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DirectX.Capture Class Library

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29 Mar 2008Public Domain5 min read 4M   72K   598  
A .NET class library for capturing video and audio to AVI files.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// DirectX.Capture
// History:
//	2003-Jan-24		BL		- created
// Future Improvements
// 	- Notify unusual events (disk full, quick logoff) using IMediaEventEx (see AMCap line 1624)
// 	- Capture stats: IAMDroppedFrames, IQualProp.get_AvgFrameRate
// 	- Show preview while cued: ICaptureGraphBuilder2.ControlStream lets you stop capture but continue preview
// 	- Pre-alloc space with ICaptureGraphBuilder2.AllocCapFile(), copy data using ICaptureGraphBuilder2.CopyCaptureFile()
// 	- Audio preview (why doesn't VirtualDub do audio preview?)
// 	- Hardware Deinterlacing: "Setting Deinterlace Preferences", or IVMRDeinterlaceControl9
// 	- Time limit (and TimeRemaining) -> AmCap manually handles the time limit
//  - Don't destory filter graph when changing compressors, just remove compressor and add new one
//  - Change VideoFormat (NTSC/PAL), I think you need to use IAMVideoDecoder (WDM only)
// Copyright (c) 2003 Brian Low
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DShowNET;


namespace DirectX.Capture

	/// <summary>
	///  Use the Capture class to capture audio and video to AVI files.
	/// </summary>
	/// <remarks>
	///  This is the core class of the Capture Class Library. The following 
	///  sections introduce the Capture class and how to use this library.
	/// <br/><br/>
	/// <para><b>Basic Usage</b></para>
	/// <para>
	///  The Capture class only requires a video device and/or audio device
	///  to begin capturing. The <see cref="Filters"/> class provides
	///  lists of the installed video and audio devices. 
	/// </para>
	/// <code><div style="background-color:whitesmoke;">
	///  // Remember to add a reference to DirectX.Capture.dll
	///  using DirectX.Capture
	///  ...
	///  Capture capture = new Capture( Filters.VideoInputDevices[0], 
	///                                 Filters.AudioInputDevices[0] );
	///  capture.Start();
	///  ...
	///  capture.Stop();
	/// </div></code>
	/// <para>
	///  This will capture video and audio using the first video and audio devices
	///  installed on the system. To capture video only, pass a null as the second
	///  parameter of the constructor.
	/// </para>
	/// <para> 
	///  The class is initialized to a valid temporary file in the Windows temp
	///  folder. To capture to a different file, set the 
	///  <see cref="Capture.Filename"/> property before you begin
	///  capturing. Remember to add DirectX.Capture.dll to 
	///  your project references.
	/// </para>
	/// <br/>
	/// <para><b>Setting Common Properties</b></para>
	/// <para>
	///  The example below shows how to change video and audio settings. 
	///  Properties such as <see cref="Capture.FrameRate"/> and 
	///  <see cref="AudioSampleSize"/> allow you to programmatically adjust
	///  the capture. Use <see cref="Capture.VideoCaps"/> and 
	///  <see cref="Capture.AudioCaps"/> to determine valid values for these
	///  properties.
	/// </para>
	/// <code><div style="background-color:whitesmoke;">
	///  Capture capture = new Capture( Filters.VideoInputDevices[0], 
	///                                 Filters.AudioInputDevices[1] );
	///  capture.VideoCompressor = Filters.VideoCompressors[0];
	///  capture.AudioCompressor = Filters.AudioCompressors[0];
	///  capture.FrameRate = 29.997;
	///  capture.FrameSize = new Size( 640, 480 );
	///  capture.AudioSamplingRate = 44100;
	///  capture.AudioSampleSize = 16;
	///  capture.Filename = "C:\MyVideo.avi";
	///  capture.Start();
	///  ...
	///  capture.Stop();
	/// </div></code>
	/// <para>
	///  The example above also shows the use of video and audio compressors. In most 
	///  cases you will want to use compressors. Uncompressed video can easily
	///  consume over a 1GB of disk space per minute. Whenever possible, set 
	///  the <see cref="Capture.VideoCompressor"/> and <see cref="Capture.AudioCompressor"/>
	///  properties as early as possible. Changing them requires the internal filter
	///  graph to be rebuilt which often causes most of the other properties to
	///  be reset to default values.
	/// </para>
	/// <br/>
	/// <para><b>Listing Devices</b></para>
	/// <para>
	///  Use the <see cref="Filters.VideoInputDevices"/> collection to list
	///  video capture devices installed on the system.
	/// </para>
	/// <code><div style="background-color:whitesmoke;">
	///  foreach ( Filter f in Filters.VideoInputDevices )
	///  {
	///		Debug.WriteLine( f.Name );
	///  }
	/// </div></code>
	/// The <see cref="Filters"/> class also provides collections for audio 
	/// capture devices, video compressors and audio compressors.
	/// <br/>
	/// <para><b>Preview</b></para>
	/// <para>
	///  Video preview is controled with the <see cref="Capture.PreviewWindow"/>
	///  property. Setting this property to a visible control will immediately 
	///  begin preview. Set to null to stop the preview. 
	/// </para>
	/// <code><div style="background-color:whitesmoke;">
	///  // Enable preview
	///  capture.PreviewWindow = myPanel;
	///  // Disable preview
	///  capture.PreviewWindow = null;
	/// </div></code>
	/// <para>
	///  The control used must have a window handle (HWND), good controls to 
	///  use are the Panel or the form itself.
	/// </para>
	/// <para>
	///  Retrieving or changing video/audio settings such as FrameRate, 
	///  FrameSize, AudioSamplingRate, and AudioSampleSize will cause
	///  the preview window to flash. This is beacuse the preview must be
	///  temporarily stopped. Disable the preview if you need to access
	///  several properties at the same time.
	/// </para>
	/// <br/>
	/// <para><b>Property Pages</b></para>
	/// <para>
	///  Property pages exposed by the devices and compressors are
	///  available through the <see cref="Capture.PropertyPages"/> 
	///  collection.
	/// </para>
	/// <code><div style="background-color:whitesmoke;">
	///  // Display the first property page
	///  capture.PropertyPages[0].Show();
	/// </div></code>
	/// <para>
	///  The property pages will often expose more settings than
	///  the Capture class does directly. Some examples are brightness, 
	///  color space, audio balance and bass boost. The disadvantage
	///  to using the property pages is the user's choices cannot be
	///  saved and later restored. The exception to this is the video
	///  and audio compressor property pages. Most compressors support
	///  the saving and restoring state, see the 
	///  <see cref="PropertyPage.State"/> property for more information.
	/// </para>
	/// <para>
	///  Changes made in the property page will be reflected 
	///  immediately in the Capture class properties (e.g. Capture.FrameSize).
	///  However, the reverse is not always true. A change made directly to
	///  FrameSize, for example, may not be reflected in the associated
	///  property page. Fortunately, the filter will use requested FrameSize
	///  even though the property page shows otherwise.
	/// </para>
	/// <br/>
	/// <para><b>Saving and Restoring Settings</b></para>
	/// <para>
	///  To save the user's choice of devices and compressors, 
	///  save <see cref="Filter.MonikerString"/> and user it later
	///  to recreate the Filter object.
	/// </para>
	/// <para>
	///  To save a user's choices from a property page use
	///  <see cref="PropertyPage.State"/>. However, only the audio
	///  and video compressor property pages support this.
	/// </para>
	/// <para>
	///  The last items to save are the video and audio settings such
	///  as FrameSize and AudioSamplingRate. When restoring, remember
	///  to restore these properties after setting the video and audio
	///  compressors.
	/// </para>
	/// <code><div style="background-color:whitesmoke;">
	///  // Disable preview
	///  capture.PreviewWindow = null;
	///  // Save settings
	///  string videoDevice = capture.VideoDevice.MonikerString;
	///  string audioDevice = capture.AudioDevice.MonikerString;
	///  string videoCompressor = capture.VideoCompressor.MonikerString;
	///  string audioCompressor = capture.AudioCompressor.MonikerString;
	///  double frameRate = capture.FrameRate;
	///  Size frameSize = capture.FrameSize;
	///  short audioChannels = capture.AudioChannels;
	///  short audioSampleSize = capture.AudioSampleSize;
	///  int audioSamplingRate = capture.AudioSamplingRate;
	///  ArrayList pages = new ArrayList();
	///  foreach ( PropertyPage p in capture.PropertyPages )
	///  {
	///		if ( p.SupportsPersisting )
	///			pages.Add( p.State );
	///	}
	///  // Restore settings
	///  Capture capture = new Capture( new Filter( videoDevice), 
	///				new Filter( audioDevice) );
	///  capture.VideoCompressor = new Filter( videoCompressor );
	///  capture.AudioCompressor = new Filter( audioCompressor );
	///  capture.FrameRate = frameRate;
	///  capture.FrameSize = frameSize;
	///  capture.AudioChannels = audioChannels;
	///  capture.AudioSampleSize = audioSampleSize;
	///  capture.AudioSamplingRate = audioSamplingRate;
	///  foreach ( PropertyPage p in capture.PropertyPages )
	///  {
	///		if ( p.SupportsPersisting )
	///		{
	///			p.State = (byte[]) pages[0]
	///			pages.RemoveAt( 0 );
	///		}
	///	 }
	///  // Enable preview
	///  capture.PreviewWindow = myPanel;
	/// </div></code>
	/// <br/>
	/// <para><b>TV Tuner</b></para>
	/// <para>
	///  To access the TV Tuner, use the <see cref="Capture.Tuner"/> property.
	///  If the device does not have a TV tuner, this property will be null.
	///  See <see cref="DirectX.Capture.Tuner.Channel"/>, 
	///  <see cref="DirectX.Capture.Tuner.InputType"/> and 
	///  <see cref="DirectX.Capture.Tuner.SignalPresent"/> 
	///  for more information.
	/// </para>
	/// <code><div style="background-color:whitesmoke;">
	///  // Change to channel 5
	///  capture.Tuner.Channel = 5;
	/// </div></code>
	/// <br/>
	/// <para><b>Troubleshooting</b></para>
	/// <para>
	///  This class library uses COM Interop to access the full
	///  capabilities of DirectShow, so if there is another
	///  application that can successfully use a hardware device
	///  then it should be possible to modify this class library
	///  to use the device.
	/// </para>
	/// <para>
	///  Try the <b>AMCap</b> sample from the DirectX SDK 
	///  (DX9\Samples\C++\DirectShow\Bin\AMCap.exe) or 
	///  <b>Virtual VCR</b> from 
	/// </para>
	/// <br/>
	/// <para><b>Credits</b></para>
	/// <para>
	///  This class library would not be possible without the
	///  DShowNET project by NETMaster: 
	/// </para>
	/// <para>
	///  Documentation is generated by nDoc available at
	/// </para>
	/// <br/>
	/// <para><b>Feedback</b></para>
	///  Feel free to send comments and questions to me at
	/// If the the topic may be of interest
	///  to others, post your question on the
	///  page for DirectX.Capture.
	/// </remarks>
	public class Capture

