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Cool Scrollbar - Scrollbar like Windows Media Player's

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3 May 2005CPOL6 min read 259.9K   2.8K   47  
A cool scrollbar control.


'/// ************************************************************************************************************** //

'/// Author:  Liu,Qi                                                                                                //

'/// Contact: (NO SPAM, PLEASE)                                                                //

'///          P.O Box 439, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, Hubei, P.R.CHINA                                         //

'/// ************************************************************************************************************** //

'/// Control Class: CBar                                                                                            //

'/// Control Description:                                                                                           //

'///                    Scrollbar like Windows Media Player's, which has:                                           //

'///                    �l	Optional color displayed on thumb, in channel, and on control border                    //

'///                    �l	Hand cursor is displayed when mouse hovers over thumb                                   //  

'///                    �l	Thumb color is changed to "hover color" when mouse hovers over thumb                    //

'///                    �l	Clicking in channel moves thumb to that spot                                            //

'///                    �l	Left and right arrow buttons move thumb by one unit, and if kept pushed,                //

'///                        the thumb would keep moving                                                             //

'///                    �l	ValueChanged event is raised when value changes                                         //

'/// Control Events:                                                                                                //

'///                    ValueChanged: raised when scrollbar value changes                                           //

'/// Control Properties:                                                                                            //

'///                    [Behavior]                                                                                  //

'///                    Value: the current value of the scrollbar (long)                                            //

'///                    MinValue: minimum value of the scrollbar (long)                                             //

'///                    MaxValue: maximum value of the scrollbar (long)                                             //

'///                    [Appearance]                                                                                //

'///                    LeftArrow: left arrow image (bitmap)                                                        //

'///                    RightArrow: right arrow image (bitmap)                                                      //

'///                    LeftChannelBeginColor: begin color of the left channel brush (color)                        //

'///                    LeftChannelEndColor: end color of the left channel brush (color)                            //

'///                    RightChannelBeginColor: begin color of the right channel brush (color)                      //

'///                    RightChannelEndColor: end color of the right channel brush (color)                          //

'///                    ThumbFillColor: center color of the thumb area (color)                                      //

'///                    ThumbRectColor: surrounding color of the thumb area (color)                                 //

'///                    TrackBorderColor: color of the border of the track (color)                                  //

'/// _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________//

'/// History:

'///                    Oct 12, 2004: Initial release

'///                    Apr 25, 2005: Adds Vertical version and modifies thumb drawing


Imports System.ComponentModel

Imports System.Drawing

Public Class [CBar]

    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl

#Region " Windows z�OS����Vhubv�N�x "

    Public Sub New()


        '��u(f/ Windows z�OS����Vhb@_ŗv�0


        Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, True)

        Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, True)

        Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, True)

        'W( InitializeComponent() �u(NKTm�R�N�OURY�S

    End Sub

    'CBar ��Q� dispose N�nt~�N�R�h0

    Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

        If disposing Then

            If Not (components Is Nothing) Then


            End If

        End If


    End Sub

    'Windows z�OS����Vhb@_ŗv�

    Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer

    'l�a: N�N��zf/ Windows z�OS����Vhb@_ŗv�

    'S�N�Ou( Windows z�OS����VhO�e9kd��z0


    Friend WithEvents Timer1 As System.Timers.Timer

    <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()

        Dim resources As System.Resources.ResourceManager = New System.Resources.ResourceManager(GetType(CBar))

        Me.Timer1 = New System.Timers.Timer

        CType(Me.Timer1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()




        Me.Timer1.Interval = 70

        Me.Timer1.SynchronizingObject = Me




        Me.AccessibleDescription = resources.GetString("$this.AccessibleDescription")

        Me.AccessibleName = resources.GetString("$this.AccessibleName")

        Me.AutoScroll = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.AutoScroll"), Boolean)

        Me.AutoScrollMargin = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.AutoScrollMargin"), System.Drawing.Size)

