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GeneralRe: Wordle 1,151 - 3 4 me Pin
pkfox13-Aug-24 0:49
professionalpkfox13-Aug-24 0:49 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,151 - 3 4 me Pin
ChandraRam13-Aug-24 2:30
ChandraRam13-Aug-24 2:30 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,151 - 5/6 Pin
ChandraRam12-Aug-24 20:43
ChandraRam12-Aug-24 20:43 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,151 Pin
StarNamer@work12-Aug-24 22:13
professionalStarNamer@work12-Aug-24 22:13 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,151 Pin
Cp-Coder13-Aug-24 1:20
Cp-Coder13-Aug-24 1:20 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,151 Pin
Sander Rossel13-Aug-24 4:37
professionalSander Rossel13-Aug-24 4:37 
GeneralRe: Wordle 1,151 Pin
PJ Arends13-Aug-24 4:46
professionalPJ Arends13-Aug-24 4:46 
GeneralDevelopment oddity Pin
Mike Hankey12-Aug-24 11:57
mveMike Hankey12-Aug-24 11:57 
A while back someone, not mentioning any names, left the freezer (upright type) door open and all the food thawed and had to be pitched. Was an expensive lesson!

So I designed a hardware/software solution; designed the PCB, sent off last week and got it today. Soldered, preliminary tests showed everything OK. Programmed the MCU, installed and ran a test.

The oddity; hardware and software worked first time as designed...I don't know about y'all but that happens so rarely with me.

During testing I had to let the alarm go off and it scared the SO. It is a really, really loud alarm.
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JokeRe: Development oddity Pin
Jeremy Falcon12-Aug-24 13:12
professionalJeremy Falcon12-Aug-24 13:12 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
PIEBALDconsult12-Aug-24 13:43
mvePIEBALDconsult12-Aug-24 13:43 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Paul612413-Aug-24 0:31
Paul612413-Aug-24 0:31 
JokeRe: Development oddity Pin
GKP199213-Aug-24 0:40
professionalGKP199213-Aug-24 0:40 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Gary Wheeler13-Aug-24 6:47
Gary Wheeler13-Aug-24 6:47 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Nelek12-Aug-24 20:54
protectorNelek12-Aug-24 20:54 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
BernardIE531713-Aug-24 1:54
BernardIE531713-Aug-24 1:54 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Mike Hankey13-Aug-24 3:12
mveMike Hankey13-Aug-24 3:12 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
BernardIE531713-Aug-24 9:01
BernardIE531713-Aug-24 9:01 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Mike Hankey13-Aug-24 9:48
mveMike Hankey13-Aug-24 9:48 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
jschell14-Aug-24 14:56
jschell14-Aug-24 14:56 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Mike Hankey14-Aug-24 15:00
mveMike Hankey14-Aug-24 15:00 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
MSBassSinger13-Aug-24 6:39
professionalMSBassSinger13-Aug-24 6:39 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Mike Hankey13-Aug-24 6:46
mveMike Hankey13-Aug-24 6:46 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
MSBassSinger13-Aug-24 6:49
professionalMSBassSinger13-Aug-24 6:49 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
Mike Hankey13-Aug-24 6:53
mveMike Hankey13-Aug-24 6:53 
GeneralRe: Development oddity Pin
MikeTheFid14-Aug-24 7:16
MikeTheFid14-Aug-24 7:16 

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