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.NET 1.1


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by Martin Welker
To get qualified access to paper based information, sometimes more than plain OCR is needed. This article shows why, and offers a solution to increase OCR quality by semi-automatic table extraction.
by Jecho Jekov
Provides an easy way to use C calling convention callback functions in C# and VB
by Mr. xieguigang 谢桂纲
How to build my own 3D graphics engine from ZERO step by step
by Muhammad Akhtar Shiekh
An article on "How to authenticate windows user using form authentication in ASP.NET?"

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by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
by Eric P Schneider
Basic demo on how to serialize and deserialize custom collections
by Randy Kroeger
This article provides an example on how you can change application configuration settings within an existing ClickOnce publish, update the manifest files, followed by using the Mage utility for updating the manifest using the existing cert file.
by Faisal(mfrony)
This article will help you to get a clear understanding of LSP.

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.NET 1.1 

3 Feb 2017 by
In "REST - Overview" article, I were introduced the basic rules in RESTful, Can you show me how to implement in WebApi?Ok, in this article, we will learn how to implement those rules in WebApi using C#.Where could I get sourcode was used in this article?Please checkout the code at
18 Mar 2014 by Pragmateek
How to reduce the size of MongoDB documents generated from .NET/C#
15 Apr 2010 by Paulo Morgado
How to compile .NET 1.1 projects in Visual Studio 2008
15 Apr 2010 by Paulo Morgado
13 Apr 2010 by Paulo Morgado
Running .NET 1.1 Applications on .NET 2.0
28 Sep 2010 by Paulo Morgado
Patch For ASP.NET Vulnerability Available
24 Aug 2009 by Salmanzz
In this post, I will explain you how I have embedded JavaScript, images and stylesheet to my previous article.
28 Sep 2015 by Shivprasad koirala
This blog explains C# Out and REF parameters in detail.
28 Oct 2010 by Sebastian Solnica
Writing a .NET debugger (part 1) – starting the debugging session
5 Sep 2015 by Pragmateek
Introduction If you've already developed COM APIs with .Net, typically in C# with VBA as the consuming language, you've probably leveraged two powerful features: by-reference parameter passing that allows the API to change the input object itself, not only its ... Continue reading ...
7 Sep 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Some of both Documented and Undocumented Keywords that we dont use often like Check, StackAlloc, Fixed,default,@variables,Nullables, __arglist,__reftype etc are explained with simple examples
24 Apr 2014 by Pragmateek
Introduction Following my previous article on a similar subject, Extend your VBA code with C#, VB.Net or C++/CLI, I’ve received an interesting feedback from a VBA developer who wanted to leverage the advanced support of the .Net framework for regular … Continue reading →
17 Apr 2010 by Paulo Morgado
C# 4.0: Alternative To Optional Arguments
2 Jul 2009 by Salmanzz
How to create a Date Picker Composite Control in ASP.NET (C#)
18 May 2009 by gUrM33T
A simple workaround to avoid boxing and unboxing while still using a non-generic IList implementation