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Articles by ESTAN (Article: 1)

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Operating Systems
13 Jan 2007   Updated: 13 Jan 2007   Rating: 3.20/5    Votes: 3   Popularity: 1.53
Licence: GPL3    Views: 24,901     Bookmarked: 7   Downloaded: 428
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Software Developer
Spain Spain

I am 31 years old, coming from Aarschot, Belgium and I studied Master in Electronics and Informatics.

I learned to program while I was working for an International company, making tools outside the hours so I could do my daily tasks more quickly and easily.

After I while I got appreciated what gave me opportunities to be a full time programmer.
Since 2 years I am full time developing in C#, VB.NET, VBScript and ASP.NET.

In July 2007 I quit my job and changed my live completely... well almost. I moved to Playa San Juan, Alicante, Spain and found work as .NET consultant in a BI company.

Since November 2008 I moved to the centre of Alicante to be more closer to my work.