        Me.AutoScrollMinSize = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.AutoScrollMinSize"), System.Drawing.Size)

        Me.BackgroundImage = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.BackgroundImage"), System.Drawing.Image)

        Me.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Hand

        Me.Enabled = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.Enabled"), Boolean)

        Me.Font = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.Font"), System.Drawing.Font)

        Me.ImeMode = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.ImeMode"), System.Windows.Forms.ImeMode)

        Me.Location = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.Location"), System.Drawing.Point)

        Me.Name = "CBar"

        Me.RightToLeft = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.RightToLeft"), System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft)

        Me.Size = CType(resources.GetObject("$this.Size"), System.Drawing.Size)

        CType(Me.Timer1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()

    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Types"

    Private Structure ColorARGB

        Dim bAlpha As Byte

        Dim bRed As Byte

        Dim bGreen As Byte

        Dim bBlue As Byte

    End Structure

    Public Enum BarLayout



    End Enum

#End Region

#Region "Member Variables"

    Private BitmapHeight As Byte = 12   'height of the arrow bitmap

    Private BitmapWidth As Byte = 25   'width of the arrow bitmap

    'Private ArcDia as Byte=BitmapWidth

    Private m_nMaxValue As Long = 100

    Private m_nMinValue As Long = 0

    Private m_nRealValue As Long = 0   'value of the scrollbar that will return

    Private m_nValue As Long = m_nRealValue - m_nMinValue 'Absolute value of current value

    Private m_nLargeChange As Long = (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue) / 10   'large change value

    '''<color properties>

    Private m_cBorderColor As Color = Color.White 'Border color

    Private m_cRightChannelBeginColor As Color = Color.Honeydew 'right track begin color

    Private m_cRightChannelEndColor As Color = Color.Gray 'right track end color

    Private m_cLeftChannelBeginColor As Color = Color.Green

    Private m_cLeftChannelEndColor As Color = Color.White

    Private m_cThumbFillColor As Color = Color.Blue

    Private m_cThumbRectColor As Color = Color.LightYellow

    '''</end color properties>

    Private m_imgLeftImage As Bitmap

    Private m_imgRightImage As Bitmap

    Private m_fThumbLeft As Single = 26.0F   'left value of Thumbleft

    Private m_bMouseOnThumb As Boolean = False

    Private m_bMouseDown As Boolean = False

    Private m_bArrowClicked As Boolean      'which button is clicked: Left-True; Right-False

    Private m_BarLayout As BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal 'layout, horizontal or vertical

    Private m_sBitmapSize As Size = New Size(BitmapWidth, BitmapHeight)

#End Region

#Region "Private Functions"

    '''<api functions>

    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

    '''<\end api functions>

    'get color argb value

    Private Function GetARGB(ByVal inColor As Color) As ColorARGB

        Dim nARGB As Int32 = inColor.ToArgb

        Dim tmpColorARGB As ColorARGB

        With tmpColorARGB

            .bBlue = nARGB And &HF

            .bGreen = (nARGB >> 2) And &HF

            .bRed = (nARGB >> 2) And &HF

            .bAlpha = (nARGB >> 2) And &HF

        End With

        Return tmpColorARGB

    End Function

    Private Function CalValue() As Single

        If m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal Then

            Return BitmapWidth + 1 + (Me.Width - BitmapWidth * 3 - 2) * m_nValue / (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue)

        ElseIf m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Vertical Then

            Return Me.Height - (2 * BitmapHeight + 2 + (Me.Height - BitmapHeight * 3 + 2) * m_nValue / (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue))

            'Return (BitmapHeight + 1 + (Me.Height - BitmapHeight * 3 - 2) * m_nValue / (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue))


            Return 0

        End If

    End Function

    '''<draw background of the track>

    Private Function DrawTrackBackground() As Boolean


            Dim gTrack As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics

            '            If (m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Vertical) Then

