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Articles by Ahamad Alisha (Article: 1)

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Desktop Programming
26 Apr 2003   Updated: 23 Feb 2010   Rating: 4.56/5    Votes: 10   Popularity: 4.56
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India India
Ahamad has done M.Tech. in Information Technology. He has 15 years software development experience. He started learning programming with GW-BASIC. He learnt COBOL, Pascal, Fortran, C, C++, Java and C#. He worked with DOS, Unix, Novel Netware and Windows platforms. He has been working on Microsoft technologies for the last 10 years. He worked with .NET, Visual C++, ATL COM/DCOM, Win SDK, MFC, WTL, Visual Basic, ASP, JavaScript, XML, OOAD and Rational Rose. He has written three books on Computer Science:

1. Programming in GW-BASIC, BPB Publications, New Delhi, 1993
2. Computer Science with C++, Allied Publishers, New Delhi, 1997
3. Introduction to C++, Allied Publishers, New Delhi. 1998

He enjoys playing badminton and musical keyboards in his spare time. He also participates in community activities. He can be reached by