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JavaScript Virtual Keyboard

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30 Mar 2008CPOL20 min read 1.2M   23.6K   323  
This article presents a Virtual Keyboard - an important addendum to the library of usability tools.
/* JavaScript Virtual Keyboard (numpad variant), version 2.7
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Dmitriy Khudorozhkov (
 * This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty.
 * In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the
 * use of this software.
 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
 * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
 * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
 *    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
 *    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
 *    appreciated but is not required.
 * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
 *    misrepresented as being the original software.
 * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

function VNumpad(container_id, callback_ref, font_name, font_size,
                   font_color, bg_color, key_color, border_color,
                   show_click, click_font_color, click_bg_color,
                   click_border_color, do_embed, do_gap)
  return this._construct(container_id, callback_ref, font_name, font_size,
                         font_color, bg_color, key_color, border_color,
                         show_click, click_font_color, click_bg_color,
                         click_border_color, do_embed, do_gap);

VNumpad.kbArray = [];

VNumpad.prototype = {

  _setup_event: function(elem, eventType, handler)
    return (elem.attachEvent ? elem.attachEvent("on" + eventType, handler) : ((elem.addEventListener) ? elem.addEventListener(eventType, handler, false) : null));

  _start_flash: function(in_el)
    function getColor(str, posOne, posTwo)
      if(/rgb\((\d+),\s(\d+),\s(\d+)\)/.exec(str)) // try to detect Mozilla-style rgb value.
          case 1: return parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10);
          case 2: return parseInt(RegExp.$2, 10);
          case 3: return parseInt(RegExp.$3, 10);
          default: return 0;
      else // standard (#xxxxxx or #xxx) way
        return str.length == 4 ? parseInt(str.substr(posOne, 1) + str.substr(posOne, 1), 16) : parseInt(str.substr(posTwo, 2), 16);

    function getR(color_string)
    { return getColor(color_string, 1, 1); }

    function getG(color_string)
    { return getColor(color_string, 2, 3); }

    function getB(color_string)
    { return getColor(color_string, 3, 5); }

    var el = in_el.time ? in_el : ( && ? : null);
      el.time = 0;

    var vkb = this;
    var ftc = vkb.fontcolor, bgc = vkb.keycolor, brc = vkb.bordercolor;

    // Special fixes for simple/dead/modifier keys:

      ftc = vkb.deadcolor;

    if(((in_el.innerHTML == "Shift") && vkb.Shift) || ((in_el.innerHTML == "Caps") && vkb.Caps) || ((in_el.innerHTML == "AltGr") && vkb.AltGr))
      bgc = vkb.lic;

    // Extract base color values:
    var fr = getR(ftc), fg = getG(ftc), fb = getB(ftc);
    var kr = getR(bgc), kg = getG(bgc), kb = getB(bgc);
    var br = getR(brc), bg = getG(brc), bb = getB(brc);

    // Extract flash color values:
    var f_r = getR(vkb.cfc), f_g = getG(vkb.cfc), f_b = getB(vkb.cfc);
    var k_r = getR(vkb.cbg), k_g = getG(vkb.cbg), k_b = getB(vkb.cbg);
    var b_r = getR(vkb.cbr), b_g = getG(vkb.cbr), b_b = getB(vkb.cbr);

    var _shift_colors = function()
      function dec2hex(dec)
        var hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
        var a = dec % 16;
        var b = (dec - a) / 16;

        return hexChars.charAt(b) + hexChars.charAt(a) + "";

      in_el.time = !in_el.time ? 10 : (in_el.time - 1);

      function calc_color(start, end)
      { return (end - (in_el.time / 10) * (end - start)); }

      var t_f_r = calc_color(f_r, fr), t_f_g = calc_color(f_g, fg), t_f_b = calc_color(f_b, fb);
      var t_k_r = calc_color(k_r, kr), t_k_g = calc_color(k_g, kg), t_k_b = calc_color(k_b, kb);
      var t_b_r = calc_color(b_r, br), t_b_g = calc_color(b_g, bg), t_b_b = calc_color(b_b, bb); = "#" + dec2hex(t_f_r) + dec2hex(t_f_g) + dec2hex(t_f_b); = "#" + dec2hex(t_b_r) + dec2hex(t_b_g) + dec2hex(t_b_b); = "#" + dec2hex(t_k_r) + dec2hex(t_k_g) + dec2hex(t_k_b);



    in_el.timer = window.setInterval(_shift_colors, 50);

  _setup_style: function(obj, top, left, width, height, position, border_color, bg_color, text_align, line_height, font_size, font_weight, padding_left, padding_right)
    var os =;

    if(top) = top;
    if(left)   os.left = left;
    if(width)  os.width = width;
    if(height) os.height = height;

    if(position) os.position = position;

    if(border_color) os.border = "1px solid " + border_color;
    if(bg_color) os.backgroundColor = bg_color;

    if(text_align)  os.textAlign  = text_align;
    if(line_height) os.lineHeight = line_height;
    if(font_size)   os.fontSize   = font_size;

    os.fontWeight = font_weight || "bold";

    if(padding_left)  os.paddingLeft  = padding_left;
    if(padding_right) os.paddingRight = padding_right;

