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Non Recursive CTEs Explained

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14 Jul 2016MIT11 min read 9.5K   5  
In this article, we explore non recursive CTEs (Common Table Expressions). This is a broad class, and basically covers every form of CTEs except those that call themselves. This other class is called the recursive CTEs; they are covered in the next article.

If you’re unfamiliar with CTEs, I would encourage you to read Introduction to Common Table Expressions. Once you’re familiar, then come back to this article and we’ll dig deeper into the reasons you would want to use non recursive CTEs and provide you with some good examples along the way.

Note: All the examples for this lesson are based on Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and the AdventureWorks2012 database. You can get started using these free tools using my Guide Getting Started Using SQL Server.

WITH Clause

The WITH keyword is used when you start defining your common table expressions. It is used for both recursive CTEs as well as non recursive CTEs.

CTEs are table expressions, meaning they return a temporary result that can be used in the scope of a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or APPLY statement.

Here is a generalized example of WITH:

WITH TableExpressionName (Column1, Column2, …, ColumnN)
(Query Definition)

The CTE has two parts. The first part defines the name of the CTE and the columns contained within it. This is the table expression’s definition. The second part is the query definition. This is the SELECT statement used to populate the expression with rows.

You can define more than one CTE in a statement. You see an example of this further along in this article.

When writing the query definition, keep in mind that the following cannot be used within it:

  • ORDER BY, unless you also use as TOP clause
  • INTO
  • OPTION clause with query hints

For more information regarding the WITH keyword, refer to the MSDN documentation.

Reasons to Use Non Recursive CTEs

There are many reasons to use non recursive common table expressions. They include:

  • Readability – CTEs can make your query easier to read by organizing complex code, and eliminating the need to repeat complicated expressions.
  • Substitute for a View – Views are great for encapsulating query logic and promoting reuse, but there are times when you’re either unable to create a view due to permissions, or the view would only be used in one query.
  • Limitations – Overcome SELECT statement limitations, such as referencing itself (recursion), or performing GROUP BY using non-deterministic functions.
  • Ranking – Whenever you want to use ranking function such as ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), NTILE(), etc.

Let’s look at each of these reasons, in turn, using examples. By the time we’re done, you’ll see how to use one or more CTEs in a statement to work with joins. Also, you’ll see how you can replace a correlated subquery with a two CTEs.


As queries get larger, it can become really difficult to understand how they work. In my mind, readability doesn’t mean the query has less lines. Instead, it means that it is understandable to you and others. I think CTEs help improve readability in several ways.

They help separate out query logic. If you are joining two complex queries, you can use CTEs to separate out the complexity of the queries from the actual join. This not only helps in debugging, as you can independently run the query definition to test it, but you can more easily identify the parts used to do the join.

Also, CTEs improve readability by eliminating repeating expressions. There are situations where you want to display an expression and then sort by it. In SQL server, the expression has to be repeated in both the SELECT clause and ORDER BY; however, if you use a CTE, this isn’t the case.

Readability such as Reference the resulting table multiple times in the same statement.

For the first couple of examples, we’re going to assume our original query is the following:

SELECT   Substring(Person.LastName,1,1) + ' ' + Person.FirstName as SortValue,
FROM     HumanResources.Employee
         INNER JOIN
         ON HumanResources.Employee.BusinessEntityID = person.BusinessEntityID
WHERE    Person.LastName >= 'L'AND
         (Employee.JobTitle Like 'Marketing%' OR
                                 Employee.JobTitle Like 'Production%')
ORDER BY Substring(Person.LastName,1,1) + ' ' + Person.FirstName

We’ll now take this statement to show you how it is easier to read and maintain using CTEs. Of course, our example isn’t that complex, so it is still pretty readable, but I think as we work through the solution, it will help you see how CTEs can really help you in real world situations where your queries can be thirty or more lines long!