            '           gTrack.RotateTransform(270, Drawing2D.MatrixOrder.Append)

            '          End If

            '           If m_imgLeftImage Is Nothing And m_imgRightImage Is Nothing Then

            Dim resources As System.Resources.ResourceManager = New System.Resources.ResourceManager(GetType(CBar))

            If m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal Then

                m_imgLeftImage = CType(resources.GetObject("LeftArrow"), System.Drawing.Bitmap)

                m_imgRightImage = CType(resources.GetObject("RightArrow"), System.Drawing.Bitmap)


                m_imgLeftImage = CType(resources.GetObject("DownArrow"), System.Drawing.Bitmap)

                m_imgRightImage = CType(resources.GetObject("UpArrow"), System.Drawing.Bitmap)

            End If

            '          End If

            'draw track background

            gTrack.DrawRectangle(New Pen(m_cBorderColor), 0, 0, Me.Width - 1, Me.Height - 1)

            'draw image to each end of the track

            If m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal Then

                gTrack.DrawImage(m_imgLeftImage, 1, 1)

                gTrack.DrawImage(m_imgRightImage, Me.Width - BitmapWidth - 1, 1)

            ElseIf m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Vertical Then

                gTrack.DrawImage(m_imgLeftImage, 1, Me.Height - BitmapHeight - 1)

                gTrack.DrawImage(m_imgRightImage, 1, 1)

            End If

            'free memory


            Return True

        Catch e As Exception


            Return False

        End Try

    End Function

    '''<draw left channel and right channel>

    Private Function DrawTrackChannels() As Boolean

        Dim rightBrush As New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(ClientRectangle, m_cRightChannelBeginColor, m_cRightChannelEndColor, Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical)

        Dim leftBrush As New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(ClientRectangle, m_cLeftChannelBeginColor, m_cLeftChannelEndColor, Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.BackwardDiagonal)

        If (m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Vertical) Then

            rightBrush = New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(ClientRectangle, m_cRightChannelBeginColor, m_cRightChannelEndColor, Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Horizontal)

            leftBrush = New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(ClientRectangle, m_cLeftChannelBeginColor, m_cLeftChannelEndColor, Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.ForwardDiagonal)

        End If

        Dim gTrack As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics

        Dim LeftChannel As RectangleF, RightChannel As RectangleF

        If (m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal) Then

            LeftChannel = New RectangleF(BitmapWidth + 1, 2, 0, BitmapHeight - 2)


            LeftChannel = New RectangleF(2, Me.Height - BitmapHeight - 1, BitmapWidth - 2, 0)

        End If

        Dim fTmpRightChannelWidth As Single

        If (m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal) Then

            LeftChannel.Width = CalValue() - BitmapWidth + BitmapHeight / 2 ' 20

            If LeftChannel.Width <= 0 Then LeftChannel.Width = BitmapHeight / 2

            fTmpRightChannelWidth = Me.Width - BitmapWidth * 2 - 2

            RightChannel = New RectangleF(BitmapWidth + 1, 1, fTmpRightChannelWidth, BitmapHeight)


            LeftChannel.Height = Me.Height - (CalValue() + 2 * BitmapHeight)

            If LeftChannel.Height <= 0 Then LeftChannel.Height = BitmapWidth / 2

            LeftChannel.Y = CalValue() + BitmapHeight

            fTmpRightChannelWidth = Me.Height - BitmapHeight * 2 - 2

            RightChannel = New RectangleF(1, BitmapHeight + 1, BitmapWidth, fTmpRightChannelWidth)

        End If

        gTrack.FillRectangle(rightBrush, RightChannel)

        gTrack.FillRectangle(leftBrush, LeftChannel)

        gTrack.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Gray), LeftChannel.X, LeftChannel.Y, _

                                               LeftChannel.Width, LeftChannel.Height - 1)