  _setup_key: function(parent, id, top, left, width, height, border_color, bg_color, text_align, line_height, font_size, font_weight, padding_left, padding_right)
    var _id = + id;
    var exists = document.getElementById(_id);

    var key = exists ? exists.parentNode : document.createElement("DIV");
    this._setup_style(key, top, left, width, height, "absolute");

    var key_sub = exists || document.createElement("DIV");
    key.appendChild(key_sub); parent.appendChild(key);

    this._setup_style(key_sub, "", "", "", line_height, "relative", border_color, bg_color, text_align, line_height, font_size, font_weight, padding_left, padding_right); = _id;

    if(!exists) this._setup_event(key_sub, 'mouseup', this._generic_callback_proc);

    return key_sub;

  _findX: function(obj)
  { return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetLeft) : 0; },

  _findY: function(obj)
  { return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetTop) : 0; },

  _findW: function(obj)
  { return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetWidth) : 0; },

  _findH: function(obj)
  { return (obj && obj.parentNode) ? parseFloat(obj.parentNode.offsetHeight) : 0; },

  _construct: function(container_id, callback_ref, font_name, font_size, font_color, bg_color, key_color, border_color,
                       show_click, click_font_color, click_bg_color, click_border_color, do_embed, do_gap)
    var exists  = (this.Cntr != undefined), ct = exists ? this.Cntr : document.getElementById(container_id);
    var changed = (font_size && (font_size != this.fontsize));

    this._Callback = ((typeof(callback_ref) == "function") && ((callback_ref.length == 1) || (callback_ref.length == 2))) ? callback_ref : (this._Callback || null);

    var ff = font_name || this.fontname || "";
    var fs = font_size || this.fontsize || "14px";

    var fc = font_color   || this.fontcolor   || "#000";
    var bg = bg_color     || this.bgcolor     || "#FFF";
    var kc = key_color    || this.keycolor    || "#FFF";
    var bc = border_color || this.bordercolor || "#777";

    this.cfc = click_font_color   || this.cfc || "#CC3300";
    this.cbg = click_bg_color     || this.cbg || "#FF9966";
    this.cbr = click_border_color || this.cbr || "#CC3300"; = (show_click == undefined) ? (( == undefined) ? false : : show_click; = (do_gap != undefined) ? (do_gap ? 1 : -1) : ( || 1);

    this.fontname = ff, this.fontsize = fs, this.fontcolor = fc;
    this.bgcolor = bg,  this.keycolor = kc, this.bordercolor = bc;

      this.Cntr = ct, this.LastKey = null;

      VNumpad.kbArray[container_id] = this;

    var kb = exists ? ct.childNodes[0] : document.createElement("DIV");

      ct.appendChild(kb); = "block";  = 999;

      if(do_embed) = "relative";
      { = "absolute";

        var initX = 0, initY = 0, ct_ = ct;
          while (ct_.offsetParent)
            initX += ct_.offsetLeft;
            initY += ct_.offsetTop;

            ct_ = ct_.offsetParent;
        else if (ct_.x)
          initX += ct_.x;
          initY += ct_.y;
        } = initY + "px", = initX +"px";
      } = "relative";      = "0px", = "0px";
    } = "1px solid " + bc;

    var kb_main = exists ? kb.childNodes[0] : document.createElement("DIV"), ks =;

      ks.position = "relative";
      ks.width    = "1px";
      ks.cursor   = "default";

    // Disable content selection:
    this._setup_event(kb_main, "selectstart", function(event) { return false; });
    this._setup_event(kb_main, "mousedown",   function(event) { if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); return false; });

    ks.fontFamily = ff, ks.backgroundColor = bg;

    if(!exists || changed)
      ks.width  = this._create_numpad(container_id, kb_main);
      ks.height = (this._findY(this.LastKey) + this._findH(this.LastKey) + + "px";

    return this;

  _create_numpad: function(container_id, parent)
    var c = "center", n = "normal", l = "left", gap =;
    var fs = this.fontsize, kc = this.keycolor, bc = this.bordercolor;

    var mag = parseFloat(fs) / 14.0, cell = Math.floor(25.0 * mag);
    var dcell = 2 * cell, dp = (dcell + 1) + "px", dp2 = (dcell - 1 - ((gap < 0) ? 2 : 0)) + "px";
    var cp = String(cell) + "px", lh = String(Math.floor(cell - 2.0)) + "px";

    var edge = gap + "px";

    var kb_pad_eur = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_eur", gap + "px", edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_eur.innerHTML = "&#x20AC;";

    var edge_1 = (this._findX(kb_pad_eur) + this._findW(kb_pad_eur) + gap) + "px";

    var kb_pad_slash = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_slash", gap + "px", edge_1, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_slash.innerHTML = "/";

    var edge_2 = (this._findX(kb_pad_slash) + this._findW(kb_pad_slash) + gap) + "px";

    var kb_pad_star = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_star", gap + "px", edge_2, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_star.innerHTML = "*";