		// ------------------ Private Enumerations --------------------

		/// <summary> Possible states of the interal filter graph </summary>
		protected enum GraphState
			Null,			// No filter graph at all
			Created,		// Filter graph created with device filters added
			Rendered,		// Filter complete built, ready to run (possibly previewing)
			Capturing		// Filter is capturing

		// ------------------ Public Properties --------------------

		/// <summary> Is the class currently capturing. Read-only. </summary>
		public bool Capturing { get { return( graphState==GraphState.Capturing ); } }

		/// <summary> Has the class been cued to begin capturing. Read-only. </summary>
		public bool Cued { get { return( isCaptureRendered && graphState==GraphState.Rendered ); } }

		/// <summary> Is the class currently stopped. Read-only. </summary>
		public bool Stopped { get { return( graphState!=GraphState.Capturing ); } }

		/// <summary> 
		///  Name of file to capture to. Initially set to
		///  a valid temporary file.
		/// </summary>		
		/// <remarks>
		///  If the file does not exist, it will be created. If it does 
		///  exist, it will be overwritten. An overwritten file will 
		///  not be shortened if the captured data is smaller than the 
		///  original file. The file will be valid, it will just contain 
		///  extra, unused, data after the audio/video data. 
		/// <para>
		///  A future version of this class will provide a method to copy 
		///  only the valid audio/video data to a new file. </para>
		/// <para>
		///  This property cannot be changed while capturing or cued. </para>
		/// </remarks> 
		public string Filename 
			get { return( filename ); } 
				if ( Cued )
					throw new InvalidOperationException( "The Filename cannot be changed once cued. Use Stop() before changing the filename." );
				filename = value; 
				if ( fileWriterFilter != null )
					string s;
					AMMediaType mt = new AMMediaType(); 
					int hr = fileWriterFilter.GetCurFile( out s, mt );
					if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );
					if ( mt.formatSize > 0 )
						Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( mt.formatPtr ); 
					hr = fileWriterFilter.SetFileName( filename, mt );
					if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

		/// <summary>
		///  The control that will host the preview window. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  Setting this property will begin video preview
		///  immediately. Set this property after setting all
		///  other properties to avoid unnecessary changes
		///  to the internal filter graph (some properties like
		///  FrameSize require the internal filter graph to be 
		///  stopped and disconnected before the property
		///  can be retrieved or set).
		/// <para>
		///  To stop video preview, set this property to null. </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public Control PreviewWindow
			get { return( previewWindow ); }
				previewWindow = value;
				wantPreviewRendered = ( ( previewWindow != null ) && ( videoDevice != null ) );

