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Debug Toolkit

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27 Mar 2000 179.7K   1.5K   88  
A complete debug toolkit to add intelligent debugging capability to your application.
// Please do not customise this code
// Portions (c) Keith Westley 2000



   // This class requires templates and multithreading
   #include <afxtempl.h>
   #include <afxmt.h>

   // we will be using the fast logger file
   #include "FastLogger.h"

   // we will be displaying a progress window while dumping
   class CProgressWnd;

   // the hang window is created to receive our timer messages.
   // as this window is created in the same thread as the application
   // it will stop receiving timer messages if that thread hangs
   LRESULT CALLBACK TimerWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

   // this class is responsible for interpretting the files debug information
   // I sourced this code from an article in eith MSJ or WSJ but I can't find the reference.
   class PE_Debug
   public :
      virtual ~PE_Debug();
      void ClearReport();
      void DumpDebugInfo(CString& dumpBuffer, const BYTE* caller, HINSTANCE hInstance);
      void Display() ;

   private :
      // Report data
      enum { MAX_MODULENAME_LEN = 512, MAX_FILENAME_LEN = 256 } ;
      char latestModule[ MAX_MODULENAME_LEN ] ;
      char latestFile[ MAX_FILENAME_LEN ] ;
      // File mapping data
      HANDLE hFile ;
      HANDLE hFileMapping ;
      PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER fileBase ;
      // Pointers to debug information
      PIMAGE_SYMBOL COFFSymbolTable;
      int COFFSymbolCount;
      const char* stringTable;

      void ClearFileCache();
      void ClearDebugPtrs();
      void MapFileInMemory( const char* module);
      void FindDebugInfo();
      void DumpSymbolInfo(CString& dumpBuffer, DWORD relativeAddress);
      void DumpLineNumber(CString& dumpBuffer, DWORD relativeAddress);
      PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER SectionHeaderFromName(const char* name);
      const char* GetSymbolName(PIMAGE_SYMBOL sym);

   class CDebugToolkit

      // this structure is used to pass parameters to the hang thread that watches for
      // the user to tell us the program has hung.
      typedef struct _USERHANGTHREADPARMS
         HANDLE ThreadHandle;
         HANDLE hWait;
         int iVk1;
         int iVk2;
         DWORD dwWait;

      // this structure is used to pass parameters to the automated hang detection thread.
      typedef struct _HANGTHREADPARMS
         HANDLE hThread;
         HANDLE hWait;
         DWORD dwWait;

      BOOL m_fSuspendHang;         // true if we are to ignore hangs
      CLogFile m_LogFile;          // our trace log file
      CString m_sCWDStart;         // we store the cwd when we are first created here
      DWORD m_dwTraceFilter;       // we store the current trace filter here
      HANDLE m_hMutexOnlyInstance; // this mutex is used to see if there are any other instances of the program running on this machine
      BOOL m_fOnlyInstance;        // true if we are the only (or first) instance of the application running
      static CDebugToolkit* m__pDebugToolkit; // static pointer to THE CDebugToolkit instance
      USERHANGTHREADPARMS m_UserHangThreadParms; // user hang thread startup parameters
      HANGTHREADPARMS m_HangThreadParms; // automatic hang thread startup parameters
      CWinThread* m_pUserHangThread; // user hang thread
      CWinThread* m_pHangThread;     // automatic hang thread
      PAGESETUPDLG m_psd;            // printer details dialog
      static CRITICAL_SECTION stackTraceSync; // critical section for stack tracing
      LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER m_oldFilter; // exception filter
      CTime m_timeLastVisit;         // time last visited by automatic hang thread
      HWND m_hwndTimer;              // timer window for automatic hang thread
      CCriticalSection m_csTime;     // last visit time multi thread protection.
      CCriticalSection m_csSuspend;  // hang thread suspend multi thread protection.
      CStringArray m_asFiles;       // array of files to check
      typedef CArray<CLSID, CLSID> CCLSIDArray;
      CCLSIDArray m_aCLSID;         // array of com classes to check .. must have 1:1 with m_asCOMFiles
      CStringArray m_asCOMFiles;    // array of com classes to check .. must have 1:1 with m_aCLSID
      BOOL m_fInitialised;          // true once initialised

