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Hi guys,

I'm developing new Plugin for GTA:San Andreas Multiplayer modification but when i try compile pluigin i'm getting this error.

Error	1	error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: int __cdecl Janus::cagir(struct PAWN::Native const *,...)" (?cagir@Janus@@QAAHPBUNative@PAWN@@ZZ) referenced in function "long __cdecl JanusOyuncuData(struct tagAMX *,long *)" (?JanusOyuncuData@@YAJPAUtagAMX@@PAJ@Z)	C:\Users\sbs\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\Janus\Janus\janusDef.obj	Janus

Error	2	error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals	C:\Users\sbs\documents\visual studio 2012\Projects\Janus\Debug\Janus.dll	1	1	Janus

This the codes:

#include <../SDK/plugincommon.h>
#include <../SDK/amx/amx.h>

#include <bitset>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <stdarg.h>

namespace PAWN
	struct Native
		const char * name;
		const char * data;

	static const char * const names[] =






		// MySQL

	static const Native SendClientMessage =					{ "SendClientMessage","iis" };
	static const Native SendClientMessageToAll =			{ "SendClientMessageToAll","is" };
	static const Native SendDeathMessage =					{ "SendDeathMessage","iii" };
	static const Native GameTextForAll =					{ "GameTextForAll","sii" };
	static const Native GameTextForPlayer =					{ "GameTextForPlayer",	"isii" };
	static const Native GetTickCount =						{ "GetTickCount","" };
	static const Native GetMaxPlayers =						{ "GetMaxPlayers",	"" };
	static const Native SetGameModeText =					{  "SetGameModeText","s" };
	static const Native SetTeamCount =						{  "SetTeamCount", "i" };
	static const Native AddPlayerClass =					{ "AddPlayerClass","iffffiiiiii" };
	static const Native AddPlayerClassEx =					{ "AddPlayerClassEx","iiffffiiiiii" };
	static const Native AddStaticVehicle =					{ "AddStaticVehicle","iffffii" };
	static const Native AddStaticVehicleEx =				{ "AddStaticVehicleEx","iffffiii" };
	static const Native AddStaticPickup =					{ "AddStaticPickup","iifff" };
	static const Native ShowNameTags =						{ "ShowNameTags","i" };
	static const Native ShowPlayerMarkers =					{ "ShowPlayerMarkers",	"i" };
	static const Native GameModeExit =						{ "GameModeExit","" };
	static const Native SetWorldTime =						{"SetWorldTime","i" };
	static const Native GetWeaponName =						{ "GetWeaponName",	"ivi" };
	static const Native EnableTirePopping =					{ "EnableTirePopping","i" };
	static const Native AllowInteriorWeapons =				{ "AllowInteriorWeapons","i" };
	static const Native SetWeather =						{ "SetWeather","i" };
	static const Native SetGravity =						{ "SetGravity","f" };
	static const Native AllowAdminTeleport =				{  "AllowAdminTeleport","i" };
	static const Native SetDeathDropAmount =				{ "SetDeathDropAmount","i" };
	static const Native CreateExplosion =					{ "CreateExplosion","fffif" };
	static const Native EnableZoneNames =					{ "EnableZoneNames","i" };
	static const Native IsPlayerAdmin =						{ "IsPlayerAdmin",	"i" };
	static const Native Kick =								{ "Kick","i" };
	static const Native Ban =								{ "Ban",	"i" };
	static const Native SendRconCommand =					{ "SendRconCommand",	"s" };
	static const Native ShowPlayerDialog =					{ "ShowPlayerDialog",	"dddssss"};

