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Moveable Resizable Objects

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9 Oct 2009CPOL198 min read 125.2K   8.7K   178  
Here is a description of an extremely powerful mechanism that makes screen objects moveable and resizable.
using System;
using System .Collections .Generic;
using System .ComponentModel;
using System .Drawing;
using System .Windows .Forms;
using Microsoft .Win32;

using MoveGraphLibrary;

namespace Test_MoveGraphLibrary
    public partial class Form_PersonalInfo_LTP : Form     // text to any CommentedControl has Limited Text Positioning (_LTP)
        Point ptMouse_Up;
        Mover mover;
        TextM tmBirth;
        TextM info;
        Control [] ctrls;
        CommentedControlLTP [] comctrls;

        Spaces spaces;
        List<PersonalInfoView_LTP> views = new List<PersonalInfoView_LTP> ();

        string strInfo = "This form is based on the CommentedControlLTP objects. \n" +
                         "Control and its comment move synchronously. \n" +
                         "To change the relative comment's position, R_Press on it.\n" +
                         "To change the view or save it under some name,\n" +
                         "call context menu at any empty place.";

        // -------------------------------------------------
        public Form_PersonalInfo_LTP ()
            InitializeComponent ();
            mover = new Mover (this);
            mover .Clipping = Clipping .Safe;

            ctrls = new Control [] {textName, textSurname,                                          // 0, 1
                                    textMonth, textDay, textYear,                                   // 2, 3, 4
                                    textProfession,                                                 // 5
                                    textHomePhone, textOfficePhone, textMobilePhone,                // 6, 7, 8
                                    textStreet, textTown, textProvince, textCountry, textZipCode};  // 9 - 13
            comctrls = new CommentedControlLTP [ctrls .Length];

            spaces = new Spaces (Auxi_Geometry .RoundMeasureString (this, "Temporary") .Height);
            tmBirth = new TextM (this, new Point (100, 100), "Birth");
            tmBirth .ShowFrame = false;
            DefaultView ();
            RestoreFromRegistry ();

            RenewMover ();
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnFormClosing
        private void OnFormClosing (object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            SaveInfoToRegistry ();
        // -------------------------------------------------        DefaultView
        private void DefaultView ()
            int nH = textName .Height;
            int cxL = 90;
            textName .Bounds = new Rectangle (cxL, 30, 96, nH);
            textSurname .Bounds = new Rectangle (cxL, textName .Bottom + spaces .VerMin, textName .Width, textName .Height);
            int cy = textSurname .Bottom + spaces .VerMin + nH;
            textMonth .Location = new Point (cxL, cy);
            textDay .Location = new Point (textMonth .Right + spaces .HorMin, cy);
            textYear .Location = new Point (textDay .Right + spaces .HorMin, cy);
            tmBirth .Location = new Point (cxL - (tmBirth .Width + 4), textMonth .Top + textMonth .Height / 2 - tmBirth .Height / 2);

            textProfession .Bounds = new Rectangle (cxL, textDay .Bottom + 2 * spaces .VerMin, 300, nH);
            cy = textProfession .Bottom + spaces .VerMin + nH;
            textHomePhone .Bounds = new Rectangle (cxL, cy, 152, nH);
            textOfficePhone .Bounds = new Rectangle (textHomePhone .Right + spaces .HorMin, cy, 152, nH);
            textMobilePhone .Bounds = new Rectangle (textOfficePhone .Right + spaces .HorMin, cy, 152, nH);

            textStreet .Bounds = new Rectangle (cxL, textHomePhone .Bottom + spaces .VerMin + nH, 152, nH);
            textTown .Bounds = new Rectangle (cxL, textStreet .Bottom + spaces .VerMin, 152, nH);
            textProvince .Bounds = new Rectangle (cxL, textTown .Bottom + spaces .VerMin, 152, nH);
            textCountry .Bounds = new Rectangle (cxL, textProvince .Bottom + spaces .VerMin, 152, nH);
            textZipCode .Bounds = new Rectangle (cxL, textCountry .Bottom + spaces .VerMin, 90, nH);

