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Articles by Bogdan Apostol (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
18 Jun 2007   Updated: 18 Jun 2007   Rating: 4.97/5    Votes: 69   Popularity: 9.04
Licence: CPOL    Views: 147,540     Bookmarked: 67   Downloaded: 1,234
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Enables applications written in Visual Basic 6 to use function pointers and shows how to embed native code

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Software Developer (Senior) Environmental Systems Research Institute
Romania Romania
Lead Developer / QA Analyst
Though he did not own a computer until 2002, Bogdan's passion about software development sparked for the first time in 1990, when he understood that computer science can help in saving lives, as well as improve quality everywhere. Thus, he keeps in mind that creating software is for people, not computers. He finds programming as the best mixture of art with science and his favorite instrument for such “music” remains unmanaged C++. He studied computer science and applied mathematics in Bucharest, where he also worked for about 6 years. Since 2001 he left his hometown, hoping to learn from experiencing one of the most developing countries in the world, UAE. He’s always eager to help and share, having the most satisfaction when feeling himself useful. He has many other hobbies which, some get him inspired in his profession and some, at least, balance and diversify his experience.