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An XML- and State Machine-based Design of a WinForms Control

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1 Dec 20024 min read 86.2K   1.3K   49  
Usage of state machine and comprehensive XML description of control helps its user to considerably simplify control handling code.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using System.Reflection;

// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following 
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("OGCLib")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("This assembly contains classes for the open group control.")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Igor Ladnik")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Open Group Control")]

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.2.*")]

namespace OGCLib
	// Enum Orientation
	public enum Orientation
		Horizontal = 0,
		Vertical   = 1,
	// Class OGControl
	public class OGControl : UserControl
		// Event/Delegate
		//					StateChangedEvent
		public delegate void StateChangedEventHandler(OGControl source, EventArgs ea);
		static public event  StateChangedEventHandler StateChangedEvent;

		//					ErrorEvent
		public delegate void ErrorEventHandler(OGControl source, ErrorEventArgs eea);
		static public event  ErrorEventHandler ErrorEvent;

		// Distance (in % of an coorespondent container form's client area size) 
		// between cursor and appropriate form's side to dock control to this side.
		const int dockingDistanceInPerCent = 20; 

		// Enums
		private enum Zone // defines hit test zones for docking
			None		= 0,
			Top         = 1,
			Left        = 2,
			Right       = 4,
			Bottom      = 8,
			TopLeft     = Top+Left,
			TopRight    = Top+Right,
			BottomLeft  = Bottom+Left,
			BottomRight = Bottom+Right,

		// Class Caption
		private struct Caption
			// Variables
			internal int	   height;
			internal Rectangle rect;
			internal string	   text;
			internal Font	   font;
			internal FontStyle fontStyle;
			internal Color	   colorBack;
			internal Color	   colorBorder;
			internal Color	   colorText;
			internal bool	   clicked;
			internal float	   captionTextSize; 

			public bool HitTest(MouseEventArgs mea)
				return rect.Contains(new Point(mea.X, mea.Y));

			// Draw caption
			public void Draw(Graphics grfx, Rectangle clipRect)
				if (height > 0)
					Rectangle rect0 = new Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, 
						rect.Width-1, rect.Height-1);

					// Fill
					Brush brush = new SolidBrush(colorBack);
					grfx.FillRectangle(brush, rect0);
					// Text
					float indent = 2.0f;
					Font fontRegular = new Font(font.FontFamily, captionTextSize, fontStyle);
					SizeF textSizeF = grfx.MeasureString(text, fontRegular);
					SizeF rectSizeF = new SizeF(rect0.Width-indent, rect0.Height);
					if (rectSizeF.Width >= textSizeF.Width)
						grfx.DrawString(text, fontRegular, new SolidBrush(colorText), indent, 0);

					// Border
					grfx.DrawRectangle(new Pen(colorBorder, 1), rect0); 

		// Variables
		protected ArrayList    alElement = null;  // collection of control's elements (type: IElement)
		protected ArrayList    alError = null;    // collection of error strings (type: string)
		protected string       xmlConfFileName;   // configuration XML file name
		private Hashtable	   htAssembly = null; // collection of loaded elements' assemblies:
		                                          //   string assemblyName -> Assembly assembly
		private ToolTip        toolTip = null;
		private Cursor         standardCursor = null;
		private Cursor         activeCursor = null;
		private IElement       hitElement = null;     // currently selected element
		private MouseEventArgs currentMea = null;
		private int			   controlStatesMax = 0;  // max number of the control's states
		private int[,]         aiControlState = null; // Control State matrix: 
		                                              //   [max number of the control's states, number of elements].
		                                              //   Contains each element states for each state of control.
		private int			   currentState = 0;      //   current control's state
		private Caption		   caption;
		private bool		   horizOrient;       // current and
		private bool           prevHorizOrient;   // previous orintation of docked control
		private bool		   rotate;            // indicates whether control's element should be rotated
		                                          //   on orientation change
		private int			   angle = 0;         // rotation angle
		private DockStyle      initDock;          // initial docking style
		// parameters for ghost image enabling while dragging control to redock it
		private bool           ghost = false;
		private Color          initBackColor;

		public OGControl(string xmlConfFileName)
			this.xmlConfFileName = xmlConfFileName;

			toolTip = new ToolTip();	

			alElement = new ArrayList();
			alError = new ArrayList();
			htAssembly = new Hashtable();