            Rectangle rcAround = Auxi_Geometry .FrameAroundControls (ctrls, spaces);
            ClientSize = new Size (rcAround .Right + spaces .FormSideSpace, rcAround .Bottom + spaces .FormBtmSpace);

            string [] strCC = new string [] {"Name", "Surname", "Month", "Day", "Year", "Profession", 
                                             "Home phone", "Office phone", "Mobile phone", 
                                             "Street", "Town", "Province", "Country", "ZIP code"};

            comctrls [0] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [0], Side .W, StringAlignment .Center, 4, strCC [0]);
            comctrls [1] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [1], Side .W, StringAlignment .Center, 4, strCC [1]);
            comctrls [2] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [2], Side .N, StringAlignment .Near, strCC [2]);
            comctrls [3] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [3], Side .N, StringAlignment .Near, strCC [3]);
            comctrls [4] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [4], Side .N, StringAlignment .Near, strCC [4]);
            comctrls [5] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [5], Side .W, StringAlignment .Center, strCC [5]);
            comctrls [6] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [6], Side .N, StringAlignment .Near, strCC [6]);
            comctrls [7] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [7], Side .N, StringAlignment .Near, strCC [7]);
            comctrls [8] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [8], Side .N, StringAlignment .Near, strCC [8]);
            comctrls [9] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [9], Side .W, StringAlignment .Center, strCC [9]);
            comctrls [10] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [10], Side .W, StringAlignment .Center, strCC [10]);
            comctrls [11] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [11], Side .W, StringAlignment .Center, strCC [11]);
            comctrls [12] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [12], Side .W, StringAlignment .Center, strCC [12]);
            comctrls [13] = new CommentedControlLTP (this, ctrls [13], Side .W, StringAlignment .Center, strCC [13]);

            info = new TextM (this, new Point (textProvince .Right + 30, textProvince .Bottom), strInfo);
            info .BackColor = Color .FromArgb (255, 255, 128);
        // -------------------------------------------------        SetView
        private void SetView (int iView)
            if (0 <= iView && iView < views .Count)
                PersonalInfoView_LTP view = views [iView];
                ClientSize = view .Size;
                tmBirth .Location = view .OneMovableText .Location;
                tmBirth .CopyView (view .OneMovableText);
                for (int i = 0; i < ctrls .Length; i++)
                    comctrls [i] = CommentedControlLTP .FromData (this, ctrls [i], view .CommentsData [i]);
        // -------------------------------------------------        RenewMover
        private void RenewMover ()
            mover .Clear ();
            foreach (CommentedControlLTP cc in comctrls)
                mover .Add (cc);
            mover .Add (tmBirth);
            mover .Add (info);
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnPaint
        private void OnPaint (object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics grfx = e .Graphics;

