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Introduction to Genetic Algorithms with Python - Hello World!

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6 Jun 2016Apache10 min read 81.6K   1.6K   12   4
A hands-on, step-by-step introduction to machine learning with genetic algorithms using Python.

Hello World!

Guess my number

Let’s begin by learning a little bit about genetic algorithms. Reach way back in your memories to a game we played as kids. It is a simple game for two people where one picks a secret number between 1 and 10 and the other has to guess that number.

Is it 2?  No

Is it 3?  No

Is it 7?  No

Is it 1?  Yes

That works reasonably well for 1..10 but quickly becomes frustrating or boring as we increase the range to 1..100 or 1..1000. Why? Because we have no way to improve our guesses. There’s no challenge. The guess is either right or wrong, so it quickly becomes a mechanical process.

Is it 1?  No

Is it 2?  No

Is it 3?  No

Is it 4?  No

Is it 5?  No


So, to make it more interesting, instead of no let’s say higher or lower.

1?  Higher

7?  Lower

6?  Lower

5?  Lower

4?  Correct

That might be reasonably interesting for a while for 1..10 but soon you’ll increase the range to 1..100. Because people are competitive, the next revision is to see who is a better guesser by trying to find the number in the fewest guesses. At this point the person who evolves the most efficient guessing strategy wins.

However, one thing we automatically do when playing the game is make use of domain knowledge. For example, after this sequence:

1?  Higher

7?  Lower

Why wouldn’t we guess 8, 9, or 10? The reason is, of course, because we know that those numbers are not lower than 7. Why wouldn’t we guess 1? Because we already tried it. We use our memory of what we’ve tried, our successes and failures, and our knowledge of the domain, number relationships, to improve our guesses.

A genetic algorithm does not know what lower means. It has no intelligence. It does not learn. It will make the same mistakes every time. It will only be as good at solving a problem as the person who writes the code. And yet, it can be used to find solutions to problems that humans would struggle to solve or could not solve at all. How is that possible?When playing a card game inexperienced players build a mental map using the cards in their hand and those on the table. More experienced players also take advantage of their knowledge of the problem space, the entire set of cards in the deck. This means they may also keep track of cards that have not yet been played, and may know they can win the rest of the rounds without having to play them out. Highly experienced card players also know the probabilities of various winning combinations. Professionals, who earn their living playing the game, also pay attention to the way their competitors play…​ whether they bluff in certain situations, play with their chips when they think they have a good hand, etc.

Genetic algorithms use random exploration of the problem space combined with evolutionary processes like mutation and crossover (exchange of genetic information) to improve guesses. But also, because they have no experience in the problem domain, they try things a human would never think to try. Thus, a person using a genetic algorithm may learn more about the problem space and potential solutions. This gives them the ability to make improvements to the algorithm, in a virtuous cycle.

What can we learn from this?

Technique: The genetic algorithm should make informed guesses.

Guess the Password

Now let’s see how this applies to guessing a password. We’ll start by randomly generating an initial sequence of letters and then mutate/change one random letter at a time until the sequence of letters is "Hello World!". Conceptually:

pseudo code

_letters = [a..zA..Z !]
target = "Hello World!"
guess = get 12 random letters from _letters
while guess != target:
   index = get random value from [0..length of target]
   guess[index] = get 1 random value from _letters

If you try this in your favorite programming language you’ll find that it performs worse than playing the number guessing game with only yes and no answers because it cannot tell when one guess is better than another.

So, let’s help it make an informed guess by telling it how many of the letters from the guess are in the correct locations. For example "World!Hello?" would get 2 because only the 4th letter of each word is correct. The 2 indicates how close the answer is to correct. This is called the fitness value. "hello world?" would get a fitness value of 9 because 9 letters are correct. Only the h, w, and question mark are wrong.

First Program

Now we’re ready to write some Python.


We start off with a generic set of letters for genes and a target password:

geneSet = " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!."
target = "Hello World!"

Generate a guess

Next we need a way to generate a random string of letters from the gene set.

import random


def generate_parent(length):
    genes = []
    while len(genes) < length:
        sampleSize = min(length - len(genes), len(geneSet))
        genes.extend(random.sample(geneSet, sampleSize))
    return ''.join(genes)

random.sample takes sampleSize values from the input without replacement. This means there will be no duplicates in the generated parent unless geneSet contains duplicates, or length is greater than len(geneSet). The implementation above allows us to generate a long string with a small set of genes while using as many unique genes as possible.