CTE Joined to Normal Table

The first thing we can do is move the query used to retrieve person rows into a CTE as so:

WITH Employee_CTE (BusinessEntityID, NationalIDNumber, JobTitle)
AS       (SELECT BusinessEntityID,
          FROM   HumanResources.Employee
          WHERE  (Employee.JobTitle LIKE 'Marketing%'
                  OR Employee.JobTitle LIKE 'Production%'))
SELECT  Substring(Person.LastName, 1, 1) + ' ' + Person.FirstName as SortValue,  
FROM     Employee_CTE
         INNER JOIN
         ON Employee_CTE.BusinessEntityID = Person.BusinessEntityID
WHERE    Person.LastName >= 'L'
ORDER BY Substring(Person.LastName, 1, 1) + ' ' + Person.FirstName;

Notice that the CTE is defined to return three columns: BusinessEntityID, NationalID, and JobTitle.

Also, you see we’ve pulled in the filtering criteria into the CTEs query definition. The overall query is still a bit messy, but hopefully you’re starting to see how CTEs can help to separate various query operations to make queries easier to read.

The next thing we could do to simplify the query is to create another CTE to handle Person table rows.

CTE Joined to Another CTE

In the example below are two CTEs. I’ve colored them blue and green respectively. The blue colored CTE is the same as the above example, the green one is newly added, and really helps to simplify the overall query.

WITH     Employee_CTE (BusinessEntityID, NationalIDNumber, JobTitle)
AS       (SELECT BusinessEntityID,
          FROM   HumanResources.Employee
          WHERE  (Employee.JobTitle LIKE 'Marketing%'
                  OR Employee.JobTitle LIKE 'Production%')),
         Person_CTE (BusinessEntityID, FirstName, LastName, SortValue)
AS       (SELECT BusinessEntityID,
                 Substring(Person.LastName, 1, 1) + ' ' + Person.FirstName
          FROM   Person.Person
          WHERE  Person.LastName >= 'L')
SELECT   Person_CTE.SortValue,
FROM     Employee_CTE
         INNER JOIN
         ON Employee_CTE.BusinessEntityID = Person_CTE.BusinessEntityID
ORDER BY Person_CTE.SortValue;

In our original example, the SortValue expression, Substring(Person.LastName, 1, 1) + ‘ ‘ + Person.FirstName, was repeated in both the SELECT clause and ORDER BY statement. Now, by placing the SortValue expression within the CTE, we only need to define it once!

Compare the original query to the final one:

You can join two common table expressions to themselves

Two CTEs joined to one another.

I think the original query is harder to read and maintain for these reasons:

  1. The SortValue expression is listed twice.
  2. The filtering of both tables are in the same expression.
  3. Since queries for both the employee and person are in the same statement, it is difficult to separate them for debugging purposes.

I like having the statement broken out into a CTE because:

  1. If I need to verify what rows are being returned by a CTE, it’s as simple as running the query definition in a separate query window.
  2. Expressions, such as that used for SortValue, aren’t repeated.
  3. The final Query Using CTEs is easier to read. You can focus on the join conditions, and not be distracted by filtering nor expressions.

CTE Joined to Self

As you have seen, you can join a CTE to another table, or CTE. But did you know you can join a CTE to itself?

Note: A table joined to itself is a self-join.

Consider the following CTE:

WITH Department_CTE (Name, GroupName)
      FROM HumanResources.Department)
FROM   Department_CTE AS D1
Department_CTE AS D2
ON d1.GroupName = d2.GroupName

Here, you can see one CTE is defined as Department_CTE and that this is then used twice within the query.

The result of this query is to list combinations of department names within the same department group:

You can self join CTEs

CTE Self Join

Substitute for a View

As your SQL becomes more complex, you’ll find that using views are a great way to hide the inner workings of a query and allow you to just focus on the results. This is especially true when you’re working with data involving multiple joins.

With a view, you can encapsulate all that query and join logic into the view. Queries using the view are simpler and easier to read.

But there are times when it may not make sense to create a view. For instance, if you don’t have permissions to create database objects, such as when using a third party database, or when the only time you’ll need to use the view is just once.

In these cases, you can use a common table expression.

When creating a CTE, keep in mind the CTEs query definition is the same as the query used to create the view.

In the diagram below, we show a query in two ways. In blue, you’ll see defined as view, and then used in a query. It is then shown in green as a CTE.

Substituting a View with a CTE

Substituting a View with a CTE

We then take the same query used to define the view and use that for the CTE query definition. Finally, you can see that the CTEs final query is exactly like that used to reference the view.

CTE versus Derived Table

Derived tables are table results defined in the FROM clause. Given that derived tables return a table expression, it should be no surprise that you can use CTEs in their place.