    End Function

    '''<draw thumb>

    Private Function DrawThumb(Optional ByVal MouseOn As Boolean = False) As Single

        Dim gThumb As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics

        Dim linePen As New Pen(Color.Gray, 1)  'pen to draw the edge of the area

        Dim fX(3) As Single

        'initialize edge values------------------------------------------------------------

        fX(0) = CalValue()

        If (m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal) Then

            fX(1) = fX(0) + BitmapHeight / 2

            fX(2) = fX(1) + (BitmapWidth - BitmapHeight) / 2 '7


            fX(1) = fX(0) + BitmapWidth / 2

            fX(2) = fX(1) + (BitmapHeight - BitmapWidth) / 2 '7

        End If


        'define path and brushes

        Dim rectPath As New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath 'path that will constitute the thumb area

        If (m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal) Then

            'Dim rect2Fill As New RectangleF(fX(1), 1.0F, BitmapWidth - BitmapHeight, BitmapHeight)  'center rectangle area of the thumb

            Dim rect2Fill As New RectangleF(fX(1), 1.0F, fX(2) - fX(0), BitmapHeight)  'center rectangle area of the thumb

            rectPath.AddArc(fX(0), 0.3F, BitmapHeight, BitmapHeight, 90, 180) 'left pie

            rectPath.AddRectangle(rect2Fill) 'center

            rectPath.AddArc(fX(2), 0.3F, BitmapHeight, BitmapHeight, 90, -180) 'right pie


            Dim rect2Fill As New RectangleF(1.0F, fX(2), BitmapWidth, 2 * fX(1) - fX(0) - fX(2))

            rectPath.AddArc(0.3F, 2 * fX(1) - fX(0), BitmapWidth, BitmapWidth, 0, 180) 'upper pie

            rectPath.AddRectangle(rect2Fill) 'center

            rectPath.AddArc(0.3F, fX(2) - fX(1) + fX(0), BitmapWidth, BitmapWidth, -180, 180) 'down pie

        End If

        Dim rectBrush As New Drawing2D.PathGradientBrush(rectPath)

        rectBrush.CenterColor = m_cThumbRectColor

        Dim rectColors As Color() = {m_cThumbFillColor, m_cThumbFillColor, m_cThumbFillColor, m_cThumbFillColor}

        rectBrush.SurroundColors = rectColors

        'draw the thumb

        If (m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal) Then

            gThumb.DrawArc(linePen, fX(0), 1.0F, BitmapHeight, BitmapHeight - 1, 90, 180)

            gThumb.DrawArc(linePen, fX(2), 1.0F, BitmapHeight, BitmapHeight - 1, -90, 180)


            gThumb.DrawArc(linePen, 1.0F, 2 * fX(1) - fX(0), BitmapWidth, BitmapWidth - 1, 0, 180)

            gThumb.DrawArc(linePen, 1.0F, fX(2) - fX(1) + fX(0), BitmapWidth, BitmapWidth - 1, 0, -180)

        End If

        gThumb.FillPath(rectBrush, rectPath)

        If MouseOn = True Then

            Dim fillColorARGB As ColorARGB = GetARGB(m_cThumbFillColor)

            Dim tmpfillColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(200, 255 - fillColorARGB.bRed, 255 - fillColorARGB.bGreen, 255 - fillColorARGB.bBlue)

            linePen.Color = tmpfillColor

            If (m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal) Then

                gThumb.DrawArc(linePen, fX(0), 1.0F, BitmapHeight, BitmapHeight - 1, 90, 180)

                gThumb.DrawArc(linePen, fX(2), 1.0F, BitmapHeight, BitmapHeight - 1, -90, 180)

                gThumb.DrawLine(linePen, fX(1), 1.0F, fX(1) + BitmapWidth - BitmapHeight, 1.0F)

                gThumb.DrawLine(linePen, fX(1), BitmapHeight, fX(1) + BitmapWidth - BitmapHeight, BitmapHeight)


