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CaptureConsole.DLL - A Universal Console Output Redirector for all Compilers

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28 Oct 2010CPOL7 min read 217.8K   3K   166  
Capture Console Output
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRunProcess class
// Purpose: Starts a Console Application and captures its stdout and stderr output while the app is running.
// Author: Elm�Soft (
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Using these conventions results in better readable code and less coding errors !

     cName  for generic class definitions
     CName  for MFC     class definitions
     tName  for type    definitions
     eName  for enum    definitions
     kName  for struct  definitions

    e_Name  for enum variables
    E_Name  for enum constant values

    i_Name  for instances of classes
    h_Name  for handles

    T_Name  for Templates
    t_Name  for TCHAR or LPTSTR

    s_Name  for strings
   sa_Name  for Ascii strings
   sw_Name  for Wide (Unicode) strings
   bs_Name  for BSTR
    f_Name  for function pointers
    k_Name  for contructs (struct)

    b_Name  bool,BOOL 1 Bit

   s8_Name    signed  8 Bit (char)
  s16_Name    signed 16 Bit (SHORT, WCHAR)
  s32_Name    signed 32 Bit (LONG, int)
  s64_Name    signed 64 Bit (LONGLONG)

   u8_Name  unsigned  8 Bit (BYTE)
  u16_Name  unsigned 16 bit (WORD)
  u32_Name  unsigned 32 Bit (DWORD, UINT)
  u64_Name  unsigned 64 Bit (ULONGLONG)

    d_Name  for double


    m_Name  for member variables of a class (e.g. ms32_Name for int member variable)
    g_Name  for global (static) variables   (e.g. gu16_Name for global WORD)
    p_Name  for pointer                     (e.g.   ps_Name  *pointer to string)
   pp_Name  for pointer to pointer          (e.g.  ppd_Name **pointer to double)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "RunProcess.h"

// Constructor

// Destructor

void CRunProcess::Init()
	mh_Process = 0;
	mh_OutPipe = 0;
	mh_ErrPipe = 0;
	mh_OutFile = 0;
	mh_ErrFile = 0;

	memset(&mk_OverOut, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
	memset(&mk_OverErr, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));

void CRunProcess::CloseHandles()

// Parameter description see ExecuteAW() in CaptureConsole.cpp !
// runs the process which is specified in s_Commandline
// waits until the process has terminated
// fills ps_StdOutput and ps_StdError with the stdout and stderr output of the Console application or batch script
// returns "" if OK, otherwise an error message
CString CRunProcess::Execute(CString         s_Commandline,   // IN
                             DWORD         u32_FirstConvert,  // IN
                             TCHAR*          t_CurrentDir,    // IN
                             CString         s_UserVariables, // IN
                             BOOL            b_SeparatePipes, // IN
                             DWORD         u32_TimeOut,       // IN
                             CFastString*   ps_StdOutput,     // OUT
                             CFastString*   ps_StdError,      // OUT
                             DWORD*       pu32_ExitCode)      // OUT
	// Execute may be called multiple times from the same thread -> Close any open handles

	*pu32_ExitCode = 0;
	ps_StdError ->Empty();

	CString s_Err = CreatePipe(&mh_OutPipe, &mh_OutFile, &mk_OverOut);
	if (s_Err.GetLength() > 0)
		return s_Err;

	if (b_SeparatePipes)
		s_Err = CreatePipe(&mh_ErrPipe, &mh_ErrFile, &mk_OverErr);
		if (s_Err.GetLength() > 0)
			return s_Err;

	void* p_Environ = NULL; // Inherit the environment variables from the parent process

	CString s_Environ;
	if (s_UserVariables.GetLength())
		#ifdef UNICODE

		// Merge the user variables with the environment variables of the parent process
		MergeUserEnvironmentStrings(s_UserVariables, &s_Environ);
		p_Environ = (void*)s_Environ.GetBuffer(0);

	memset(&k_Proc,  0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));

	memset(&k_Start, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));

	k_Start.cb         = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
	k_Start.hStdError  = (b_SeparatePipes) ? mh_ErrFile : mh_OutFile;
	k_Start.hStdOutput = mh_OutFile;
	k_Start.dwFlags    = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;

