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PNG Image Steganography with libpng

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22 Apr 2013GPL317 min read 61.8K   4.8K   33  
Performing steganography on PNG images
//  VisualPng.C -- Shows a PNG image

// Copyright 2000, Willem van Schaik.  For conditions of distribution and
// use, see the copyright/license/disclaimer notice in png.h

// switches

// defines

#define PROGNAME  "VisualPng"
#define LONGNAME  "Win32 Viewer for PNG-files"
#define VERSION   "1.0 of 2000 June 07"

// constants

#define MARGIN 8

// standard includes

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>

// application includes

#include "png.h"
#include "pngfile.h"
#include "resource.h"

// macros

// function prototypes


BOOL CenterAbout (HWND hwndChild, HWND hwndParent);

BOOL BuildPngList (PTSTR pstrPathName, TCHAR **ppFileList, int *pFileCount,
        int *pFileIndex);

BOOL SearchPngList (TCHAR *pFileList, int FileCount, int *pFileIndex,
        PTSTR pstrPrevName, PTSTR pstrNextName);

BOOL LoadImageFile(HWND hwnd, PTSTR pstrPathName,
        png_byte **ppbImage, int *pxImgSize, int *pyImgSize, int *piChannels,
        png_color *pBkgColor);

BOOL DisplayImage (HWND hwnd, BYTE **ppDib,
        BYTE **ppDiData, int cxWinSize, int cyWinSize,
        BYTE *pbImage, int cxImgSize, int cyImgSize, int cImgChannels,
        BOOL bStretched);

BOOL InitBitmap (
        BYTE *pDiData, int cxWinSize, int cyWinSize);

BOOL FillBitmap (
        BYTE *pDiData, int cxWinSize, int cyWinSize,
        BYTE *pbImage, int cxImgSize, int cyImgSize, int cImgChannels,
        BOOL bStretched);

// a few global variables

static char *szProgName = PROGNAME;
static char *szAppName = LONGNAME;
static char *szIconName = PROGNAME;
static char szCmdFileName [MAX_PATH];

// MAIN routine

int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                    PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow)
    HACCEL   hAccel;
    HWND     hwnd;
    MSG      msg;
    WNDCLASS wndclass;
    int ixBorders, iyBorders;         = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
    wndclass.lpfnWndProc   = WndProc;
    wndclass.cbClsExtra    = 0;
    wndclass.cbWndExtra    = 0;
    wndclass.hInstance     = hInstance;
    wndclass.hIcon         = LoadIcon (hInstance, szIconName) ;
    wndclass.hCursor       = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
    wndclass.hbrBackground = NULL; // (HBRUSH) GetStockObject (GRAY_BRUSH);
    wndclass.lpszMenuName  = szProgName;
    wndclass.lpszClassName = szProgName;

    if (!RegisterClass (&wndclass))
        MessageBox (NULL, TEXT ("Error: this program requires Windows NT!"),
            szProgName, MB_ICONERROR);
        return 0;

    // if filename given on commandline, store it
    if ((szCmdLine != NULL) && (*szCmdLine != '\0'))
        if (szCmdLine[0] == '"')
            strncpy (szCmdFileName, szCmdLine + 1, strlen(szCmdLine) - 2);
            strcpy (szCmdFileName, szCmdLine);
        strcpy (szCmdFileName, "");

    // calculate size of window-borders
    ixBorders = 2 * (GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXBORDER) +
                     GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXDLGFRAME));
    iyBorders = 2 * (GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYBORDER) +
                     GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYDLGFRAME)) +
                     GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYCAPTION) +
                     GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYMENUSIZE) +
                     1; /* WvS: don't ask me why? */

    hwnd = CreateWindow (szProgName, szAppName,
        512 + 2 * MARGIN + ixBorders, 384 + 2 * MARGIN + iyBorders,
        NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL);

    ShowWindow (hwnd, iCmdShow);
    UpdateWindow (hwnd);

    hAccel = LoadAccelerators (hInstance, szProgName);

    while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
        if (!TranslateAccelerator (hwnd, hAccel, &msg))
            TranslateMessage (&msg);
            DispatchMessage (&msg);
    return msg.wParam;

LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam,
        LPARAM lParam)
    static HINSTANCE          hInstance ;
    static HDC                hdc;
    static PAINTSTRUCT        ps;
    static HMENU              hMenu;

    static BITMAPFILEHEADER  *pbmfh;
    static BITMAPINFOHEADER  *pbmih;
    static BYTE              *pbImage;
    static int                cxWinSize, cyWinSize;
    static int                cxImgSize, cyImgSize;
    static int                cImgChannels;
    static png_color          bkgColor = {127, 127, 127};

    static BOOL               bStretched = TRUE;

    static BYTE              *pDib = NULL;
    static BYTE              *pDiData = NULL;

    static TCHAR              szImgPathName [MAX_PATH];
    static TCHAR              szTitleName [MAX_PATH];

    static TCHAR             *pPngFileList = NULL;
    static int                iPngFileCount;
    static int                iPngFileIndex;

    BOOL                      bOk;

    switch (message)
    case WM_CREATE:
        hInstance = ((LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam)->hInstance ;
        PngFileInitialize (hwnd);

        strcpy (szImgPathName, "");

        // in case we process file given on command-line

        if (szCmdFileName[0] != '\0')
            strcpy (szImgPathName, szCmdFileName);

            // read the other png-files in the directory for later
            // next/previous commands

            BuildPngList (szImgPathName, &pPngFileList, &iPngFileCount,

            // load the image from file

            if (!LoadImageFile (hwnd, szImgPathName,
                &pbImage, &cxImgSize, &cyImgSize, &cImgChannels, &bkgColor))
                return 0;

            // invalidate the client area for later update

            InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE);

            // display the PNG into the DIBitmap

            DisplayImage (hwnd, &pDib, &pDiData, cxWinSize, cyWinSize,
                pbImage, cxImgSize, cyImgSize, cImgChannels, bStretched);

        return 0;

    case WM_SIZE:
        cxWinSize = LOWORD (lParam);
        cyWinSize = HIWORD (lParam);

        // invalidate the client area for later update

        InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE);

        // display the PNG into the DIBitmap

        DisplayImage (hwnd, &pDib, &pDiData, cxWinSize, cyWinSize,
            pbImage, cxImgSize, cyImgSize, cImgChannels, bStretched);

        return 0;

        hMenu = GetMenu (hwnd);

        if (pbImage)
            EnableMenuItem (hMenu, IDM_FILE_SAVE, MF_ENABLED);
            EnableMenuItem (hMenu, IDM_FILE_SAVE, MF_GRAYED);

        return 0;

    case WM_COMMAND:
        hMenu = GetMenu (hwnd);

        switch (LOWORD (wParam))
        case IDM_FILE_OPEN:

            // show the File Open dialog box

            if (!PngFileOpenDlg (hwnd, szImgPathName, szTitleName))
                return 0;

            // read the other png-files in the directory for later
            // next/previous commands

            BuildPngList (szImgPathName, &pPngFileList, &iPngFileCount,

            // load the image from file

            if (!LoadImageFile (hwnd, szImgPathName,
                &pbImage, &cxImgSize, &cyImgSize, &cImgChannels, &bkgColor))
                return 0;

            // invalidate the client area for later update

            InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE);

            // display the PNG into the DIBitmap

            DisplayImage (hwnd, &pDib, &pDiData, cxWinSize, cyWinSize,
                pbImage, cxImgSize, cyImgSize, cImgChannels, bStretched);

            return 0;

        case IDM_FILE_SAVE:

            // show the File Save dialog box

            if (!PngFileSaveDlg (hwnd, szImgPathName, szTitleName))
                return 0;

            // save the PNG to a disk file

            SetCursor (LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_WAIT));
            ShowCursor (TRUE);

            bOk = PngSaveImage (szImgPathName, pDiData, cxWinSize, cyWinSize,

            ShowCursor (FALSE);
            SetCursor (LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW));

            if (!bOk)
                MessageBox (hwnd, TEXT ("Error in saving the PNG image"),
                szProgName, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
            return 0;

        case IDM_FILE_NEXT:

