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AutoText Add-in for Visual Studio 6.0

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3 Mar 2001 115.9K   1.5K   39  
Adds the auto text feature from MS Word (tm) to the Developer Studio (tm)
// DSAddIn.cpp : header file
// Written by Christoph Weber (
// Copyright (c) 2001.
// This code may be used in compiled form in any way you desire. This
// file may be redistributed unmodified by any means PROVIDING it is 
// not sold for profit without the authors written consent, and 
// providing that this notice and the authors name is included. If 
// the source code in this file is used in any commercial application 
// then a simple email would be nice.
// This file is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty.
// The author accepts no liability if it causes any damage to your computer.
// Please let me know of any bugs/mods/improvements that you have found/fixed
// and I will fix/incorporate them into this file. 

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DeveloperStudioAutoText.h"
#include "DSAddIn.h"
#include "Commands.h"
#include "ObjModel\TextGuid.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

CDSAddIn::CDSAddIn() : m_wndDevStudioMainWindow( &m_wndActiveMdiChild )


// This is called when the user first loads the add-in, and on start-up
//  of each subsequent Developer Studio session
STDMETHODIMP CDSAddIn::OnConnection(IApplication* pApp, VARIANT_BOOL bFirstTime,
		long dwCookie, VARIANT_BOOL* OnConnection)
   HWND  hWnd;
   HWND  hDesktopWnd = ::GetDesktopWindow();
   char  szWindowTitle[512];

	// Store info passed to us
	IApplication* pApplication = NULL;
	if (FAILED(pApp->QueryInterface(IID_IApplication, (void**) &pApplication))
		|| pApplication == NULL)
		*OnConnection = VARIANT_FALSE;
		return S_OK;

	m_dwCookie = dwCookie;

	// Create command dispatch, send info back to DevStudio

   //First find the main window
   hWnd = ::GetActiveWindow();
   while( hWnd  &&  hWnd != hDesktopWnd )
       m_hDevStudioWnd = hWnd;
       hWnd = ::GetParent(hWnd);

   GetWindowText( m_hDevStudioWnd, szWindowTitle, 512 );
   if( strstr( szWindowTitle, "Microsoft Visual C++" ) )
      m_wndDevStudioMainWindow.SubclassWindow( m_hDevStudioWnd );

      // The MDIArea always has ID 0xe900
      m_hDevStudioMDIArea = GetDlgItem( m_hDevStudioWnd, 0xe900 );

      m_wndMDIAreaManager.SubclassWindow( m_hDevStudioMDIArea );
      ASSERT( FALSE );
      MessageBox( NULL, "Main window title not matching!\nInstallation failed.", "WARNING!", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING );

   m_wndActiveMdiChild.SetCommandObject( m_pCommands );
   m_pCommands->SetAddIn( this );

	// The QueryInterface above AddRef'd the Application object.  It will
	//  be Release'd in CCommand's destructor.

	// (see stdafx.h for the definition of VERIFY_OK)

	VERIFY_OK(pApplication->SetAddInInfo((long) AfxGetInstanceHandle(),

	// Inform DevStudio of the commands we implement

	// TODO: Replace the AddCommand call below with a series of calls,
	//  one for each command your add-in will add.

	// The command name should not be localized to other languages.  The 
	//  tooltip, command description, and other strings related to this
	//  command are stored in the string table (IDS_CMD_STRING) and should
	//  be localized.
	LPCTSTR szCommand = _T("DeveloperStudioAutoTextCommand");
	CString strCmdString;
	strCmdString = szCommand + strCmdString;
	CComBSTR bszCmdString(strCmdString);
	CComBSTR bszMethod(_T("DeveloperStudioAutoTextCommandMethod"));
	CComBSTR bszCmdName(szCommand);
	VERIFY_OK(pApplication->AddCommand(bszCmdString, bszMethod, 0, m_dwCookie, &bRet));
	if (bRet == VARIANT_FALSE)
		// AddCommand failed because a command with this name already
		//  exists.  You may try adding your command under a different name.
		//  Or, you can fail to load as we will do here.
		*OnConnection = VARIANT_FALSE;
		return S_OK;