	// Convert special characters in the commandline parameters to DOS codepage
	s_Commandline = CommandLineParamsToOEM(s_Commandline, u32_FirstConvert);

	if (!CreateProcess(0, s_Commandline.GetBuffer(0), 0, 0, TRUE, u32_Flags, p_Environ, t_CurrentDir, &k_Start, &k_Proc))
		return _T("CaptureConsole.dll: Error creating Process. ") + GetLastErrorMsg();

	mh_Process = k_Proc.hProcess; // closed in destructor

	// wait until the process has exited
	DWORD u32_Event   = WAIT_TIMEOUT;
	DWORD u32_EndTime = GetTickCount() + u32_TimeOut;
		if (u32_TimeOut && GetTickCount() > u32_EndTime)
			TerminateProcess(k_Proc.hProcess, 0);
			return _T("CaptureConsole.dll: Timeout elapsed.");

		// WaitForSingleObject will return immediately when the process has exited otherwise wait 200 ms
		u32_Event = WaitForSingleObject(k_Proc.hProcess, 200);
		if (u32_Event == WAIT_FAILED)
			return _T("CaptureConsole.dll: Error from WaitForSingleObject. ") + GetLastErrorMsg();

		if (!GetExitCodeProcess(k_Proc.hProcess, pu32_ExitCode))
			return _T("CaptureConsole.dll: Error getting ExitCode from Process. ") + GetLastErrorMsg();
		s_Err = ReadPipe(mh_OutPipe, &mk_OverOut, ps_StdOutput);
		if (s_Err.GetLength() > 0)
			return s_Err;

		if (b_SeparatePipes)
			s_Err = ReadPipe(mh_ErrPipe, &mk_OverErr, ps_StdError);
			if (s_Err.GetLength() > 0)
				return s_Err;
	while (u32_Event != WAIT_OBJECT_0);

	return CString();

// Creates a named pipe and a file handle which is used to write to the pipe
CString CRunProcess::CreatePipe(HANDLE* ph_Pipe, HANDLE* ph_File, OVERLAPPED* pk_Overlapped)
	// Create a threadsafe unique name for the Pipe
	static int s32_Counter = 0;

	CString s_PipeName;
	                  GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId(), GetTickCount(), s32_Counter++);

	k_Secur.nLength              = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
	k_Secur.lpSecurityDescriptor = 0;
	k_Secur.bInheritHandle       = TRUE;

	*ph_Pipe = CreateNamedPipe(s_PipeName, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX|FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0, 1, 4096, 4096, 0, &k_Secur);

	if (*ph_Pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		return _T("CaptureConsole.dll: Error creating Named Pipe. ") + GetLastErrorMsg();


	if (*ph_File == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		return _T("CaptureConsole.dll: Error creating Pipe Reader. ") + GetLastErrorMsg();

	if (!ConnectNamedPipe(*ph_Pipe, pk_Overlapped))
		if (GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED)
			return _T("CaptureConsole.dll: Error connecting Pipe. ") + GetLastErrorMsg();

	SetHandleInformation(*ph_Pipe, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
	return CString();

// Reads from the Pipe and appends the read data to ps_Data
CString CRunProcess::ReadPipe(HANDLE h_Pipe, OVERLAPPED* pk_Overlapped, CFastString* ps_Data)
	// IMPORTANT: Check if there is data that can be read.
	// The first console output will be lost if ReadFile() is called before data becomes available!
	// It does not make any sense but the following 5 lines are indispensable!!
	DWORD u32_Avail = 0;
	if (!PeekNamedPipe(h_Pipe, 0, 0, 0, &u32_Avail, 0))
		return _T("CaptureConsole.dll: Error peeking Pipe. ") + GetLastErrorMsg();

	if (!u32_Avail)
		return CString();

	const BLOCK_SIZE = 4095;
	char   s8_Buf[BLOCK_SIZE+1];
	DWORD u32_Read = 0;
		if (!ReadFile(h_Pipe, s8_Buf, BLOCK_SIZE, &u32_Read, pk_Overlapped))
			if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
				return _T("CaptureConsole.dll: Error reading Pipe. ") + GetLastErrorMsg();

		// ATTENTION: The Console always prints ANSI to the pipe independent if compiled as UNICODE or MBCS!
		s8_Buf[u32_Read] = 0;
		OemToCharA(s8_Buf, s8_Buf); // convert DOS codepage -> ANSI

		#ifdef UNICODE
			mbstowcs(u16_Buf, s8_Buf, u32_Read); // convert ANSI -> UNICODE
			ps_Data->AppendBuffer(u16_Buf, u32_Read);
			ps_Data->AppendBuffer(s8_Buf, u32_Read);
	while (u32_Read == BLOCK_SIZE);

	return CString();

// returns the last error as string message
CString CRunProcess::GetLastErrorMsg()
	DWORD u32_Error = GetLastError();
	if (!u32_Error)
		return CString();

