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Industry News for 10 February 2006

Source: CodeProject     Posted by Chris Maunder    Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:00pm    
Industry News for 10 February 2006

Virtual Torino

Google Earth includes street maps for Torino (so you won't get lost), and terrain view of many of the venues. Next up - virtual skeleton. (Read More)

Nokia, Motorola, Intel Form Mobile TV Alliance

Low resolution video on a small screen. Well, someone must want it. Oh, right, the people selling bandwidth. (Read More) 

Google updated Desktop Search (Beta)

Includes new "search across computers" feature, storing your files on Google's servers. Do no evil, do no evil...(Read More)

RIM unveils plan to keep Blackberries alive

Even if they lose their patent dispute, RIM will keep people's thumbs in action. (Read More)

Google and VW Join Forces

Looks like Google and Volkswagen are banding together to work on a vehicle that will use Google Maps/Google Earth in a VW in-car navigation system (Read More)

Developer News

Microsoft Contest Hints at Vista Ship Date

A Microsoft contest to guess Windows Vista's ship date hints that the product's release date could be December 1, though the company itself is remaining characteristically mum on the topic. (Read More)

"This is almost certainly the year of the OS X exploit"

Think different, but have the same, old security problems. (Read More)

Trek fan builds replica starship in his apartment

His reward? Bankruptcy. (Read More)

Code Project Discussions - Have your say!

Work in the country side?

Fresh air, farm animals, Fortran. Is Iowa the new India? (Discuss Here)

Shoot yourself in the foot with dual wielding plasma rifles

Halo 2 PC to only be available for Windows Vista. Well, you were going to upgrade your PC anyway...(Discuss Here)

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