            // read next entry in the directory

            if (SearchPngList (pPngFileList, iPngFileCount, &iPngFileIndex,
                NULL, szImgPathName))
                if (strcmp (szImgPathName, "") == 0)
                    return 0;
                // load the image from file
                if (!LoadImageFile (hwnd, szImgPathName, &pbImage,
                        &cxImgSize, &cyImgSize, &cImgChannels, &bkgColor))
                    return 0;
                // invalidate the client area for later update
                InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
                // display the PNG into the DIBitmap
                DisplayImage (hwnd, &pDib, &pDiData, cxWinSize, cyWinSize,
                    pbImage, cxImgSize, cyImgSize, cImgChannels, bStretched);
            return 0;

        case IDM_FILE_PREVIOUS:

            // read previous entry in the directory

            if (SearchPngList (pPngFileList, iPngFileCount, &iPngFileIndex,
                szImgPathName, NULL))
                if (strcmp (szImgPathName, "") == 0)
                    return 0;
                // load the image from file
                if (!LoadImageFile (hwnd, szImgPathName, &pbImage, &cxImgSize,
                    &cyImgSize, &cImgChannels, &bkgColor))
                    return 0;
                // invalidate the client area for later update
                InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
                // display the PNG into the DIBitmap
                DisplayImage (hwnd, &pDib, &pDiData, cxWinSize, cyWinSize,
                    pbImage, cxImgSize, cyImgSize, cImgChannels, bStretched);

            return 0;

        case IDM_FILE_EXIT:

            // more cleanup needed...

            // free image buffer

            if (pDib != NULL)
                free (pDib);
                pDib = NULL;

            // free file-list

            if (pPngFileList != NULL)
                free (pPngFileList);
                pPngFileList = NULL;

            // let's go ...

            exit (0);

            return 0;

            bStretched = !bStretched;
            if (bStretched)
                CheckMenuItem (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONS_STRETCH, MF_CHECKED);
                CheckMenuItem (hMenu, IDM_OPTIONS_STRETCH, MF_UNCHECKED);

            // invalidate the client area for later update

            InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, TRUE);

            // display the PNG into the DIBitmap

            DisplayImage (hwnd, &pDib, &pDiData, cxWinSize, cyWinSize,
                pbImage, cxImgSize, cyImgSize, cImgChannels, bStretched);

            return 0;

        case IDM_HELP_ABOUT:
            DialogBox (hInstance, TEXT ("AboutBox"), hwnd, AboutDlgProc) ;
            return 0;

        } // end switch


    case WM_PAINT:
        hdc = BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps);

        if (pDib)
            SetDIBitsToDevice (hdc, 0, 0, cxWinSize, cyWinSize, 0, 0,
                0, cyWinSize, pDiData, (BITMAPINFO *) pDib, DIB_RGB_COLORS);

        EndPaint (hwnd, &ps);
        return 0;

    case WM_DESTROY:
        if (pbmfh)
            free (pbmfh);
            pbmfh = NULL;

        PostQuitMessage (0);
        return 0;

    return DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);

BOOL CALLBACK AboutDlgProc (HWND hDlg, UINT message,
                            WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
     switch (message)
     case WM_INITDIALOG :
          ShowWindow (hDlg, SW_HIDE);
          CenterAbout (hDlg, GetWindow (hDlg, GW_OWNER));
          ShowWindow (hDlg, SW_SHOW);
          return TRUE ;

     case WM_COMMAND :
          switch (LOWORD (wParam))
          case IDOK :
          case IDCANCEL :
               EndDialog (hDlg, 0) ;
               return TRUE ;
          break ;
     return FALSE ;

//  CenterAbout

BOOL CenterAbout (HWND hwndChild, HWND hwndParent)
   RECT    rChild, rParent, rWorkArea;
   int     wChild, hChild, wParent, hParent;
   int     xNew, yNew;
   BOOL  bResult;

   // Get the Height and Width of the child window
   GetWindowRect (hwndChild, &rChild);
   wChild = rChild.right - rChild.left;
   hChild = rChild.bottom -;

   // Get the Height and Width of the parent window
   GetWindowRect (hwndParent, &rParent);
   wParent = rParent.right - rParent.left;
   hParent = rParent.bottom -;

   // Get the limits of the 'workarea'
   bResult = SystemParametersInfo(
      SPI_GETWORKAREA,  // system parameter to query or set
   if (!bResult) {
      rWorkArea.left = = 0;
      rWorkArea.right = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
      rWorkArea.bottom = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);

