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Articles by Michael Lüftenegger (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
12 Oct 2008   Updated: 12 Oct 2008   Rating: 1.94/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 1.85
Licence: GPL3    Views: 23,880     Bookmarked: 18   Downloaded: 0
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Software Developer freelancer
Austria Austria
I started writing code more than 30 years ago on a C64(Basic). After switching to IBM compatible machines in the early 90’s I learned Pascal and later I ended in PHP, HTML and the whole web thing. In 2003 I started to learn Actionscript and C#. That was my way back to the desktop. Today I make both desktop and web development. Since summer 2005 I am self employed and work as a freelancer in Salzburg.

In 2011 I bought a 3D-Printer and started to work with Arduino, Raspberry and electronics.
Python was added to my repertoire in 2017. Today I am mainly developing GIS-Systems.

You are welcome on my homepage to explore my stuff Wink | ;-)