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GeneralRe: Google Drive does a surprise rollout of file limits, locking out some users Pin
Nelek2-Apr-23 11:08
protectorNelek2-Apr-23 11:08 
NewsTwitter takes its algorithm ‘open-source,’ as Elon Musk promised Pin
Kent Sharkey2-Apr-23 9:31
staffKent Sharkey2-Apr-23 9:31 
GeneralRe: Twitter takes its algorithm ‘open-source,’ as Elon Musk promised Pin
Nelek2-Apr-23 11:07
protectorNelek2-Apr-23 11:07 
NewsJudge finds Google destroyed evidence and repeatedly gave false info to court Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 9:01
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 9:01 
GeneralRe: Judge finds Google destroyed evidence and repeatedly gave false info to court Pin
den2k8830-Mar-23 21:13
professionalden2k8830-Mar-23 21:13 
GeneralRe: Judge finds Google destroyed evidence and repeatedly gave false info to court Pin
obermd31-Mar-23 4:06
obermd31-Mar-23 4:06 
News71 percent of employees have sensitive work data on personal devices Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 9:01
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 9:01 
GeneralRe: 71 percent of employees have sensitive work data on personal devices Pin
den2k8830-Mar-23 21:09
professionalden2k8830-Mar-23 21:09 
That's exactly why I totally refuse to do any kind of work on my personal devices. It's a perfect excuse to not have the personal time impounded by the company.
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GeneralRe: 71 percent of employees have sensitive work data on personal devices Pin
Nelek31-Mar-23 1:50
protectorNelek31-Mar-23 1:50 
GeneralRe: 71 percent of employees have sensitive work data on personal devices Pin
obermd31-Mar-23 4:03
obermd31-Mar-23 4:03 
NewsWhy I spent a week on a 10-line code change Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 8:31
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 8:31 
GeneralRe: Why I spent a week on a 10-line code change Pin
Nelek31-Mar-23 1:49
protectorNelek31-Mar-23 1:49 
GeneralRe: Why I spent a week on a 10-line code change Pin
Kevin McFarlane31-Mar-23 5:17
Kevin McFarlane31-Mar-23 5:17 
GeneralRe: Why I spent a week on a 10-line code change Pin
jeron131-Mar-23 5:26
jeron131-Mar-23 5:26 
GeneralRe: Why I spent a week on a 10-line code change Pin
Marc Clifton31-Mar-23 10:28
mvaMarc Clifton31-Mar-23 10:28 
NewsGoogle says Microsoft cloud practices are anti-competitive Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:31
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:31 
GeneralRe: Google says Microsoft cloud practices are anti-competitive Pin
jeron130-Mar-23 7:37
jeron130-Mar-23 7:37 
GeneralRe: Google says Microsoft cloud practices are anti-competitive Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:38
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:38 
GeneralRe: Google says Microsoft cloud practices are anti-competitive Pin
obermd30-Mar-23 8:56
obermd30-Mar-23 8:56 
NewsFree AI programs prone to security risks, researchers say Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:31
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:31 
NewsGoogle outlines four principles for responsible AI Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16 
GeneralRe: Google outlines four principles for responsible AI Pin
Nelek31-Mar-23 1:46
protectorNelek31-Mar-23 1:46 
GeneralRe: Google outlines four principles for responsible AI Pin
Dan Neely31-Mar-23 3:45
Dan Neely31-Mar-23 3:45 
NewsChatGPT can replace the underpaid workers who train AI, researchers say Pin
Kent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16
staffKent Sharkey30-Mar-23 7:16 
GeneralRe: ChatGPT can replace the underpaid workers who train AI, researchers say Pin
Nelek31-Mar-23 1:44
protectorNelek31-Mar-23 1:44 

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