Consider the following query. The derived tables are color coded in red and green.

SELECT Quota.TerritoryID,
       Sales.TerritorySales - Quota.TerritoryQuota
FROM   (SELECT   TerritoryID,
                 SUM(SalesQuota) AS TerritoryQuota
        FROM     Sales.SalesPerson
        GROUP BY TerritoryID) AS Quota
       (SELECT   SOH.TerritoryID,
                 SUM(SOH.TotalDue) AS TerritorySales
        FROM     Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS SOH
        GROUP BY SOH.TerritoryID) AS Sales
ON Quota.TerritoryID = Sales.TerritoryID

We can make it easier to read the statement by pulling out the table expression into a CTE. Here is the same query using CTEs instead of derived tables:

WITH Quota (territoryid, quota)
 AS  (SELECT   territoryid,
               Sum(salesquota) AS TerritoryQuota
        FROM   sales.salesperson
      GROUP BY territoryid),
     Sales (territoryid, sales)
AS  (SELECT   SOH.territoryid,
              Sum(SOH.totaldue) AS TerritorySales
       FROM   sales.salesorderheader AS SOH
     GROUP BY SOH.territoryid)
SELECT Quota.territoryid,
       Sales.sales - Quota.quota
FROM   Quota
       ON Quota.territoryid = Sales.territoryid;

By using CTEs, we move the code used to define the query results for Quota and Sales away from the portion used to combine the table together.

I think this makes it much easier to maintain. For instance, if you need to make changes, it’s easier to know where to make a change. Also, it makes it easier to be able to see what is actually being joined together. The queries for each derived table are cluttering that portion of the SELECT statement.

CTEs versus Subqueries

CTEs and subqueries are similar, but CTEs have capabilities not found with subqueries.

Subqueries and CTEs:

  • Are table expressions created at run-time. They are temporary objects.
  • Can be created and used within stored procedures, triggers, and views.
  • Can be correlated or non-correlated. A CTE can reference a CTE previously defined in the same statement.
  • Can be in SELECT, FROM, WHERE, HAVING, IN, EXISTS clauses.

There are some differences between subqueries and CTEs, notably:

  • A subquery is defined within an outer query. A CTE is defined before calling it from within the query.
  • A CTE can reference itself, a subquery cannot.
  • A CTE can reference other CTEs within the same WITH clause (Nest). A subquery cannot reference other subqueries.
  • A CTE can be referenced multiple times from a calling query. A subquery cannot be referenced.

CTE versus Correlated Subquery

Correlated subqueries can also be replaced with CTEs. This shouldn’t be a new concept, as we’ve seen in the past, it is easy to convert a correlated sub query into a join. Given this, and knowing that joins are easily moved into CTEs, you can see the possibilities.

Let’s see the following correlated subquery which displays the sales order information. The subquery is used to calculate the average line total for each sales order.

SELECT salesorderid,
       (SELECT Avg(linetotal)
        FROM   sales.salesorderdetail
        WHERE  salesorderid = SOD.salesorderid) AS AverageLineTotal
 FROM   sales.salesorderdetail SOD

To replicate this query using a CTE, we first need to create query definition to calculate the average line total for each Sales Order.

This common table expression is then joined to the sales order table to obtain our final result.

WITH linetotal_cte (salesorderid, averagelinetotal)
AS   (SELECT    salesorderid,
      FROM      sales.salesorderdetail
      GROUP  BY salesorderid)
 SELECT SOD.salesorderid,
 FROM   sales.salesorderdetail SOD
 INNER JOIN linetotal_cte LT
 ON LT.salesorderid = SOD.salesorderid


CTE can also be used to overcome limitations such as “enable grouping by a column that is derived from a scalar subselect, or a function that is either not deterministic or has external access.” (TechNet)

Suppose you wanted to know how many departments have the same number of employees. What query could you use?

Finding the number of employees by department name is pretty easy. We can use the following query to do so:

SELECT GroupName,
       (SELECT Count(1)
        FROM   HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS H
        WHERE  D.DepartmentID = H.DepartmentID
               AND H.EndDate IS NULL) AS NumberEmployees
FROM    HumanResources.Department AS D;

The number of employees in each department is calculated using a scalar sub select. This is colored red in the above query for easy identification. Here is a sample result:

Results of scalar subselect. We'll group by these results using a CTE.