                gThumb.DrawArc(linePen, 1.0F, 2 * fX(1) - fX(0), BitmapWidth, BitmapWidth - 1, 0, 180)

                gThumb.DrawArc(linePen, 1.0F, fX(2) - fX(1) + fX(0), BitmapWidth, BitmapWidth - 1, 0, -180)

                gThumb.DrawLine(linePen, 1.0F, fX(1), 1.0F, 2 * fX(1) - fX(0) - fX(2))

                gThumb.DrawLine(linePen, BitmapWidth, fX(1), BitmapWidth, 2 * fX(1) - fX(0) - fX(2))

            End If

        End If

        'free memory





        Return fX(0)

    End Function

    'sub to draw track

    Private Sub DrawTrack(Optional ByVal IsMouaseOnThumb As Boolean = False)



        m_fThumbLeft = DrawThumb(IsMouaseOnThumb)

    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Events"

    Public Event ValueChanged()

#End Region

#Region "Properties"

    <CategoryAttribute("Appearance"), DescriptionAttribute("layout of the scrollbar")> _

    Public Property [ScrollbarLayout]() As BarLayout


            Return m_BarLayout

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As BarLayout)

            m_BarLayout = newValue

            If m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Vertical Then

                BitmapHeight = 25

                BitmapWidth = 12

            ElseIf m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal Then

                BitmapHeight = 12

                BitmapWidth = 25

            End If

            Dim resizeevent As EventArgs


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Appearance"), DescriptionAttribute("left arrow image")> _

    Public Property [LeftArrow]() As Bitmap


            Return m_imgLeftImage

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Bitmap)

            m_imgLeftImage = newValue


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Appearance"), DescriptionAttribute("right arrow image")> _

    Public Property [RightArrow]() As Bitmap


            Return m_imgRightImage

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Bitmap)

            m_imgRightImage = newValue


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Appearance"), DescriptionAttribute("Track Border Color")> _

    Public Property [TrackBorderColor]() As Color


            Return m_cBorderColor

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Color)

            m_cBorderColor = newValue


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Appearance"), DescriptionAttribute("Right Channel Begin Color")> _

    Public Property [RightChannelBeginColor]() As Color


            Return m_cRightChannelBeginColor

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Color)

            m_cRightChannelBeginColor = newValue


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Appearance"), DescriptionAttribute("Right Channel End Color")> _

    Public Property [RightChannelEndColor]() As Color


            Return m_cRightChannelEndColor

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Color)

            m_cRightChannelEndColor = newValue


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Appearance"), DescriptionAttribute("Left Channel End Color")> _

    Public Property [LeftChannelEndColor]() As Color


            Return m_cLeftChannelEndColor

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Color)

            m_cLeftChannelEndColor = newValue


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Appearance"), DescriptionAttribute("left Channel begin Color")> _

    Public Property [LeftChannelBeginColor]() As Color


            Return m_cLeftChannelBeginColor

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Color)

            m_cLeftChannelBeginColor = newValue


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Appearance"), DescriptionAttribute("Thumb fill Color")> _

    Public Property [ThumbFillColor]() As Color


            Return m_cThumbFillColor

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Color)

            m_cThumbFillColor = newValue


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Appearance"), DescriptionAttribute("Thumb rect Color")> _

    Public Property [ThumbRectColor]() As Color


            Return m_cThumbRectColor

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Color)

            m_cThumbRectColor = newValue


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Behavior"), DescriptionAttribute("current value")> _

    Public Property [Value]() As Long


            Return m_nRealValue

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Long)

            'ensure that the value does not exceed the limits

            If newValue <= m_nMinValue Then

                m_nRealValue = m_nMinValue

                m_nValue = m_nRealValue - m_nMinValue

            ElseIf newValue >= m_nMaxValue Then

                m_nRealValue = m_nMaxValue

                m_nValue = m_nRealValue - m_nMinValue


                m_nRealValue = newValue

                m_nValue = m_nRealValue - m_nMinValue

            End If


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Behavior"), DescriptionAttribute("Max Value")> _