			// Set background color to Transparent
			SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
			BackColor = Color.Transparent;
			standardCursor = Cursor.Current;

			// Create Configurator and initialize control's elements 
			//   with XML config. file


			caption.clicked = false;
			caption.text = Name;
			caption.font = Font;

			prevHorizOrient = true;
			horizOrient = prevHorizOrient;
			initBackColor = BackColor;


		public IElement HitElement 
			get { return hitElement;  }
			set { hitElement = value; }

		public int VisualElementsNumber 
			get { return alElement.Count; }

		public string ActiveCursorFileName
				if (null != activeCursor)

				activeCursor = new Cursor(value);

		public int ControlStatesMax
			get { return controlStatesMax;  }
			set { controlStatesMax = value; }
		public int CurrentState
			get { return currentState;  }
			set { currentState = value; }

		public int Angle
			get { return angle;  }
			set { angle = value; }

		public DockStyle InitDock
			set { initDock = value; }

		public int CaptionHeight 
			get { return caption.height;  }
			set { caption.height = value; }

		internal bool Rotate
			get { return rotate;  }
			set { rotate = value; }

		internal int CaptionTextSize
			set { caption.captionTextSize = (float)value; }

		protected MouseEventArgs CurrentMea 
			get { return currentMea; }

		protected virtual int MaxErrorsNumInBase 
			get { return (int)ErrorType.Count; }

		private Rectangle CaptionRect 
				caption.rect = new Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Left,  ClientRectangle.Top,
					ClientRectangle.Width, CaptionHeight);
				return caption.rect;


		// Get element by its index from control collection
		public virtual IElement this[int index]
				if (alElement.Count > 0)
					return (IElement)alElement[index];

				return null;

		// Get element by its name from control collection
		public virtual IElement this[string name]
				if (alElement.Count > 0)
					foreach (IElement element in alElement)
						if (name == element.GetName())
							return element;
				return null;

		// Get element's state number by control's state number 
		//   and the element's id from Control State matrix
		public int this[int ctrlState, int elementId]
					return aiControlState[ctrlState, elementId];
					return -1;

		public virtual string GetErrorTag(int i)
				return asErrorTag[i]; 
				return null;

		public virtual string GetErrorMessage(int i)
				return (string)alError[i];
				return null;

		public void AddErrorMessage(string errorMessage)

		// Set a cell[ctrlState, visElemId] of Control State matrix
		public void SetMatrixElement(int ctrlState, int visElemId, int val)
			if (null == aiControlState)
				if (controlStatesMax > 0 && alElement.Count > 0)
					aiControlState = new int[controlStatesMax, alElement.Count];

					// Initialize all cells with -1
					for (int i=0; i<controlStatesMax; i++)
						for (int j=0; j<alElement.Count; j++)
							aiControlState[i, j] = -1;	

			aiControlState[ctrlState, visElemId] = val;	

		// Get orintation based in docking style
		public Orientation GetOrientation()
			return DockStyle.Top == Dock || DockStyle.Bottom == Dock 
				|| DockStyle.Fill == Dock
				? Orientation.Horizontal : Orientation.Vertical;

		// Raise Error event
		public void OnError(ErrorEventArgs eea)
			if (null != ErrorEvent)
				ErrorEvent(this, eea);

		internal void CaptionStyle(Color colorBack, Color colorText, FontStyle fontStyle)
			caption.colorBack   = colorBack;
			caption.colorText   = colorText;
			caption.colorBorder = caption.colorText;
			caption.fontStyle   = fontStyle;

		// Create a new control's element (with dynamically loaded element assembly) 
		//   and add it to collection
		internal IElement AddElement(string type, string name, Point horizPosition, 
													Point vertPosition, Size size)
			IElement element = null;

			string assemblyName = type + "Lib"; // Name convention for loaded element assemblies.
			                                    // The assemblies assumed in working directory.
			Assembly assembly = (Assembly)htAssembly[assemblyName]; 
			if (null == assembly)
				// This assembly has not been loaded yet
					assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
					if (null == assembly)
						throw(new Exception());
					// Add newly loaded assembly to collection
					htAssembly.Add(assemblyName, assembly);
					// Load assembly error
					ErrorType errorType = ErrorType.LoadAssembly;
					string errorMessage = string.Format(GetErrorMessage((int)errorType), assemblyName);
					OnError(new ErrorEventArgs(ErrorSeverity.Error, errorMessage));

