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FTP Client Class

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8 Dec 2012CPOL4 min read 777.9K   48.2K   246  
A non-MFC class to encapsulate the FTP protocol.
// From David J. Kruglinski (Inside Visual C++).
// Modifications by Thomas Oswald (make compatible to BSD sockets) //+#

// CBlockingSocketException, CBlockingSocket, CHttpBlockingSocket

//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "BlockingSocket.h"

#ifdef __AFX_H__ // MFC only
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

#ifdef min
#undef min

using namespace nsSocket;

//************************* Class CBlockingSocketException **************************//

CBlockingSocketException::CBlockingSocketException(LPCTSTR pchMessage) :
   ASSERT(pchMessage != NULL);

bool CBlockingSocketException::GetErrorMessage(LPTSTR lpstrError, UINT nMaxError, PUINT /*pnHelpContext = NULL*/)
   if( m_nError == 0 )
      if( m_strMessage.size()+7>nMaxError )
         return false;
      tsprintf(lpstrError, nMaxError, _T("%s error"), m_strMessage.c_str());
      if( m_strMessage.size()+18>nMaxError )
         return false;
      tsprintf(lpstrError, nMaxError, _T("%s error 0x%08x"), m_strMessage.c_str(), m_nError);
   return true;

tstring CBlockingSocketException::GetErrorMessage(PUINT /*pnHelpContext = NULL*/)
   TCHAR szBuffer[512] = {0};
   GetErrorMessage(szBuffer, 512);
   return szBuffer;

//******************************** Class CBlockingSocket ****************************//

IBlockingSocket* CBlockingSocket::CreateInstance() const
   return new CBlockingSocket();

CBlockingSocket::CBlockingSocket() :
#ifdef WIN32
   // Initialize the Winsock dll version 2.0
   WSADATA  wsaData = {0};
   VERIFY( WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsaData)==0 );
	VERIFY( LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion)==2 && HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion)==0 );

#ifdef WIN32

void CBlockingSocket::Cleanup()
   // doesn't throw an exception because it's called in a catch block
   if( m_hSocket==INVALID_SOCKET )

   VERIFY( closesocket(m_hSocket)!=SOCKET_ERROR );

   m_hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;

void CBlockingSocket::Create(int nType /* = SOCK_STREAM */)
   if( (m_hSocket=socket(AF_INET, nType, 0))==INVALID_SOCKET )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Create"));

void CBlockingSocket::Bind(LPCSOCKADDR psa) const
   ASSERT( psa != NULL );
   if( bind(m_hSocket, psa, sizeof(SOCKADDR))==SOCKET_ERROR )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Bind"));

void CBlockingSocket::Listen() const
   if( listen(m_hSocket, 5)==SOCKET_ERROR )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Listen"));

bool CBlockingSocket::Accept(IBlockingSocket& sConnect, LPSOCKADDR psa) const
   ASSERT( psa != NULL );
   ASSERT( sConnect.operator SOCKET() == INVALID_SOCKET );

   // ATTENTION: dynamic_cast would be better (and then checking against NULL)
   //            RTTI must be enabled to use dynamic_cast //+#
   CBlockingSocket* pConnect = static_cast<CBlockingSocket*>(&sConnect);

   socklen_t nLengthAddr = sizeof(SOCKADDR);
   pConnect->m_hSocket = accept(m_hSocket, psa, &nLengthAddr);

   if( pConnect->operator SOCKET()==INVALID_SOCKET )
      // no exception if the listen was canceled
      if( WSAGetLastError() !=WSAEINTR )
         throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Accept"));
      return false;
   return true;

void CBlockingSocket::Close()
   if( m_hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET && closesocket(m_hSocket)==SOCKET_ERROR )
      // should be OK to close if closed already
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Close"));
   m_hSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;

void CBlockingSocket::Connect(LPCSOCKADDR psa) const
   ASSERT( psa != NULL );
   // should timeout by itself
   if( connect(m_hSocket, psa, sizeof(SOCKADDR))==SOCKET_ERROR )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Connect"));

int CBlockingSocket::Write(const char* pch, int nSize, int nSecs) const
   ASSERT( pch != NULL );
   int         nBytesSent        = 0;
   int         nBytesThisTime    = 0;
   const char* pch1              = pch;

      nBytesThisTime = Send(pch1, nSize - nBytesSent, nSecs);
      nBytesSent += nBytesThisTime;
      pch1 += nBytesThisTime;
   } while( nBytesSent<nSize );

   return nBytesSent;

int CBlockingSocket::Send(const char* pch, int nSize, int nSecs) const
   ASSERT( pch != NULL );