	// Add toolbar buttons only if this is the first time the add-in
	//  is being loaded.  Toolbar buttons are automatically remembered
	//  by Developer Studio from session to session, so we should only
	//  add the toolbar buttons once.
	if (bFirstTime == VARIANT_TRUE)
			AddCommandBarButton(dsGlyph, bszCmdName, m_dwCookie));

   if( bRet )
	   szCommand = _T("DeveloperStudioOpenHeaderCommand");
	   CString strCmdString;
	   strCmdString = szCommand + strCmdString;
	   bszCmdString = strCmdString;
	   bszMethod =_T("DeveloperStudioOpenHeaderCommandMethod");
	   bszCmdName =szCommand;
	   VERIFY_OK(pApplication->AddCommand(bszCmdString, bszMethod, 1, m_dwCookie, &bRet));
	   if (bRet == VARIANT_FALSE)
		   // AddCommand failed because a command with this name already
		   //  exists.  You may try adding your command under a different name.
		   //  Or, you can fail to load as we will do here.
		   *OnConnection = VARIANT_FALSE;
		   return S_OK;

	   // Add toolbar buttons only if this is the first time the add-in
	   //  is being loaded.  Toolbar buttons are automatically remembered
	   //  by Developer Studio from session to session, so we should only
	   //  add the toolbar buttons once.
	   if (bFirstTime == VARIANT_TRUE)
			   AddCommandBarButton(dsGlyph, bszCmdName, m_dwCookie));

	*OnConnection = VARIANT_TRUE;
	return S_OK;

// This is called on shut-down, and also when the user unloads the add-in

	m_pCommands = NULL;

   //disconnect our subclassed windows. We don't need them anymore
   if( m_wndActiveMdiChild.m_hWnd )

   if( m_wndDevStudioMainWindow.m_hWnd )

   if( m_wndMDIAreaManager.m_hWnd )

	return S_OK;

void CDSAddIn::SetMDIWindowActive( IDispatch* pITheWindow, IDispatch* pIDocument, BOOL bActivate )
   CMDIChildWnd*  pMdi = m_wndMDIAreaManager.GetActiveMDI();
   m_wndActiveMdiChild.SetActive( pMdi, pITheWindow, pIDocument );

//Special hack, because cursor movements and some other special keys
//are translated by the mainframe into WM_COMMAND-messages
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( C_DevStudioMainWindowFilter, CWnd)
   ON_COMMAND_RANGE( 0x18808, 0x1880b, OnKeyLeftRightUpDown )
   ON_COMMAND( 0x18781, OnEnterPressed )
   ON_COMMAND( 0x18763, OnTabPressed )
   ON_COMMAND( 0x1878b, OnBackspacePressed )
   ON_COMMAND( 0x1e120, OnDelPressed )

C_DevStudioMainWindowFilter::C_DevStudioMainWindowFilter( C_ActiveMDIWindowFilter* pActiveMdiWindow )
   m_pActiveMdiWindow = pActiveMdiWindow;

   if( m_hWnd )

//route these to the active MDI window

LRESULT C_DevStudioMainWindowFilter::OnKeyLeftRightUpDown( UINT nMsg )
   m_pActiveMdiWindow->OnKeyLeftRightUpDown( nMsg-0x8808 ); //left=0,right=1
   return CWnd::Default();

void C_DevStudioMainWindowFilter::OnEnterPressed()
   m_pActiveMdiWindow->OnSpecialKeyPressed( VK_RETURN );

void C_DevStudioMainWindowFilter::OnTabPressed()
   m_pActiveMdiWindow->OnSpecialKeyPressed( VK_TAB );

void C_DevStudioMainWindowFilter::OnBackspacePressed()
   m_pActiveMdiWindow->OnSpecialKeyPressed( VK_BACK );

void C_DevStudioMainWindowFilter::OnDelPressed()
   m_pActiveMdiWindow->OnSpecialKeyPressed( VK_DELETE );

void C_DevStudioMainWindowFilter::OnUndo()
   m_pActiveMdiWindow->OnSpecialKeyPressed( ID_EDIT_UNDO );

