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Articles by Rob Branaghan (Articles: 2, Tip/Trick: 1)

Articles: 2, Tip/Trick: 1

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Average article rating: 2.74

Web Development
15 Oct 2009   Updated: 20 Oct 2009   Rating: 2.60/5    Votes: 3   Popularity: 1.24
Licence: CPOL    Views: 25,081     Bookmarked: 20   Downloaded: 286
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Putting a customized popup window in a GridView in ASP.NET using C#
21 Oct 2009   Updated: 30 Oct 2009   Rating: 2.89/5    Votes: 6   Popularity: 2.25
Licence: CPOL    Views: 69,852     Bookmarked: 13   Downloaded: 3,051
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How to make the Ajax Control Toolkit Slideshow Extender popup the image displayed in a new customizable window.

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Programming Languages
23 Nov 2012   Updated: 23 Nov 2012   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 5,640     Bookmarked: 4   Downloaded: 11
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Just a function to make populating a datetime variable easier!

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Software Developer (Senior)
United Kingdom United Kingdom
My first memories of programming were back in the days of Amstrad 464+, and we used to get a magazine called "Amstrad Action", every issue had some games or programs you could code into the computer and I used to love doing this.

I remember watching "War Games" at the same time as typing in the code to a small game on the computer, and thought it would be amazing to be able to connect the computer to the telephone!

In 2000, I started a computing A Level, part of the course was Delphi Programming, and I remember writing an application to display train time tables and ticket costs, and creating a manual of how to use it, and the lecturer said to me back then I would have a career as a Manual writer or a programmer. (I chose Programmer)

The programming lecturer was a lively, wacky lecturer, and that made it entertaining.

I then went back to night school in 2006 and learnt VB.NET.

This lecturer (at a different college, in a different country was also quite wacky and lively (seemed to be a common occurrence))

During the second year at night school my employer asked if I could put together a quotation application, I said I was up for it and the MD and I spent a day or two a week looking into the calculations, and after a few months we had created a quotation application that they still use to this day!
I created 4 more applications before joining my previous employer in 2008.

At my previous employment I created Mobile Software for Windows Mobile 6.1, Integrated with Sage Line 50, Exchequer, created ASP.NET websites, SSRS Reports for Customers and Internal use, created the UI for the new Scheduling application, and more.

Previously worked for Gemba Solutions Ltd as a Product Development Support Engineer.

Since 2016 I have been working for Currant Ltd, working with jQuery, ASP.NET and C#.

I also started volunteering at a CodeClub which I am enjoying.