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15 Steps to Develop a Product Management System in Only a Day

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23 Mar 2010GPL34 min read 248.2K   4.8K   163  
The article introduces how to easily develop business solutions in RapidWebDev through developing a product management system with the special requirement step by step.
// properties of parameter _gridConfig.
// 1) ClientId: string, the client ID of grid panel in client.
// 2) ViewConfig: object with properties as following 2.X
//		2.1) FieldName : string, the field displayed in row view segment.
//		2.2) TagName : string, the html tag to wrap output content in row view segment.
//		2.3) Css : string, apply custom CSS classes to row view during rendering
// 3) HeaderText: string, grid panel header text.
// 4) Height: integer, grid panel height.
// 5) ShowCheckBoxColumn: boolean, true indicates to show checkbox-column in the grid.
// 6) ShowEditButton: not-null reference means to display edit button in grid rows.
//      6.1) DisplayAsImage: boolean, display edit button as linked image.
//      6.2) Text: string, edit button text if DisplayAsImage is set to false explicitly.
// 7) ShowViewButton: not-null reference means to display view button in grid rows.
//      7.1) DisplayAsImage: boolean, display view button as linked image.
//      7.2) Text: string, view button text if DisplayAsImage is set to false explicitly.
// 8) ShowDeleteButton: not-null reference means to display delete button in grid rows.
//      8.1) DisplayAsImage: boolean, display delete button as linked image.
//      8.2) Text: string, delete button text if DisplayAsImage is set to false explicitly.
// 9) Columns: array of column object defined as following,
//      9.1) Renderer: string, please refer to ExtJs API Documentation, ColumnModel ->  setRenderer for the more information
//      9.2) FieldName: string, The bound field name.
//      9.3) HeaderText: string, The column header text.
//      9.4) Sortable: boolean, True indicates the column is sortable.
//      9.5) Resizable: boolean, False to disable column resizing.
//      9.6) Css: string, Set custom CSS for all table cells in the column.
//      9.7) Width: integer, The initial width in pixels of the column.
//      9.8) Align: string, Set the CSS text-align property of the column.
//      9.9) Hidden: boolean, True to hide the column initially. Defaults to false. 

// properties of parameter _detailPanelModalWindowConfig.
// 1) Width: integer
// 2) Height: integer
// 3) Resizable: boolean
// 4) Draggable: boolean

// properties of parameter _aggregatePanelModalWindowConfig.
// 1) Width: integer
// 2) Height: integer
// 3) Resizable: boolean
// 4) Draggable: boolean

// properties of parameter _JsonStoreConfig.
// 1) Root: string
// 2) TotalProperty: string
// 3) IdProperty: string
// 4) Fields: string array
// 5) PageSize: integer
// 6) DefaultSortField: string, the default sort field name which should be included in Fields.
// 7) DefaultSortDirection: string, the candidate values are ASC | DESC.

// properties of parameter _globalizationResources
// 1) DeleteConfirmDialogTitle: string, an example as 'Delete Confirmation'
// 2) DeleteConfirmMessage: string, an example as 'Are you sure to delete the record?'
// 3) PagingDisplayMessageTemplate: string, Note that this string is formatted using the braced numbers 0-2 as tokens that are replaced by the values for start, end and total respectively. Example as 'Displaying records {0} - {1} of {2}'
// 4) EmptyGridPanelMessage: string, an example as 'No record found'
// 5) PreviewButtonText: string, an example as 'Show Preview'
// 6) GridPanelHeadCheckBoxToolTip: string, an example as 'The checkbox checked in column header means that all records by the query includes not displayed ones in this grid page will be processed together.'
// 7) EditableDetailPanelHeaderText: string, detail panel header text in editable mode
// 8) ViewableDetailPanelHeaderText: string, detail panel header text in viewable mode
// 9) AggregatePanelHeaderText: string, aggregate panel header text

function OnGridHeadCheckBoxClicked(checkbox, gridId)
    $('.gridRowCheckBox', '#' + gridId).attr('checked', checkbox.checked);

function OnGridRowCheckBoxClicked(checkbox, gridId)
    if (!checkbox.checked)
        $('.gridHeadCheckBox', '#' + gridId).attr('checked', false);