The fitness value the genetic algorithm provides is the only feedback the engine gets to guide it toward a solution. In this problem our fitness value is the total number of letters in the guess that match the letter in the same position of the password.

def get_fitness(guess):
    return sum(1 for expected, actual in zip(target, guess)
               if expected == actual)


We also need a way to produce a new guess by mutating the current one. The following implementation converts the parent string to an array with list(parent) then replaces 1 letter in the array with a randomly selected one from geneSet, and then recombines the result into a string with ''.join(genes).

def mutate(parent):
    index = random.randrange(0, len(parent))
    childGenes = list(parent)
    newGene, alternate = random.sample(geneSet, 2)
    childGenes[index] = alternate \ 
        if newGene == childGenes[index] \ 
        else newGene
    return ''.join(childGenes)

This implementation uses an alternate replacement if the randomly selected newGene is the same as the one it is supposed to replace, which can save a significant amount of overhead.


Next, it is important to monitor what is happening, so that we can stop the engine if it gets stuck. It also allows us to learn what works and what does not so we can improve the algorithm.

We’ll display a visual representation of the gene sequence, which may not be the literal gene sequence, its fitness value and how much time has elapsed.

import datetime


def display(guess):
    timeDiff = - startTime
    fitness = get_fitness(guess)
    print("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(guess, fitness, str(timeDiff)))


Now we’re ready to write the main program. We start by initializing bestParent to a random sequence of letters.

startTime =
bestParent = generate_parent(len(target))
bestFitness = get_fitness(bestParent)

Then we add the heart of the genetic engine. It is a loop that generates a guess, requests the fitness for that guess, then compares it to that of the previous best guess, and keeps the better of the two. This cycle repeats until all the letters match those in the target.

while True:
    child = mutate(bestParent)
    childFitness = get_fitness(child)

    if bestFitness >= childFitness:
    if childFitness >= len(bestParent):
    bestFitness = childFitness
    bestParent = child


Now run it.

sample output

ftljCDPvhasn 1 0:00:00
ftljC Pvhasn 2 0:00:00
ftljC Pohasn 3 0:00:00.001000
HtljC Pohasn 4 0:00:00.002000
HtljC Wohasn 5 0:00:00.004000
Htljo Wohasn 6 0:00:00.005000
Htljo Wohas! 7 0:00:00.008000
Htljo Wohls! 8 0:00:00.010000
Heljo Wohls! 9 0:00:00.013000
Hello Wohls! 10 0:00:00.013000
Hello Wohld! 11 0:00:00.013000
Hello World! 12 0:00:00.015000

Success! You’ve written a genetic algorithm in Python!

Extract a reusable engine

Now that we have a working solution to this problem we will extract the genetic engine code from that specific to the password problem so we can reuse it to solve other problems. We’ll start by creating a new file named

Next we’ll move the mutate and generate_parent functions to the new file and rename them to _mutate and _generate_parent. This is how protected functions are named in Python. They will not be visible to users of the genetic library.

Generate and Mutate

Since we want to be able to customize the gene set used in future problems we need to pass it as a parameter to _generate_parent

import random

def _generate_parent(length, geneSet):
    genes = []
    while len(genes) < length:
        sampleSize = min(length - len(genes), len(geneSet))
        genes.extend(random.sample(geneSet, sampleSize))
    return ''.join(genes)

and _mutate.

def _mutate(parent, geneSet):
    index = random.randrange(0, len(parent))
    childGenes = list(parent)
    newGene, alternate = random.sample(geneSet, 2)
    childGenes[index] = alternate \ 
        if newGene == childGenes[index] \ 
        else newGene
    return ''.join(childGenes)


Next we’ll move the main loop into a new function named get_best in the genetic library file. Its parameters will include the functions it should use to request the fitness for a guess and to display (or report) each new best guess as it is found, the number of genes to use when creating a new sequence, the optimal fitness, and the set of genes to use for creating and mutating gene sequences.

def get_best(get_fitness, targetLen, optimalFitness, geneSet, display):
    bestParent = _generate_parent(targetLen, geneSet)
    bestFitness = get_fitness(bestParent)
    if bestFitness >= optimalFitness:
        return bestParent

    while True:
        child = _mutate(bestParent, geneSet)
        childFitness = get_fitness(child)

        if bestFitness >= childFitness:
        if childFitness >= optimalFitness:
            return child
        bestFitness = childFitness
        bestParent = child

Notice that we call display and get_fitness with only one parameter - the child gene sequence. This is because we do not want the engine to have access to the target value, and it doesn’t care whether we are timing the run or not, so those are not passed to the function.

We now have a reusable library named genetic that we can access in other programs via import genetic.

