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Articles by Thorsten Ottosen (Article: 1)

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3 Mar 2004   Updated: 25 Nov 2004   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 28   Popularity: 7.07
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Are you tired of filling data manually into STL containers? With the Initialization Library it gets a lot easier.

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Web Developer
Denmark Denmark
Thorsten Ottosen holds a Bsc in Computer Science at Aalborg University, Denmark. After having studied mathematics at University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, he has now returned to Denmark to write a second thesis in the area of decision support systems. His first thesis was in computer graphics since he used to dream about making computer games.

Thorsten is also a co-owner and part-time employee of Dezide, a company that specializes is trouble-shooting programs based on Bayesian-network technology.

In his spare-time he codes/reads/hacks C++ and participates in ANSI/ISO C++ committee meetings. In his spare-time of his spare-time he enjoys jogging, reading, and being with family and friends