            info .Draw (grfx);
            for (int i = mover .Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (mover [i] .Source is CommentedControlLTP)
                    (mover [i] .Source as CommentedControlLTP) .Draw (grfx);
            tmBirth .Draw (grfx);
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnMouseDown
        private void OnMouseDown (object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            mover .Catch (e .Location, e .Button);
            ContextMenuStrip = null;
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnMouseUp
        private void OnMouseUp (object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            ptMouse_Up = e .Location;
            if (e .Button == MouseButtons .Left)
                mover .Release ();
            else if (e .Button == MouseButtons .Right)
                if (mover .Release ())
                    int iInMover = mover .WasCaughtObject;
                    if (mover [iInMover] .Source is CommentedControlLTP)
                        CommentedControlLTP cc = mover [iInMover] .Source as CommentedControlLTP;
                        Form_TextLimitedPositioning form = new Form_TextLimitedPositioning (this .PointToScreen (e .Location),
                                                                                            cc .TextSide, cc .TextAlignment);
                        form .ShowDialog ();
                        cc .TextSide = form .Side;
                        cc .TextAlignment = form .TextAlignment;
                        Invalidate ();
                    ContextMenuStrip = menuOnEmpty;
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnMouseMove
        private void OnMouseMove (object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (mover .Move (e .Location))
                Invalidate ();
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnContextMenuChanged
        private void OnContextMenuChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (ContextMenuStrip != null)
                ContextMenuStrip .Show (PointToScreen (ptMouse_Up));
        // -------------------------------------------------        OnOpening_menuOnEmpty
        private void OnOpening_menuOnEmpty (object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            for (int i = menuOnEmpty .Items .Count - 1; i >= 3; i--)
                menuOnEmpty .Items .RemoveAt (i);
            for (int i = 0; i < views .Count; i++)
                menuOnEmpty .Items .Add (views [i] .Name, null, Click_OneOfViews);
        // -------------------------------------------------        Click_miNameView
        private void Click_miNameView (object sender, EventArgs e)
            Form_NameView_LTP form = new Form_NameView_LTP (views);
            form .ShowDialog ();
            if (!string .IsNullOrEmpty (form .NewName))
                PersonalInfoView_LTP piv = new PersonalInfoView_LTP (form .NewName, ClientSize, info .Location,
                                                                     TextM .Copy (this, tmBirth .Location, tmBirth), comctrls);
                views .Insert (0, piv);
        // -------------------------------------------------        Click_miSetDefaultView
        private void Click_miSetDefaultView (object sender, EventArgs e)
            DefaultView ();
            RenewMover ();
            Invalidate ();
        // -------------------------------------------------        Click_OneOfViews
        private void Click_OneOfViews (object sender, EventArgs e)
            string name = (sender as ToolStripMenuItem) .Text;
            int iView;
            for (iView = views .Count - 1; iView >= 0; iView--)
                if (name == views [iView] .Name)
            if (iView >= 0)
                while (iView > 0)
                    views .Reverse (iView - 1, 2);
                SetView (0);
                RenewMover ();
                Invalidate ();

        const string strAddRegKey = "Form_PersonalInfo_LTP";
        const string nameSizes = "Sizes";
        const string nameLastView = "LastView";
        // =================================================        SaveInfoToRegistry
        private void SaveInfoToRegistry ()
            string strRegKey = Form_Main .strRegKey + strAddRegKey;

            RegistryKey regkey = null;
                regkey = Registry .CurrentUser .OpenSubKey (strRegKey, true);
                if (regkey == null)
                    regkey = Registry .CurrentUser .CreateSubKey (strRegKey);
                regkey .SetValue (nameSizes, new string [] {ClientSize .Width .ToString (),     // 0            
                                                            ClientSize .Height .ToString (),    // 1
                                                            views .Count .ToString (),          // 2
                                           RegistryValueKind .MultiString);
                for (int i = 0; i < views .Count; i++)
                    views [i] .IntoRegistry (regkey, "View_" + i .ToString ());
                PersonalInfoView_LTP viewOnSave = new PersonalInfoView_LTP ("ViewOnSave", ClientSize, info .Location, 
                                                                            TextM .Copy (this, tmBirth .Location, tmBirth), comctrls);
                viewOnSave .IntoRegistry (regkey, "OnSave");
                if (regkey != null) regkey .Close ();
        // =================================================        RestoreFromRegistry
        private void RestoreFromRegistry ()
            string namekey = Form_Main .strRegKey + strAddRegKey;

