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Articles by Simon_Whitehead (Article: 1)

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Desktop Programming
Windows Forms
6 Jan 2009   Updated: 6 Jan 2009   Rating: 4.65/5    Votes: 18   Popularity: 5.84
Licence: Public Domain    Views: 65,244     Bookmarked: 51   Downloaded: 2,245
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This article explains how to grab the HTML Element that was clicked in a WebBrowser control

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Software Developer (Senior) RSPCA
Australia Australia
I am a young developer from Australia. I have been programming since I was 11, when I started with Visual Basic. I have since moved onto a degree in C++ (with an emphasis on game development) and I am currently the Application/Web Developer for RSPCA Victoria (, which is a not-for-profit organisation for the protection of animals.

I enjoy: my young family - my partner and my daughter - Mortal Kombat, Aussie Beer, C++, C#, any form of music not including Opera and my dog "Buddy".