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Great Reads

by DannyVarod
Fast, stable and powerful creation of NuGet packages
by Suresh Malluri
Building Multiple Projects Locally
by Jim Roth
Use PowerShell Post-build scripts to check in binaries to TFS for continuous integration during the build process.
by JamesFaix
Automated build tool for ExcelDNA projects to add referenced libraries to packed ExcelDNA add-in

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How to build an OpenAI chat application using Angular, ASP.NET API, and Azure
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
MSBuild is a flexible tool, it can be used not only for Microsoft toolchains, and it can even be used for non-programming chores
by ToughDev
Custom USB device that processes input from peripherals and displays on computer
by Minh Danh Nguyen (ToughDev)
Developing vintage 68K Macintosh apps with CodeLite IDE, Retro68 and pce-macplus emulator

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6 Aug 2014 by DannyVarod
Fast, stable and powerful creation of NuGet packages
2 May 2012 by Suresh Malluri
Building Multiple Projects Locally
9 Feb 2016 by Jim Roth
Use PowerShell Post-build scripts to check in binaries to TFS for continuous integration during the build process.
23 Feb 2016 by JamesFaix
Automated build tool for ExcelDNA projects to add referenced libraries to packed ExcelDNA add-in
3 Apr 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
You need to import the Math library Math (Java Platform SE 7 )[^].
20 Sep 2017 by OriginalGriff
Permissions. Your "ASP.NET" code is probably running under a different user ID, who doesn't have access to the folder containing the solution file. Check the whole path, and confirm what users do have permission to read, write and modify files. Also check that the right version of Visual studio...
27 Apr 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment. Anyway, do you just want to know how parameters work with batch files?Suppose you want to abstract out "/i", "D:\Download\" and "qn". In this case you could have the batch file myBatch.batmsiexec %1 %2 %3and execute it asmyBatch.bat /i D:\Download\7z920.msi...
2 Jul 2012 by Sebastian T Xavier
Hello,This problem is solved. I could run the below script by creating a solution with the same name of my web setup project."C:\Progra~1\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv" "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\SebNewRESTSetup\SebNewRESTSetup.sln" /Build "Release" /Project...
10 Aug 2012 by Gary Stafford
Use PowerShell 2.0 to aid in the delivery of build artifacts for release, by generating a manifest of file changes.
28 Aug 2013 by NickClarkIO
A custom build activity to mirror a TFS Git repository to a public Git repository.
27 Mar 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
The value you are reading is the last modification time of the OS, not connected to the build date!The assembly do contain the build date, but it's not public and there is no easy way to retrieve it...but there is a hard...[^]IMHO - you better use version number...
22 May 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
The problem is that your #include for stdafx.h indicates that it will be found in the system libraries. You should change it to #include "stdafx.h"with double quotes, so the compiler looks for it in the source directory.
22 Sep 2015 by CPallini
You need to be able to design both hardware and firmware. A course in electronic engineering could help.
11 Aug 2016 by Jochen Arndt
Not really an answer but I hope it helps (and posting such a long text as unformatted comment makes it rather unreadable).Quote:NetBeans is giving the CygWin make utility (known as mktemp)andQuote:mktemp.exe -f Makefile CONF=Debugdoes not match.It seems that the NetBeans IDE is using...
14 Jan 2017 by OriginalGriff
Quote:Does everyone who runs my application need to have anything like .Net Framework installed?Yes. C# will not run without the appropriate .NET framework installed. However, any "proper" installer will automatically download and install that on computers that do not have it, and various...
22 Jan 2020 by F-ES Sitecore
Ensure your account has access to the D;\ drive. If you are creating a project directly in the root of the D drive, or have anything that creates files in the root of the D drive then make sure it doesn't, always work in sub-folders and sometimes access to the root can be blocked. If you don't...
22 Jan 2020 by phil.o
Trying to write anything at the root of a drive will be problematic on any recent Windows version; better create a directory on the D: drive and write your files in it instead.
22 Dec 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
-w, -W0, -W1, -W2, -W3, -W4, -w1, -w2, -w3, -w4, -Wall, -wd, -we, -wo, -Wv, -WX (Warning Level) | Microsoft Docs[^].
7 May 2023 by ToughDev
How to build Wireshark 1.12.5 static binaries for CentOS 5
21 Sep 2011 by Marc A. Brown
Perhaps here[^]?
28 Oct 2011 by Member 8296118
I am running Eclipse 3.7.1 on a Vista PC. After updating the Android SDK, my builds no longer create an apk file. When I build my apps, I get no errors or warnings. Everything seems to go OK. I get all the class files created. But no apk file gets created. Can anyone tell me what is happening?
28 Oct 2011 by Member 8296118
I found the answer. In Eclipse, I selected Window - Preferences - Android - Build. I then unchecked the box, "Skip packaging and dexing until export or launch."
23 Apr 2012 by sunainanz
Hi,I use VS2010 to develop websites. When I publish these to the live environment, I do a series of post-publish steps. This involves, manually copying the published file to a newly created folder. I then copy a few directories from the previous version to the latest published version....