Use the genetic library

Back in we’ll define functions that allow us to take the candidate gene sequence passed by genetic as a parameter, and call the local functions with additional required parameters as necessary.

def test_Hello_World():
    target = "Hello World!"

def guess_password(target):
    geneset = " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!."
    startTime =

    def fnGetFitness(genes):
        return get_fitness(genes, target)

    def fnDisplay(genes):
        display(genes, target, startTime)

    optimalFitness = len(target)
    genetic.get_best(fnGetFitness, len(target), optimalFitness, geneset, fnDisplay)


Notice how display now takes the target password as a parameter. We could leave it as a global in the algorithm file but this allows us to try different passwords if we want.

def display(genes, target, startTime):
    timeDiff = - startTime
    fitness = get_fitness(genes, target)
    print("{0}\t{1}\t{2}".format(genes, fitness, str(timeDiff)))


We just need to add target as a parameter.

def get_fitness(genes, target):
    return sum(1 for expected, actual in zip(target, genes)
               if expected == actual)


Speaking of tests, let’s rename to We also need to import the genetic library.

import datetime
import genetic

Lastly, we’ll make sure that executing guessPasswordTests from the command line runs the test function by adding:

if __name__ == '__main__':

If you are following along in an editor like be sure to run the test to verify your code still works.

Use Python’s unittest framework

Next, we’ll make compatible with Python’s built in test framework.

import unittest

To do that we have to move at least the main test function to a class that inherits from unittest.TestCase. We also need to add self as the first parameter of any function we want to access as an instance method because it now belongs to the test class.

class GuessPasswordTests(unittest.TestCase):
    geneset = " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!.,"

    def test_Hello_World(self):
        target = "Hello World!"

    def guess_password(self, target):
        optimalFitness = len(target)
        best = genetic.get_best(fnGetFitness, len(target),
                                optimalFitness, self.geneset,
        self.assertEqual(best.Genes, target)

The unittest library automatically executes each function whose name starts with "test", as long as we call its main function.

if __name__ == '__main__':

This allows us to run the tests from the command line and without displaying the output.

python -m unittest -b guessPasswordTests
Ran 1 test in 0.020s


If you get an error like 'module' object has no attribute 'py' you used the filename instead of the module name guessPasswordTests.

A longer password

"Hello World!" doesn’t sufficiently demonstrate the power of our engine. Let’s try a longer password:

def test_For_I_am_fearfully_and_wonderfully_made(self):
   target = "For I am fearfully and wonderfully made."


ForMI am feabaully and wWndNyfulll made. 33 0:00:00.047094
For I am feabaully and wWndNyfulll made. 34 0:00:00.047094
For I am feabfully and wWndNyfulll made. 35 0:00:00.053111
For I am feabfully and wondNyfulll made. 36 0:00:00.064140
For I am feabfully and wondNyfully made. 37 0:00:00.067148
For I am feabfully and wondeyfully made. 38 0:00:00.095228
For I am feabfully and wonderfully made. 39 0:00:00.100236
For I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 40 0:00:00.195524


Introduce a Chromosome object

Next we’ll introduce a Chromosome object that has Genes and Fitness attributes.

class Chromosome:
    Genes = None
    Fitness = None

    def __init__(self, genes, fitness):
        self.Genes = genes
        self.Fitness = fitness

This makes it possible to pass those values around as a unit.

def _mutate(parent, geneSet, get_fitness):
    index = random.randrange(0, len(parent.Genes))
    childGenes = list(parent.Genes)


    genes = ''.join(childGenes)
    fitness = get_fitness(genes)
    return Chromosome(genes, fitness)


def _generate_parent(length, geneSet, get_fitness):


    genes = ''.join(genes)
    fitness = get_fitness(genes)
    return Chromosome(genes, fitness)


def get_best(get_fitness, targetLen, optimalFitness, geneSet, display):
    bestParent = _generate_parent(targetLen, geneSet, get_fitness)
    if bestParent.Fitness >= optimalFitness:
        return bestParent
    while True:
        child = _mutate(bestParent, geneSet, get_fitness)
        if bestParent.Fitness >= child.Fitness:
        if child.Fitness >= optimalFitness:
            return child
        bestParent = child

We also make compensating changes to the algorithm file functions.

def display(candidate, startTime):
    timeDiff = - startTime
        candidate.Genes, candidate.Fitness, str(timeDiff)))

This reduces some double work in the display function.