	CString s_Err;
	s_Err.Format(_T("API Error %d: "), u32_Error);

	const DWORD BUF_LEN = 2048;
	if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, u32_Error, 0, t_Msg, BUF_LEN, 0))
		s_Err += t_Msg;

	return s_Err;

// The commandline must be splitted into the application path+filename and the parameters
// The first parameter (path+filename) must NEVER be converted, it may contain Unicode characters
// ONLY the parameters must be converted into the DOS codepage!
// Attention: The filename and the parameters may be enclosed in parenthesis.
// Example:
// "C:\Test\HelloW�rld.exe Hello W�rld"  will be converted into
// "C:\Test\HelloW�rld.exe Hello W�rld"
// u32_FirstConvert = 0 -> DOS Conversion completely turned off
// u32_FirstConvert = 1 -> convert the first  and all following parameters
// u32_FirstConvert = 2 -> convert the second and all following parameters
CString CRunProcess::CommandLineParamsToOEM(CString s_CommandLine, DWORD u32_FirstConvert)
	// NEVER EVER convert the path+filename!!!
	if (!u32_FirstConvert)
		return s_CommandLine;


	BOOL b_Parentesis = FALSE;
	for (int i=0; i<s_CommandLine.GetLength(); i++)
		// Toggle parenthesis flag
		if (s_CommandLine[i] == '\"')
			b_Parentesis = !b_Parentesis;

		// Decrement u32_FirstConvert for each space delimited param found in the commandline
		if (s_CommandLine[i] == ' ' && !b_Parentesis)
			// There may be multiple spaces
			while (s_CommandLine[i+1] == ' ')


		if (!u32_FirstConvert)
			CString s_Leave = s_CommandLine.Left(i);
			CString s_Conv  = s_CommandLine.Mid (i);

			char* s8_OEM = new char[s_Conv.GetLength()+1];
			// If Unicode compiled: Unicode -> DOS codepage
			// If MBCS    compiled: ANSI    -> DOS codepage
			CharToOem(s_Conv, s8_OEM);

			// If Unicode compiled: DOS codepage -> Unicode
			s_CommandLine = s_Leave + s8_OEM;
			delete s8_OEM;
	return s_CommandLine;

// Fills the CMap with the data in the zero terminated string "Key1=Value1\0Key2=Value2\0"
// If the map already contains a key it will be overriden
// returns the length of all added string data
int CRunProcess::ZeroStringToMap(const TCHAR* t_String, CMapStringToString *pi_Map)
	int s32_TotLen = 0;
	while (1)
		CString s_String = t_String;
		int  s32_Len = s_String.GetLength();
		if (!s32_Len)

		int s32_Equal = s_String.Find('=');
		if (s32_Equal > 0)
			CString s_Key = s_String.Left(s32_Equal);
			CString s_Val = s_String.Mid (s32_Equal+1);

			pi_Map->SetAt(s_Key, s_Val);

		t_String   += s32_Len +1;
		s32_TotLen += s32_Len +1;
	return s32_TotLen;

// Fills the buffer t_String with zero terminated strings "Key1=Value1\0Key2=Value2\0"
// which are obtained from the Map
void CRunProcess::MapToZeroString(CMapStringToString *pi_Map, TCHAR* t_String)
	CString s_Key, s_Val;
	for (POSITION P=pi_Map->GetStartPosition(); P!=NULL; )
		pi_Map->GetNextAssoc(P, s_Key, s_Val);

		_tcscpy(t_String, s_Key);
		t_String += s_Key.GetLength();

		t_String[0] = '=';
		t_String ++;

		_tcscpy(t_String, s_Val);
		t_String += s_Val.GetLength();

		t_String[0] = 0;
		t_String ++;
	t_String[0] = 0;

// s_UserVar = "Key1=Value1\nKey2=Value2\n"
// Merges the User Environment Variables with the current System Environment variables
// and returns them in the buffer ps_Out as zero terminated strings
void CRunProcess::MergeUserEnvironmentStrings(CString s_UserVar, CString* ps_Out)
	TCHAR* t_Environ = GetEnvironmentStrings();

	CMapStringToString i_Map;
	int s32_TotLen = ZeroStringToMap(t_Environ, &i_Map);


	if (s_UserVar.GetLength())
		if (s_UserVar.Right(1) != _T("\n"))
			s_UserVar += _T("\n");

		s_UserVar.Replace('\n', '\0');

		s32_TotLen += ZeroStringToMap(s_UserVar, &i_Map);

	TCHAR* t_Buf = ps_Out->GetBuffer(s32_TotLen);
	MapToZeroString(&i_Map, t_Buf);

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Written By
Software Developer (Senior) ElmüSoft
Chile Chile
Software Engineer since 40 years.

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