23 Apr 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
You can do all you need in batch files, or you can look at products like :[^]
26 Apr 2012 by kumarv543
I am using the installation of .msi file by using msiexec /i D:\Download\7z920.msi /qn in batch file.But I need to replace the values and I need to select the value from drop-down when Installation is happening. Please Help me. URGENT
14 Jun 2012 by Henning Dieterichs
24 Jun 2012 by Richard MacCutchan
From looking at the devenv /Build[^] command, it would seem that you have some parameters missing. According to the documentation the solution file is also required.
1 Jul 2012 by Henning Dieterichs
I've asked the question here[^] and get the solution: Now,...
31 Jul 2012 by Arul R Ece
Hi Friend,Can u please refer the below link. Getting a user's last login date -- Before it's updated by the ASP.NET framework![^]It may be help You.
24 Sep 2012 by ♥…ЯҠ…♥
Hi friends,I have 23 projects in my solution, out of that 22 are building successfully but 1 project is getting skipped while building as a solution.I even tried to build that skipped project alone, perhaps the dependency project(4) for the skipped project is building successfully but...
24 Sep 2012 by Legor
First Check if the project is configured to be build.Therefore open the Configuration-Manager (From the Build menu) and see if the corresponding checkbox at the right is activated.If this doesn't help you have to check if the configuration fits your installed compilers. If a project is...
27 Sep 2012 by david pretham
Right Click on solution->properties->Configuration properties. Check whether your project is marked or not. hope this will be hlpfull
28 Sep 2012 by ♥…ЯҠ…♥
Hi friends,Actually I was building in only one region(DEBUG) it seems.There are other regions also, Release region,PROD region, UAT region, QA region.When I try to build the application for all the region, i figured out that some assembly reference files are missing. So I cleared all...
10 Dec 2012 by exposed12
Hi,I ve got the following problem:Within my csproj I use a variable, I ve declared in an external properties file. To reference it, I ve imported this properties file:
10 Dec 2012 by exposed12
In the meantime I ve solved the issue.The problem was, that my current user has full Admin-rights but msbuild was executed in a lower role => environment variables setup by Admin could not be solved by the normal user.Fazit: strange behaviour and almost impossible to get on the ground of...
7 Jan 2013 by Ramana Bellary
Hi, I want to build a C# or project using MsBuild from a command line. Can anyone please help out in this.I'm trying out in this way:MsBuild.exe /t:C:\Users\rbellary\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\ProjectBuilder_src\prjbuilder\ProjectBuilder.csproj...
7 Jan 2013 by Sandeep Mewara
Following should help you out: MSDN: MSBuild Command-Line Reference[^]
18 Mar 2013 by doug25
I've finally found a solution. After using some break points I determined where the problem was occurring (the use of a vector to hold materials).I've implemented a custom vector now using a template class and low and behold my program works in release mode and debug.I still don't know...
15 May 2013 by Member 8797321
Hello...I'm trying to create simple maven project in juno. But after creating project getting following error in pom.xmlFailure to transfer org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-components:pom:1.1.19 from was cached in the local repository, resolution will not...
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Abstract FactoryThe Gang of Four defintion for this design pattern is: "Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependant objects
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
This is how to Dynamicly build the a links of characters from A-Z , somthing like thisA | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P
15 Nov 2013 by ♥…ЯҠ…♥
Hey Marco,No offence,I have one idea to find it out whether its out of bound or not.You might know shortcut for output window(Ctrl + Alt + O) and press right click button in keyboard.By doing this right click option will trigger in your window and by chance you can see if its below...
19 Nov 2013 by Rieth L
How to increase automatic by "1"[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")][assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]VersionUpgrade CodeIn each build...Thanks
19 Nov 2013 by adityasahver
With the "Built in" stuff, you can't, as using 1.0.* or 1.0.0.* will replace the revision and build numbers with a coded date/timestamp, which is usually also a good way.For more info, see the Assembly Linker[^] Documentation in the /v tag.As for automatically incrementing numbers, use...
19 Nov 2013 by Nicholas Marty
Remove the line[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]and modify the AssemblyVersion to[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]This will create a Version in the following format:1.0.{date}.{time} (this does not mean it is a human readable date, however each build will have a higher...
19 Nov 2013 by Thomas ktg
You can also use Addin for Visual Studio to set different auto increment styles per major, minor, build or revision number.Refer here[^]
20 Jan 2014 by AbbottF
I have a solution with 15 interrelated projects, one of them being a website project, another being a winform project. In Debug configuration mode solution build succeeds and the website runs perfectly. when I go to Release configuration, only the projects referenced by the winform project get...
20 Feb 2014 by Maarten Kools
devenv.exe is the Visual Studio process
21 Feb 2014 by Pete O'Hanlon
devenve.exe is the Visual Studio shell process. The build process for C# is csc.exe (this is triggered silently for you when you do a build in Visual Studio).
21 Feb 2014 by Peter Leow
Read this: Devenv Command Line Switches[^]
9 Mar 2014 by Vishal Waman
Hi Guys,We have a scenario while creating Auto Build from TFS 2013* Check in code from all Team* Add new Build Def Template* Configure all settings* On Success of Build, The "MSI" file is not created.*. Can any one help with quick and simple solution foe this.Thanks in...