class GuessPasswordTests(unittest.TestCase):


    def guess_password(self, target):


        def fnDisplay(candidate):
            display(candidate, startTime)

        optimalFitness = len(target)
        best = genetic.get_best(fnGetFitness, len(target),
                                optimalFitness, self.geneset,
        self.assertEqual(best.Genes, target)


Next we need to add support for benchmarking to genetic because it is useful to know how long the engine takes to find a solution on average and the standard deviation. We can do that with another class as follows.

class Benchmark:
    def run(function):
        timings = []
        for i in range(100):
            startTime = time.time()
            seconds = time.time() - startTime
            mean = statistics.mean(timings)
            print("{0} {1:3.2f} {2:3.2f}".format(
                1 + i, mean,
                statistics.stdev(timings, mean)
                if i > 1 else 0))

That requires the following imports:

import statistics
import time

You may need to install the statistics module on your system via:

<code>python -m pip install statistics</code>

Now we need to add a test to pass the function we want to be benchmarked.

def test_benchmark(self): self.test_For_I_am_fearfully_and_wonderfully_made())

This benchmark test works great but is a bit chatty because it also shows the display output for all 100 runs. We can fix that by redirecting output to nowhere in the benchmark function.

import sys


class Benchmark:
    def run(function):


        timings = []
        stdout = sys.stdout
        for i in range(100):
            sys.stdout = None
            startTime = time.time()
            seconds = time.time() - startTime
            sys.stdout = stdout


Also, we don’t need it to output every run, so how about outputting just the first ten and then every 10th one after that.


            mean = statistics.mean(timings)
            if i < 10 or i % 10 == 9:
                print("{0} {1:3.2f} {2:3.2f}".format(
                    1 + i, mean,
                    statistics.stdev(timings, mean)
                    if i > 1 else 0))

Now when we run the benchmark test we get output like the following.

sample output

1 0.19 0.00
2 0.17 0.00
3 0.18 0.02


9 0.17 0.03
10 0.17 0.03
20 0.18 0.04


90 0.16 0.05
100 0.16 0.05

Meaning that, averaging 100 runs, it takes .16 seconds to guess the password, and 68 percent of the time (one standard deviation) it takes between .11 (.16 - .05) and .21 (.16 + .05) seconds. Unfortunately that is probably too fast for us to tell if a change is due to a code improvement or due to something else running on the computer. So we’re going to change it to a random sequence that takes 1-2 seconds. Your processor likely is different from mine so adjust the length as necessary.

import random


    def test_Random(self):
        length = 150
        target = ''.join(random.choice(self.geneset) for _ in range(length))

    def test_benchmark(self): self.test_Random())

On my system that results in:

average (seconds)

standard deviation




We built a simple genetic engine that makes use of random mutation to produce better results. This engine was able to guess a secret password given only its length, a set of characters that might be in the password, and a fitness function that returns a count of the number characters in the guess that match the secret. This is a good benchmark problem for the engine because as the target string gets longer the engine wastes more and more guesses trying to change positions that are already correct. 

Final Code

The final code is available in the zip file.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Apache License, Version 2.0

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
United States United States
I am a polyglot programmer with more than 15 years of professional programming experience and author of Genetic Algorithms with Python. When learning a new programming language, I start with a familiar problem and try to learn enough of the new language to solve it. For me, writing a genetic engine is that familiar problem. Why a genetic engine? For one thing, it is a project where I can explore interesting puzzles, and where even a child's game like Tic-Tac-Toe can be viewed on a whole new level. Also, I can select increasingly complex puzzles to drive evolution in the capabilities of the engine. This allows me to discover the expressiveness of the language, the power of its tool chain, and the size of its development community as I work through the idiosyncrasies of the language.

Comments and Discussions

QuestionAnother python newbie Pin
Member 1483116113-May-20 6:48
Member 1483116113-May-20 6:48 
PraiseNewbie to commenting Pin
Herbert H Dupree II5-Jun-16 19:24
professionalHerbert H Dupree II5-Jun-16 19:24 
My apologies for only giving 3 stars. I was looking for a way to back out of it, but couldn't find it. It should be 4 stars, as the code was good, and the download finally worked (timing issue). However, I can't recommend VS Code as either I didn't find it, or there is no Run command, like (online complier). Later, will try this in Notepad ++. Thanks for writing.
Free your mind and the rest will follow,
Don't be colorblind, don't be so shallow!

AnswerRe: Newbie to commenting Pin
Clinton Sheppard6-Jun-16 3:18
Clinton Sheppard6-Jun-16 3:18 
GeneralRe: Newbie to commenting Pin
Herbert H Dupree II6-Jun-16 17:47
professionalHerbert H Dupree II6-Jun-16 17:47 

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