   // returned value will be less than nSize if client cancels the reading
   fd_set fd;
   FD_SET(m_hSocket, &fd);
   TIMEVAL tv = { nSecs, 0 };

   if( _select(m_hSocket+1, NULL, &fd, NULL, &tv)==0 )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Send timeout"));

   const int nBytesSent = send(m_hSocket, pch, nSize, 0);
   if( nBytesSent==SOCKET_ERROR )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Send"));

   return nBytesSent;

bool CBlockingSocket::CheckReadability() const

   fd_set fd;
   FD_SET(m_hSocket, &fd);
   TIMEVAL tv = { 0, 0 };

   // static_cast is necessary to avoid compiler warning under WIN32;
   // This is no problem because the first parameter is included only
   // for compatibility with Berkeley sockets.
   const int iRet = _select(m_hSocket+1, &fd, NULL, NULL, &tv);

   if( iRet==SOCKET_ERROR )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Socket Error"));

   return iRet == 1;

int CBlockingSocket::Receive(char* pch, int nSize, int nSecs) const
   ASSERT( pch != NULL );

   fd_set fd;
   FD_SET(m_hSocket, &fd);
   TIMEVAL tv = { nSecs, 0 };

   // static_cast is necessary to avoid compiler warning under WIN32;
   // This is no problem because the first parameter is included only
   // for compatibility with Berkeley sockets.
   if( _select(m_hSocket+1, &fd, NULL, NULL, &tv)==0 )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Receive timeout"));

   const int nBytesReceived = recv(m_hSocket, pch, nSize, 0);
   if( nBytesReceived==SOCKET_ERROR )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Receive"));

   return nBytesReceived;

int CBlockingSocket::ReceiveDatagram(char* pch, int nSize, LPSOCKADDR psa, int nSecs) const
   ASSERT( pch != NULL );
   ASSERT( psa != NULL );

   fd_set fd;
   FD_SET(m_hSocket, &fd);
   TIMEVAL tv = { nSecs, 0 };

   // static_cast is necessary to avoid compiler warning under WIN32;
   // This is no problem because the first parameter is included only
   // for compatibility with Berkeley sockets.
   if( _select(m_hSocket+1, &fd, NULL, NULL, &tv)==0 )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Receive timeout"));

   // input buffer should be big enough for the entire datagram
   socklen_t nFromSize = sizeof(SOCKADDR);
   const int nBytesReceived = recvfrom(m_hSocket, pch, nSize, 0, psa, &nFromSize);

   if( nBytesReceived==SOCKET_ERROR )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("ReceiveDatagram"));

   return nBytesReceived;

int CBlockingSocket::SendDatagram(const char* pch, int nSize, LPCSOCKADDR psa, int nSecs) const
   ASSERT( pch != NULL );
   ASSERT( psa != NULL );

   fd_set fd;
   FD_SET(m_hSocket, &fd);
   TIMEVAL tv = { nSecs, 0 };

   // static_cast is necessary to avoid compiler warning under WIN32;
   // This is no problem because the first parameter is included only
   // for compatibility with Berkeley sockets.
   if( _select(m_hSocket+1, NULL, &fd, NULL, &tv)==0 )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("Send timeout"));

   const int nBytesSent = sendto(m_hSocket, pch, nSize, 0, psa, sizeof(SOCKADDR));
   if( nBytesSent==SOCKET_ERROR )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("SendDatagram"));

   return nBytesSent;

void CBlockingSocket::GetPeerAddr(LPSOCKADDR psa) const
   ASSERT( psa != NULL );

   // gets the address of the socket at the other end
   socklen_t nLengthAddr = sizeof(SOCKADDR);
   if( getpeername(m_hSocket, psa, &nLengthAddr)==SOCKET_ERROR )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("GetPeerName"));

void CBlockingSocket::GetSockAddr(LPSOCKADDR psa) const
   ASSERT( psa != NULL );