	static const Native SetSpawnInfo =						{ "SetSpawnInfo","iiiffffiiiiii" };
	static const Native SpawnPlayer =						{ "SpawnPlayer","i" };
	static const Native SetPlayerPos =						{ "SetPlayerPos","ifff" };
	static const Native GetPlayerPos =						{ "GetPlayerPos","ivvv" };
	static const Native SetPlayerFacingAngle =				{ "SetPlayerFacingAngle","if" };
	static const Native GetPlayerFacingAngle =				{ "GetPlayerFacingAngle","iv" };
	static const Native SetPlayerInterior =					{ "SetPlayerInterior",	"ii" };
	static const Native GetPlayerInterior =					{ "GetPlayerInterior",	"i" };
	static const Native SetPlayerHealth =					{ "SetPlayerHealth",						"if" };
	static const Native GetPlayerHealth =					{ "GetPlayerHealth",						"iv" };
	static const Native SetPlayerArmour =					{ "SetPlayerArmour",						"if" };
	static const Native GetPlayerArmour =					{ "GetPlayerArmour",						"iv" };
	static const Native SetPlayerAmmo =						{ "SetPlayerAmmo",						"iii" };
	static const Native GetPlayerAmmo =						{ "GetPlayerAmmo",						"i" };
	static const Native SetPlayerTeam =						{ "SetPlayerTeam",						"ii" };
	static const Native GetPlayerTeam =						{ "GetPlayerTeam",						"i" };
	static const Native SetPlayerScore =					{  "SetPlayerScore",						"ii" };
	static const Native GetPlayerScore =					{  "GetPlayerScore",						"i" };
	static const Native SetPlayerColor =					{  "SetPlayerColor",						"ii" };
	static const Native GetPlayerColor =					{  "GetPlayerColor",						"i" };
	static const Native SetPlayerSkin =						{  "SetPlayerSkin",						"ii" };
	static const Native GivePlayerWeapon =					{  "GivePlayerWeapon",					"iii" };
	static const Native ResetPlayerWeapons =				{ "ResetPlayerWeapons",					"i" };
	static const Native GetPlayerWeaponData =				{  "GetPlayerWeaponData",					"iiiviv " };
	static const Native GivePlayerMoney =					{  "GivePlayerMoney",						"ii" };
	static const Native ResetPlayerMoney =					{  "ResetPlayerMoney",					"i" };
	static const Native SetPlayerName =						{  "SetPlayerName",						"is" };
	static const Native GetPlayerMoney =					{  "GetPlayerMoney",						"i" };
	static const Native GetPlayerState =					{  "GetPlayerState",						"i" };
	static const Native GetPlayerIp =						{  "GetPlayerIp",							"ipi" };
	static const Native GetPlayerPing =						{  "GetPlayerPing",						"i" };
	static const Native GetPlayerWeapon =					{  "GetPlayerWeapon",						"i" };
	static const Native GetPlayerKeys =						{  "GetPlayerKeys",						"ivvv" };
	static const Native GetPlayerName =						{  "GetPlayerName",						"ipi" };
	static const Native PutPlayerInVehicle =				{  "PutPlayerInVehicle",					"iii" };
	static const Native GetPlayerVehicleID =				{  "GetPlayerVehicleID",					"i" };
	static const Native RemovePlayerFromVehicle =			{  "RemovePlayerFromVehicle",				"i" };
	static const Native TogglePlayerControllable =			{  "TogglePlayerControllable",			"ii" };
	static const Native PlayerPlaySound =					{  "PlayerPlaySound",						"iifff" };
	static const Native SetPlayerCheckpoint =				{  "SetPlayerCheckpoint",					"iffff" };
	static const Native DisablePlayerCheckpoint =			{  "DisablePlayerCheckpoint",				"i" };
	static const Native SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint =			{  "SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint",				"iifffffff" };
	static const Native DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint =		{  "DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint",			"i" };
	static const Native SetPlayerWorldBounds =				{  "SetPlayerWorldBounds",				"iffff" };
	static const Native SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer =			{  "SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer",			"iii" };
	static const Native ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer =		{  "ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer",			"iii" };
	static const Native SetPlayerMapIcon =					{  "SetPlayerMapIcon",					"iifffii" };
	static const Native RemovePlayerMapIcon =				{  "RemovePlayerMapIcon",					"ii" };
	static const Native SetPlayerCameraPos =				{  "SetPlayerCameraPos",					"ifff" };
	static const Native SetPlayerCameraLookAt =				{  "SetPlayerCameraLookAt",				"ifff" };
	static const Native SetCameraBehindPlayer =				{  "SetCameraBehindPlayer",				"i" };
	static const Native AllowPlayerTeleport =				{  "AllowPlayerTeleport",					"ii" };
	static const Native IsPlayerConnected =					{  "IsPlayerConnected"					"i" };
	static const Native IsPlayerInVehicle =					{  "IsPlayerInVehicle",					"ii" };
	static const Native IsPlayerInAnyVehicle =				{  "IsPlayerInAnyVehicle",				"i" };
	static const Native IsPlayerInCheckpoint =				{  "IsPlayerInCheckpoint",				"i" };
	static const Native IsPlayerInRaceCheckpoint =			{  "IsPlayerInRaceCheckpoint",			"i" };
	static const Native SetPlayerTime =						{  "SetPlayerTime",						"iii" };
	static const Native TogglePlayerClock =					{  "TogglePlayerClock",					"ii" };
	static const Native SetPlayerWeather =					{  "SetPlayerWeather",					"ii" };
	static const Native GetPlayerTime =						{  "GetPlayerTime",						"ivv" };
	static const Native SetPlayerVirtualWorld =				{  "SetPlayerVirtualWorld",				"ii" };
	static const Native GetPlayerVirtualWorld =				{  "GetPlayerVirtualWorld",				"i" };