// Resolve a collection of key-value pair from query panel form.
function ResolvePostValuesFromQueryPanel()
    var controlValues = new Array();
    if (!window.QueryFieldControlVariablesAccessorId) return controlValues;
    var queryFieldControlString = Ext.query('#' + window.QueryFieldControlVariablesAccessorId)[0].value;
    var queryFieldControls = queryFieldControlString.split(';');
    for (var i = 0; i < queryFieldControls.length; i++)
        var queryFieldControl = queryFieldControls[i];
        var queryFieldControlKeyValuePair = queryFieldControl.split(':');
        var paramName = queryFieldControlKeyValuePair[0].trim();
        var getParamValueJs = 'window.' + queryFieldControlKeyValuePair[1] + '.getValue();';
        var rawParamValue = eval(getParamValueJs);
        if (rawParamValue != undefined && rawParamValue != null)
        	var paramValue;
        	if (rawParamValue instanceof Date)
        		paramValue = rawParamValue.format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        	    paramValue = rawParamValue.toString();
        	controlValues.push({ 'Name': paramName, 'Value': paramValue });

    return controlValues;

function GridViewPanelClass(
    var objectId;
	var extGridPanelId = _gridConfig.ClientId + '_ExtGrid';
	var detailPanelIframeId = 'DynamicPageDetailPanelModalWindowManifestIframe';
	var detailPanelUrlTemplate = 'DetailPanel.svc?{0}';
	var aggregatePanelIframeId = 'DynamicPageAggregatePanelModalWindowManifestIframe';
	var aggregatePanelUrlTemplate = 'AggregatePanel.svc?{0}';
	var dynamicPageDataServiceUrl = 'DynamicPageDataService.svc';

	this.DynamicPageGridPanelJsonStoreObj = null;
	this.DynamicPageGridPanelPagingBarObj = null;
	this.DynamicPageGridPanelObj = null;
	this.DynamicPageGridPanelHeadCheckBoxToolTipObj = null;

	this.ExecuteQuery = function(reload, extraParameters)
	    if (!this.DynamicPageGridPanelJsonStoreObj) return;
	    var postValues = ResolvePostValuesFromQueryPanel();
	    var baseParams = new Object();
	    Ext.each(postValues, function(postValue)
	        if (postValue.Value)
	            var evalCode = String.format('baseParams.{0} = "{1}";', postValue.Name, postValue.Value);

	    if (window.GlobalDynamicPageDataServicePostVariables)
	        Ext.each(window.GlobalDynamicPageDataServicePostVariables, function(globalVariable)
	            if (globalVariable.Value)
	                var evalCode = String.format('baseParams.{0} = "{1}";', globalVariable.Name, globalVariable.Value);

	    if (extraParameters)
	        Ext.each(extraParameters, function(extraParameter)
	            if (extraParameter.Name && extraParameter.Value)
	                var evalCode = String.format('baseParams.{0} = "{1}";', extraParameter.Name, extraParameter.Value);

	    this.DynamicPageGridPanelJsonStoreObj.baseParams = baseParams;
	    if (!reload)
			    params: { start: 0, limit: _JsonStoreConfig.PageSize }

	this.ShowDetailPanelWindow = function(entityId, mode)
		if (!_detailPanelModalWindowConfig)

		if (window.DynamicPageDetailPanelModalWindow)

		var iframeElement = window.frameElement;
		var detailPanelModelWindowWidth = frameElement ? iframeElement.clientWidth * 0.9 : _detailPanelModalWindowConfig.Width;
		var detailPanelModelWindowHeight = frameElement ? iframeElement.clientHeight * 0.9 : _detailPanelModalWindowConfig.Height;
		detailPanelModelWindowWidth = Math.min(detailPanelModelWindowWidth, _detailPanelModalWindowConfig.Width);
		detailPanelModelWindowHeight = Math.min(detailPanelModelWindowHeight, _detailPanelModalWindowConfig.Height);