   // Calculate new X position, then adjust for workarea
   xNew = rParent.left + ((wParent - wChild) /2);
   if (xNew < rWorkArea.left) {
      xNew = rWorkArea.left;
   } else if ((xNew+wChild) > rWorkArea.right) {
      xNew = rWorkArea.right - wChild;

   // Calculate new Y position, then adjust for workarea
   yNew =  + ((hParent - hChild) /2);
   if (yNew < {
      yNew =;
   } else if ((yNew+hChild) > rWorkArea.bottom) {
      yNew = rWorkArea.bottom - hChild;

   // Set it, and return
   return SetWindowPos (hwndChild, NULL, xNew, yNew, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE |

//  BuildPngList

BOOL BuildPngList (PTSTR pstrPathName, TCHAR **ppFileList, int *pFileCount,
     int *pFileIndex)
    static TCHAR              szImgPathName [MAX_PATH];
    static TCHAR              szImgFileName [MAX_PATH];
    static TCHAR              szImgFindName [MAX_PATH];

    WIN32_FIND_DATA           finddata;
    HANDLE                    hFind;

    static TCHAR              szTmp [MAX_PATH];
    BOOL                      bOk;
    int                       i, ii;
    int                       j, jj;

    // free previous file-list

    if (*ppFileList != NULL)
        free (*ppFileList);
        *ppFileList = NULL;

    // extract foldername, filename and search-name

    strcpy (szImgPathName, pstrPathName);
    strcpy (szImgFileName, strrchr (pstrPathName, '\\') + 1);

    strcpy (szImgFindName, szImgPathName);
    *(strrchr (szImgFindName, '\\') + 1) = '\0';
    strcat (szImgFindName, "*.png");

    // first cycle: count number of files in directory for memory allocation

    *pFileCount = 0;

    hFind = FindFirstFile(szImgFindName, &finddata);
    bOk = (hFind != (HANDLE) -1);

    while (bOk)
        *pFileCount += 1;
        bOk = FindNextFile(hFind, &finddata);

    // allocation memory for file-list

    *ppFileList = (TCHAR *) malloc (*pFileCount * MAX_PATH);

    // second cycle: read directory and store filenames in file-list

    hFind = FindFirstFile(szImgFindName, &finddata);
    bOk = (hFind != (HANDLE) -1);

    i = 0;
    ii = 0;
    while (bOk)
        strcpy (*ppFileList + ii, szImgPathName);
        strcpy (strrchr(*ppFileList + ii, '\\') + 1, finddata.cFileName);

        if (strcmp(pstrPathName, *ppFileList + ii) == 0)
            *pFileIndex = i;

        ii += MAX_PATH;

        bOk = FindNextFile(hFind, &finddata);

    // finally we must sort the file-list

    for (i = 0; i < *pFileCount - 1; i++)
        ii = i * MAX_PATH;
        for (j = i+1; j < *pFileCount; j++)
            jj = j * MAX_PATH;
            if (strcmp (*ppFileList + ii, *ppFileList + jj) > 0)
                strcpy (szTmp, *ppFileList + jj);
                strcpy (*ppFileList + jj, *ppFileList + ii);
                strcpy (*ppFileList + ii, szTmp);

                // check if this was the current image that we moved

                if (*pFileIndex == i)
                    *pFileIndex = j;
                    if (*pFileIndex == j)
                        *pFileIndex = i;

    return TRUE;

//  SearchPngList

BOOL SearchPngList (
        TCHAR *pFileList, int FileCount, int *pFileIndex,
        PTSTR pstrPrevName, PTSTR pstrNextName)
    if (FileCount > 0)
        // get previous entry
        if (pstrPrevName != NULL)
            if (*pFileIndex > 0)
                *pFileIndex -= 1;
                *pFileIndex = FileCount - 1;
            strcpy (pstrPrevName, pFileList + (*pFileIndex * MAX_PATH));
        // get next entry
        if (pstrNextName != NULL)
            if (*pFileIndex < FileCount - 1)
                *pFileIndex += 1;
                *pFileIndex = 0;
            strcpy (pstrNextName, pFileList + (*pFileIndex * MAX_PATH));
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

//  LoadImageFile

BOOL LoadImageFile (HWND hwnd, PTSTR pstrPathName,
                png_byte **ppbImage, int *pxImgSize, int *pyImgSize,
                int *piChannels, png_color *pBkgColor)
    static TCHAR szTmp [MAX_PATH];