		/// <summary>
		///  The capabilities of the video device.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  It may be required to cue the capture (see <see cref="Cue"/>) 
		///  before all capabilities are correctly reported. If you 
		///  have such a device, the developer would be interested to
		///  hear from you.
		/// <para>
		///  The information contained in this property is retrieved and
		///  cached the first time this property is accessed. Future
		///  calls to this property use the cached results. This was done 
		///  for performance. </para>
		/// <para>
		///  However, this means <b>you may get different results depending 
		///  on when you access this property first</b>. If you are experiencing 
		///  problems, try accessing the property immediately after creating 
		///  the Capture class or immediately after setting the video and 
		///  audio compressors. Also, inform the developer. </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public VideoCapabilities VideoCaps 
				if ( videoCaps == null )
					if ( videoStreamConfig != null )
							videoCaps = new VideoCapabilities( videoStreamConfig ); 
						catch ( Exception ex ) { Debug.WriteLine( "VideoCaps: unable to create videoCaps." + ex.ToString() ); }
				return( videoCaps ); 

		/// <summary>
		///  The capabilities of the audio device.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  It may be required to cue the capture (see <see cref="Cue"/>) 
		///  before all capabilities are correctly reported. If you 
		///  have such a device, the developer would be interested to
		///  hear from you.
		/// <para>
		///  The information contained in this property is retrieved and
		///  cached the first time this property is accessed. Future
		///  calls to this property use the cached results. This was done 
		///  for performance. </para>
		/// <para>
		///  However, this means <b>you may get different results depending 
		///  on when you access this property first</b>. If you are experiencing 
		///  problems, try accessing the property immediately after creating 
		///  the Capture class or immediately after setting the video and 
		///  audio compressors. Also, inform the developer. </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public AudioCapabilities AudioCaps 
				if ( audioCaps == null )
					if ( audioStreamConfig != null )
							audioCaps = new AudioCapabilities( audioStreamConfig ); 
						catch ( Exception ex ) { Debug.WriteLine( "AudioCaps: unable to create audioCaps." + ex.ToString() ); }
				return( audioCaps ); 

		/// <summary> 
		///  The video capture device filter. Read-only. To use a different 
		///  device, dispose of the current Capture instance and create a new 
		///  instance with the desired device. 
		/// </summary>
		public Filter VideoDevice { get { return( videoDevice ); } }

		/// <summary> 
		///  The audio capture device filter. Read-only. To use a different 
		///  device, dispose of the current Capture instance and create a new 
		///  instance with the desired device. 
		/// </summary>
		public Filter AudioDevice { get { return( audioDevice ); } }

		/// <summary> 
		///  The video compression filter. When this property is changed 
		///  the internal filter graph is rebuilt. This means that some properties
		///  will be reset. Set this property as early as possible to avoid losing 
		///  changes. This property cannot be changed while capturing.
		/// </summary>
		public Filter VideoCompressor { 
			get { return( videoCompressor ); } 
				videoCompressor = value;

		/// <summary> 
		///  The audio compression filter. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  When this property is changed 
		///  the internal filter graph is rebuilt. This means that some properties
		///  will be reset. Set this property as early as possible to avoid losing 
		///  changes. This property cannot be changed while capturing.
		/// </remarks>
		public Filter AudioCompressor 
			get { return( audioCompressor ); } 
				audioCompressor = value;

		/// <summary> 
		///  The current video source. Use Capture.VideoSources to 
		///  list available sources. Set to null to disable all 
		///  sources (mute).
		/// </summary>
		public Source VideoSource 
			get { return( VideoSources.CurrentSource ); } 
			set { VideoSources.CurrentSource = value; } 

		/// <summary> 
		///  The current audio source. Use Capture.AudioSources to 
		///  list available sources. Set to null to disable all 
		///  sources (mute).
		/// </summary>
		public Source AudioSource 
			get { return( AudioSources.CurrentSource ); } 
			set { AudioSources.CurrentSource = value; }

		/// <summary> 
		///  Collection of available video sources/physical connectors 
		///  on the current video device. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  In most cases, if the device has only one source, 
		///  this collection will be empty. 
		/// <para>
		///  The information contained in this property is retrieved and
		///  cached the first time this property is accessed. Future
		///  calls to this property use the cached results. This was done 
		///  for performance. </para>
		/// <para>
		///  However, this means <b>you may get different results depending 
		///  on when you access this property first</b>. If you are experiencing 
		///  problems, try accessing the property immediately after creating 
		///  the Capture class or immediately after setting the video and 
		///  audio compressors. Also, inform the developer. </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public SourceCollection VideoSources
				if ( videoSources == null )
						if ( videoDevice != null )
							videoSources = new SourceCollection( captureGraphBuilder, videoDeviceFilter, true );
							videoSources = new SourceCollection();
					catch ( Exception ex ) { Debug.WriteLine( "VideoSources: unable to create VideoSources." + ex.ToString() ); }
				return ( videoSources );

		/// <summary> 
		///  Collection of available audio sources/physical connectors 
		///  on the current audio device. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  In most cases, if the device has only one source, 
		///  this collection will be empty. For audio
		///  there are 2 different methods for enumerating audio sources
		///  an audio crossbar (usually TV tuners?) or an audio mixer 
		///  (usually sound cards?). This class will first look for an 
		///  audio crossbar. If no sources or only one source is available
		///  on the crossbar, this class will then look for an audio mixer.
		///  This class does not support both methods.
		/// <para>
		///  The information contained in this property is retrieved and
		///  cached the first time this property is accessed. Future
		///  calls to this property use the cached results. This was done 
		///  for performance. </para>
		/// <para>
		///  However, this means <b>you may get different results depending 
		///  on when you access this property first</b>. If you are experiencing 
		///  problems, try accessing the property immediately after creating 
		///  the Capture class or immediately after setting the video and 
		///  audio compressors. Also, inform the developer. </para>
		///  </remarks>
		public SourceCollection AudioSources
				if ( audioSources == null )
						if ( audioDevice != null )
							audioSources = new SourceCollection( captureGraphBuilder, audioDeviceFilter, false );
							audioSources = new SourceCollection();
					catch ( Exception ex ) { Debug.WriteLine( "AudioSources: unable to create AudioSources." + ex.ToString() ); }
				return ( audioSources );

		/// <summary>
		///  Available property pages. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  These are property pages exposed by the DirectShow filters. 
		///  These property pages allow users modify settings on the 
		///  filters directly. 
		/// <para>
		///  The information contained in this property is retrieved and
		///  cached the first time this property is accessed. Future
		///  calls to this property use the cached results. This was done 
		///  for performance. </para>
		/// <para>
		///  However, this means <b>you may get different results depending 
		///  on when you access this property first</b>. If you are experiencing 
		///  problems, try accessing the property immediately after creating 
		///  the Capture class or immediately after setting the video and 
		///  audio compressors. Also, inform the developer. </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public PropertyPageCollection PropertyPages 
				if ( propertyPages == null )
						propertyPages = new PropertyPageCollection( 
							videoDeviceFilter, audioDeviceFilter, 
							videoCompressorFilter, audioCompressorFilter, 
							VideoSources, AudioSources );
					catch ( Exception ex ) { Debug.WriteLine( "PropertyPages: unable to get property pages." + ex.ToString() ); }

				return( propertyPages );