		var windowTitle = mode.toString().toUpperCase() != "VIEW" ? _globalizationResources.EditableDetailPanelHeaderText : _globalizationResources.ViewableDetailPanelHeaderText;
		var iframeQueryString = 'entityid=' + entityId + '&rendermode=' + mode + '&stamp=' + (new Date()).format('YmdHisu');
		if (window.GlobalDynamicPageDataServicePostVariables)
			Ext.each(window.GlobalDynamicPageDataServicePostVariables, function(globalVariable)
				if (globalVariable.Value)
					iframeQueryString += '&' + globalVariable.Name + '=' + globalVariable.Value;

		var iframeUrl = String.format(detailPanelUrlTemplate, iframeQueryString);
		window.DynamicPageDetailPanelModalWindow = new Ext.Window(
			layout: 'fit',
			width: detailPanelModelWindowWidth,
			height: detailPanelModelWindowHeight,
			plain: true,
			modal: true,
			resizable: _detailPanelModalWindowConfig.Resizable,
			draggable: _detailPanelModalWindowConfig.Draggable,
			title: windowTitle,
			items: new Ext.Panel(
				header: false,
				closable: true,
				autoScroll: true,
				html: '<iframe id="' + detailPanelIframeId + '" src="' + iframeUrl + '" frameborder="0" width="100%"></iframe>',
					resize: function(component, adjWidth, adjHeight, rawWidth, rawHeight)
						if (component == undefined) return;
						if (rawHeight != undefined)
							$("#" + detailPanelIframeId).height(rawHeight - 4);
							var height = component.getHeight();
							$("#" + detailPanelIframeId).height(height - 4);

						$("#" + detailPanelIframeId).width("100%");
				beforeclose: function(p)
					var iframeElement = Ext.getDom(detailPanelIframeId);
					if (iframeElement)
						if (Ext.isIE) iframeElement.src = "javascript:false";


	this.HideDetailPanelWindow = function()
		if (window.DynamicPageDetailPanelModalWindow)
			var iframeElement = Ext.getDom(detailPanelIframeId);
			if (iframeElement)
				if(Ext.isIE) iframeElement.src = "javascript:false";

	this.ShowAggregatePanelWindow = function(commandArgument, gridSelectionRequired, gridSelectionRequiredWarningMessage)
		if (!_aggregatePanelModalWindowConfig)

		if (window.DynamicPageAggregatePanelModalWindow)

		// save grid selection into the cookie so that the aggregate web page handler can gather them from the cookie. 
		var selectedEntityIdByQueryKey = objectId + "_SelectedEntityIdByQuery";
		var selectedEntityIdCollectionKey = objectId + "_SelectedEntityIdCollection";

		var gridIdSelector = "#" + _gridConfig.ClientId;
		var whetherHeadCheckBoxChecked = $("#gridHeadCheckBox", gridIdSelector).attr("checked");
		// save current query criterias if the checkbox in column header is checked. That means all records found by the query will be processed in aggregate web page handler.
		if (whetherHeadCheckBoxChecked)
			var postValues = ResolvePostValuesFromQueryPanel();
			Ext.state.Manager.set(selectedEntityIdByQueryKey, Ext.util.JSON.encode(postValues));
		// save checked entity ids into the cookie.
			var checkedCheckBoxes = $(".gridRowCheckBox:checked", gridIdSelector);

			// there must have grid data selected before sending request to web services
			if (gridSelectionRequired && checkedCheckBoxes.length == 0)
				RWD.MessageBox.Warn("Warning", gridSelectionRequiredWarningMessage);

			var checkedEntityIdArray = new Array();
			$.each(checkedCheckBoxes, function(index, checkBox)
				var entityId ="_")[1];