    // if there's an existing PNG, free the memory

    if (*ppbImage)
        free (*ppbImage);
        *ppbImage = NULL;

    // Load the entire PNG into memory

    SetCursor (LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_WAIT));
    ShowCursor (TRUE);

    PngLoadImage (pstrPathName, ppbImage, pxImgSize, pyImgSize, piChannels,

    ShowCursor (FALSE);
    SetCursor (LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW));

    if (*ppbImage != NULL)
        sprintf (szTmp, "VisualPng - %s", strrchr(pstrPathName, '\\') + 1);
        SetWindowText (hwnd, szTmp);
        MessageBox (hwnd, TEXT ("Error in loading the PNG image"),
            szProgName, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

//  DisplayImage

BOOL DisplayImage (HWND hwnd, BYTE **ppDib,
        BYTE **ppDiData, int cxWinSize, int cyWinSize,
        BYTE *pbImage, int cxImgSize, int cyImgSize, int cImgChannels,
        BOOL bStretched)
    BYTE                       *pDib = *ppDib;
    BYTE                       *pDiData = *ppDiData;
    // BITMAPFILEHEADER        *pbmfh;
    BITMAPINFOHEADER           *pbmih;
    WORD                        wDIRowBytes;
    png_color                   bkgBlack = {0, 0, 0};
    png_color                   bkgGray  = {127, 127, 127};
    png_color                   bkgWhite = {255, 255, 255};

    // allocate memory for the Device Independant bitmap

    wDIRowBytes = (WORD) ((3 * cxWinSize + 3L) >> 2) << 2;

    if (pDib)
        free (pDib);
        pDib = NULL;

    if (!(pDib = (BYTE *) malloc (sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +
        wDIRowBytes * cyWinSize)))
        MessageBox (hwnd, TEXT ("Error in displaying the PNG image"),
            szProgName, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
        *ppDib = pDib = NULL;
        return FALSE;
    *ppDib = pDib;
    memset (pDib, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));

    // initialize the dib-structure

    pbmih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *) pDib;
    pbmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    pbmih->biWidth = cxWinSize;
    pbmih->biHeight = -((long) cyWinSize);
    pbmih->biPlanes = 1;
    pbmih->biBitCount = 24;
    pbmih->biCompression = 0;
    pDiData = pDib + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    *ppDiData = pDiData;

    // first fill bitmap with gray and image border

    InitBitmap (pDiData, cxWinSize, cyWinSize);

    // then fill bitmap with image

    if (pbImage)
        FillBitmap (
            pDiData, cxWinSize, cyWinSize,
            pbImage, cxImgSize, cyImgSize, cImgChannels,

    return TRUE;

//  InitBitmap

BOOL InitBitmap (BYTE *pDiData, int cxWinSize, int cyWinSize)
    BYTE *dst;
    int x, y, col;

    // initialize the background with gray

    dst = pDiData;
    for (y = 0; y < cyWinSize; y++)
        col = 0;
        for (x = 0; x < cxWinSize; x++)
            // fill with GRAY
            *dst++ = 127;
            *dst++ = 127;
            *dst++ = 127;
            col += 3;
        // rows start on 4 byte boundaries
        while ((col % 4) != 0)

    return TRUE;

//  FillBitmap

BOOL FillBitmap (
        BYTE *pDiData, int cxWinSize, int cyWinSize,
        BYTE *pbImage, int cxImgSize, int cyImgSize, int cImgChannels,
        BOOL bStretched)
    BYTE *pStretchedImage;
    BYTE *pImg;
    BYTE *src, *dst;
    BYTE r, g, b, a;
    const int cDIChannels = 3;
    WORD wImgRowBytes;
    WORD wDIRowBytes;
    int cxNewSize, cyNewSize;
    int cxImgPos, cyImgPos;
    int xImg, yImg;
    int xWin, yWin;
    int xOld, yOld;
    int xNew, yNew;

    if (bStretched)
        cxNewSize = cxWinSize - 2 * MARGIN;
        cyNewSize = cyWinSize - 2 * MARGIN;