      // OVERRIDE These Functions In Your Derived Class to do things when these events occur
      virtual BOOL OnAssert(void); // called to see if you want the assert handled
      virtual void OnEndAssert(void); // called once the assert has been accepted and handled and reported
      virtual BOOL OnException(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo); // called to see if you want to handle the exception
      virtual void OnEndException(void); // called once the exception has been accepted and handled.
      virtual BOOL OnHang(void); // called to see if you want to handle the hang automatically detected
      virtual void OnEndHang(void); // called once the hang has been accepted and handled.
      virtual BOOL OnUserHang(void); // called to see if you want to handle the user reported hang 
      virtual void OnEndUserHang(void); // called once the user reported hang has been accepted and handled.
      virtual BOOL OnTrace(const DWORD dwFilterFlag); // called to see if you want the trace processed
      virtual void OnReset(void); // called to allow you to change debug toolkit processing options before everything is restarted
      virtual BOOL OnDelete(void); // called to allow you to do some processing on a delete request
      virtual void OnAbnormalExit(void); // called to allow you to do some processing when we detect the program did not exit normally last time it was run
      virtual void OnTestDLLFail(const CString& sFile, DWORD dwError); // called when a DLL could not be loaded.
      virtual void OnTestCOMFail(const CLSID clsid, const CString& sFile, DWORD dwError); // called when a COM file could not be loaded
      virtual void OnTestFileFail(const CString& sFile, DWORD dwError); // called when a file could not be opened.
      virtual CString GetDumpOtherAtEvent(void) // allows you to provide additional data to write to the trace log when a hang, exception or assert event occurs
         return "";
      virtual CString GetDumpOtherAtSave(void) // allows you to provide additional data to write to the log file when it is being written to disk
         return "";
      virtual void GetOptionDescriptions(CString& sOptionDescriptions) // allows you to dump in human readable form the options currently in effect
         sOptionDescriptions = "\r\nNo Options Implemented\r\n";
      virtual void ExportOptions(CFile& file) // allows you to dump in machine readable (but text) form
         // do nothing

      // Core Functions you should never call these, even from your derived clas
      static LONG __stdcall myUnhandledExceptionFilter(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo);
      static UINT UserHangThreadProc(LPVOID pParam);
      static UINT HangThreadProc(LPVOID pParam);
      void HandleException(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo);
      void HandleUserHang(CONTEXT& context);
      void HandleHang(CONTEXT& context);
      BOOL GetDiscFreeSpace(const LPCTSTR lpszPath, DWORDLONG* pnFree);
      void DumpOptions(CFile& file);
      DWORD GetFileCount(void);
      void DumpFiles(CFile& file, CProgressWnd* pPw);
      void DumpLog(CFile& file);
      void DumpPrinter(CFile& file);
      void DumpCPU(CFile& file);
      void DumpLoadableOptions(CFile& file);
      void DumpCWD(CFile& file);
      void DumpWindowsVersion(CFile& file);
      void Write(const CString& sOut, CFile& file);
      void DumpCommandLine(CFile& file);
      void DumpCOMInfo(CFile& file);
      void DumpResourceSpace(CFile& file);
      CString DecodePaper(short paper);
      CString GetFreeSystemResources(WORD wType);
      CString DumpStack(WORD* pSP, WORD* pBP);
      CString DecodeExceptionRecord(EXCEPTION_RECORD* pE);
      CString DumpHex(void* pMemory, WORD wSize, BOOL fCRLF = FALSE);
      CString DumpChar(void* pMemory, WORD wSize, BOOL fCRLF = FALSE);
      CString DumpMemory(void* pMemory, WORD wSize = 16);
      CString DumpRegister(const CString& sName, DWORD dwValue, const BOOL fDumpPointer = TRUE);
      CString DecodeContext(CONTEXT* pC);
      CString DumpCallStack(DWORD EBP, DWORD EIP);
      CString DumpLoadedModules(void);
      CString DumpTasks(void);
      void DumpHang(CONTEXT& context);
      void NormalExit(void);
      void CheckAbnormalExit(void);
      BOOL IsOnlyInstance(void);
      BOOL TestFile(const CString& sFile);
      BOOL TestDLL(const CString& sFile);
      BOOL TestCOM(const CLSID clsid, const CString& sFile);
      BOOL RegisterOCX(const CString& sOCX);
      BOOL UnregisterOCX(const CString& sOCX);


      // Options impacting the debug toolkits runtime behaviour
      BOOL m_fExceptions;     // true if we are to trap exceptions
      BOOL m_fAssert;         // true if we are to handle asserts
      BOOL m_fHangDetect;     // true if we are to automatically detect main thread hangs
      BOOL m_fUserHangDetect; // true if we are to look for user nominated hangs
      BOOL m_fTrace;          // true if we are to process trace output

      // options impacting the log dump contents
      BOOL m_fDumpOptions;         // true if we are to dump program options
      BOOL m_fDumpFiles;           // true if we are to test and dump DLL and files. NOTE: For lots of files this can be slow.
      BOOL m_fDumpLog;             // true if we are to dump the trace log
      BOOL m_fDumpPrinter;         // true if we are to dump details about the default printer. NOTE: This is slow.
      BOOL m_fDumpCPU;             // true if we are to dump details about the machines CPU
      BOOL m_fDumpCWD;             // true if we are to dump current directory details
      BOOL m_fDumpWindowsVersion;  // true if we are to dump windows version details
      BOOL m_fDumpCommandLine;     // true if we are to dump command line details.
      BOOL m_fDumpCOMInfo;         // true if we are to test and dump com object details. NOTE: For lots of com object this can be slow.
      BOOL m_fDumpLoadableOptions; // true if we are to dump machine loadable (but text) options NOTE: This would typically be the options in INI file format

      // values which you need to set in your derived class 
      CString m_sAppName;           // the applications name
      CString m_sVersion;           // the applications version
      int m_iUserHangVk1;           // key1 the user has to press when reporting a user detected hang
      int m_iUserHangVk2;           // key2 the user has to press when reporting a user detected hang
      DWORD m_dwUserHangWait;       // maximum milliseconds the user has to press the keys for the user detected hang to be acknowledged. Smaller settings increase CPU load.
      DWORD m_dwHangWait;           // amount of time to wait before automatically detecting a hang
      BOOL m_fPrefixMultilineTrace; // true if we are to prefix 2nd & subsequent lines in a multiline trace output.

