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Understanding The COM Single-Threaded Apartment Part 2

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18 Feb 2005CPOL71 min read 256K   2.2K   169  
Learn the fundamental principles of the COM Single-Threaded Apartment Model by code examples.
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#import "..\..\..\..\VBSTACOMObj\VBSTACOMObj.dll"
using namespace VBSTACOMObj;

#include "..\..\..\..\Shared\ComThread.h"

/* Simple function that displays the current thread ID. */
void DisplayCurrentThreadId()
  TCHAR szMessage[256];

  sprintf (szMessage, "Thread ID : 0x%X", GetCurrentThreadId());

  ::MessageBox(NULL, szMessage, "TestMethod1()", MB_OK);

/* LowLevelInProcMarshalInterface() uses low-level APIs       */
/* CreateStreamOnHGlobal(), CoMarshalInterface(), and IStream */
/* methods to perform interface pointer marshalling across    */
/* apartments in a process.                                   */
/*                                                            */
template <typename T>
LPSTREAM LowLevelInProcMarshalInterface(T* pInterface, REFIID riid)
  IUnknown*		pIUnknown = NULL;
  IStream*		pIStreamRet = NULL;

  /* QI the original interface pointer for its IUnknown interface. */
  pInterface -> QueryInterface (IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pIUnknown);

  /* Once we get the IUnknown pointer, we serialize it into a stream of bytes. */
  if (pIUnknown)
    /* Create a Stream Object which will reside in global memory.   */
    /* We set the first parameter to NULL, hence indicating that    */
    /* we want CreateStreamOnHGlobal() to internally allocate       */
    /* a new shared memory block of size zero.                      */
	/* The second parameter is set to TRUE so that when the returned*/
	/* stream object is Release()'d, the global memory will also be */
	/* freed.                                                       */

    if (pIStreamRet)
	  LARGE_INTEGER li = { 0 };

      /* We use the new stream object to store the marshalling data */
      /* of spISimpleCOMObject2.                                    */
      /* The use of MSHCTX_INPROC indicates that the unmarshaling   */
      /* of the data in the stream will be done in another apartment*/
      /* in the same process.                                       */

      /* Always reset the stream to the beginning.*/
	  pIStreamRet -> Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);

	pIUnknown -> Release();
	pIUnknown = NULL;

  return pIStreamRet;

/* LowLevelInProcUnmarshalInterface() uses low-level APIs     */
/* CoUnmarshalInterface(), CoReleaseMarshalData(), and        */
/* IStream methods to perform interface pointer unmarshalling */
/* for an apartment in a process.                             */
/*                                                            */
template <typename T>
void LowLevelInProcUnmarshalInterface(LPSTREAM pIStream, REFIID riid, T** ppInterfaceReceiver)
  /* Deserialize the byte contents of the IStream object */
  /* into an actual interface pointer to be used only    */
  /* within this thread.                                 */
  /*                                                     */
  /* The interface pointer will not be a direct pointer. */
  /* It will be a proxy to the original pointer.         */
  if (pIStream)
	LARGE_INTEGER li = { 0 };
    /* Make sure stream pointer is at the beginning of the stream. */
	pIStream -> Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);

        pIStream,  //Pointer to the stream
        riid,     //Reference to the identifier of the interface
        (void **)ppInterfaceReceiver      //Address of output variable that receives the 
                   // interface pointer requested in riid
      ) != S_OK
	  /* Since unmarshalling has failed, we call   */
	  /* CoReleaseMarshalData() to destroys the    */
	  /* previously marshaled data packet contained*/
	  /* in pIStream.                              */

    /* When pIStream is Release()'d the underlying global memory*/
	/* used to store the bytes of the stream is also freed.     */
	pIStream -> Release();
	pIStream = NULL;

/* This thread function obtains a pointer to   */
/* a _ClassVBSTACOMObj interface via a stream  */
/* object which contains apartment-independent */
/* serialized bytes of the interface pointer.  */
/*                                             */
/* This set of bytes can be de-serialized into */
/* a proxy to the interface pointer.           */
/* This de-serialization (or unmarshalling)    */
/* process is performed by our own             */
/* LowLevelInProcUnmarshalInterface() function.*/
/*                                             */
DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc_MarshalUsingLowLevelAPI(LPVOID lpvParameter)
  /* The IStream object may be passed from one thread */
  /* to another. It is thread-independent.            */
  LPSTREAM				pIStream = (LPSTREAM)lpvParameter;