		/// <summary>
		///  The TV Tuner or null if the current video device 
		///  does not have a TV Tuner.
		/// </summary>
		public Tuner Tuner { get { return( tuner ); } }

		/// <summary>
		///  Gets and sets the frame rate used to capture video.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  Common frame rates: 24 fps for film, 25 for PAL, 29.997
		///  for NTSC. Not all NTSC capture cards can capture at 
		///  exactly 29.997 fps. Not all frame rates are supported. 
		///  When changing the frame rate, the closest supported 
		///  frame rate will be used. 
		/// <para>
		///  Not all devices support getting/setting this property.
		///  If this property is not supported, accessing it will
		///  throw and exception. </para>
		/// <para>
		///  This property cannot be changed while capturing. Changing 
		///  this property while preview is enabled will cause some 
		///  fickering while the internal filter graph is partially
		///  rebuilt. Changing this property while cued will cancel the
		///  cue. Call Cue() again to re-cue the capture. </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public double FrameRate
				long avgTimePerFrame = (long) getStreamConfigSetting( videoStreamConfig, "AvgTimePerFrame" );
				return( (double) 10000000 / avgTimePerFrame );
				long avgTimePerFrame = (long) ( 10000000 / value );
				setStreamConfigSetting( videoStreamConfig, "AvgTimePerFrame", avgTimePerFrame );

		/// <summary>
		///  Gets and sets the frame size used to capture video.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  To change the frame size, assign a new Size object 
		///  to this property <code>capture.Size = new Size( w, h );</code>
		///  rather than modifying the size in place 
		///  (capture.Size.Width = w;). Not all frame
		///  rates are supported.
		/// <para>
		///  Not all devices support getting/setting this property.
		///  If this property is not supported, accessing it will
		///  throw and exception. </para>
		/// <para> 
		///  This property cannot be changed while capturing. Changing 
		///  this property while preview is enabled will cause some 
		///  fickering while the internal filter graph is partially
		///  rebuilt. Changing this property while cued will cancel the
		///  cue. Call Cue() again to re-cue the capture. </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public Size FrameSize
				BitmapInfoHeader bmiHeader;
				bmiHeader = (BitmapInfoHeader) getStreamConfigSetting( videoStreamConfig, "BmiHeader" );
				Size size = new Size( bmiHeader.Width, bmiHeader.Height );
				return( size );
				BitmapInfoHeader bmiHeader;
				bmiHeader = (BitmapInfoHeader) getStreamConfigSetting( videoStreamConfig, "BmiHeader" );
				bmiHeader.Width = value.Width;
				bmiHeader.Height = value.Height;
				setStreamConfigSetting( videoStreamConfig, "BmiHeader", bmiHeader );

		/// <summary>
		///  Get or set the number of channels in the waveform-audio data. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  Monaural data uses one channel and stereo data uses two channels. 
		/// <para>
		///  Not all devices support getting/setting this property.
		///  If this property is not supported, accessing it will
		///  throw and exception. </para>
		/// <para>
		///  This property cannot be changed while capturing. Changing 
		///  this property while preview is enabled will cause some 
		///  fickering while the internal filter graph is partially
		///  rebuilt. Changing this property while cued will cancel the
		///  cue. Call Cue() again to re-cue the capture. </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public short AudioChannels
				short audioChannels = (short) getStreamConfigSetting( audioStreamConfig, "nChannels" );
				return( audioChannels );
				setStreamConfigSetting( audioStreamConfig, "nChannels", value );

		/// <summary>
		///  Get or set the number of audio samples taken per second.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  Common sampling rates are 8.0 kHz, 11.025 kHz, 22.05 kHz, and 
		///  44.1 kHz. Not all sampling rates are supported.
		/// <para>
		///  Not all devices support getting/setting this property.
		///  If this property is not supported, accessing it will
		///  throw and exception. </para>
		/// <para>
		///  This property cannot be changed while capturing. Changing 
		///  this property while preview is enabled will cause some 
		///  fickering while the internal filter graph is partially
		///  rebuilt. Changing this property while cued will cancel the
		///  cue. Call Cue() again to re-cue the capture. </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public int AudioSamplingRate
				int samplingRate = (int) getStreamConfigSetting( audioStreamConfig, "nSamplesPerSec" );
				return( samplingRate );
				setStreamConfigSetting( audioStreamConfig, "nSamplesPerSec", value );

		/// <summary>
		///  Get or set the number of bits recorded per sample. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  Common sample sizes are 8 bit and 16 bit. Not all
		///  samples sizes are supported.
		/// <para>
		///  Not all devices support getting/setting this property.
		///  If this property is not supported, accessing it will
		///  throw and exception. </para>
		/// <para>
		///  This property cannot be changed while capturing. Changing 
		///  this property while preview is enabled will cause some 
		///  fickering while the internal filter graph is partially
		///  rebuilt. Changing this property while cued will cancel the
		///  cue. Call Cue() again to re-cue the capture. </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public short AudioSampleSize
				short sampleSize = (short) getStreamConfigSetting( audioStreamConfig, "wBitsPerSample" );
				return( sampleSize );
				setStreamConfigSetting( audioStreamConfig, "wBitsPerSample", value );

		// --------------------- Events ----------------------

		/// <summary> Fired when a capture is completed (manually or automatically). </summary>
		public event EventHandler					CaptureComplete;

