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Writing Win32 Apps with C++: V2 - part 1

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20 Jun 2005CPOL14 min read 107.9K   1.2K   73  
An independent framework to handle Win32 objects inside C++ classes.
//	colornames.h
//		HTML like color names

#pragma once
#pragma message("including " __FILE__)

namespace GE_ { namespace winx { 

	struct clrname {
		static const COLORREF AliceBlue            = RGB(240,248,255);
		static const COLORREF AntiqueWhite         = RGB(250,235,215);
		static const COLORREF Aqua                 = RGB(  0,255,255);
		static const COLORREF Aquamarine           = RGB(127,255,212); 
		static const COLORREF Azure                = RGB(240,255,255);
		static const COLORREF Beige                = RGB(245,245,220);
		static const COLORREF Bisque               = RGB(255,228,196);
		static const COLORREF Black                = RGB(  0,  0,  0);
		static const COLORREF BlanchedAlmond       = RGB(255,255,205);
		static const COLORREF Blue                 = RGB(  0,  0,255);
		static const COLORREF BlueViolet           = RGB(138, 43,226);
		static const COLORREF Brown                = RGB(165, 42, 42);
		static const COLORREF Burlywood            = RGB(222,184,135);
		static const COLORREF CadetBlue            = RGB( 95,158,160);
		static const COLORREF Chartreuse           = RGB(127,255,  0);
		static const COLORREF Choate			   = RGB(210,105, 30);
		static const COLORREF Coral                = RGB(255,127, 80);
		static const COLORREF CornflowerBlue       = RGB(100,149,237);
		static const COLORREF Cornsilk             = RGB(255,248,220);
		static const COLORREF Crimson              = RGB(220, 20, 60);
		static const COLORREF Cyan                 = RGB(  0,255,255);
		static const COLORREF DarkBlue             = RGB(  0,  0,139);
		static const COLORREF DarkCyan             = RGB(  0,139,139);
		static const COLORREF DarkGoldenRod        = RGB(184,134, 11); 
		static const COLORREF DarkGray             = RGB(169,169,169);
		static const COLORREF DarkGreen            = RGB(  0,100,  0);
		static const COLORREF DarkKhaki            = RGB(189,183,107);
		static const COLORREF DarkMagenta          = RGB(139,  0,139);
		static const COLORREF DarkOliveGreen       = RGB( 85,107, 47); 
		static const COLORREF DarkOrange           = RGB(255,140,  0); 
		static const COLORREF DarkOrchid           = RGB(153, 50,204);
		static const COLORREF DarkRed              = RGB(139,  0,  0);
		static const COLORREF DarkSalmon           = RGB(233,150,122);
		static const COLORREF DarkSeaGreen         = RGB(143,188,143);
		static const COLORREF DarkSlateBlue        = RGB( 72, 61,139);
		static const COLORREF DarkSlateGray        = RGB( 47, 79, 79);
		static const COLORREF DarkTurquoise        = RGB(  0,206,209);
		static const COLORREF DarkViolet           = RGB(148,  0,211);
		static const COLORREF DeepPink             = RGB(255, 20,147);
		static const COLORREF DeepSkyBlue          = RGB(  0,191,255);
		static const COLORREF DimGray              = RGB(105,105,105);
		static const COLORREF DodgerBlue           = RGB( 30,144,255);
		static const COLORREF FireBrick            = RGB(178, 34, 34);
		static const COLORREF FloralWhite          = RGB(255,250,240);
		static const COLORREF ForestGreen          = RGB( 34,139, 34);
		static const COLORREF Fuchsia              = RGB(255,  0,255);
		static const COLORREF Gainsboro            = RGB(220,220,220);
		static const COLORREF GhostWhite           = RGB(248,248,255);
		static const COLORREF Gold                 = RGB(255,215,  0);
		static const COLORREF GoldenRod            = RGB(218,165, 32);
		static const COLORREF Gray                 = RGB(127,127,127);
		static const COLORREF Green                = RGB(  0,128,  0);
		static const COLORREF GreenYellow          = RGB(173,255, 47);
		static const COLORREF HoneyDew             = RGB(240,255,240);
		static const COLORREF HotPink              = RGB(255,105,180);
		static const COLORREF IndianRed            = RGB(205, 92, 92);
		static const COLORREF Indigo               = RGB( 75,  0,130);
		static const COLORREF Ivory                = RGB(255,255,240);
		static const COLORREF Khaki                = RGB(240,230,140);
		static const COLORREF Lavender             = RGB(230,230,250);
		static const COLORREF LavenderBlush        = RGB(255,240,245);
		static const COLORREF Lawngreen            = RGB(124,252,  0);
		static const COLORREF LemonChiffon         = RGB(255,250,205);
		static const COLORREF LightBlue            = RGB(173,216,230);
		static const COLORREF LightCoral           = RGB(240,128,128);
		static const COLORREF LightCyan            = RGB(224,255,255);
		static const COLORREF LightGoldenRodYellow = RGB(250,250,210);
		static const COLORREF LightGreen           = RGB(144,238,144);
		static const COLORREF LightGrey            = RGB(211,211,211);
		static const COLORREF LightPink            = RGB(255,182,193);
		static const COLORREF LightSalmon          = RGB(255,160,122);
		static const COLORREF LightSeaGreen        = RGB( 32,178,170);