    var edge_3 = (this._findX(kb_pad_star) + this._findW(kb_pad_star) + gap) + "px";

    var kb_pad_minus = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_minus", gap + "px", edge_3, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_minus.innerHTML = "-";

    this.kbpM = this._findX(kb_pad_minus) + this._findW(kb_pad_minus) + gap;

    var prevH = this._findH(kb_pad_eur), edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_eur) + prevH + gap) + "px";

    var kb_pad_7 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_7", edge_Y, edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_7.innerHTML = "7";

    var kb_pad_8 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_8", edge_Y, edge_1, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_8.innerHTML = "8";

    var kb_pad_9 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_9", edge_Y, edge_2, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_9.innerHTML = "9";

    var kb_pad_plus = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_plus", edge_Y, edge_3, cp, dp, bc, kc, c, dp2, fs);
    kb_pad_plus.innerHTML = "+";

    edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_7) + prevH + gap) + "px";

    var kb_pad_4 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_4", edge_Y, edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_4.innerHTML = "4";

    var kb_pad_5 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_5", edge_Y, edge_1, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_5.innerHTML = "5";

    var kb_pad_6 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_6", edge_Y, edge_2, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_6.innerHTML = "6";

    edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_4) + prevH + gap) + "px";

    var kb_pad_1 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_1", edge_Y, edge, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_1.innerHTML = "1";

    var kb_pad_2 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_2", edge_Y, edge_1, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_2.innerHTML = "2";

    var kb_pad_3 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_3", edge_Y, edge_2, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_3.innerHTML = "3";

    var kb_pad_enter = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_enter", edge_Y, edge_3, cp, dp, bc, kc, c, dp2, parseFloat(fs) * 0.643, n);
    kb_pad_enter.innerHTML = "Enter";

    edge_Y = (this._findY(kb_pad_1) + prevH + gap) + "px";

    var kb_pad_0 = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_0", edge_Y, edge, dp, cp, bc, kc, l, lh, fs, "", 7 * mag + "px");
    kb_pad_0.innerHTML = "0";

    var kb_pad_period = this._setup_key(parent, "___pad_period", edge_Y, edge_2, cp, cp, bc, kc, c, lh, fs);
    kb_pad_period.innerHTML = ".";

    this.LastKey = kb_pad_period;

    return String(this._findX(kb_pad_minus) + this._findW(kb_pad_minus) + gap) + "px";

  _generic_callback_proc: function(event)
    var e = event || window.event;
    var in_el = e.srcElement ||;
    var container_id =,"___"));

    var vpad = VNumpad.kbArray[container_id];

    if( vpad._start_flash(in_el);

    if(vpad._Callback) vpad._Callback(in_el.innerHTML,;

  SetParameters: function()
    var l = arguments.length;
    if(!l || (l % 2 != 0)) return false;

    var p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10;

    while(--l > 0)
      var value = arguments[l];

      switch(arguments[l - 1])
        case "callback":
          p0 = ((typeof(value) == "function") && ((value.length == 1) || (value.length == 2))) ? value : this._Callback;

        case "font-name":  p1 = value; break;
        case "font-size":  p2 = value; break;
        case "font-color": p3 = value; break;
        case "base-color": p4 = value; break;
        case "key-color":  p5 = value; break;

        case "border-color": p6 = value; break;
        case "show-click":   p7 = value; break;

        case "click-font-color":   p8  = value; break;
        case "click-key-color":    p9 = value; break;
        case "click-border-color": p10 = value; break;

        default: break;

      l -= 1;

    this._construct(, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10);

    return true;

  Show: function(value)
    var ct =;

    ct.display = ((value == undefined) || (value == true)) ? "block" : ((value == false) ? "none" : ct.display);

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This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer Freelance software engineer
Russian Federation Russian Federation
Dmitry Khudorozhkov began programming (and gaming) with his ZX Spectrum in 1989. Having seen and used all IBM PCs from early XT to the latest x64 machines, now Dmitry is a freelance programmer, living in Moscow, Russia. He is a graduate of the Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Applied Mathematics).

He is proficient in:

- C/C++ - more that 9 years of experience. Pure Win32 API/MFC desktop programming, networking (BSD/Win sockets), databases (primarily SQLite), OpenGL;

- JavaScript - more that 6 years of experience. Client-side components, AJAX, jQuery installation and customization;

- Firefox extensions (immediatelly ready for reviewing) and Greasemonkey scripts. As an example of extensions Dmitry made you can search for FoxyPrices or WhatBird Winged Toolbar;

- XML and it's applications (last 2 years): XSLT (+ XPath), XSD, SVG, VML;

- ASP.NET/C# (webservices mostly);

Also familiar with (= entry level):

- PHP;

- HTML/CSS slicing.

Trying to learn:

- Ruby/Ruby-on-Rails;

- Czech language.

If you wish to express your opinion, ask a question or report a bug, feel free to Job offers are warmly welcome.

If you wish to donate - and, by doing so, support further development - you can send Dmitry a bonus through the service (registration is free, Paypal is supported). Russian users can donate to the Yandex.Money account 41001132298694.


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