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RaptorDB - The Document Store

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24 Jul 2019CPOL86 min read 2.4M   16.3K   653  
NoSql, JSON based, Document store database with compiled .net map functions and automatic hybrid bitmap indexing and LINQ query filters (now with standalone Server mode, Backup and Active Restore, Transactions, Server side queries, MonoDroid support, HQ-Branch Replication, working in Linux, .net
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using RaptorDB.Common;

namespace RaptorDB
    #region [ internal classes ]
    //internal struct CacheTimeOut : IComparable<CacheTimeOut>
    //    public CacheTimeOut(int pagenum, long ticks)
    //    {
    //        PageNumber = pagenum;
    //        Ticks = ticks;
    //    }
    //    public int PageNumber;
    //    public long Ticks;

    //    public int CompareTo(CacheTimeOut other)
    //    {
    //        return this.Ticks.CompareTo(other.Ticks);
    //    }

    internal struct PageInfo  // FEATURE : change back to class for count access for query caching
        public PageInfo(int pagenum, int uniquecount, int duplicatecount)
            PageNumber = pagenum;
            UniqueCount = uniquecount;
        public int PageNumber;
        public int UniqueCount;

    internal struct KeyInfo
        public KeyInfo(int recnum)
            RecordNumber = recnum;
            DuplicateBitmapNumber = -1;
        public KeyInfo(int recnum, int bitmaprec)
            RecordNumber = recnum;
            DuplicateBitmapNumber = bitmaprec;
        public int RecordNumber;
        public int DuplicateBitmapNumber;

    internal class Page<T>
        public Page() // kludge so the compiler doesn't complain
            DiskPageNumber = -1;
            RightPageNumber = -1;
            tree = new SafeDictionary<T, KeyInfo>(Global.PageItemCount);
            isDirty = false;
            FirstKey = default(T);
        public int DiskPageNumber;
        public int RightPageNumber;
        public T FirstKey;
        public bool isDirty;
        public SafeDictionary<T, KeyInfo> tree;

    //internal class Statistics
    //    public int PageCount = 0;
    //    public double TotalSplitTime = 0;
    //    public double FillFactor = 0;

    //    public override string ToString()
    //    {
    //        string s = "Page Count = " + PageCount + ", Total Split Time = " + TotalSplitTime;// +", Fill Factor = " + FillFactor;
    //        return s;
    //    }

    internal class MGIndex<T> where T : IComparable<T>
        ILog _log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MGIndex<T>));
        private SafeSortedList<T, PageInfo> _pageList = new SafeSortedList<T, PageInfo>();
        private SafeDictionary<int, Page<T>> _cache = new SafeDictionary<int, Page<T>>();
        //private SafeDictionary<int, CacheTimeOut> _usage = new SafeDictionary<int, CacheTimeOut>();
        private List<int> _pageListDiskPages = new List<int>();
        private IndexFile<T> _index;
        private bool _AllowDuplicates = true;
        private int _LastIndexedRecordNumber = 0;
        private int _maxPageItems = 0;

        public MGIndex(string path, string filename, byte keysize, ushort maxcount, bool allowdups)
            _AllowDuplicates = allowdups;
            _index = new IndexFile<T>(path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename, keysize, maxcount);
            _maxPageItems = maxcount;
            // load page list
            _index.GetPageList(_pageListDiskPages, _pageList, out _LastIndexedRecordNumber);
            if (_pageList.Count == 0)
                Page<T> page = new Page<T>();
                page.FirstKey = (T)RDBDataType<T>.GetEmpty();
                page.DiskPageNumber = _index.GetNewPageNumber();
                page.isDirty = true;
                _pageList.Add(page.FirstKey, new PageInfo(page.DiskPageNumber, 0, 0));
                _cache.Add(page.DiskPageNumber, page);

        public int GetLastIndexedRecordNumber()
            return _LastIndexedRecordNumber;

        public WAHBitArray Query(T from, T to, int maxsize)
            // FIX : add BETWEEN code here
            T temp = default(T);
            if (from.CompareTo(to) > 0) // check values order
                temp = from;
                from = to;
                to = temp;
            // find first page and do > than
            bool found = false;
            int startpos = FindPageOrLowerPosition(from, ref found);

            // find last page and do < than
            int endpos = FindPageOrLowerPosition(to, ref found);

            // do all pages in between

            return new WAHBitArray();

        public WAHBitArray Query(RDBExpression exp, T from, int maxsize)
            T key = from;
            if (exp == RDBExpression.Equal || exp == RDBExpression.NotEqual)
                return doEqualOp(exp, key, maxsize);