			Ext.state.Manager.set(selectedEntityIdCollectionKey, Ext.util.JSON.encode(checkedEntityIdArray));

		var iframeElement = window.frameElement;
		var aggregatePanelModelWindowWidth = frameElement ? iframeElement.clientWidth * 0.9 : _aggregatePanelModalWindowConfig.Width;
		var aggregatePanelModelWindowHeight = frameElement ? iframeElement.clientHeight * 0.9 : _aggregatePanelModalWindowConfig.Height;
		aggregatePanelModelWindowWidth = Math.min(aggregatePanelModelWindowWidth, _aggregatePanelModalWindowConfig.Width);
		aggregatePanelModelWindowHeight = Math.min(aggregatePanelModelWindowHeight, _aggregatePanelModalWindowConfig.Height);

		var iframeQueryString = 'stamp=' + (new Date()).format('YmdHisu') + '&CommandArgument=' + commandArgument;
		if (window.GlobalDynamicPageDataServicePostVariables)
			Ext.each(window.GlobalDynamicPageDataServicePostVariables, function(globalVariable)
				if (globalVariable.Value)
					iframeQueryString += '&' + globalVariable.Name + '=' + globalVariable.Value;

		var iframeUrl = String.format(aggregatePanelUrlTemplate, iframeQueryString);
		window.DynamicPageAggregatePanelModalWindow = new Ext.Window(
			layout: 'fit',
			width: aggregatePanelModelWindowWidth,
			height: aggregatePanelModelWindowHeight,
			plain: true,
			modal: true,
			resizable: _aggregatePanelModalWindowConfig.Resizable,
			draggable: _aggregatePanelModalWindowConfig.Draggable,
			title: _globalizationResources.AggregatePanelHeaderText,
			items: new Ext.Panel(
				header: false,
				closable: true,
				autoScroll: true,
				html: '<iframe id="' + aggregatePanelIframeId + '" src="' + iframeUrl + '" frameborder="0" width="100%"></iframe>',
					resize: function(component, adjWidth, adjHeight, rawWidth, rawHeight)
						//alert("adjWidth: " + adjWidth + ", adjHeight: " + adjHeight + ", rawWidth: " + rawWidth + ", rawHeight: " + rawHeight);
						if (component == undefined) return;
						if (rawHeight != undefined)
							$("#" + aggregatePanelIframeId).height(rawHeight - 4);
							var height = component.getHeight();
							$("#" + aggregatePanelIframeId).height(height - 4);

						$("#" + aggregatePanelIframeId).width("100%");
				beforeclose: function(p)
					var iframeElement = Ext.getDom(aggregatePanelIframeId);
					if (iframeElement)
						if (Ext.isIE) iframeElement.src = "javascript:false";


	this.HideAggregatePanelWindow = function()
	    if (window.DynamicPageAggregatePanelModalWindow)
	    	// clear the cookie of records selection
	    	var selectedEntityIdByQueryKey = objectId + "_SelectedEntityIdByQuery";
	    	var selectedEntityIdCollectionKey = objectId + "_SelectedEntityIdCollection";
	        var iframeElement = Ext.getDom(aggregatePanelIframeId);
	        if (iframeElement)
	            if (Ext.isIE) iframeElement.src = "javascript:false";


	this.ResizeGridViewPanel = function()
			}, this);
		}, this);

		function DoResize(gridPanelObj)
			var totalControlsHeight = 0;
			var controlsCount = 0;

			// calculate height of query panel
			var queryPanelSearcher =".querypanel");
			if (queryPanelSearcher.length > 0)
				Ext.each(queryPanelSearcher, function(queryPanel)
					if ($(queryPanel).css("display") == "none") return;
					var height = queryPanel.offsetHeight;
					totalControlsHeight += height;
				totalControlsHeight += 6; // there are 6px vertical gap for each query panel.