      // you should never need to call this
      BOOL GetSuspendHang(void)
         // this needs thread protection
         CSingleLock sl(&m_csSuspend, TRUE);

         return m_fSuspendHang;
      // you should never need to call this
      CTime& GetLastVisitTime(void)
         // this needs thread protection
         CSingleLock sl(&m_csTime, TRUE);

         return m_timeLastVisit;

      // used to get the application name
      CString& GetAppName(void)
         return m_sAppName;

      // constructor

      // initialises the debug toolkit. Should be called at the end of your constructor once all options have been set
      BOOL Initialise(void);


      // destructor
      virtual ~CDebugToolkit(void);
      // add a file to the list of DLLs and files to check
      BOOL AddFile(const CString& sFile, const BOOL fTestDLL = FALSE, const BOOL fTestFile = FALSE);

      // add a com object to the list to check
      BOOL AddCOM(const CString& sFile, const CLSID clsid, const BOOL fTest = FALSE);

      // assert a condition
      virtual void Assert(DWORD dwLine, const CString& sFile, BOOL fCondition, const CString& sCondition, const CString& sDescription = "");

      // trace some output
      virtual void Trace(const CString& sOut, const DWORD dwFilterFlag = 0xFFFFFFFF, const BOOL fForce = FALSE);

      // dumps debug details to a file
      virtual BOOL DumpToFile(const CString& sFile, const CString& sPre = "");
      virtual void DumpToFile(CFile& file, const CString& sPre = "");

      // deletes debug objects such as the trace log
      void Delete(void);

      // allows the debug toolkit to reset itself based on any changes in the debug toolkit options.
      // eg. if you want to turn hang detection on mid session ... change the hang flag then call reset
      void Reset(void);

      // set the 32 bit flag filter for tracing
      void SetTraceFilter(const DWORD dwFilter)
         m_dwTraceFilter = dwFilter;

      // call this function prior to lengthy processing tasks to prevent false automated hang detection
      void SetSuspendHang(const BOOL fSuspend)
         // this needs thread protection
         CSingleLock sl(&m_csSuspend, TRUE);

         m_fSuspendHang = fSuspend;

         if (!m_fSuspendHang)
            // if we are turning suspend off then reset the last visit time so we don't
            // falsly detect a hang

      // you should never call this function
      void SetLastVisitTime(void)
         // this needs thread protection
         CSingleLock sl(&m_csTime, TRUE);

         m_timeLastVisit = CTime::GetCurrentTime();

      // used to get a pointer to THE debug toolkit object
      static CDebugToolkit* GetDebugToolkit(void)
         ASSERT(m__pDebugToolkit != NULL);
         return m__pDebugToolkit;

   // macros to make using the toolkit easier

   // these macros trace out a string and work exactly like MFCs TRACE0 ... TRACE3
   #define DT_TRACE0(s)\

   #define DT_TRACE1(s, p1)\
         CString s1;\
         s1.Format(s, p1);\

   #define DT_TRACE2(s, p1, p2)\
         CString s1;\
         s1.Format(s, p1, p2);\

   #define DT_TRACE3(s, p1, p2, p3)\
         CString s1;\
         s1.Format(s, p1, p2, p3);\

   // these macros work like DT_TRACE0 ... DT_TRACE3 except you need to specify a 32 bit flag field that will be
   // and-ed with the filter to decide if it should be displayed
   #define DT_TRACEF0(f, s)\
      CDebugToolkit::GetDebugToolkit()->Trace(s, f);

   #define DT_TRACEF1(f, s, p1)\
         CString s1;\
         s1.Format(s, p1);\
         CDebugToolkit::GetDebugToolkit()->Trace(s1, f);\

   #define DT_TRACEF2(f, s, p1, p2)\
         CString s1;\
         s1.Format(s, p1, p2);\
         CDebugToolkit::GetDebugToolkit()->Trace(s1, f);\

   #define DT_TRACEF3(f, s, p1, p2, p3)\
         CString s1;\
         s1.Format(s, p1, p2, p3);\
         CDebugToolkit::GetDebugToolkit()->Trace(s1,f );\

   // this macro asserts a condition just like MFCs ASSERT
   #define DT_ASSERT(b)\
      CDebugToolkit::GetDebugToolkit()->Assert(__LINE__, __FILE__, b, #b);\

   // this macro adds an explanation string which is displayed when the assert fails.
   #define DT_ASSERTS(b, s)\
      CDebugToolkit::GetDebugToolkit()->Assert(__LINE__, __FILE__, b, #b, s);\


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