		static const COLORREF LightSkyBlue         = RGB(135,206,250);
		static const COLORREF LightSlateGray       = RGB(119,136,153);
		static const COLORREF LightSteelBlue       = RGB(176,196,222);
		static const COLORREF LightYellow          = RGB(255,255,224);
		static const COLORREF Lime                 = RGB(  0,255,  0);
		static const COLORREF LimeGreen            = RGB( 50,205, 50);
		static const COLORREF Linen                = RGB(250,240,230);
		static const COLORREF Magenta              = RGB(255,  0,255);
		static const COLORREF Maroon               = RGB(128,  0,  0);
		static const COLORREF MediumAquamarine     = RGB(102,205,170);
		static const COLORREF MediumBlue           = RGB(  0,  0,205);
		static const COLORREF MediumOrchid         = RGB(186, 85,211);
		static const COLORREF MediumPurple         = RGB(147,112,219);
		static const COLORREF MediumSeaGreen       = RGB( 60,179,113);
		static const COLORREF MediumSlateBlue      = RGB(123,104,238);
		static const COLORREF MediumSpringGreen    = RGB(  0,250,154);
		static const COLORREF MediumTurquoise      = RGB( 72,209,204);
		static const COLORREF MediumVioletRed      = RGB(199, 21,133);
		static const COLORREF MidnightBlue         = RGB( 25, 25,112);
		static const COLORREF MintCream            = RGB(245,255,250);
		static const COLORREF MistyRose            = RGB(255,228,225);
		static const COLORREF Moccasin             = RGB(255,228,181);
		static const COLORREF NavajoWhite          = RGB(255,222,173);
		static const COLORREF Navy                 = RGB(  0,  0,128);
		static const COLORREF Navyblue             = RGB(159,175,223);
		static const COLORREF OldLace              = RGB(253,245,230);
		static const COLORREF Olive                = RGB(128,128,  0);
		static const COLORREF OliveDrab            = RGB(107,142, 35);
		static const COLORREF Orange               = RGB(255,165,  0);
		static const COLORREF OrangeRed            = RGB(255, 69,  0);
		static const COLORREF Orchid               = RGB(218,112,214);
		static const COLORREF PaleGoldenRod        = RGB(238,232,170);
		static const COLORREF PaleGreen            = RGB(152,251,152);
		static const COLORREF PaleTurquoise        = RGB(175,238,238);
		static const COLORREF PaleVioletRed        = RGB(219,112,147);
		static const COLORREF PapayaWhip           = RGB(255,239,213);
		static const COLORREF PeachPuff            = RGB(255,218,185);
		static const COLORREF Peru                 = RGB(205,133, 63);
		static const COLORREF Pink                 = RGB(255,192,203);
		static const COLORREF Plum                 = RGB(221,160,221);
		static const COLORREF PowderBlue           = RGB(176,224,230);
		static const COLORREF Purple               = RGB(128,  0,128);
		static const COLORREF Red                  = RGB(255,  0,  0);
		static const COLORREF RosyBrown            = RGB(188,143,143);
		static const COLORREF RoyalBlue            = RGB( 65,105,225);
		static const COLORREF SaddleBrown          = RGB(139, 69, 19);
		static const COLORREF Salmon               = RGB(250,128,114);
		static const COLORREF SandyBrown           = RGB(244,164, 96);
		static const COLORREF SeaGreen             = RGB( 46,139, 87);
		static const COLORREF SeaShell             = RGB(255,245,238);
		static const COLORREF Sienna               = RGB(160, 82, 45);
		static const COLORREF Silver               = RGB(192,192,192);
		static const COLORREF SkyBlue              = RGB(135,206,235);
		static const COLORREF SlateBlue            = RGB(106, 90,205);
		static const COLORREF SlateGray            = RGB(112,128,144);
		static const COLORREF Snow                 = RGB(255,250,250);
		static const COLORREF SpringGreen          = RGB(  0,255,127);
		static const COLORREF SteelBlue            = RGB( 70,130,180);
		static const COLORREF Tan                  = RGB(210,180,140);
		static const COLORREF Teal                 = RGB(  0,128,128);
		static const COLORREF Thistle              = RGB(216,191,216);
		static const COLORREF Tomato               = RGB(255, 99, 71);
		static const COLORREF Turquoise            = RGB( 64,224,208);
		static const COLORREF Violet               = RGB(238,130,238);
		static const COLORREF Wheat                = RGB(245,222,179);
		static const COLORREF White                = RGB(255,255,255);
		static const COLORREF WhiteSmoke           = RGB(245,245,245);
		static const COLORREF Yellow               = RGB(255,255,  0);
		static const COLORREF YellowGreen          = RGB(139,205, 50);


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Written By
Italy Italy
Born and living in Milan (Italy), I'm an engineer in electronics actually working in the ICT department of an important oil/gas & energy company as responsible for planning and engineering of ICT infrastructures.
Interested in programming since the '70s, today I still define architectures for the ICT, deploying dedicated specific client application for engineering purposes, working with C++, MFC, STL, and recently also C# and D.

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