			// calculate height of button panels
			var buttonPanelSearcher =".buttonpanel");
			if (buttonPanelSearcher.length > 0)
				Ext.each(buttonPanelSearcher, function(buttonPanel)
					if ($(buttonPanel).css("display") == "none") return;
					var height = buttonPanel.offsetHeight;
					totalControlsHeight += height;

				totalControlsHeight -= (buttonPanelSearcher.length - 1) * 2;

			var bodyHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
			var gridViewPanelHeight = bodyHeight - totalControlsHeight - controlsCount * 8;
			var offsetHeight = 2;
			gridPanelObj.setHeight(gridViewPanelHeight + offsetHeight);

	this.HasAnyCheckBoxChecked = function()
		var gridIdSelector = "#" + _gridConfig.ClientId;
		var whetherHeadCheckBoxChecked = $("#gridHeadCheckBox", gridIdSelector).attr("checked");
		if (whetherHeadCheckBoxChecked)
			return true;

		return $(".gridRowCheckBox:checked", gridIdSelector).length > 0;

	this.OnRowEditButtonClicked = function(entityId)
	    this.ShowDetailPanelWindow(entityId, 'Update');

	this.OnRowViewButtonClicked = function(entityId)
	    this.ShowDetailPanelWindow(entityId, 'View');

	this.OnRowDeleteButtonClicked = function(entityId)
		var confirmCallback = function(id)
			if (id && id.toString().toLowerCase() == "yes")
				var extraParams = [{ Name: "DeleteId", Value: entityId}];
				this.ExecuteQuery(true, extraParams);

		if (!Ext.MessageBox.confirm(_globalizationResources.DeleteConfirmDialogTitle, _globalizationResources.DeleteConfirmMessage, confirmCallback, this)) return;

	function RenderEditButton(value, metadata, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store)
		if (
			var outputHtml = null;
			if (_gridConfig.ShowEditButton.DisplayAsImage !== false)
				var tooltip = _gridConfig.ShowEditButton.ToolTip ? _gridConfig.ShowEditButton.ToolTip : "";
				outputHtml = '<img src="/Resources/Images/edit.gif" title="' + tooltip + '" />';
				outputHtml = _gridConfig.ShowEditButton.Text;

			var invokeMethod = _variableName + ".OnRowEditButtonClicked(\\\'" + value + "\\\')";
			var invokeCode = "eval('" + invokeMethod + "')";
			var tooltip = _gridConfig.ShowEditButton.ToolTip ? _gridConfig.ShowEditButton.ToolTip : "";
			return '<a href="#" onclick="' + invokeCode + '" title="' + tooltip + '">' + outputHtml + '</a>';

	function RenderViewButton(value, metadata, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store)
		if (
			var outputHtml = null;
			if (_gridConfig.ShowViewButton.DisplayAsImage !== false)
				var tooltip = _gridConfig.ShowViewButton.ToolTip ? _gridConfig.ShowViewButton.ToolTip : "";
				outputHtml = '<img src="/Resources/Images/view.gif" title="' + tooltip + '"/>';
				outputHtml = _gridConfig.ShowViewButton.Text;

			var invokeMethod = _variableName + ".OnRowViewButtonClicked(\\\'" + value + "\\\')";
			var invokeCode = "eval('" + invokeMethod + "')";
			return '<a href="#" onclick="' + invokeCode + '">' + outputHtml + '</a>';

	function RenderDeleteButton(value, metadata, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store)
		if (
			var outputHtml = null;
			if (_gridConfig.ShowDeleteButton.DisplayAsImage !== false)
				var tooltip = _gridConfig.ShowDeleteButton.ToolTip ? _gridConfig.ShowDeleteButton.ToolTip : "";
				outputHtml = '<img src="/Resources/Images/delete.gif" title="' + tooltip + '" />';
				outputHtml = _gridConfig.ShowDeleteButton.Text;

			var invokeMethod = _variableName + ".OnRowDeleteButtonClicked(\\\'" + value + "\\\')";
			var invokeCode = "eval('" + invokeMethod + "')";
			return '<a href="#" onclick="' + invokeCode + '">' + outputHtml + '</a>';

	function RenderCheckBoxColumn(value, metadata, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store)
		if (
			var checkBoxId = "rowCheckBox_" + value;
			return '<input type="checkbox" id="' + checkBoxId + '" name="' + checkBoxId + '" class="gridRowCheckBox" style="padding:0; margin:0" onclick="OnGridRowCheckBoxClicked(this, \'' + extGridPanelId + '\')" />';

	function CreateGridColumnConfig()
		var columns = new Array();