//We also subclass the mdiclientarea, so we easily can get the active
//MDIChildFrame and to determine when to replace text

   if( m_hWnd )

CMDIChildWnd* C_MDIAreaManagerFilter::GetActiveMDI()
   CMDIChildWnd*  pErg;
   BOOL           bMaximized;

	HWND hWnd = (HWND)::SendMessage(m_hWnd, WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, (LPARAM)&bMaximized);
   pErg = (CMDIChildWnd*)CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd);

   return pErg;

//Finally we subclass the active MDIWindow's view to geht all
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(C_ActiveMDIWindowFilter, CWnd)

   m_pIActiveTextDocument = NULL;
   m_bEnableAutoCorrect = TRUE;

   if( m_hWnd )

   if( m_pIActiveTextDocument )

void C_ActiveMDIWindowFilter::SetCommandObject( CCommands* pCommands )
   m_pCommands = pCommands;

void C_ActiveMDIWindowFilter::SetActive( CWnd* pActiveMDIWindow, IDispatch* pWindow, IDispatch* pIDocument )
   if( m_hWnd )

   if( m_pIActiveTextDocument )
      m_pIActiveTextDocument = NULL;

   if( pActiveMDIWindow && pIDocument )
      pActiveMDIWindow = pActiveMDIWindow->GetDlgItem( 0xe900 ); //View-Frame
      if( pActiveMDIWindow )
         pActiveMDIWindow = pActiveMDIWindow->GetDlgItem( 0xe900 ); //eigentlicher View

      if( pActiveMDIWindow )
         if( SUCCEEDED( pIDocument->QueryInterface( IID_ITextDocument, (void**)&m_pIActiveTextDocument ) ) )
            SubclassWindow( pActiveMDIWindow->GetSafeHwnd() );
      }//endif pActiveMDIWindow

void C_ActiveMDIWindowFilter::OnKeyDown( UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags )
   OnSpecialKeyPressed( nChar );
   CWnd::OnKeyDown( nChar,nRepCnt,nFlags );

void C_ActiveMDIWindowFilter::OnChar( UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags )
   OnSpecialKeyPressed( 0x0100 | nChar );
   CWnd::OnChar( nChar,nRepCnt,nFlags );

void C_ActiveMDIWindowFilter::OnDummy()

void C_ActiveMDIWindowFilter::OnSpecialKeyPressed( UINT nKey )
   IDispatch*     pSelection;
   CMenu          mnuMenu;
   UINT           uID = 0;
   CWnd*          pWnd;
   CString        strNewText;
   CPoint         ptCaretPos;

      if( m_pIActiveTextDocument && m_pCommands->m_bEnableSystem )
         if( nKey==0x10 )

         switch( nKey )
            case 0x0100 | ' ':
            case 0x0100 | ',':
            case 0x0100 | ';':
            case 0x0100 | '(':
            case VK_TAB:
            case VK_RETURN:

               if( SUCCEEDED( m_pIActiveTextDocument->get_Selection( &pSelection ) ) )
                  if( !m_bEnableAutoCorrect )
                     //Do we have a replacement text?
                     strNewText = CheckAutoText( pSelection, FALSE );
                     if( !strNewText.IsEmpty() )
                        //yes we have a new text
                        mnuMenu.LoadMenu( IDR_AUTO_CORRECT_CONTEXTMENU );
                        pWnd = this;
                        if( pWnd )
                           ::GetCaretPos( &ptCaretPos );

                           ClientToScreen( &ptCaretPos );

                           ptCaretPos.x += 8; //etwas abstand halten

                           SetMenuDefaultItem( mnuMenu.GetSubMenu(0)->m_hMenu, ID_REPLACE_BY, FALSE );
                           mnuMenu.GetSubMenu(0)->ModifyMenu( ID_REPLACE_BY, MF_BYCOMMAND|MF_STRING|MF_ENABLED, ID_REPLACE_BY, 
                                                            "Replace with: " + strNewText );