			if (null != assembly)
				string className = assemblyName + ".Factory"; // name convention for Factory class 
				                                              //   in the assembly
				// Create instance of assembly's Factory class
				object factory = assembly.CreateInstance(className);
				if (null != factory)
					// Create control's element with assembly's Factory
					element = ((IFactory)factory).CreateElement(this);

			if (null != element)
				// Initialize newly creted element and add it to collection
				element.Initialize(name, horizPosition, vertPosition, size);
			return element;
		// In the above method, when an element assembly is loaded, to create an IElement object
		// it is possible to loop through the assembly's types (with Reflection technique) looking for a type
		// that implements IElement. But I opted for IFactory mechanismdue to the followng.
		// Although it's unlikely, several types in the assembly may implement IElement interface.
		// In this case the assembly may decide by itself which type instantiate. Factory mechanism resolves
		// this (almost pure theoretical case).
		// Factory to create Configurator object (to support Configurator-derived classes, if any
		protected virtual void ConfiguratorFactory(bool operationLoad)
			Configurator configurator = 
				new Configurator(this, xmlConfFileName, operationLoad);

		protected IElement HitTest(MouseEventArgs mea)
			IElement theLastInZOrderVisualElement = null;
			if (alElement.Count > 0)
				foreach (IElement element in alElement)
					if (element.HitTest(mea))
						theLastInZOrderVisualElement = element;

			return theLastInZOrderVisualElement;

		// ToolTip support
		protected void ToolTipHandling(IElement element)
			if (null == currentMea)

			if (MouseButtons.None == currentMea.Button)
				// None mouse button is pressed
				string tip = ".";
				if (null != element)
					// Set up the ToolTip text for the control
					tip = ConstructTip(element.GetName(), element.GetStateName());
					if (!toolTip.Active)
						toolTip = new ToolTip();

						toolTip.AutoPopDelay = 5000;
						toolTip.InitialDelay = 1000;
						toolTip.ReshowDelay = 500;
					toolTip.Active = true;
					toolTip.Active = false;

				toolTip.SetToolTip(this, tip);
		private Orientation GetInitOrientation()
			return DockStyle.Top == initDock || DockStyle.Bottom == initDock 
				|| DockStyle.Fill == initDock
				? Orientation.Horizontal : Orientation.Vertical;

		// Convert a point to Parent Form coordinates
		private Point PointToParentClient(int x, int y)
			Point ptAtControl = new Point(x, y);
			Point ptAtScreen  = PointToScreen(ptAtControl);
			return Parent.PointToClient(ptAtScreen);

		private void InitUpdateGeometry()
			if (alElement.Count > 0)
				Orientation orientation = GetOrientation();
				if (GetInitOrientation() != orientation)
					horizOrient = (Orientation.Horizontal == GetOrientation());

		private void UpdateGeometry()	
			if (prevHorizOrient != horizOrient && alElement.Count > 0)

		private void TransposeRotate()	
			if (rotate)
				angle = horizOrient ? 90 : -90;
				angle = 0;

			foreach (IElement element in alElement)

		// Update current state of all elements
		private void UpdateAllElements()
			if (alElement.Count > 0 && null != aiControlState)
				foreach (IElement element in alElement)
					element.SetCurrentState(this[currentState, element.GetId()]);


		// Overriden  
		protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs mea)
			currentMea = mea;

			if (MouseButtons.Left == mea.Button)
				if (CaptionHeight > 0)
					caption.clicked = caption.HitTest(mea);

				if (!caption.clicked)
					hitElement = HitTest(mea);


		protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)

			currentMea = mea;

			// Check whether caption is clicked
			if (caption.clicked)
				caption.clicked = caption.HitTest(mea);
				if (!caption.clicked)
				// Check whether visual object is clicked
				if (null != hitElement)
					// Mouse was down at hitElement
					if (MouseButtons.Left == mea.Button)
						IElement element = HitTest(mea);
						if (null != element)
							if (element == hitElement)
								// Down and Up at the SAME Visual Elememt
								int newControlState = -1;
								if (GetAndAssertNewControlState(hitElement, ref newControlState))

			Cursor.Current = standardCursor;
			caption.clicked = false;

		protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs mea)
			currentMea = mea;
			IElement element = null;