            // FIX : optimize complement search if page count less for the complement pages
            //bool found = false;
            //int last = _pageList.Count - 1;
            //int pos = FindPageOrLowerPosition(key, ref found);

            if (exp == RDBExpression.Less || exp == RDBExpression.LessEqual)
                //long c = (pos+1) * _maxPageItems * 70 / 100; // 70% full pages
                //long inv = maxsize - c;
                //if (c < inv)
                    return doLessOp(exp, key);

            else if (exp == RDBExpression.Greater || exp == RDBExpression.GreaterEqual)
                return doMoreOp(exp, key);

            return new WAHBitArray(); // blank results 

        private object _setlock = new object();
        public void Set(T key, int val)
            lock (_setlock)
                PageInfo pi;
                Page<T> page = LoadPage(key, out pi);

                KeyInfo ki;
                if (page.tree.TryGetValue(key, out ki))
                    // item exists
                    if (_AllowDuplicates)
                        SaveDuplicate(key, ref ki);
                        // set current record in the bitmap also
                        _index.SetBitmapDuplicate(ki.DuplicateBitmapNumber, val);
                    ki.RecordNumber = val;
                    page.tree[key] = ki; // structs need resetting
                    // new item 
                    ki = new KeyInfo(val);
                    if (_AllowDuplicates)
                        SaveDuplicate(key, ref ki);
                    page.tree.Add(key, ki);

                if (page.tree.Count > Global.PageItemCount)

                _LastIndexedRecordNumber = val;
                page.isDirty = true;

        public bool Get(T key, out int val)
            val = -1;
            PageInfo pi;
            Page<T> page = LoadPage(key, out pi);
            KeyInfo ki;
            bool ret = page.tree.TryGetValue(key, out ki);
            if (ret)
                val = ki.RecordNumber;
            return ret;

        public void SaveIndex()
            _log.Debug("Total split time (s) = " + _totalsplits);
            _log.Debug("Total pages = " + _pageList.Count);
            int[] keys = _cache.Keys();
            // save index to disk
            foreach (var i in keys)
                var p = _cache[i];
                if (p.isDirty)
                    p.isDirty = false;

        public void Shutdown()
            // save page list
            _index.SavePageList(_pageList, _pageListDiskPages);
            // shutdown

        public void FreeMemory()
                List<int> free = new List<int>();
                foreach (var c in _cache)
                    if (c.Value.isDirty == false)
                _log.Debug("releasing page count = " + free.Count + " out of " + _cache.Count);
                foreach (var i in free)
            catch { }

        public IEnumerable<int> GetDuplicates(T key)
            PageInfo pi;
            Page<T> page = LoadPage(key, out pi);
            KeyInfo ki;
            bool ret = page.tree.TryGetValue(key, out ki);
            if (ret)
                // get duplicates
                if (ki.DuplicateBitmapNumber != -1)
                    return _index.GetDuplicatesRecordNumbers(ki.DuplicateBitmapNumber);

            return new List<int>();

        public void SaveLastRecordNumber(int recnum)

        public bool RemoveKey(T key)
            PageInfo pi;
            Page<T> page = LoadPage(key, out pi);
            bool b = page.tree.Remove(key);
            if (b)
                // FEATURE : decrease dup count
            page.isDirty = true;
            return b;

        #region [  P R I V A T E  ]
        private WAHBitArray doMoreOp(RDBExpression exp, T key)
            bool found = false;
            int pos = FindPageOrLowerPosition(key, ref found);
            WAHBitArray result = new WAHBitArray();
            if (pos < _pageList.Count)
                // all the pages after
                for (int i = pos + 1; i < _pageList.Count; i++)
                    doPageOperation(ref result, i);
            // key page
            Page<T> page = LoadPage(_pageList.GetValue(pos).PageNumber);
            T[] keys = page.tree.Keys();

            // find better start position rather than 0
            pos = Array.IndexOf<T>(keys, key);
            if (pos == -1) pos = 0;

            for (int i = pos; i < keys.Length; i++)
                T k = keys[i];
                int bn = page.tree[k].DuplicateBitmapNumber;

                if (k.CompareTo(key) > 0)
                    result = result.Or(_index.GetDuplicateBitmap(bn));

                if (exp == RDBExpression.GreaterEqual && k.CompareTo(key) == 0)
                    result = result.Or(_index.GetDuplicateBitmap(bn));
            return result;

        private WAHBitArray doLessOp(RDBExpression exp, T key)
            bool found = false;
            int pos = FindPageOrLowerPosition(key, ref found);
            WAHBitArray result = new WAHBitArray();
            if (pos > 0)
                // all the pages before
                for (int i = 0; i < pos - 1; i++)
                    doPageOperation(ref result, i);
            // key page
            Page<T> page = LoadPage(_pageList.GetValue(pos).PageNumber);
            T[] keys = page.tree.Keys();
            for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                T k = keys[i];
                if (k.CompareTo(key) > 0)
                int bn = page.tree[k].DuplicateBitmapNumber;

                if (k.CompareTo(key) < 0)
                    result = result.Or(_index.GetDuplicateBitmap(bn));

