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Articles by Sijin (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
22 Feb 2005   Updated: 26 Apr 2005   Rating: 4.85/5    Votes: 96   Popularity: 9.45
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A look at what goes into creating a message box, and in the process, create a customizable message box that supports custom buttons, icons, fonts ,"Don't ask me again" functionality, timeouts, localization and lots more.

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Architect Rezolve Group Inc.
United States United States
I am a Software Architect living in the Greater Boston Area. Proud father of 2 boys. Taught myself to program and started writing software when I was 13, since then I have developed on several platforms over the past 20 years. Currently interested in machine learning, high performance web apps, mobile, security, network architecture, electronics and robotics.

I enjoy solving problems using technology, learning new things, reading and writing about technology. If I had the freedom to choose what to work on, my list would be as follows,

- Write a self aware AI system. I am fascinated by consciousness and how it emerges from simple mechanical rules.
- Build a Robot with human like motor skills and intelligence.
- Build a system to download your mind to an electronic medium, thus allowing “one” to exist outside their own body.
- Build a better model for the Universe. My personal belief is that all matter is connected and is able to share information at a level we’re not able to comprehend currently.
- Build ships capable of inter planetary travel.
Write software that gets used by millions of people.