Take a look at this unscientific survey to discover some ways to keep developers happy. A (very) abbreviated list
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"Why companies are leaving the cloud?"
My nice-to-have answer: Hopefully because common sense is getting wider in the C-Levels?
The probably answer: Because the greed of the cloud providers is too big and some companies have no other choice than to go back to something more predictable, like hosting own hardware?
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modified 6-May-24 18:56pm.
Leaving the cloud?! Really? I wonder to what extent it's true, but I've always been amused by the centralized versus distributed manias. Mainframes => workstations => servers => desktops => The Cloud™.
modified 7-May-24 11:25am.
Thank you. I edited the message
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So that old IBM CEO was right when he way back in the 1950s declared that "Europe will probably need no more than 3, maybe 4, clouds'.
(Quoted from memory. I may have mixed up some terms.)
Religious freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make five.
Hubble Network has become the first company in history to establish a Bluetooth connection directly to a satellite — a critical technology validation for the company, potentially opening the door to connecting millions more devices anywhere in the world. The hardest part was pressing the pairing button on both satellites at the same time
Kent Sharkey wrote: a critical technology validation for the company, potentially opening the door to connecting millions more devices anywhere in the world. I hope the do not need an IP... IPv6 is already bad enough to need a neew v8
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The United Kingdom has introduced a new law that bans generic passwords on smart devices in order to protect consumers from cyber attacks. Let the users set the generic passwords instead
How do you enforce that? And what constitutes a "generic" password? Is "generic" itself a "generic" password.
I guess they could require password checks like the DoD does. We had to compare passwords to a dictionary and then make sure they had the "Two Upper, two lower, two digits, two specials" stuff and then make sure there weren't certain pattern like more that 3 consecutive ascending or descending digits, no set of three or more single characters ("aaa" or "lll" or "777").
STiGs was the DoD name for those type rules. It was a pain.
Also reminded me of the Howie Mandel cartoon Bobby's World. Their last name was spelled Generic but pronounced Jen-ur-ick.
I’ve given up trying to be calm. However, I am open to feeling slightly less agitated.
I’m begging you for the benefit of everyone, don’t be STUPID.
A company I worked for had for a time similar restrictions with the passwords, additionally they would compare it to the last 10 passwords of you and check for "similarities" before accepting or rejecting the new password.
The policy got changed after a colleague got banned out of his own laptop in a project in the US where the company had to pay 10 or 15 very expensive days of delayment. My colleague got paid holidays until the new laptop arrived.
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That's what I forgot, you couldn't reuse any of the last 12 passwords.
I’ve given up trying to be calm. However, I am open to feeling slightly less agitated.
I’m begging you for the benefit of everyone, don’t be STUPID.
Artificial intelligence engineers at top tech companies told CNBC that the pressure to roll out AI tools at breakneck speed has come to define their jobs. Have they tried using an AI assistant?
As my mother said: You don't want vegetables? Here, two portions.
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Google has indexed inaccurate infrastructure-as-code samples produced by Pulumi AI – a developer that uses an AI chatbot to generate infrastructure – and the rotten recipes are already appearing at the top of search results. Who could have foretold this happening? AI Dev Edition
Good, more job security for the real programmers among us.
I wish. I am one of the 8000 "effected employees" of the SAP restructuring. They wiped out the entire office of developers where I am, because they didn't want micro-sites. That was the entire team that supported one of the products that was generating 9 figure revenue for the company.
I’ve given up trying to be calm. However, I am open to feeling slightly less agitated.
I’m begging you for the benefit of everyone, don’t be STUPID.
Time to ground a GmbH with your co-workers and sell your time twice the internal price to continue maintaining the product.
And yes, I know people that made the movement. Not as a GmbH but an external contractor / consulting service.
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That would be lovely, there's a note in the documentation though that says you have to wait 2 years for any of that. And I am in the USA.
I’ve given up trying to be calm. However, I am open to feeling slightly less agitated.
I’m begging you for the benefit of everyone, don’t be STUPID.
That sounds like a non-compete and they just got majorly axed?
If they cut you out and nobody works on it anymore... is it competition at all?
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Using the generic architecture you saw at a conference for your company's unique business needs is a surefire way to waste money and time. But it worked in PowerPoint!
Kent Sharkey wrote: But it worked in PowerPoint! Similar to "But it worked in my simulation"
That's what the senior CAD Constructor told me in an old project of mine... the main point is, he forgot to draw the 800mm long gripper of the robot unit.
3 full row of elements in those lines had to be moved back around 350mm so I could manage to get and drop the product inside them... costs over 100k€ and almost 2 weeks delay only due to his haughtiness.
Priceless to see when he had to explain the reasons to the end customer
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Microsoft’s security overhaul and goals are now linked to leadership compensation. Fool me once, etc.
“We will instill accountability by basing part of the compensation of the company’s Senior Leadership Team on our progress in meeting our security plans and milestones.” <-- the Windows VP may end up paying the company for their continuing employment
The verge wrote: Microsoft’s security overhaul and goals are now linked to leadership compensation. yeah, right.
I will believe it, when I see it. And even then... I will still doubt about it.
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The senior leadership team is completely clueless.
Show me the details. This is just more marketing BS to justify the rolling turd of Windows 11.
Want to really motivate Microsoft? Make them legally liable for their security blunders. Going for some popcorn.
Charlie Gilley
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759
Has never been more appropriate.