                if (exp == RDBExpression.LessEqual && k.CompareTo(key) == 0)
                    result = result.Or(_index.GetDuplicateBitmap(bn));
            return result;

        private WAHBitArray doEqualOp(RDBExpression exp, T key, int maxsize)
            PageInfo pi;
            Page<T> page = LoadPage(key, out pi);
            KeyInfo k;
            if (page.tree.TryGetValue(key, out k))
                int bn = k.DuplicateBitmapNumber;

                if (exp == RDBExpression.Equal)
                    return _index.GetDuplicateBitmap(bn);
                    return _index.GetDuplicateBitmap(bn).Not(maxsize); 
                return new WAHBitArray();

        private void doPageOperation(ref WAHBitArray res, int pageidx)
            Page<T> page = LoadPage(_pageList.GetValue(pageidx).PageNumber);
            T[] keys = page.tree.Keys(); // avoid sync issues
            foreach (var k in keys)
                int bn = page.tree[k].DuplicateBitmapNumber;

                res = res.Or(_index.GetDuplicateBitmap(bn));

        private double _totalsplits = 0;
        private void SplitPage(Page<T> page)
            // split the page
            DateTime dt = FastDateTime.Now;

            Page<T> newpage = new Page<T>();
            newpage.DiskPageNumber = _index.GetNewPageNumber();
            newpage.RightPageNumber = page.RightPageNumber;
            newpage.isDirty = true;
            page.RightPageNumber = newpage.DiskPageNumber;
            // get and sort keys
            T[] keys = page.tree.Keys();
            // copy data to new 
            for (int i = keys.Length / 2; i < keys.Length; i++)
                newpage.tree.Add(keys[i], page.tree[keys[i]]);
                // remove from old page
            // set the first key
            newpage.FirstKey = keys[keys.Length / 2];
            // set the first key refs
            // dup counts
            _pageList.Add(keys[0], new PageInfo(page.DiskPageNumber, page.tree.Count, 0));
            page.FirstKey = keys[0];
            // FEATURE : dup counts
            _pageList.Add(newpage.FirstKey, new PageInfo(newpage.DiskPageNumber, newpage.tree.Count, 0));
            _cache.Add(newpage.DiskPageNumber, newpage);

            _totalsplits += FastDateTime.Now.Subtract(dt).TotalSeconds;

        private Page<T> LoadPage(T key, out PageInfo pageinfo)
            int pagenum = -1;
            // find page in list of pages

            bool found = false;
            int pos = 0;
            if (key != null)
                pos = FindPageOrLowerPosition(key, ref found);
            pageinfo = _pageList.GetValue(pos);
            pagenum = pageinfo.PageNumber;

            Page<T> page;
            if (_cache.TryGetValue(pagenum, out page) == false)
                //load page from disk
                page = _index.LoadPageFromPageNumber(pagenum);
                _cache.Add(pagenum, page);
            // page usage data 
            //_usage.Add(pagenum, new CacheTimeOut(pagenum, FastDateTime.Now.Ticks));
            return page;

        private Page<T> LoadPage(int pagenum)
            Page<T> page;
            if (_cache.TryGetValue(pagenum, out page) == false)
                //load page from disk
                page = _index.LoadPageFromPageNumber(pagenum);
                _cache.Add(pagenum, page);
            // page usage data 
            //_usage.Add(pagenum, new CacheTimeOut(pagenum, FastDateTime.Now.Ticks));
            return page;

        private void SaveDuplicate(T key, ref KeyInfo ki)
            if (ki.DuplicateBitmapNumber == -1)
                ki.DuplicateBitmapNumber = _index.GetBitmapDuplaicateFreeRecordNumber();

            _index.SetBitmapDuplicate(ki.DuplicateBitmapNumber, ki.RecordNumber);

        private int FindPageOrLowerPosition(T key, ref bool found)
            if (_pageList.Count == 0)
                return 0;
            // binary search
            int lastlower = 0;
            int first = 0;
            int last = _pageList.Count - 1;
            int mid = 0;
            while (first <= last)
                mid = (first + last) >> 1;
                T k = _pageList.GetKey(mid);
                int compare = k.CompareTo(key);
                if (compare < 0)
                    lastlower = mid;
                    first = mid + 1;
                if (compare == 0)
                    found = true;
                    return mid;
                if (compare > 0)
                    last = mid - 1;

            return lastlower;

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Written By
Architect -
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Mehdi first started programming when he was 8 on BBC+128k machine in 6512 processor language, after various hardware and software changes he eventually came across .net and c# which he has been using since v1.0.
He is formally educated as a system analyst Industrial engineer, but his programming passion continues.

* Mehdi is the 5th person to get 6 out of 7 Platinum's on Code-Project (13th Jan'12)
* Mehdi is the 3rd person to get 7 out of 7 Platinum's on Code-Project (26th Aug'16)

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