			// Check whether caption is clicked
			if (caption.clicked)
				if (!caption.HitTest(mea))
					element = HitTest(mea);
					if (null != element)
						int wouldBeNewControlState = -1;
						if (GetAndAssertNewControlState(element, ref wouldBeNewControlState))
							Cursor.Current = activeCursor;



		protected override void OnResize(EventArgs ea)

		protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pea)
			Graphics grfx = pea.Graphics;
			// Draw all visual elements. This block is called even in case 
			//   of ghost placeholde rectangle to make invisible elements 
			//   derived from standard controls, like e.g. combo box.
			if (alElement.Count > 0)
				foreach (IElement element in alElement)
					element.Draw(grfx, !ghost);

			if (ghost)
				DrawGhost(grfx); // draw ghost			
				caption.Draw(grfx, pea.ClipRectangle);  // draw caption
		private void DrawGhost(Graphics grfx)
			Color ghostColor = (Color.DarkGray == Parent.BackColor) 
				? Color.LightGray : Color.DarkGray;
			Pen pen = new Pen(ghostColor, 9);
			pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
			//pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash; // uncomment for Dash style for a ghost rectangle
			grfx.DrawRectangle(pen, ClientRectangle);

		private bool GetAndAssertNewControlState(IElement element, ref int newControlState)
			bool br = false;
			if (null != element)
				newControlState = element.GetNewControlState();
				if (newControlState != currentState &&
					newControlState != -1)
					br = true;

			return br;

		// Switch on ghost placeholder mode while dragging control with its caption
		private void GhostOn()
			if (!ghost)
				initBackColor = BackColor;
				BackColor = Parent.BackColor; 
				ghost = true;


		// Switch off ghost placeholder mode
		private void GhostOff()
			if (ghost)
				BackColor = initBackColor;
				ghost = false;
		// Actions to change dock style
		private void ChangeDockStyle(MouseEventArgs mea)
			if (DockStyle.Fill != Dock)
				prevHorizOrient = (Orientation.Horizontal == GetOrientation());
				// Calculate new docking style according to given rules.
				// Hit point is converted to Parent client coordinates.
				CalculateDock(PointToParentClient(mea.X, mea.Y));	
				horizOrient = (Orientation.Horizontal == GetOrientation());

				// Save changes to XML config. file
				horizOrient = prevHorizOrient;

		// Virtual

		// Actiona related to change control's state
		public virtual bool ChangeState(int newCurrentState)
			bool br = false;
			if (-1 != newCurrentState)
				int prevState = currentState;
				currentState = newCurrentState;
				if (prevState != currentState)

					// Virtual method (currently empty) to let derived control class add
					//   its specific actions, if required

					if (null != StateChangedEvent)
						// Raise StateChanged event
						StateChangedEvent(this, new EventArgs());

					// Save changes to XML config. file

					br = true;

			return br;

		// Calculate new docking style according to given rules
		protected virtual void CalculateDock(
			Point position /*hit point converted to Parent client coordinates*/)
			if (Parent.ClientRectangle.Contains(position))
				Rectangle leftRect = new Rectangle(
					Parent.ClientRectangle.Left, Parent.ClientRectangle.Top,
					Parent.ClientRectangle.Left +  
					Parent.ClientSize.Width	* dockingDistanceInPerCent / 100,
				Rectangle rightRect = new Rectangle(
					Parent.ClientRectangle.Right - 
					Parent.ClientSize.Width	* dockingDistanceInPerCent / 100,
					Parent.ClientRectangle.Right, Parent.ClientRectangle.Bottom);

				Rectangle topRect = new Rectangle(
					Parent.ClientRectangle.Left, Parent.ClientRectangle.Top,
					Parent.ClientRectangle.Top + 
					Parent.ClientSize.Height * dockingDistanceInPerCent / 100);