  /* This thread enters an STA.*/

  /* Note the id of this thread.   */
  /* Let's say this is thread_id_2.*/

  /* Deserialize the byte contents of the IStream object */
  /* into an actual interface pointer to be used only    */
  /* within this thread.                                 */
  /*                                                     */
  /* The interface pointer will not be a direct pointer. */
  /* It will be a proxy to the original pointer.         */
  if (pIStream)
    /* pIStream will be Release()'d inside LowLevelInProcUnmarshalInterface(). */
    LowLevelInProcUnmarshalInterface<_ClassVBSTACOMObj>(pIStream, __uuidof(_ClassVBSTACOMObjPtr), &p_ClassVBSTACOMObj);

  if (p_ClassVBSTACOMObj)
    /* Call the TestMethod1() using the proxy.   */
    /* You will note that the thread id will     */
	/* not be thread_id_2. It will be threadid_1 */
	/* which is the id of the STA thread in which*/
	/* the object was originally created.        */
	p_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> TestMethod1();

    /* You may be surprised that the return value   */ 
	/* of Release() is actually zero, showing that  */
	/* it is the proxy (not the original interface) */
	/* that is Release()'d.*/
	p_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> Release();



  return 0;

/* This function demonstrates a proper way of marshalling an interface     */
/* pointer from one apartment to another.                                  */
/*                                                                         */
/* The method used here involves a stream of bytes that stores the thread  */
/* and apartment independent serialized bytes of an interface pointer.     */
/* This stream of bytes (headed by an IStream interface pointer) is then   */
/* passed to a thread of a destination apartment distinct from the original*/
/* interface pointer's apartment.                                          */
/*                                                                         */
/* The destination thread then deserializes the bytes into a proxy to the  */
/* original interface pointer.                                             */
/*                                                                         */
/* This demonstration uses low-level APIs to achieve its objectives as     */
/* coded in the functions LowLevelInProcMarshalInterface() and             */
/* LowLevelInProcUnmarshalInterface().                                     */
/*                                                                         */
void DemonstrateInterThreadMarshallingUsingLowLevelAPI(_ClassVBSTACOMObjPtr& sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj)
  HANDLE		hThread = NULL;
  DWORD			dwThreadId = 0;
  IStream*		pIStream = NULL;

  /* Prepare the serialization bytes of sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj   */
  /* and store it inside a stream object handled by pIStream. */
  pIStream = LowLevelInProcMarshalInterface<_ClassVBSTACOMObj>(sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj, __uuidof(_ClassVBSTACOMObjPtr));

  if (pIStream)
    /* Demonstrate the use of a stream of bytes to marshal an interface */
    /* pointer from one thread to another. */
    hThread = CreateThread

    ThreadMsgWaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);

    CloseHandle (hThread);

    hThread = NULL;

	/* Note : do not call pIStream -> Release().   */
	/* This is done in the receiving thread when   */
	/* it calls LowLevelInProcUnmarshalInterface().*/

/* This thread function obtains a pointer to  */
/* an _ClassVBSTACOMObj interface via a stream*/
/* which contains an apartment-independent    */
/* serialized bytes of an interface pointer.  */
/*                                            */
/* This set of bytes can be de-serialized into*/
/* a proxy to the original interface pointer. */
/*                                            */
DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc_MarshalUsingIStream(LPVOID lpvParameter)
  /* The IStream object may be passed from one thread */
  /* to another. It is thread-independent.            */
  LPSTREAM				pIStream = (LPSTREAM)lpvParameter;

  /* This thread enters an STA.*/

  /* Note the id of this thread.   */
  /* Let's say this is thread_id_3.*/

  /* Deserialize the byte contents of the IStream object */
  /* into an actual interface pointer to be used only    */
  /* within this thread.                                 */
  /*                                                     */
  /* The interface pointer will not be a direct pointer. */
  /* It will be a proxy to the original pointer.         */
  if (pIStream)

  if (p_ClassVBSTACOMObj)
    /* Call the TestMethod1() using the proxy.    */
    /* You will note that the thread id will      */
	/* not be thread_id_3. It will be thread_id_1 */
	/* (main()'s thread id) which is the id       */
	/* of the STA thread in which the object      */
	/* was originally created.                    */
	p_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> TestMethod1();

    /* You may be surprised that the return value   */ 
	/* of Release() is actually zero, showing that  */
	/* it is the proxy that is Release()'d.         */
	p_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> Release();



  return 0;