		// ------------- Protected/private Properties --------------

		protected GraphState		graphState = GraphState.Null;		// State of the internal filter graph
		protected bool				isPreviewRendered = false;			// When graphState==Rendered, have we rendered the preview stream?
		protected bool				isCaptureRendered = false;			// When graphState==Rendered, have we rendered the capture stream?
		protected bool				wantPreviewRendered = false;		// Do we need the preview stream rendered (VideoDevice and PreviewWindow != null)
		protected bool				wantCaptureRendered = false;		// Do we need the capture stream rendered

		protected int				rotCookie = 0;						// Cookie into the Running Object Table
		protected Filter			videoDevice = null;					// Property Backer: Video capture device filter
		protected Filter			audioDevice = null;					// Property Backer: Audio capture device filter
		protected Filter			videoCompressor = null;				// Property Backer: Video compression filter
		protected Filter			audioCompressor = null;				// Property Backer: Audio compression filter
		protected string			filename = "";						// Property Backer: Name of file to capture to
		protected Control			previewWindow = null;				// Property Backer: Owner control for preview
		protected VideoCapabilities	videoCaps = null;					// Property Backer: capabilities of video device
		protected AudioCapabilities	audioCaps = null;					// Property Backer: capabilities of audio device
		protected SourceCollection	videoSources = null;				// Property Backer: list of physical video sources
		protected SourceCollection	audioSources = null;				// Property Backer: list of physical audio sources
		protected PropertyPageCollection propertyPages = null;			// Property Backer: list of property pages exposed by filters
		protected Tuner				tuner = null;						// Property Backer: TV Tuner

		protected IGraphBuilder		graphBuilder;						// DShow Filter: Graph builder 
		protected IMediaControl		mediaControl;						// DShow Filter: Start/Stop the filter graph -> copy of graphBuilder
		protected IVideoWindow		videoWindow;						// DShow Filter: Control preview window -> copy of graphBuilder
		protected ICaptureGraphBuilder2		captureGraphBuilder = null;	// DShow Filter: building graphs for capturing video
		protected IAMStreamConfig	videoStreamConfig = null;			// DShow Filter: configure frame rate, size
		protected IAMStreamConfig	audioStreamConfig = null;			// DShow Filter: configure sample rate, sample size
		protected IBaseFilter		videoDeviceFilter = null;			// DShow Filter: selected video device
		protected IBaseFilter		videoCompressorFilter = null;		// DShow Filter: selected video compressor
		protected IBaseFilter		audioDeviceFilter = null;			// DShow Filter: selected audio device
		protected IBaseFilter		audioCompressorFilter = null;		// DShow Filter: selected audio compressor
		protected IBaseFilter		muxFilter = null;					// DShow Filter: multiplexor (combine video and audio streams)
		protected IFileSinkFilter	fileWriterFilter = null;			// DShow Filter: file writer

		// ------------- Constructors/Destructors --------------

		/// <summary> 
		///  Create a new Capture object. 
		///  videoDevice and audioDevice can be null if you do not 
		///  wish to capture both audio and video. However at least
		///  one must be a valid device. Use the <see cref="Filters"/> 
		///  class to list available devices.
		///  </summary>
		public Capture(Filter videoDevice, Filter audioDevice)
			if ( videoDevice == null && audioDevice == null )
				throw new ArgumentException( "The videoDevice and/or the audioDevice parameter must be set to a valid Filter.\n" );
			this.videoDevice = videoDevice;
			this.audioDevice = audioDevice;
			this.Filename = getTempFilename();

		/// <summary> Destructor. Dispose of resources. </summary>

		// --------------------- Public Methods -----------------------

		/// <summary>
		///  Prepare for capturing. Use this method when capturing 
		///  must begin as quickly as possible. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		///  This will create/overwrite a zero byte file with 
		///  the name set in the Filename property. 
		/// <para>
		///  This will disable preview. Preview will resume
		///  once capture begins. This problem can be fixed
		///  if someone is willing to make the change. </para>
		/// <para>
		///  This method is optional. If Cue() is not called, 
		///  Start() will call it before capturing. This method
		///  cannot be called while capturing. </para>
		/// </remarks>
		public void Cue()

			// We want the capture stream rendered
			wantCaptureRendered = true;

			// Re-render the graph (if necessary)

			// Pause the graph
			int hr = mediaControl.Pause();
			if ( hr != 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr ); 

		/// <summary> Begin capturing. </summary>
		public void Start()

			// We want the capture stream rendered
			wantCaptureRendered = true;

			// Re-render the graph (if necessary)

			// Start the filter graph: begin capturing
			int hr = mediaControl.Run();
			if ( hr != 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr ); 

			// Update the state
			graphState = GraphState.Capturing;

		/// <summary> 
		///  Stop the current capture capture. If there is no
		///  current capture, this method will succeed.
		/// </summary>
		public void Stop()
			wantCaptureRendered = false;

			// Stop the graph if it is running
			// If we have a preview running we should only stop the
			// capture stream. However, if we have a preview stream
			// we need to re-render the graph anyways because we 
			// need to get rid of the capture stream. To re-render
			// we need to stop the entire graph
			if ( mediaControl != null )

			// Update the state
			if ( graphState == GraphState.Capturing )
				graphState = GraphState.Rendered;
				if ( CaptureComplete != null )
					CaptureComplete( this, null );

			// So we destroy the capture stream IF 
			// we need a preview stream. If we don't
			// this will leave the graph as it is.
			try { renderGraph(); } catch {}
			try { startPreviewIfNeeded(); } catch {}

		/// <summary> 
		///  Calls Stop, releases all references. If a capture is in progress
		///  it will be stopped, but the CaptureComplete event will NOT fire.
		/// </summary>
		public void Dispose()
			wantPreviewRendered = false;
			wantCaptureRendered = false;
			CaptureComplete = null;

			try { destroyGraph(); } catch {}

			if ( videoSources != null )
				videoSources.Dispose(); videoSources = null;
			if ( audioSources != null )
				audioSources.Dispose(); audioSources = null;


		// --------------------- Private Methods -----------------------
		/// <summary> 
		///  Create a new filter graph and add filters (devices, compressors, 
		///  misc), but leave the filters unconnected. Call renderGraph()
		///  to connect the filters.
		/// </summary>
		protected void createGraph()
			Guid					cat;
			Guid					med;
			int						hr;

			// Ensure required properties are set
			if ( videoDevice == null && audioDevice == null )
				throw new ArgumentException( "The video and/or audio device have not been set. Please set one or both to valid capture devices.\n" );

			// Skip if we are already created
			if ( (int)graphState < (int)GraphState.Created )
				// Garbage collect, ensure that previous filters are released

				// Make a new filter graph
				graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder) Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetTypeFromCLSID( Clsid.FilterGraph, true ) ); 

				// Get the Capture Graph Builder
				Guid clsid = Clsid.CaptureGraphBuilder2;
				Guid riid = typeof(ICaptureGraphBuilder2).GUID;
				captureGraphBuilder = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2) DsBugWO.CreateDsInstance( ref clsid, ref riid ); 

				// Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph
				hr = captureGraphBuilder.SetFiltergraph( graphBuilder );
				if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				// Add the graph to the Running Object Table so it can be
				// viewed with GraphEdit
				#if DEBUG
				DsROT.AddGraphToRot( graphBuilder, out rotCookie );

				// Get the video device and add it to the filter graph
				if ( VideoDevice != null )
					videoDeviceFilter = (IBaseFilter) Marshal.BindToMoniker( VideoDevice.MonikerString );
					hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter( videoDeviceFilter, "Video Capture Device" );
					if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				// Get the audio device and add it to the filter graph
				if ( AudioDevice != null )
					audioDeviceFilter = (IBaseFilter) Marshal.BindToMoniker( AudioDevice.MonikerString );
					hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter( audioDeviceFilter, "Audio Capture Device" );
					if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				// Get the video compressor and add it to the filter graph
				if ( VideoCompressor != null )
					videoCompressorFilter = (IBaseFilter) Marshal.BindToMoniker( VideoCompressor.MonikerString ); 
					hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter( videoCompressorFilter, "Video Compressor" );
					if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				// Get the audio compressor and add it to the filter graph
				if ( AudioCompressor != null )
					audioCompressorFilter = (IBaseFilter) Marshal.BindToMoniker( AudioCompressor.MonikerString ); 
					hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter( audioCompressorFilter, "Audio Compressor" );
					if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				// Retrieve the stream control interface for the video device
				// FindInterface will also add any required filters
				// (WDM devices in particular may need additional
				// upstream filters to function).

