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Articles by Kamil Burzynski (Article: 1)

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16 Jan 2015   Updated: 16 Jan 2015   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
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Using HipChat to control CodeProject::Workspace deployments

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Team Leader KB.Projekt
Poland Poland

Kamil has been programming various devices since 1989, using C++/C, assembler (6502, M68k, PowerPC, SH4, ...), Java, Javascript, Objective-C, Ruby, C#, and much more. He actively avoided web development for a very long time, but web development is almost all that he does now. Except for the times when he puts on his Linux administrator hat.
For many years he was leading various development teams, including growing the Polish branch of the CodeProject.

Kamil likes playing the Chinese board game named Go and exploring the mathematical side of Forex trading.