/* This function demonstrates a proper way of marshalling an interface      */
/* pointer from one apartment to another.                                   */
/*                                                                          */
/* The method used here involves a stream of bytes that stores the thread   */
/* and apartment-independent serialized bytes of an interface pointer.      */
/* This stream of bytes (headed by an IStream interface pointer) is then    */
/* passed to a destination thread of an apartment distinct from the original*/
/* interface pointer's own apartment.                                       */
/*                                                                          */
/* The destination thread then deserializes the bytes into a proxy to the   */
/* original interface pointer.                                              */
/*                                                                          */
void DemonstrateInterThreadMarshallingUsingIStream(_ClassVBSTACOMObjPtr& sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj)
  HANDLE		hThread = NULL;
  DWORD			dwThreadId = 0;
  IUnknown*		pIUnknown = NULL;
  IStream*		pIStream = NULL;

  /* QI the original interface pointer for its IUnknown interface. */
  sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> QueryInterface (IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pIUnknown);

  /* Once we get the IUnknown pointer, we serialize it into a stream of bytes. */
  if (pIUnknown)

	pIUnknown -> Release();
	pIUnknown = NULL;

  if (pIStream)
    /* Demonstrate the use of a stream of bytes to marshal an interface */
    /* pointer from one thread to another. */
    hThread = CreateThread

    ThreadMsgWaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);

    CloseHandle (hThread);

    hThread = NULL;

	/* Note : do not call pIStream -> Release(). */
	/* This is done when receiving thread calls  */
	/* CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream().         */

/* This is a thread start function that demonstrates */
/* the use of a Global Interface Table to transfer   */
/* interface pointers from one thread to another.    */
DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc_MarshalUsingGIT(LPVOID lpvParameter)
  /* The cookie of the interface registered in the GIT is passed by */
  /* the thread parameter. */
  DWORD						dwCookie = (DWORD)lpvParameter;  
  _ClassVBSTACOMObj*		p_ClassVBSTACOMObj = NULL;
  IGlobalInterfaceTable*	pIGlobalInterfaceTable = NULL;

  /* Make this thread an STA thread. */

  /* There is a single instance of the global interface */
  /* table per process.                                 */
  /* Hence all calls in a process to create it will     */
  /* return the same instance.                          */
    (void **)&pIGlobalInterfaceTable

  if (pIGlobalInterfaceTable)
    /* Display the id of this thread. Let's say this is thread_id_4. */

    /* Retrieve the interface pointer from the GIT. */
	/* What is returned is actually a proxy to the  */
	/* original interface pointer created in the    */
	/* main() function.                             */
	pIGlobalInterfaceTable -> GetInterfaceFromGlobal

    if (p_ClassVBSTACOMObj)
	  /* Display the id of the thread which executes */
	  /* TestMethod1(). This should be thread_id_1.  */
	  /* That is, it is the id of main()'s thread.   */
	  p_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> TestMethod1();

      /* Release() the proxy interface pointer.         */
	  /* The current ref count of the proxy is returned.*/
	  /* This ref count may not tally with that of the  */
	  /* original interface pointer.                    */
	  p_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> Release();

	  p_ClassVBSTACOMObj = NULL;

	pIGlobalInterfaceTable -> Release();
	pIGlobalInterfaceTable = NULL;


  return 0;

/* This function demonstrates a proper way of marshalling an interface     */
/* pointer from one apartment to another.                                  */
/*                                                                         */
/* The method used here involves the Global Interface Table (GIT) which    */
/* is used to store interface pointers from various apartments in a process*/
/* -wide repository.                                                       */
/*                                                                         */
/* A thread of a destination apartment can obtain an interface pointer from*/
/* this table.                                                             */
/*                                                                         */
/* What the destination thread receives is actually a proxy to the original*/
/* interface pointer.                                                      */
/*                                                                         */
void DemonstrateInterThreadMarshallingUsingGIT(_ClassVBSTACOMObjPtr& sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj)
  HANDLE					hThread = NULL;
  DWORD						dwThreadId = 0;
  IUnknown*					pIUnknown = NULL;
  IGlobalInterfaceTable*	pIGlobalInterfaceTable = NULL;
  DWORD						dwCookie = 0;