	static const Native CreateVehicle =						{  "CreateVehicle",						"iffffiii" };
	static const Native DestroyVehicle =					{  "DestroyVehicle",						"i" };
	static const Native GetVehiclePos =						{  "GetVehiclePos",						"ivvv" };
	static const Native SetVehiclePos =						{  "SetVehiclePos",						"ifff" };
	static const Native GetVehicleZAngle =					{  "GetVehicleZAngle",					"iv" };
	static const Native SetVehicleZAngle =					{  "SetVehicleZAngle",					"if" };
	static const Native SetVehicleParamsForPlayer =			{  "SetVehicleParamsForPlayer",			"iiii" };
	static const Native SetVehicleToRespawn =				{  "SetVehicleToRespawn",					"i" };
	static const Native LinkVehicleToInterior =				{ "LinkVehicleToInterior",				"ii" };
	static const Native AddVehicleComponent =				{  "AddVehicleComponent",					"ii" };
	static const Native ChangeVehicleColor =				{ "ChangeVehicleColor",					"iii" };
	static const Native ChangeVehiclePaintjob =				{  "ChangeVehiclePaintjob",				"ii" };
	static const Native SetVehicleHealth =					{  "SetVehicleHealth",					"if" };
	static const Native GetVehicleHealth =					{  "GetVehicleHealth",					"iv" };
	static const Native AttachTrailerToVehicle =			{  "AttachTrailerToVehicle",				"ii" };
	static const Native DetachTrailerFromVehicle =			{  "DetachTrailerFromVehicle",			"i" };
	static const Native IsTrailerAttachedToVehicle =		{  "IsTrailerAttachedToVehicle",			"i" };
	static const Native GetVehicleModel =					{  "GetVehicleModel",					"d"};
	static const Native SetVehicleNumberPlate =				{  "SetVehicleNumberPlate",				"is" };
	static const Native SetVehicleVirtualWorld =			{  "SetVehicleVirtualWorld",				"ii" };
	static const Native GetVehicleVirtualWorld =			{  "GetVehicleVirtualWorld",				"i" };
	static const Native ApplyAnimation =					{ "ApplyAnimation",						"issfiiiii" };

	static const Native CreateObject =						{ "CreateObject",						"ifffffff" };
	static const Native SetObjectPos =						{  "SetObjectPos",						"ifff" };
	static const Native GetObjectPos =						{  "GetObjectPos",						"ivvv" };
	static const Native SetObjectRot =						{  "SetObjectRot",						"ifff" };
	static const Native GetObjectRot =						{  "GetObjectRot",						"ivvv" };
	static const Native IsValidObject =						{  "IsValidObject",						"i" };
	static const Native DestroyObject =						{  "DestroyObject",						"i" };
	static const Native MoveObject =						{  "MoveObject",							"iffff" };
	static const Native StopObject =						{  "StopObject ",							"i" };
	static const Native CreatePlayerObject =				{  "CreatePlayerObject",					"iiffffff" };
	static const Native SetPlayerObjectPos =				{  "SetPlayerObjectPos",					"iifff" };
	static const Native GetPlayerObjectPos =				{  "GetPlayerObjectPos",					"iivvv" };
	static const Native GetPlayerObjectRot =				{  "GetPlayerObjectRot",					"iivvv" };
	static const Native SetPlayerObjectRot =				{  "SetPlayerObjectRot",					"iifff" };
	static const Native IsValidPlayerObject =				{  "IsValidPlayerObject",					"ii" };
	static const Native DestroyPlayerObject =				{  "DestroyPlayerObject",					"ii" };
	static const Native MovePlayerObject =					{  "MovePlayerObject",					"iiffff" };
	static const Native StopPlayerObject =					{  "StopPlayerObject",					"ii" };

	// Menu's
	static const Native CreateMenu =						{  "CreateMenu",							"siffff" };
	static const Native DestroyMenu =						{  "DestroyMenu",							"i" };
	static const Native AddMenuItem =						{  "AddMenuItem",							"iis" };
	static const Native SetMenuColumnHeader =				{  "SetMenuColumnHeader",					"iis" };
	static const Native ShowMenuForPlayer =					{  "ShowMenuForPlayer",					"ii" };
	static const Native HideMenuForPlayer =					{  "HideMenuForPlayer",					"ii" };
	static const Native IsValidMenu =						{  "IsValidMenu",							"i" };
	static const Native DisableMenu =						{  "DisableMenu",							"i" };
	static const Native DisableMenuRow =					{  "DisableMenuRow",						"ii" };

