInputC.Tag = StrInput
        End Select
        Return ObjInputC
    End Function
End Class

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Systems / Hardware Administrator
United States United States
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