  /* There is a single instance of the global interface table per process.    */
  /* Hence all calls in a process to create it will return the same instance. */
  /* We can get an interface pointer to this GIT here in this function. Later,*/
  /* another thread is able to retrieve the same GIT interface pointer via    */
  /* another call to ::CoCreateInstance().                                    */
    (void **)&pIGlobalInterfaceTable

  if (pIGlobalInterfaceTable)
    /* QI the original interface pointer for its IUnknown interface. */
    sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> QueryInterface (IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pIUnknown);

    if (pIUnknown)
	  /* Register this interface pointer in GIT.    */
	  /* A cookie, identifying the interface pointer*/
	  /* is returned.                               */
	  /* No need to call pIUnknown -> AddRef().     */
	  /* Another thread can retrieve the pIUnknown  */
	  /* using the cookie.                          */
      pIGlobalInterfaceTable -> RegisterInterfaceInGlobal

	  pIUnknown -> Release();
	  pIUnknown = NULL;

  if (dwCookie)
    /* Demonstrate the use of GIT to marshal an interface */
    /* pointer from one thread to another.                */
	/* The cookie of the interface pointer is passed as a */
	/* parameter to the thread function.                  */
    hThread = CreateThread

    /* Get this thread to wait until the new thread ends.*/
	/* In the meantime, we must continue to process      */
	/* Windows messages.                                 */
    ThreadMsgWaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);

    CloseHandle (hThread);

    hThread = NULL;

    pIGlobalInterfaceTable -> RevokeInterfaceFromGlobal(dwCookie);

	dwCookie = 0;

  if (pIGlobalInterfaceTable)
    pIGlobalInterfaceTable -> Release();
    pIGlobalInterfaceTable = NULL;

/* This thread function receives an interface pointer DIRECTLY from */
/* another thread. What we have is not a proxy but a DIRECT pointer */
/* to the original interface pointer.                               */
DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc_DangerousTransferOfInterfacePointers(LPVOID lpvParameter)
  /* Make this an STA thread. */

  /* Display the id of this thread. */
  /* Let's say this is thread_id_5. */

  if (1)
    /* Directly cast the thread parameter into */
	/* a _ClassVBSTACOMObj interface pointer.  */
    _ClassVBSTACOMObj* p_ClassVBSTACOMObj = (_ClassVBSTACOMObj*)lpvParameter;

	/* A crash will occur here when TestMethod1() executes. */
	p_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> TestMethod1();

    /* Calling Release() will affect the original object's */
	/* reference count.                                    */
	p_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> Release();



  return 0;

/* This function demonstrates an illegal and dangerous method of transferring */
/* an interface pointer from one apartment to another.                        */
/* This method will work for an ATL generated COM DLL Server AND a client app */
/* deliberately developed to avoid threading problems.                        */
/* But for a COM Server created via Visual Basic, a crash will occur when a   */
/* method of the interface is invoked.                                        */
void DemonstrateDangerousTransferOfInterfacePointers(_ClassVBSTACOMObjPtr& sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj)
  HANDLE	hThread = NULL;
  DWORD		dwThreadId = 0;

  /* We are going to DIRECTLY pass an _ClassVBSTACOMObj interface  */
  /* pointer to a thread via thread parameter.                     */
  /* We need to AddRef() the interface pointer before passing it   */
  /* to a client thread. The client thread must later Release() it.*/
  sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> AddRef();

  hThread = CreateThread

  ThreadMsgWaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);

  CloseHandle (hThread);

  hThread = NULL;

/* This program aims to demonstrate the transfer of an interface pointer
   across apartments. There are 4 methods shown :
   1. By way of IStream using low-level APIs.
   2. By way of IStream using high-level APIs.
   3. By way of the Global Interface Table (GIT).
   4. By an incorrect and dangerous way.
int main()

  /* Display the current thread id.*/
  /* Let's say this is thread_id_1.*/

  if (1)
    _ClassVBSTACOMObjPtr sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj;

	/* Instantiate coclass ClassVBSTACOMObj     */
	/* and get its _ClassVBSTACOMObj interface. */

    /* Call its TestMethod1() method. Note the thread id. */
	/* This should be thread_id_1.                        */
    sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> TestMethod1();





    /* Call its TestMethod1() method again.          */
	/* The thread id displayed is still thread_id_1. */
	sp_ClassVBSTACOMObj -> TestMethod1();


  return 0;

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Written By
Systems Engineer NEC
Singapore Singapore
Lim Bio Liong is a Specialist at a leading Software House in Singapore.

Bio has been in software development for over 10 years. He specialises in C/C++ programming and Windows software development.

Bio has also done device-driver development and enjoys low-level programming. Bio has recently picked up C# programming and has been researching in this area.

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