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Articles by Ricardo Fig (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
Visual Basic
1 May 2005   Updated: 1 May 2005   Rating: 4.79/5    Votes: 29   Popularity: 6.69
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In this article, I will explain how to do remoting in VB.NET using Framework 1.1.

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Web Developer
Spain Spain
Hi, I develop since I was 10 (ten) years old, I worked on Basic, QBasic, Pascal, Cobol, C, C++ until 17 years old, then I started my carear as Systems Engineer, and I started to do some MS exams, until I got the degree of Microsoft Certified Professional, in that year I got, MCP+Internet, MCSE, and MCSE+Internet and MCT, then I started to work with Java and I got SUN Java certifications also.

Working as developer I did a lot of differents types of applications (integration app, invoice systems, games, etc).

Also I have some knowlegde on SAP Systems, because I installed it and played it a little bit (SAP WAS 6.10, 6.20 and 6.30), in conjunction with SAP XI

Now I am a consultant and traine on Microsoft Dot Net (Also I got the MCSD.NET and MCAD.NET).