				// Try looking for an interleaved media type
				object o;
				cat = PinCategory.Capture;
				med = MediaType.Interleaved;
				Guid iid = typeof(IAMStreamConfig).GUID;
				hr = captureGraphBuilder.FindInterface(
					ref cat, ref med, videoDeviceFilter, ref iid, out o );

				if ( hr != 0 )
					// If not found, try looking for a video media type
					med = MediaType.Video;
					hr = captureGraphBuilder.FindInterface(
						ref cat, ref med, videoDeviceFilter, ref iid, out o );
					if ( hr != 0 )
						o = null;
				videoStreamConfig = o as IAMStreamConfig;

				// Retrieve the stream control interface for the audio device
				o = null;
				cat = PinCategory.Capture;
				med = MediaType.Audio ;
				iid = typeof(IAMStreamConfig).GUID;
				hr = captureGraphBuilder.FindInterface(
					ref cat, ref med, audioDeviceFilter, ref iid, out o );
				if ( hr != 0 )
					o = null;
				audioStreamConfig = o as IAMStreamConfig;

				// Retreive the media control interface (for starting/stopping graph)
				mediaControl = (IMediaControl) graphBuilder;

				// Reload any video crossbars
				if ( videoSources != null ) videoSources.Dispose(); videoSources = null;

				// Reload any audio crossbars
				if ( audioSources != null ) audioSources.Dispose(); audioSources = null;
				// Reload any property pages exposed by filters
				if ( propertyPages != null ) propertyPages.Dispose(); propertyPages = null;

				// Reload capabilities of video device
				videoCaps = null;

				// Reload capabilities of video device
				audioCaps = null;

				// Retrieve TV Tuner if available
				o = null;
				cat = PinCategory.Capture;
				med = MediaType.Interleaved; 
				iid = typeof(IAMTVTuner).GUID;
				hr = captureGraphBuilder.FindInterface( 
					ref cat, ref med, videoDeviceFilter, ref iid, out o );
				if ( hr != 0 )
					med = MediaType.Video ;
					hr = captureGraphBuilder.FindInterface( 
						ref cat, ref med, videoDeviceFilter, ref iid, out o );
					if ( hr != 0 )
						o = null;
				IAMTVTuner t = o as IAMTVTuner;
				if ( t != null )
					tuner = new Tuner( t );

							// ----------- VMR 9 -------------------
							//## check out samples\inc\vmrutil.h :: RenderFileToVMR9

							IBaseFilter vmr = null;
							if ( ( VideoDevice != null ) && ( previewWindow != null ) )
								vmr = (IBaseFilter) Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetTypeFromCLSID( Clsid.VideoMixingRenderer9, true ) ); 
								hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter( vmr, "VMR" );
								if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

								IVMRFilterConfig9 vmrFilterConfig = (IVMRFilterConfig9) vmr;
								hr = vmrFilterConfig.SetRenderingMode( VMRMode9.Windowless );
								if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

								IVMRWindowlessControl9 vmrWindowsless = (IVMRWindowlessControl9) vmr;	
								hr = vmrWindowsless.SetVideoClippingWindow( previewWindow.Handle );
								if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

							// ---------- SmartTee ---------------------

							IBaseFilter smartTeeFilter = (IBaseFilter) Activator.CreateInstance( Type.GetTypeFromCLSID( Clsid.SmartTee, true ) ); 
							hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter( smartTeeFilter, "Video Smart Tee" );
							if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

							// Video -> SmartTee
							cat = PinCategory.Capture;
							med = MediaType.Video;
							hr = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream( ref cat, ref med, videoDeviceFilter, null, smartTeeFilter ); 
							if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

							// smarttee -> mux
							cat = PinCategory.Capture;
							med = MediaType.Video;
							hr = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream( ref cat, ref med, smartTeeFilter, null, muxFilter ); 
							if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

							// smarttee -> vmr
							cat = PinCategory.Preview;
							med = MediaType.Video;
							hr = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream( ref cat, ref med, smartTeeFilter, null, vmr ); 
							if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

							// -------------------------------------
				// Update the state now that we are done
				graphState = GraphState.Created;

		/// <summary>
		///  Connects the filters of a previously created graph 
		///  (created by createGraph()). Once rendered the graph
		///  is ready to be used. This method may also destroy
		///  streams if we have streams we no longer want.
		/// </summary>
		protected void renderGraph()
			Guid					cat;
			Guid					med;
			int						hr;
			bool					didSomething = false;
			const int WS_CHILD			= 0x40000000;	
			const int WS_CLIPCHILDREN	= 0x02000000;
			const int WS_CLIPSIBLINGS	= 0x04000000;


			// Ensure required properties set
			if ( filename == null )
				throw new ArgumentException( "The Filename property has not been set to a file.\n" );

			// Stop the graph
			if ( mediaControl != null )

			// Create the graph if needed (group should already be created)

			// Derender the graph if we have a capture or preview stream
			// that we no longer want. We can't derender the capture and 
			// preview streams seperately. 
			// Notice the second case will leave a capture stream intact
			// even if we no longer want it. This allows the user that is
			// not using the preview to Stop() and Start() without
			// rerendering the graph.
			if ( !wantPreviewRendered && isPreviewRendered )
			if ( !wantCaptureRendered && isCaptureRendered )
				if ( wantPreviewRendered )

			// Render capture stream (only if necessary)
			if ( wantCaptureRendered && !isCaptureRendered )
				// Render the file writer portion of graph (mux -> file)
				Guid mediaSubType = MediaSubType.Avi;
				hr = captureGraphBuilder.SetOutputFileName( ref mediaSubType, Filename, out muxFilter, out fileWriterFilter );
				if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				// Render video (video -> mux)
				if ( VideoDevice != null )
					// Try interleaved first, because if the device supports it,
					// it's the only way to get audio as well as video
					cat = PinCategory.Capture;
					med = MediaType.Interleaved;
					hr = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream( ref cat, ref med, videoDeviceFilter, videoCompressorFilter, muxFilter ); 
					if( hr < 0 ) 
						med = MediaType.Video;
						hr = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream( ref cat, ref med, videoDeviceFilter, videoCompressorFilter, muxFilter ); 
						if ( hr == -2147220969 ) throw new DeviceInUseException( "Video device", hr );
						if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				// Render audio (audio -> mux)
				if ( AudioDevice != null )
					cat = PinCategory.Capture;
					med = MediaType.Audio;
					hr = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream( ref cat, ref med, audioDeviceFilter, audioCompressorFilter, muxFilter );
					if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				isCaptureRendered = true;
				didSomething = true;