                           //Select first menu item trough faking a cursor down (keydown and up)
                           PostMessage( WM_KEYDOWN, VK_DOWN, 0 );
                           PostMessage( WM_KEYUP, VK_DOWN, 0 );

                           uID = TrackPopupMenu( mnuMenu.GetSubMenu(0)->m_hMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_NONOTIFY, 
                              ptCaretPos.x, ptCaretPos.y, NULL, pWnd->m_hWnd, NULL );

                        switch( uID )
                           case 0:
                           case ID_DONT_CORRECT_IT:

                           case ID_REPLACE_BY:
                              m_bEnableAutoCorrect = TRUE;
                     }//endif !strNewText.IsEmpty()
                  }//endif( !m_bEnableAutoCorrect )

                  if( m_bEnableAutoCorrect )
                     CheckAutoText( pSelection, TRUE );

                  //release selection object

               //In future do it again
               m_bEnableAutoCorrect = TRUE;

            case VK_DELETE:
            case VK_BACK:
               //temporarily disable auto replacing
               m_bEnableAutoCorrect = FALSE;

            case ID_EDIT_UNDO:
               //temporarily disable auto replacing
               m_bEnableAutoCorrect = FALSE;

      }//endif m_pIDispTextWindow
   catch( ... )
      TRACE( "Unhandled exception in OnSpecialKeyPressed\n" );

void C_ActiveMDIWindowFilter::OnKeyLeftRightUpDown( UINT nMoveCmd )
   switch( nMoveCmd )
      case 0: //left
      case 1: //right
      case 2: //up
      case 3: //down
         //after cursor  moves allow auto correction again
         m_bEnableAutoCorrect = TRUE;

//If bAutoReplace is TRUE the text will immediately be replaced if possible. 
//Otherwise only the replacement text (if available) will be returned. 
//If there is nothing replaceable type by the user the return value will 
//be empty and the text won't be changed.
CString C_ActiveMDIWindowFilter::CheckAutoText( IDispatch*  pIDispSelection, BOOL bAutoReplace )
   ITextSelection*   pSelection;
   long              lFirstLine;
   long              lStartColumn;
   long              lLastLine;
   BSTR              bstrText = NULL;
   CString           strNewText;
   COleVariant       varDsExtend( long(1), VT_I4 );
   COleVariant       varDsMove( long(0), VT_I4 );
   COleVariant       varEmpty( DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR );
   CString           strErg;
   CString           strText;

   //get selection from text editor
   if( SUCCEEDED( pIDispSelection->QueryInterface( IID_ITextSelection, (void**)&pSelection ) ) )
      //remember position because we need to change it
      pSelection->get_CurrentLine( &lFirstLine );
      pSelection->get_BottomLine( &lLastLine );
      pSelection->get_CurrentColumn( &lStartColumn );
      pSelection->get_Text( &bstrText );
      strText = bstrText;
      SysFreeString( bstrText );

      //only try to replace if selection start and end line are the same
      //and the text is at least 2 chars long
      if( lFirstLine == lLastLine && 
          strText.GetLength() < 2 )
         //select previous typed word
         pSelection->WordLeft( varDsExtend, COleVariant( 1L, VT_I4 ) );
         //and get the text of it
         pSelection->get_Text( &bstrText );

         //I prefer CStrings... remeber last typed word
         m_pCommands->m_strLastTypedWord = bstrText;
         SysFreeString( bstrText );

         //try to find the word
         m_pCommands->m_strmapAutoText.Lookup( m_pCommands->m_strLastTypedWord, strNewText );

         //Better suggestion from file?
         if( !strNewText.IsEmpty() )
            strErg = strNewText;

            //Yes! Now check if we only want to know or to really do it.
            if( bAutoReplace )
               //Replace last word
               bstrText = strNewText.AllocSysString();
               pSelection->put_Text( bstrText );
               SysFreeString( bstrText );

               //set cursor behind new text if it's longer
               lStartColumn+= strNewText.GetLength() - m_pCommands->m_strLastTypedWord.GetLength();

         //Back to the position we started
         pSelection->MoveTo( lFirstLine, lStartColumn, varDsMove );


   return strErg;

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Written By
Germany Germany
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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