    Public Property [MaxValue]() As Long


            Return m_nMaxValue

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Long)

            m_nMaxValue = newValue


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Behavior"), DescriptionAttribute("Min Value")> _

    Public Property [MinValue]() As Long


            Return m_nMinValue

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Long)

            m_nMinValue = newValue


        End Set

    End Property

    <CategoryAttribute("Behavior"), DescriptionAttribute("Large Change")> _

    Public Property [LargeChange]() As Long


            Return m_nLargeChange

        End Get

        Set(ByVal newValue As Long)

            If newValue > (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue) Then

                newValue = m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue

            ElseIf newValue < 1 Then

                newValue = 1

            End If

            m_nLargeChange = newValue

        End Set

    End Property

#End Region

#Region "overrides"

    Protected Overrides Sub OnResize(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

        'restrict the size

        If m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal Then

            If Me.Height <> BitmapHeight + 2 Then Me.Height = BitmapHeight + 2

            If Me.Width <= BitmapWidth * 3 + 3 Then Me.Width = BitmapWidth * 3 + 3

        ElseIf m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Vertical Then

            If Me.Height <= BitmapHeight * 3 Then Me.Height = BitmapHeight * 3

            If Me.Width <> BitmapWidth + 2 Then Me.Width = BitmapWidth + 2

        End If


    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)


    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)

        If (m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal) Then

            If (e.X > m_fThumbLeft And e.X < m_fThumbLeft + BitmapWidth) Then

                If Not m_bMouseDown Then

                    m_bMouseOnThumb = True

                    m_fThumbLeft = DrawThumb(True)


                    If (e.X > 1.5 * BitmapWidth And e.X < Me.Width - 1.5 * BitmapWidth) Then 'within effective area of the TRACK CHANNEL

                        m_nValue = Int((e.X - 1.5 * BitmapWidth) * (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue) / (Me.Width - 3 * BitmapWidth - 2))


                    End If

                End If


                If m_bMouseOnThumb Then

                    m_bMouseOnThumb = False

                    m_fThumbLeft = DrawThumb()

                End If

            End If

            If e.X < BitmapWidth Or e.X > Me.Width - BitmapWidth Then

                Me.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow


                Me.Cursor = Cursors.Hand

            End If


            If (e.Y > m_fThumbLeft And e.Y < m_fThumbLeft + BitmapHeight) Then

                If Not m_bMouseDown Then

                    m_bMouseOnThumb = True

                    m_fThumbLeft = DrawThumb(True)


                    If (e.Y > 1.5 * BitmapHeight And e.Y < Me.Height - 1.5 * BitmapHeight) Then 'within effective area of the TRACK CHANNEL

                        m_nValue = Int((e.Y - 1.5 * BitmapHeight) * (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue) / (Me.Height - 3 * BitmapHeight - 2))

                        m_nValue = m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue - m_nValue


                    End If

                End If


                If m_bMouseOnThumb Then

                    m_bMouseOnThumb = False

                    m_fThumbLeft = DrawThumb()

                End If

            End If

            If e.Y < BitmapHeight Or e.Y > Me.Height - BitmapHeight Then

                Me.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow


                Me.Cursor = Cursors.Hand

            End If

        End If

    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseLeave(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

        m_bMouseOnThumb = False

        m_bMouseDown = False


    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)

        If (m_BarLayout = BarLayout.Horizontal) Then

            If (e.X > BitmapWidth And e.X < Me.Width - BitmapWidth) Then  'within track

                If m_bMouseOnThumb Then  'on thumb

                    If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then

                        m_bMouseDown = True


                        m_bMouseDown = False

                    End If


                    If (e.X > (BitmapWidth * 1.5 + 1) And e.X < (Me.Width - BitmapWidth * 1.5 - 1)) Then 'within effective area