        // render checkbox column
		if (_gridConfig.ShowCheckBoxColumn)
				header: '<input type="checkbox" id="gridHeadCheckBox" name="gridHeadCheckBox" class="gridHeadCheckBox" onclick="OnGridHeadCheckBoxClicked(this, \'' + extGridPanelId + '\')" style="padding:0; margin:0" />',
				dataIndex: _JsonStoreConfig.IdProperty,
				renderer: RenderCheckBoxColumn,
				width: 25,
				fixed: true,
				sortable: false,
				resizable: false,
				menuDisabled: true

		// render common columns
		if (_gridConfig.Columns != undefined && _gridConfig.Columns != null)
			Ext.each(_gridConfig.Columns, function(columnConfig, index, allItems)
				var column = {
					header: columnConfig.HeaderText,
					dataIndex: columnConfig.FieldName

				if (columnConfig.Renderer)
					column.renderer = function(value, metadata, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) { eval(columnConfig.Renderer); };

				if (columnConfig.Width)
					column.width = columnConfig.Width;

				if (columnConfig.Sortable != undefined && columnConfig.Sortable != null && !columnConfig.Sortable)
					column.sortable = false;
					column.sortable = true;

				if (columnConfig.Resizable != undefined && columnConfig.Resizable != null && !columnConfig.Resizable)
					column.resizable = false;

				if (columnConfig.Css)
					column.css = columnConfig.Css;

				if (columnConfig.Align)
					column.align = columnConfig.Align.toLowerCase();

				if (columnConfig.Hidden != undefined && columnConfig.Hidden != null && columnConfig.Hidden)
					column.hidden = true;


		// render view button column
		if (_gridConfig.ShowViewButton != undefined && _gridConfig.ShowViewButton != null)
		        header: "",
		        dataIndex: _JsonStoreConfig.IdProperty,
		        width: 26,
		        fixed: true,
		        sortable: false,
		        resizable: false,
		        hideable: false,
		        menuDisabled: true,
		        renderer: RenderViewButton

		// render edit button column
		if (_gridConfig.ShowEditButton != undefined && _gridConfig.ShowEditButton != null)
		        header: "",
		        dataIndex: _JsonStoreConfig.IdProperty,
		        width: 26,
		        fixed: true,
		        sortable: false,
		        resizable: false,
		        menuDisabled: true,
		        renderer: RenderEditButton

		// render delete button column
		if (_gridConfig.ShowDeleteButton != undefined && _gridConfig.ShowDeleteButton != null)
		        header: "",
		        dataIndex: _JsonStoreConfig.IdProperty,
		        width: 26,
		        fixed: true,
		        sortable: false,
		        resizable: false,
		        menuDisabled: true,
		        renderer: RenderDeleteButton

		return columns;

		if (!window.GlobalDynamicPageDataServicePostVariables || !window.GlobalDynamicPageDataServicePostVariables.Contains('ObjectId'))


		objectId = window.GlobalDynamicPageDataServicePostVariables.GetItem('ObjectId');

		// destroy existed resources
		if (this.DynamicPageGridPanelJsonStoreObj) this.DynamicPageGridPanelJsonStoreObj.destroy();
		if (this.DynamicPageGridPanelPagingBarObj) this.DynamicPageGridPanelPagingBarObj.destroy();
		if (this.DynamicPageGridPanelObj) this.DynamicPageGridPanelObj.destroy();
		if (this.DynamicPageGridPanelHeadCheckBoxToolTipObj) this.DynamicPageGridPanelHeadCheckBoxToolTipObj.destroy();