   // gets the address of the socket at this end
   socklen_t nLengthAddr = sizeof(SOCKADDR);
   if( getsockname(m_hSocket, psa, &nLengthAddr)==SOCKET_ERROR )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("GetSockName"));

CSockAddr CBlockingSocket::GetHostByName(const char* pchName, USHORT ushPort /* = 0 */)
   ASSERT( pchName != NULL );
   hostent* pHostEnt = gethostbyname(pchName);

   if( pHostEnt==NULL)
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("GetHostByName"));

   ULONG* pulAddr = (ULONG*) pHostEnt->h_addr_list[0];
   SOCKADDR_IN sockTemp;
   sockTemp.sin_family = AF_INET;
   sockTemp.sin_port = htons(ushPort);
   sockTemp.sin_addr.s_addr = *pulAddr; // address is already in network byte order
   return sockTemp;

const char* CBlockingSocket::GetHostByAddr(LPCSOCKADDR psa)
   ASSERT( psa != NULL );
   hostent* pHostEnt = gethostbyaddr((char*) &((LPSOCKADDR_IN) psa)
            ->sin_addr.s_addr, 4, PF_INET);

   if( pHostEnt==NULL )
      throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("GetHostByAddr"));

   return pHostEnt->h_name; // caller shouldn't delete this memory

//**************************** Class CHttpBlockingSocket ****************************//

   m_pReadBuf = new char[nSizeRecv];
   m_nReadBuf = 0;

   delete[] m_pReadBuf;

int CHttpBlockingSocket::ReadHttpHeaderLine(char* pch, int nSize, int nSecs)
// reads an entire header line through CRLF (or socket close)
// inserts zero string terminator, object maintains a buffer
   int       nBytesThisTime = m_nReadBuf;
   ptrdiff_t nLineLength    = 0;
   char*     pch1           = m_pReadBuf;
   char*     pch2           = NULL;

      // look for lf (assume preceded by cr)
      if( (pch2=(LPSTR)memchr(pch1 , '\n', nBytesThisTime))!=NULL )
         ASSERT( (pch2)>m_pReadBuf );
         ASSERT( *(pch2 - 1)=='\r' );
         nLineLength = (pch2 - m_pReadBuf) + 1;
         if( nLineLength>=nSize )
            nLineLength = nSize - 1;
         memcpy(pch, m_pReadBuf, nLineLength); // copy the line to caller
         m_nReadBuf -= static_cast<unsigned int>(nLineLength);
         memmove(m_pReadBuf, pch2 + 1, m_nReadBuf); // shift remaining characters left
      pch1 += nBytesThisTime;
      nBytesThisTime = Receive(m_pReadBuf + m_nReadBuf, nSizeRecv - m_nReadBuf, nSecs);
      if( nBytesThisTime<=0 )
      { // sender closed socket or line longer than buffer
         throw CBlockingSocketException(_T("ReadHeaderLine"));
      m_nReadBuf += nBytesThisTime;
   } while( true );

   *(pch + nLineLength) = _T('\0');

   return static_cast<unsigned int>(nLineLength);

// reads remainder of a transmission through buffer full or socket close
// (assume headers have been read already)
int CHttpBlockingSocket::ReadHttpResponse(char* pch, int nSize, int nSecs)
   int nBytesToRead, nBytesThisTime, nBytesRead = 0;

   if( m_nReadBuf>0)
   { // copy anything already in the recv buffer
      memcpy(pch, m_pReadBuf, m_nReadBuf);
      pch += m_nReadBuf;
      nBytesRead = m_nReadBuf;
      m_nReadBuf = 0;
   { // now pass the rest of the data directly to the caller
      nBytesToRead = std::min(static_cast<int>(nSizeRecv), nSize - nBytesRead);
      nBytesThisTime = Receive(pch, nBytesToRead, nSecs);
      if( nBytesThisTime<=0 )
         break; // sender closed the socket
      pch += nBytesThisTime;
      nBytesRead += nBytesThisTime;
   } while( nBytesRead<=nSize );

   return nBytesRead;

std::auto_ptr<IBlockingSocket> nsSocket::CreateDefaultBlockingSocketInstance()
   return std::auto_ptr<IBlockingSocket>(new CBlockingSocket());

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