                        m_nValue = CType((e.X - BitmapWidth * 1.5 - 1) * (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue) / (Me.Width - BitmapWidth * 3 - 2), Long)

                    ElseIf e.X < (BitmapWidth * 1.5 + 1) Then    'minvalue

                        m_nValue = 0

                    ElseIf e.X > Me.Width - (BitmapWidth * 1.5 + 1) Then 'maxvalue

                        m_nValue = m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue

                    End If

                    DrawTrack() 'draw track

                End If

            Else    'click the botton

                'Dim nTmpValue As Long = CType((m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue) / 10, Long)

                If e.X < BitmapWidth + 1 Then

                    m_bArrowClicked = True

                    m_nValue -= m_nLargeChange

                    If m_nValue < 0 Then m_nValue = 0

                ElseIf e.X > Me.Width - BitmapWidth Then

                    m_bArrowClicked = False

                    m_nValue += m_nLargeChange

                    If m_nValue > (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue) Then m_nValue = (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue)

                End If

                m_nRealValue = m_nValue + m_nMinValue



                Timer1.Enabled = True

            End If


            If (e.Y > BitmapHeight And e.Y < Me.Height - BitmapHeight) Then  'within track

                If m_bMouseOnThumb Then  'on thumb

                    If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then

                        m_bMouseDown = True


                        m_bMouseDown = False

                    End If


                    If (e.Y > (BitmapHeight * 1.5 + 1) And e.Y < (Me.Height - BitmapHeight * 1.5 - 1)) Then 'within effective area

                        m_nValue = CType((Me.Height - (e.Y + BitmapHeight * 1.5 - 1)) * (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue) / (Me.Height - BitmapHeight * 3 + 2), Long)

                    ElseIf e.Y < (BitmapHeight * 1.5 + 1) Then    'maxvalue

                        m_nValue = m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue

                    ElseIf e.Y > Me.Height - (BitmapHeight * 1.5 + 1) Then 'minvalue

                        m_nValue = 0

                    End If

                    DrawTrack() 'draw track

                End If

            Else    'click the botton

                If e.Y < BitmapHeight + 1 Then

                    m_bArrowClicked = False

                    m_nValue += m_nLargeChange

                    If m_nValue > (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue) Then m_nValue = (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue)

                ElseIf e.Y > Me.Height - BitmapHeight Then

                    m_bArrowClicked = True

                    m_nValue -= m_nLargeChange

                    If m_nValue < 0 Then m_nValue = 0

                End If

                m_nRealValue = m_nValue + m_nMinValue



                Timer1.Enabled = True

            End If

        End If

    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseUp(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)

        m_bMouseDown = False

        m_nRealValue = m_nValue + m_nMinValue

        Timer1.Enabled = False

        RaiseEvent ValueChanged()

    End Sub

#End Region

    Private Sub Timer1_Elapsed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles Timer1.Elapsed

        Dim nTmpValue As Long = CType(Math.Ceiling(m_nLargeChange / 5), Long)

        If nTmpValue < 1 Then

            nTmpValue = 1

        End If

        If m_bArrowClicked = True Then

            m_nValue -= nTmpValue

            If m_nValue < 0 Then m_nValue = 0


            m_nValue += nTmpValue

            If m_nValue > (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue) Then m_nValue = (m_nMaxValue - m_nMinValue)

        End If

        m_nRealValue = m_nValue + m_nMinValue


    End Sub

    Private Sub CBar_Disposed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Disposed

        'free memory



    End Sub

End Class

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Written By
Web Developer
United States United States
Graduated from Wuhan University(EE), China in june 2004, I worked for Fiberhome Telecommunication Technologies, Co., LTD, WRI for one year, and now I am pursuing my graduate studies in Electrical Engineering. Basicly I wrote programs in my spare time.

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