            RegistryKey regkey = null;
                regkey = Registry .CurrentUser .OpenSubKey (namekey, true);
                if (regkey != null)
                    string [] strSizes = (string []) regkey .GetValue (nameSizes);
                    if (strSizes != null && strSizes .Length == 3)
                        ClientSize = Auxi_Convert .IntoSize (strSizes, 0);
                        int nViews = Convert .ToInt32 (strSizes [2]);
                        for (int i = 0; i < nViews; i++)
                            PersonalInfoView_LTP view = PersonalInfoView_LTP .FromRegistry (this, regkey, "View_" + i .ToString ());
                            if (view != null)
                                views .Add (view);
                        PersonalInfoView_LTP viewOnSave = PersonalInfoView_LTP .FromRegistry (this, regkey, "OnSave");
                        if (viewOnSave != null)
                            ClientSize = viewOnSave .Size;
                            info .Location = viewOnSave .InfoLocation;
                            tmBirth = viewOnSave .OneMovableText;
                            for (int i = 0; i < comctrls .Length; i++)
                                comctrls [i] = CommentedControlLTP .FromData (this, ctrls [i], viewOnSave .CommentsData [i]);
                if (regkey != null) regkey .Close ();

    // ******************************************
    //   PersonalInfoView_LTP
    public class PersonalInfoView_LTP
        string name;
        Size size;
        Point ptInfo;
        TextM txm;
        CommentedControlLTP_Data [] dccs;

        // -------------------------------------------------
        public PersonalInfoView_LTP (string nm, Size sizeClient, Point ptinf, TextM tm, CommentedControlLTP [] coms)
            name = nm;
            size = sizeClient;
            ptInfo = ptinf;
            txm = tm;
            dccs = new CommentedControlLTP_Data [coms .Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < coms .Length; i++)
                dccs [i] = new CommentedControlLTP_Data (coms [i]);
        // -------------------------------------------------
        public PersonalInfoView_LTP (string nm, Size sizeClient, Point ptinf, TextM tm, CommentedControlLTP_Data [] comds)
            name = nm;
            size = sizeClient;
            ptInfo = ptinf;
            txm = tm;
            dccs = comds;
        // -------------------------------------------------        Name
        public string Name
            get { return (name); }
        // -------------------------------------------------        Size
        public Size Size
            get { return (size); }
        // -------------------------------------------------        InfoLocation
        public Point InfoLocation
            get { return (ptInfo); }
        // -------------------------------------------------        OneMovableText
        public TextM OneMovableText
            get { return (txm); }
        // -------------------------------------------------        CommentsData
        public CommentedControlLTP_Data [] CommentsData
            get { return (dccs); }

        const string namePIV = "PIL_";
        // =================================================        IntoRegistry
        public void IntoRegistry (RegistryKey regkey, string strNum)
            string [] strs = new string [] {name,                           // 0
                                            size .Width .ToString (),       // 1
                                            size .Height .ToString (),      // 2
                                            ptInfo .X .ToString (),         // 3
                                            ptInfo .Y .ToString (),         // 4
                                            dccs .Length .ToString (),      // 5
            regkey .SetValue (namePIV + strNum, strs, RegistryValueKind .MultiString);
            txm .IntoRegistry (regkey, "MovText_" + strNum);
            for (int i = 0; i < dccs .Length; i++)
                dccs [i] .IntoRegistry (regkey, "DataCCL_" + strNum + i .ToString ());
        // -------------------------------------------------        FromRegistry
        public static PersonalInfoView_LTP FromRegistry (Form form, RegistryKey regkey, string strNum)
            string [] strs = (string []) regkey .GetValue (namePIV + strNum);
            if (strs .Length >= 6)
                Size sizeClient = Auxi_Convert .IntoSize (strs, 1);
                Point pt = Auxi_Convert .IntoPoint (strs, 3);
                int nDats = Convert .ToInt32 (strs [5]);
                TextM tm = TextM .FromRegistry (form, regkey, "MovText_" + strNum);
                CommentedControlLTP_Data [] comds = new CommentedControlLTP_Data [nDats];
                for (int i = 0; i < nDats; i++)
                    comds [i] = CommentedControlLTP_Data .FromRegistry (regkey, "DataCCL_" + strNum + i .ToString ());
                return (new PersonalInfoView_LTP (strs [0], sizeClient, pt, tm, comds));
                return (null);

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