			// Render preview stream (only if necessary)
			if ( wantPreviewRendered && !isPreviewRendered )
				// Render preview (video -> renderer)
				cat = PinCategory.Preview;
				med = MediaType.Video;
				hr = captureGraphBuilder.RenderStream( ref cat, ref med, videoDeviceFilter, null, null ); 
				if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				// Get the IVideoWindow interface
				videoWindow = (IVideoWindow) graphBuilder;

				// Set the video window to be a child of the main window
				hr = videoWindow.put_Owner( previewWindow.Handle );
				if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				// Set video window style
				hr = videoWindow.put_WindowStyle( WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS);
				if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				// Position video window in client rect of owner window
				previewWindow.Resize += new EventHandler( onPreviewWindowResize );
				onPreviewWindowResize( this, null );

				// Make the video window visible, now that it is properly positioned
				hr = videoWindow.put_Visible( DsHlp.OATRUE );
				if( hr < 0 ) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );

				isPreviewRendered = true;
				didSomething = true;

			if ( didSomething )
				graphState = GraphState.Rendered;

		/// <summary>
		///  Setup and start the preview window if the user has
		///  requested it (by setting PreviewWindow).
		/// </summary>
		protected void startPreviewIfNeeded()
			// Render preview 
			if ( wantPreviewRendered && isPreviewRendered && !isCaptureRendered )
				// Run the graph (ignore errors)
				// We can run the entire graph becuase the capture
				// stream should not be rendered (and that is enforced
				// in the if statement above)

		/// <summary>
		///  Disconnect and remove all filters except the device
		///  and compressor filters. This is the opposite of
		///  renderGraph(). Soem properties such as FrameRate
		///  can only be set when the device output pins are not
		///  connected. 
		/// </summary>
		protected void derenderGraph()
			// Stop the graph if it is running (ignore errors)
			if ( mediaControl != null )

			// Free the preview window (ignore errors)
			if ( videoWindow != null )
				videoWindow.put_Visible( DsHlp.OAFALSE );
				videoWindow.put_Owner( IntPtr.Zero );
				videoWindow = null;

			// Remove the Resize event handler
			if ( PreviewWindow != null )
				previewWindow.Resize -= new EventHandler( onPreviewWindowResize );

			if ( (int)graphState >= (int)GraphState.Rendered )
				// Update the state
				graphState = GraphState.Created;
				isCaptureRendered = false;
				isPreviewRendered = false;

				// Disconnect all filters downstream of the 
				// video and audio devices. If we have a compressor
				// then disconnect it, but don't remove it
				if ( videoDeviceFilter != null )
					removeDownstream( videoDeviceFilter, (videoCompressor==null) );
				if ( audioDeviceFilter != null )
					removeDownstream( audioDeviceFilter, (audioCompressor==null) );

				// These filters should have been removed by the
				// calls above. (Is there anyway to check?)
				muxFilter = null;
				fileWriterFilter = null;

		/// <summary>
		///  Removes all filters downstream from a filter from the graph.
		///  This is called only by derenderGraph() to remove everything
		///  from the graph except the devices and compressors. The parameter
		///  "removeFirstFilter" is used to keep a compressor (that should
		///  be immediately downstream of the device) if one is begin used.
		/// </summary>
		protected void removeDownstream( IBaseFilter filter, bool removeFirstFilter )
			// Get a pin enumerator off the filter
			IEnumPins pinEnum;
			int hr = filter.EnumPins( out pinEnum );
			if( (hr == 0) && (pinEnum != null) )
				// Loop through each pin
				IPin[] pins = new IPin[1];
				int f;
					// Get the next pin
					hr = pinEnum.Next( 1, pins, out f );
					if( (hr == 0) && (pins[0] != null) )
						// Get the pin it is connected to
						IPin pinTo = null;
						pins[0].ConnectedTo( out pinTo );
						if ( pinTo != null )
							// Is this an input pin?
							PinInfo info = new PinInfo();
							hr = pinTo.QueryPinInfo( out info );
							if( (hr == 0) && (info.dir == (PinDirection.Input)) )
								// Recurse down this branch
								removeDownstream( info.filter, true );

								// Disconnect 
								graphBuilder.Disconnect( pinTo );
								graphBuilder.Disconnect( pins[0] );

								// Remove this filter
								// but don't remove the video or audio compressors
								if ( ( info.filter != videoCompressorFilter ) &&
									 ( info.filter != audioCompressorFilter ) )
									graphBuilder.RemoveFilter( info.filter );
							Marshal.ReleaseComObject( info.filter );
							Marshal.ReleaseComObject( pinTo );
						Marshal.ReleaseComObject( pins[0] );
				while( hr == 0 );

				Marshal.ReleaseComObject( pinEnum ); pinEnum = null;

		/// <summary>
		///  Completely tear down a filter graph and 
		///  release all associated resources.
		/// </summary>
		protected void destroyGraph()
			// Derender the graph (This will stop the graph
			// and release preview window. It also destroys
			// half of the graph which is unnecessary but
			// harmless here.) (ignore errors)
			try{ derenderGraph(); } catch {}

			// Update the state after derender because it
			// depends on correct status. But we also want to
			// update the state as early as possible in case
			// of error.
			graphState = GraphState.Null;
			isCaptureRendered = false;
			isPreviewRendered = false;

			// Remove graph from the ROT
			if ( rotCookie != 0 )
				DsROT.RemoveGraphFromRot( ref rotCookie );
				rotCookie = 0;

			// Remove filters from the graph
			// This should be unnecessary but the Nvidia WDM
			// video driver cannot be used by this application 
			// again unless we remove it. Ideally, we should
			// simply enumerate all the filters in the graph
			// and remove them. (ignore errors)
			if ( muxFilter != null )
				graphBuilder.RemoveFilter( muxFilter );
			if ( videoCompressorFilter != null )
				graphBuilder.RemoveFilter( videoCompressorFilter  );
			if ( audioCompressorFilter != null )
				graphBuilder.RemoveFilter( audioCompressorFilter  );
			if ( videoDeviceFilter != null )
				graphBuilder.RemoveFilter( videoDeviceFilter );
			if ( audioDeviceFilter != null )
				graphBuilder.RemoveFilter( audioDeviceFilter );

