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Articles by PravinSingh (Article: 1)

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Average article rating: 4.52

Desktop Programming
28 Aug 2005   Updated: 28 Aug 2005   Rating: 4.52/5    Votes: 15   Popularity: 5.18
Licence: CPOL    Views: 98,590     Bookmarked: 46   Downloaded: 1,830
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Here you have a CListCtrl derived class that can dynamically adjust the widths of its columns so that all the items as well as their headers are always visible.

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Team Leader CDC Software
India India
Currently living in Balgalore, the IT capital of India and working with a CRM product company.

Recently started writing articles as a part of the efforts to utilize free time doing more useful things (other that reading comics and playing NFS, of course).

I have a beautiful wife and a wonderful kid who always makes sure that I don't get much of free time in the first place.

I Enjoy what I call the four P's:
- Painting,
- Poetry writing,
- Photography, and
- Palmistry
besides my work (which incidentally, is another P: Programming)

For other creative junk written by me, please visit my blog.