	// Textdraw
	static const Native TextDrawCreate =					{ "TextDrawCreate",						"ffs" };
	static const Native TextDrawDestroy =					{  "TextDrawDestroy",						"i" };
	static const Native TextDrawLetterSize =				{ "TextDrawLetterSize",					"iff" };
	static const Native TextDrawTextSize =					{  "TextDrawTextSize",					"iff" };
	static const Native TextDrawAlignment =					{  "TextDrawAlignment",					"ii" };
	static const Native TextDrawColor =						{  "TextDrawColor",						"ii" };
	static const Native TextDrawUseBox =					{  "TextDrawUseBox",						"ii" };
	static const Native TextDrawBoxColor =					{  "TextDrawBoxColor",					"ii" };
	static const Native TextDrawSetShadow =					{  "TextDrawSetShadow",					"ii" };
	static const Native TextDrawSetOutline =				{  "TextDrawSetOutline",					"ii" };
	static const Native TextDrawBackgroundColor =			{  "TextDrawBackgroundColor",				"ii" };
	static const Native TextDrawFont =						{ "TextDrawFont",						"ii" };
	static const Native TextDrawSetProportional =			{  "TextDrawSetProportional",				"ii" };
	static const Native TextDrawShowForPlayer =				{  "TextDrawShowForPlayer",				"ii" };
	static const Native TextDrawHideForPlayer =				{  "TextDrawHideForPlayer",				"ii" };
	static const Native TextDrawShowForAll =				{ "TextDrawShowForAll",					"i" };
	static const Native TextDrawHideForAll =				{ "TextDrawHideForAll",					"i" };

	// Janus MySQL
	static const Native mysql_connect =				{ "mysql_connect", "ssss" };
	static const Native mysql_query =				{ "mysql_query", "siii" };
	static const Native mysql_num_rows =			{ "mysql_num_rows", "i" };
	static const Native mysql_close =				{ "mysql_close", "i" };
	static const Native mysql_fetch_row_format =	{ "mysql_fetch_row_format", "ssi" };
	static const Native mysql_fetch_field_row =		{ "mysql_fetch_field_rows", "ssi" };
	static const Native mysql_store_result =		{ "mysql_store_result", "i" };
	static const Native mysql_free_result =			{ "mysql_free_result", "i" };


		gotAddresses = false;

	int cagir(const PAWN::Native * native, ...);
	int getAddresses();

	int amx_idx;

	std::list<AMX *> amx_list;
	bool gotAddresses;

	std::map<std::string, unsigned int> amx_map;

typedef int (* amx_Function_t)(AMX * amx, cell * params);

/*extern*/ Janus *janusFonksiyon;

#include "Janus.h"

Janus * _janus;

int Janus::callNative(const PAWN::Native * native, ...)
	if (amx_list.empty() || amx_map.find(native->name) == amx_map.end())
		return 0;

	unsigned int amx_addr = amx_map[native->name], count = strlen(native->data), variables = 0;
	cell * params = new cell[count + 1], * physAddr[6];
	params[0] = count * sizeof(cell);
	va_list input;
	va_start(input, native);
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
		switch (native->data[i])
			case 'd':
			case 'i':
				params[i + 1] = va_arg(input, int);
			case 'f':
				float value = (float)va_arg(input, double);
				params[i + 1] = amx_ftoc(value);
			case 's':
				char * string = va_arg(input, char *);
				amx_Allot(amx_list.front(), strlen(string) + 1, ¶ms[i + 1], &physAddr[variables++]);
				amx_SetString(physAddr[variables - 1], string, 0, 0, strlen(string) + 1);
			case 'v':
				va_arg(input, void *);
				amx_Allot(amx_list.front(), 1, ¶ms[i + 1], &physAddr[variables++]);
			case 'p':
				va_arg(input, void *);
				int size = va_arg(input, int);
				amx_Allot(amx_list.front(), size, ¶ms[++i], &physAddr[variables++]);
				params[i + 1] = size;
	amx_Function_t amx_Function = (amx_Function_t)amx_addr;
	int value = amx_Function(amx_list.front(), params);
	if (variables)
		variables = 0;
		va_start(input, native);
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
			switch (native->data[i])
				case 's':
					amx_Release(amx_list.front(), params[i + 1]);
				case 'v':
					unsigned int * value = va_arg(input, unsigned int *), * returnValue = (unsigned int *)physAddr[variables++];
					* value = * returnValue;
					amx_Release(amx_list.front(), params[i + 1]);
				case 'p':
					char * text = va_arg(input, char *);
					int size = va_arg(input, int);
					amx_GetString(text, physAddr[variables++], 0, size);
					amx_Release(amx_list.front(), params[++i]);
					va_arg(input, void *);
	delete [] params;
	return value;