		// create the data store
		this.DynamicPageGridPanelJsonStoreObj = new
			root: _JsonStoreConfig.Root,
			totalProperty: _JsonStoreConfig.TotalProperty,
			idProperty: _JsonStoreConfig.IdProperty,
			remoteSort: true,
			fields: _JsonStoreConfig.Fields,
			proxy: new
				url: dynamicPageDataServiceUrl,
				method: 'GET'
			paramNames: { sort: 'sortField', dir: 'sortDirection' },
				loadexception: function(thisObject, options, response, error)
					var responseObj = null;
					eval('responseObj = ' + response.responseText + ';');
					if (responseObj.HasError)
						window.RWD.MessageBox.Error('', responseObj.ErrorMessage);

		this.DynamicPageGridPanelPagingBarObj = new Ext.PagingToolbar(
			pageSize: _JsonStoreConfig.PageSize,
			store: this.DynamicPageGridPanelJsonStoreObj,
			displayInfo: true,
			displayMsg: _globalizationResources.PagingDisplayMessageTemplate,
			emptyMsg: _globalizationResources.EmptyGridPanelMessage,
			paramNames: { start: 'start', limit: 'limit' }

		var gridViewConfig = null;
		if (_gridConfig.ViewConfig)
			gridViewConfig = new Object();
			gridViewConfig.forceFit = true;
			gridViewConfig.enableRowBody = true;
			gridViewConfig.showPreview = true;
			gridViewConfig.getRowClass = function(record, rowIndex, p, store)
				if (this.showPreview)
					var displayString = eval('' + _gridConfig.ViewConfig.FieldName);
					var previewSegmentClass = _gridConfig.ViewConfig.Css ? _gridConfig.ViewConfig.Css : "grid-preview-fragment";
					p.body = '<' + _gridConfig.ViewConfig.TagName + ' class="' + previewSegmentClass + '">' + displayString + '</' + _gridConfig.ViewConfig.TagName + '>';
					return 'x-grid3-row-expanded';

				return 'x-grid3-row-collapsed';

		this.DynamicPageGridPanelObj = new Ext.grid.GridPanel(
			id: extGridPanelId,
			height: _gridConfig.Height,
			title: _gridConfig.HeaderText,
			store: this.DynamicPageGridPanelJsonStoreObj,
			trackMouseOver: false,
			disableSelection: false,
			loadMask: true,
			selModel: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({ singleSelect: false }),

			// grid columns
			columns: CreateGridColumnConfig(),

			// customize view config
			viewConfig: gridViewConfig,

			// paging bar on the bottom
			bbar: this.DynamicPageGridPanelPagingBarObj

		// render it

		if (_gridConfig.ViewConfig)
			// render "show preview" button onto PagingToolBar
			var showPreviewButton = this.DynamicPageGridPanelPagingBarObj.addButton({
				pressed: true,
				enableToggle: true,
				text: _globalizationResources.PreviewButtonText,
				cls: 'x-btn-text-icon details'

			showPreviewButton.on("toggle", function(btn, pressed)
				var view = this.DynamicPageGridPanelObj.getView();
				view.showPreview = pressed;
			}, this);

		// set default sort
		if (_JsonStoreConfig.DefaultSortField)
			var sortDirection = 'ASC';
			if (_JsonStoreConfig.DefaultSortDirection) sortDirection = _JsonStoreConfig.DefaultSortDirection;
			this.DynamicPageGridPanelJsonStoreObj.setDefaultSort(_JsonStoreConfig.DefaultSortField, sortDirection);

		// create tooltip for the checkbox in checkbox-column header of grid.
		this.DynamicPageGridPanelHeadCheckBoxToolTipObj = new Ext.ToolTip(
			showDelay: 0,
			dismissDelay: 0,
			target: 'gridHeadCheckBox',
			title: _globalizationResources.GridPanelHeadCheckBoxToolTip
	}, this);

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Written By
President TCWH
China China
I've worked as a software architect and developer based on Microsoft .NET framework and web technology since 2002, having rich experience on SaaS, multiple-tier web system and website development. I've devoted into open source project development since 2003, and have created 3 main projects including DataQuicker (ORM), ExcelQuicker (Excel Report Generator), and RapidWebDev (Enterprise-level CMS)

I worked in BenQ (8 mo), Bleum (4 mo), Newegg (1 mo), Microsoft (3 yr) and Autodesk (5 yr) before 2012. Now I own a startup company in Shanghai China to deliver the exceptional results to global internet users by leveraging the power of Internet and the local excellence.

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