Scalar sub-select results.

Now let’s take this one step further and count how many departments have the same number of employees. To do this, we should group on NumberEmployees, but this statement is invalid:

          FROM   HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS H
         WHERE  D.DepartmentID = H.DepartmentID
               AND H.EndDate IS NULL) AS NumberEmployees,
        Count(Name) SameCount
FROM   HumanResources.Department AS D
GROUP BY NumberEmployees

Due to the grouping restriction, the subquery is a scalar subselect and we’re trying to group by it. That is a SQL violation! As is:

  FROM   HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS H
WHERE    D.DepartmentID = H.DepartmentID
        AND H.EndDate IS NULL) AS NumberEmployees,
        Count(Name) SameCount
FROM   HumanResources.Department AS D
           FROM   HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS H
           WHERE  D.DepartmentID = H.DepartmentID
                  AND H.EndDate IS NULL)

To solve this problem, we can define and use a CTE:

WITH     Department_CTE (GroupName, Name, NumberEmployees)
AS       (SELECT GroupName,
                (SELECT Count(1)
                 FROM   HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS H
                 WHERE  D.DepartmentID = H.DepartmentID
                        AND H.EndDate IS NULL) AS NumberEmployees
          FROM   HumanResources.Department AS D)
SELECT   NumberEmployees,
         Count(Name) SameCount
FROM     Department_CTE
GROUP BY NumberEmployees;

Now we query the CTE and group by the result of the scalar sub select (red text). The results returned are:

You can use a CTE to overcome limitation. These results show how we can group on a scalar subselect.

Final Results of Grouping

From this, we can see there are 5 departments with 6 employees.

Use with Ranking functions

You can use ranking functions such as RANK() and NTILE() in conjunction with windowing functions to return the top items within a group.

Suppose we want to return the top sales within each territory. To do this, we can RANK sales within each territory as 1,2,…, and so on, and then select those with a rank of 1.

Here is the query you can use to generate sales ranks within territories:

FROM  Sales.SalesPerson S
INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH
ON S.BusinessEntityID = SOH.SalesPersonID
WHERE S.TerritoryID is not NULL

Given this, then our job is to pick only those rows whose RANK() is one. These are the top ranked sales within each territory. You may think you could repeat the ranking expression in the WHERE clause to filter, but this isn’t possible. Windows functions, such as partition are not allowed in the WHERE clause and if you try to “wrap” it into a subquery, you’ll get an error since the subquery returns more than one row.

It seems we are stuck. But this is where CTEs come to our aid.

With a CTE, we can define a query to return the sales data ranked by territory and then query that to only return those items ranked first in each territory:

WITH   SalesRankCTE (SalesPersonID, Name, TerritoryID, SalesRanking, SalesOrderNumber, TotalDue)
AS     (SELECT SalesPersonID,
               P.FirstName + ' ' + P.LastName,
        FROM   Sales.SalesPerson AS S
        INNER JOIN
        Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS SOH
        ON S.BusinessEntityID = SOH.SalesPersonID
        INNER JOIN
        Person.Person AS P
        ON P.BusinessEntityID = S.BusinessEntityID
        WHERE  S.TerritoryID IS NOT NULL)
SELECT SalesPersonID,
FROM   SalesRankCTE
WHERE  SalesRanking = 1;

To help you see this, the original query is used to generate rankings is highlighted in blue. The filter is only to show the top ranked sales in each territory is in red.

The post Non Recursive CTEs Explained appeared first on Essential SQL.

This article was originally posted at


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Easy Computer Academy, LLC
United States United States
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It wasn’t long ago that I was helping a colleague with some reporting. She didn’t know where to start and soon got overwhelmed and lost as she didn’t know SQL.

I felt really bad, as she was under pressure to get some summary information to her boss, the built-in reports were falling short, and to make them better would require her to know SQL. At that time that seemed impossible! It in dawned on me, it doesn’t have to be that way.

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It hasn’t always been easy. Sometimes the information seems abstract or too conceptual. In this case I’ve found out that a visual explanation is best. I really like to use diagrams or videos to explain hard-to-grasp ideas.

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