int Janus::getAddresses()
	if (gotAddresses)
		return 1;
	AMX_HEADER * amx_hdr = (AMX_HEADER *)(amx_list.back())->base;
	std::size_t size = sizeof(PAWN::names) / sizeof(const char *);
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
		amx_FindNative(amx_list.back(), PAWN::names[i], &amx_idx);
		if (amx_idx != std::numeric_limits<int>::max())
			unsigned int amx_addr = (unsigned int)((AMX_FUNCSTUB *)((char *)amx_hdr + amx_hdr->natives + amx_hdr->defsize * amx_idx))->address;
			if (amx_addr)
				if (amx_map.find(PAWN::names[i]) == amx_map.end())
					amx_map.insert(std::make_pair(PAWN::names[i], amx_addr));
	if (amx_map.size() == size)
		gotAddresses = true;
		return 1;
	return 0;

// Kütüphaneler
#include "Janus.h"
#include "JanusDef.h"

void *pAMXFonksiyonlar;
typedef void (*konsolYazdir)(char* format, ...);
konsolYazdir konsol;
// Nativeler
cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL JanusOyuncuData(AMX* amx, cell* parametre)
	if (janusFonksiyon->cagir(&PAWN::IsPlayerConnected, parametre[1]))
		oyuncuPara = janusFonksiyon->cagir(&PAWN::GetPlayerMoney, parametre[1]);
		oyuncuSkor = janusFonksiyon->cagir(&PAWN::GetPlayerScore, parametre[1]);
		oyuncuInterior = janusFonksiyon->cagir(&PAWN::GetPlayerInterior, parametre[1]);
		oyuncuVitualWorld = janusFonksiyon->cagir(&PAWN::GetPlayerVirtualWorld, parametre[1]);
		oyuncuKarater = janusFonksiyon->cagir(&PAWN::SetPlayerSkin, parametre[1]);
		janusFonksiyon->cagir(&PAWN::GetPlayerPos, parametre[1], &oyuncuX, &oyuncuY, &oyuncuZ);
		janusFonksiyon->cagir(&PAWN::GetPlayerFacingAngle, parametre[1], &oyuncuAngle);
	return 1;

PLUGIN_EXPORT unsigned int PLUGIN_CALL Supports() 

PLUGIN_EXPORT bool PLUGIN_CALL Load(void **ppData) 
	janusFonksiyon = new Janus;

	pAMXFonksiyonlar = ppData[PLUGIN_DATA_AMX_EXPORTS];
	konsol = (konsolYazdir) ppData[PLUGIN_DATA_LOGPRINTF];

	konsol("* Copyright (c) 2013 Janus Eğlence Sunucuları - All Right Reserved *");
    return true;

	konsol("Copyright (c) 2013 Janus Eğlence Sunucuları - All Right Reserved\n");
	konsol("Plug-In Versiyon: 1.0.0 ALPHA");

	return 1;

	return 1;
Kenneth Haugland 17-Oct-13 12:34pm    
Please, dont post that amount of code if it isnt relevant to your question. Improve it so that it only contains bits of code that is unclear or get an error, as we wont debug all that code for you.

The error says Janus::cagir is used and declared but never defined. Where is the source that includes that method?

It should either be part of a cpp/c source file or... it should be part of a library that you need to tell your linker about.
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An undefined external symbol (symbol) was found in function. To resolve this error, provide a definition for symbol or remove the code that references it
LNK2019 can also occur when a static data member is declared but not defined

The declaration of the symbol is not spelled the same as the definition of the symbol.

A function was used but the type or number of the parameters did not match the function
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Ok here is the error line,

int fonksiyonCagir(const PAWN::Nativex * native, ...);

and when i use this code, im getting that error.

int a = Janus->fonksiyonCagir(&PAWN::GetPlayerInterior, parametreler[1]);
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Janus::cagir and Janus::callNative is same things.
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Albert Holguin 17-Oct-13 13:28pm    
Don't post comments as a solution... in any case, what do you mean it's the same thing? Not to C++ it's not.

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