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Articles by Khathar (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
15 Jun 2007   Updated: 15 Jun 2007   Rating: 1.88/5    Votes: 7   Popularity: 1.58
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This artcle describes how to load image into dialogs easily

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Software Developer (Senior) VL Machine Vision Systems Pvt Ltd.,
India India
Bachelor degree in Computer Aplications.

- 9+ years experience in C, C++, and Visual C++.
- Obssessed in OOP style design and programming.
- Desigining and developing Industrial Auotmation Products.
- Designing and writing code to build a Image processing algorithms VC++.

The summary of my skills:
BASIC, COBOL, C++ code, VC++, MFC, , SQL Server, MS Access, VB, FoxPro, Desktop Tools.