				Rectangle bottomRect = new Rectangle(
					Parent.ClientRectangle.Bottom - 
					Parent.ClientSize.Height * dockingDistanceInPerCent / 100,
					Parent.ClientRectangle.Right, Parent.ClientRectangle.Bottom);

				int dock = (int)Zone.None;

				if (topRect.Contains(position))
					dock += (int)Zone.Top;

				if (leftRect.Contains(position))
					dock += (int)Zone.Left;
				if (rightRect.Contains(position))
					dock += (int)Zone.Right;

				if (bottomRect.Contains(position))
					dock += (int)Zone.Bottom;

				switch ((Zone)dock)
					case Zone.Top:    Dock = DockStyle.Top;    break;			
					case Zone.Left:   Dock = DockStyle.Left;   break;		
					case Zone.Right:  Dock = DockStyle.Right;  break;
					case Zone.Bottom: Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; break;

					case Zone.TopLeft:
						Dock = (position.X - Parent.ClientRectangle.Left <
							position.Y - Parent.ClientRectangle.Top)
							? DockStyle.Left : DockStyle.Top;

					case Zone.TopRight:
						Dock = (Parent.ClientRectangle.Right - position.X <
							position.Y - Parent.ClientRectangle.Top)
							? DockStyle.Right : DockStyle.Top;
					case Zone.BottomLeft:
						Dock = (position.X - Parent.ClientRectangle.Left <
							Parent.ClientRectangle.Bottom - position.Y)
							? DockStyle.Left : DockStyle.Bottom;
					case Zone.BottomRight: 
						Dock = (Parent.ClientRectangle.Right  - position.X <
							Parent.ClientRectangle.Bottom - position.Y)
							? DockStyle.Right : DockStyle.Bottom;

		// Allow derived control class to add its specific actions, if required
		protected virtual void OnChangeState()

		// Allow derived control class to construct element tips based on
		//   the element name and state
		protected virtual string ConstructTip(string visualElementName, string stateName)
			return visualElementName;
		// Read Only Error Tag Variable. Correspond to those in OGCErrorMessages.xml file.
		private readonly string[] asErrorTag = 

	// Enum ErrorType. Corresponds to asErrorTag array.
	public enum ErrorType
		None				= -1,
		ErrorMessages		=  0,
		Picture				=  1,
		LoadConfigFile		=  2,
		ProcessNode			=  3,
		ReadingTag			=  4,
		WritingTag			=  5,
		TagState			=  6,
		LoadAssembly		=  7,
		StateTransition		=  8,
		ControlStatesMatrix	=  9,
		Count				= 10,

	// Enum ErrorSeverity
	public enum ErrorSeverity
		None    =  0,
		Warning =  1,
		Error   =  2,

	// class ErrorEventArgs
	public class ErrorEventArgs
		// Variables
		public ErrorSeverity errorSeverity = ErrorSeverity.None;
		public string        errorMessage = null;

		// Constructor
		public ErrorEventArgs(ErrorSeverity errorSeverity, string errorMessage)
			this.errorSeverity = errorSeverity;
			this.errorMessage = errorMessage;

	// Interface IElement
	//   Each element of control has to implement this interface.
	public interface IElement
		// Initialize the element
		void Initialize(string name, Point horizPosition, Point vertPosition, Size size);
		// Set State Transition matrix cell
		void SetControlStateTransitionElement(int currCtrlState,  // current control's state (row)
											  int currState,      // current element's state (column)
											  int nextCtrlState); // next control's state (value)
		// Add state to the element
		int AddState(string name,           
			         string pictureName,  // name of state's picture file
			         string ext);         // extension state's of picture file 
		// Get new control's state on activation of the element
		int GetNewControlState();               
		// Set current element's state according to a control's state
		void SetCurrentState(int currentControlState); 

		// true -  for pictorial elements (like OGCVisualElement), 
		// false - for elements derived from standard (like OGCComboBox)
		bool HasImage();
		// Get element name
		string GetName();

		// Get element id (currently, serial number in the control's elements collection)
		int GetId();

		// Get name of the current state of the element
		string GetStateName();

		// Get number of possible changes in control, 
		// e.g., number of items in list - for combo box
		//       1 - for press button and visual element
		int GetNextStatesNum();

		// Update geometry of the element according to current orientation
		void UpdateGeometry();
		// Indicate whether cursor position is currently over the element
		bool HitTest(MouseEventArgs mea);
		// Draw the element
		void Draw(Graphics grfx, 
			      bool show);	// show/hide the element

	// Interface IFactory
	//   implemented by each loadable element assembly in order to instantiate 
	//   correspondent element.
	public interface IFactory
		IElement CreateElement(OGControl ogControl);

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Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Israel Israel

  • Nov 2010: Code Project Contests - Windows Azure Apps - Winner
  • Feb 2011: Code Project Contests - Windows Azure Apps - Grand Prize Winner

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