			// Clean up properties
			if ( videoSources != null )
				videoSources.Dispose(); videoSources = null;
			if ( audioSources != null )
				audioSources.Dispose(); audioSources = null;
			if ( propertyPages != null )
				propertyPages.Dispose(); propertyPages = null;
			if ( tuner != null )
				tuner.Dispose(); tuner = null;

			// Cleanup
			if ( graphBuilder != null )
				Marshal.ReleaseComObject( graphBuilder );  graphBuilder = null;
			if ( captureGraphBuilder != null )
				Marshal.ReleaseComObject( captureGraphBuilder ); captureGraphBuilder = null;
			if ( muxFilter != null )
				Marshal.ReleaseComObject( muxFilter ); muxFilter = null;
			if ( fileWriterFilter != null )
				Marshal.ReleaseComObject( fileWriterFilter ); fileWriterFilter = null;
			if ( videoDeviceFilter != null )
				Marshal.ReleaseComObject( videoDeviceFilter ); videoDeviceFilter = null;
			if ( audioDeviceFilter != null )
				Marshal.ReleaseComObject( audioDeviceFilter ); audioDeviceFilter = null;
			if ( videoCompressorFilter != null )
				Marshal.ReleaseComObject( videoCompressorFilter ); videoCompressorFilter = null;
			if ( audioCompressorFilter != null )
				Marshal.ReleaseComObject( audioCompressorFilter ); audioCompressorFilter = null;

			// These are copies of graphBuilder
			mediaControl = null;
			videoWindow = null;

			// For unmanaged objects we haven't released explicitly

		/// <summary> Resize the preview when the PreviewWindow is resized </summary>
		protected void onPreviewWindowResize(object sender, EventArgs e)
			if ( videoWindow != null )
				// Position video window in client rect of owner window
				Rectangle rc = previewWindow.ClientRectangle;
				videoWindow.SetWindowPosition( 0, 0, rc.Right, rc.Bottom );
		/// <summary> 
		///  Get a valid temporary filename (with path). We aren't using 
		///  Path.GetTempFileName() because it creates a 0-byte file 
		/// </summary>
		protected string getTempFilename()
			string s;
				int count = 0;
				int i;
				Random r = new Random();
				string tempPath = Path.GetTempPath();
					i = r.Next();
					s = Path.Combine( tempPath, i.ToString("X") + ".avi" );
					if ( count > 100 ) throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unable to find temporary file." );
				} while ( File.Exists( s ) );
			catch { s = "c:\temp.avi"; }
			return( s );

		/// <summary>
		///  Retrieves the value of one member of the IAMStreamConfig format block.
		///  Helper function for several properties that expose
		///  video/audio settings from IAMStreamConfig.GetFormat().
		///  IAMStreamConfig.GetFormat() returns a AMMediaType struct.
		///  AMMediaType.formatPtr points to a format block structure.
		///  This format block structure may be one of several 
		///  types, the type being determined by AMMediaType.formatType.
		/// </summary>
		protected object getStreamConfigSetting( IAMStreamConfig streamConfig, string fieldName)
			if ( streamConfig == null )
				throw new NotSupportedException();

			object returnValue = null;
			IntPtr pmt = IntPtr.Zero;
			AMMediaType mediaType = new AMMediaType();

				// Get the current format info
				int hr = streamConfig.GetFormat( out pmt );
				if ( hr != 0 )
					Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );
				Marshal.PtrToStructure( pmt, mediaType );

				// The formatPtr member points to different structures
				// dependingon the formatType
				object formatStruct;
				if ( mediaType.formatType == FormatType.WaveEx )
					formatStruct = new WaveFormatEx();
				else if ( mediaType.formatType == FormatType.VideoInfo )
					formatStruct = new VideoInfoHeader();
				else if ( mediaType.formatType == FormatType.VideoInfo2 )
					formatStruct = new VideoInfoHeader2();
					throw new NotSupportedException( "This device does not support a recognized format block." );

				// Retrieve the nested structure
				Marshal.PtrToStructure( mediaType.formatPtr, formatStruct );

				// Find the required field
				Type structType = formatStruct.GetType();
				FieldInfo fieldInfo = structType.GetField( fieldName );
				if ( fieldInfo == null )
					throw new NotSupportedException( "Unable to find the member '" + fieldName + "' in the format block." );

				// Extract the field's current value
				returnValue = fieldInfo.GetValue( formatStruct ); 
				DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType( mediaType );
				Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( pmt );

			return( returnValue );

		/// <summary>
		///  Set the value of one member of the IAMStreamConfig format block.
		///  Helper function for several properties that expose
		///  video/audio settings from IAMStreamConfig.GetFormat().
		///  IAMStreamConfig.GetFormat() returns a AMMediaType struct.
		///  AMMediaType.formatPtr points to a format block structure.
		///  This format block structure may be one of several 
		///  types, the type being determined by AMMediaType.formatType.
		/// </summary>
		protected object setStreamConfigSetting( IAMStreamConfig streamConfig, string fieldName, object newValue)
			if ( streamConfig == null )
				throw new NotSupportedException();

			object returnValue = null;
			IntPtr pmt = IntPtr.Zero;
			AMMediaType mediaType = new AMMediaType();

				// Get the current format info
				int hr = streamConfig.GetFormat( out pmt );
				if ( hr != 0 )
					Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );
				Marshal.PtrToStructure( pmt, mediaType );

				// The formatPtr member points to different structures
				// dependingon the formatType
				object formatStruct;
				if ( mediaType.formatType == FormatType.WaveEx )
					formatStruct = new WaveFormatEx();
				else if ( mediaType.formatType == FormatType.VideoInfo )
					formatStruct = new VideoInfoHeader();
				else if ( mediaType.formatType == FormatType.VideoInfo2 )
					formatStruct = new VideoInfoHeader2();
					throw new NotSupportedException( "This device does not support a recognized format block." );

				// Retrieve the nested structure
				Marshal.PtrToStructure( mediaType.formatPtr, formatStruct );

				// Find the required field
				Type structType = formatStruct.GetType();
				FieldInfo fieldInfo = structType.GetField( fieldName );
				if ( fieldInfo == null )
					throw new NotSupportedException( "Unable to find the member '" + fieldName + "' in the format block." );

				// Update the value of the field
				fieldInfo.SetValue( formatStruct, newValue );

				// PtrToStructure copies the data so we need to copy it back
				Marshal.StructureToPtr( formatStruct, mediaType.formatPtr, false ); 

				// Save the changes
				hr = streamConfig.SetFormat( mediaType );
				if ( hr != 0 )
					Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR( hr );
				DsUtils.FreeAMMediaType( mediaType );
				Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( pmt );

			return( returnValue );

		/// <summary>
		///  Assert that the class is in a Stopped state.
		/// </summary>
		protected void assertStopped()
			if ( !Stopped )
				throw new InvalidOperationException( "This operation not allowed while Capturing. Please Stop the current capture." ); 


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Written By
Web Developer
Canada Canada
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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