        // stretch the image to it's window determined size

        // the following two are the same, but the first has side-effects
        // because of rounding
//      if ((cyNewSize / cxNewSize) > (cyImgSize / cxImgSize))
        if ((cyNewSize * cxImgSize) > (cyImgSize * cxNewSize))
            cyNewSize = cxNewSize * cyImgSize / cxImgSize;
            cxImgPos = MARGIN;
            cyImgPos = (cyWinSize - cyNewSize) / 2;
            cxNewSize = cyNewSize * cxImgSize / cyImgSize;
            cyImgPos = MARGIN;
            cxImgPos = (cxWinSize - cxNewSize) / 2;

        pStretchedImage = malloc (cImgChannels * cxNewSize * cyNewSize);
        pImg = pStretchedImage;

        for (yNew = 0; yNew < cyNewSize; yNew++)
            yOld = yNew * cyImgSize / cyNewSize;
            for (xNew = 0; xNew < cxNewSize; xNew++)
                xOld = xNew * cxImgSize / cxNewSize;

                r = *(pbImage + cImgChannels * ((yOld * cxImgSize) + xOld) + 0);
                g = *(pbImage + cImgChannels * ((yOld * cxImgSize) + xOld) + 1);
                b = *(pbImage + cImgChannels * ((yOld * cxImgSize) + xOld) + 2);
                *pImg++ = r;
                *pImg++ = g;
                *pImg++ = b;
                if (cImgChannels == 4)
                    a = *(pbImage + cImgChannels * ((yOld * cxImgSize) + xOld)
                        + 3);
                    *pImg++ = a;

        // calculate row-bytes

        wImgRowBytes = cImgChannels * cxNewSize;
        wDIRowBytes = (WORD) ((cDIChannels * cxWinSize + 3L) >> 2) << 2;

        // copy image to screen

        for (yImg = 0, yWin = cyImgPos; yImg < cyNewSize; yImg++, yWin++)
            if (yWin >= cyWinSize - cyImgPos)
            src = pStretchedImage + yImg * wImgRowBytes;
            dst = pDiData + yWin * wDIRowBytes + cxImgPos * cDIChannels;

            for (xImg = 0, xWin = cxImgPos; xImg < cxNewSize; xImg++, xWin++)
                if (xWin >= cxWinSize - cxImgPos)
                r = *src++;
                g = *src++;
                b = *src++;
                *dst++ = b; /* note the reverse order */
                *dst++ = g;
                *dst++ = r;
                if (cImgChannels == 4)
                    a = *src++;

        // free memory

        if (pStretchedImage != NULL)
            free (pStretchedImage);
            pStretchedImage = NULL;


    // process the image not-stretched

        // calculate the central position

        cxImgPos = (cxWinSize - cxImgSize) / 2;
        cyImgPos = (cyWinSize - cyImgSize) / 2;

        // check for image larger than window

        if (cxImgPos < MARGIN)
            cxImgPos = MARGIN;
        if (cyImgPos < MARGIN)
            cyImgPos = MARGIN;

        // calculate both row-bytes

        wImgRowBytes = cImgChannels * cxImgSize;
        wDIRowBytes = (WORD) ((cDIChannels * cxWinSize + 3L) >> 2) << 2;

        // copy image to screen

        for (yImg = 0, yWin = cyImgPos; yImg < cyImgSize; yImg++, yWin++)
            if (yWin >= cyWinSize - MARGIN)
            src = pbImage + yImg * wImgRowBytes;
            dst = pDiData + yWin * wDIRowBytes + cxImgPos * cDIChannels;

            for (xImg = 0, xWin = cxImgPos; xImg < cxImgSize; xImg++, xWin++)
                if (xWin >= cxWinSize - MARGIN)
                r = *src++;
                g = *src++;
                b = *src++;
                *dst++ = b; /* note the reverse order */
                *dst++ = g;
                *dst++ = r;
                if (cImgChannels == 4)
                    a = *src++;

    return TRUE;

//  end of source

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If a file you wish to view isn't highlighted, and is a text file (not binary), please let us know and we'll add colourisation support for it.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The GNU General Public License (GPLv3)

Written By
United States United States
Grant is a specialist in computer security and networking. He holds a bachelors degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Ohio State University. Certs: CCNA, CCNP, CCDA, CCDP, Sec+, and GCIH.

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