27 Mar 2014 by kk2014
Hello,I need to display last released version date in my application. I am displaying last build/compiled date as version date with below code.DateTime buildDate = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).LastWriteTime;lbldate.Text =...
24 Apr 2014 by tilakmoger
Hi All i want to know, how to read the targets from other buildfile? i have tried like these, but i am not getting...
13 Jul 2014 by FrancisTamil selvan
I have TFS build server and seperate deployment server. As of now I deploy manually in my local and put the latest files in deployment server. I want to automate this process.So i need a utility to move latest modified files & DLL to deployment folder based on latest change set. Please suggest...
24 Sep 2014 by alhamdi23
Dear all,the question asked when i was tried to create dotnetnuke module using visual studio and i was watching training. the trainer create folder called and he start drag and drop some controls from the toolbox that not shown for me.the pic for the trainer...
9 Nov 2014 by s.faizaan7
I have to implement gated check-ins in my project. The rule is code coverage should be above 90%. I have managed to fire my test cases after the build from TFS. I had also added a testsettings file to include code coverage. However i am getting no code coverage after the build. When i checked...
20 Nov 2014 by Ashutosh Kakade
I am getting this error on Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit machine.When I searched the above path it was missing. Application is built in VS 2013. Please help me.
20 Nov 2014 by Praneet Nadkar
Hi,Check this link.It may help you solve this:[^]
30 Mar 2015 by kommuric
Can you explain what "custom built" mean?
6 Apr 2015 by ruchi87
Hello all,I am trying to generate the webconfig transformation for my service project and i did following things.1. created the transformation environment like DEV,QA,PROD,STG and created proper config transformations. 2. Created the publish profile ...
9 Jun 2015 by JainPrince
Created a build definition using TFS 2013 to run a scheduled build.And using SetupSiteForPublish.ps1 script in post-build script process to deploy the site on iis on a remote server.I am referring following 2 articles:Article1...
23 Jul 2015 by Albert Holguin
I don't think you can... if you want to use CMake, you'd have to use Swig to tie your C++ in with your Python. You're sort of mixing two things that don't have too much to do with each other.
3 Aug 2015 by amihai1
Hi ,As everyone knows , in VS2010 and above there is a use of Web.config transforms to remove add update tags and attributes in a web.config file .Release management has the ability to switch values inside a web.token.config (convention is a variable like so : __ConnectionString__...
7 Jan 2016 by levelnis
This article assumes the reader is familiar with James Kovac's PowerShell based build language, PSake, and explains how to pass parameters from the command line and use them within a PSake build script.
29 Feb 2016 by mayooran99
I have a library project which is built in maven. It has its dependencies. I need to export this project as a jar (Not a runnable jar). Should I include the dependencies along with my jar or should I not? Because when I exported the dependencies with my jar, there were conflicts when the same...
27 Mar 2016 by stackprogramer
:) hi for doing this:we should set some property true: change set buildToolsVersion Look in the SDK Manager what is your highest Android SDK Build-tools version, and copy this version number in your project build.gradle file, in the android/buildToolsVersion property (for me, version was...
4 May 2016 by itsgood123
Hi,I have a powershell script which I am invoking from in .csproj file using Task .I am returning error and error text from Powershell script if a check in the script fails.Basically, I am failing the build if powershell script returns error and error is written under Error List in...
11 Aug 2016 by C-P-User-3
I have typed out a long and detailed edition of this problem over HERE[^] with no response after ten hours, and ten people viewing it.Apparently, NetBeans is giving the CygWin make utility (known as mktemp) an unknown option, specifically, "--f", At this moment I have been unable to...
15 Aug 2016 by David Dimalanta
I tried using this[^] tutorial from the App Guruz website to observe and point out the errors on not showing the leaderboard UI. Not only the codes but also the plugins as well. (see this link[^] below for more info) By the way, i'm using Unity, making games. After I succeeded in showing...
13 Oct 2016 by Member 9882678
Yes, there is the possibility of installing all platforms and operating systems for Raspberry PI sites on the SD card, But if you want to install it yourself on the device.Refer to the following website.1- install linux on Raspberry PI RPi Easy SD Card Setup -[^] 2- install...
9 Nov 2016 by OriginalGriff
You need to talk to the admins directly.Fortunately, there is a forum for doing exactly that: Bugs and Suggestions[^] If you post your question there, the admins will get back to you (and maybe fix it first) - just rememebr they are based in Canada, so there may be a delay before they get...
27 Feb 2017 by kuttiylajai
I have been trying to build a legacy code in Visual Studio 2008 for x64. When i am building i met with a situation where i have to build a library. It is a library project and in that there is a class as well as a file with some 10 -15 functions. When the library is built in 32 bit version, i.e...
27 Feb 2017 by KarstenK
You must take a deep look in the code of these classes. I guess that there are some guarding macros which activate the win32 export which arent defined in the x64 settings.For instance WIN32 isnt defined, but some WIN64. It is tricky: take also a look in the project settings of the...
27 Feb 2017 by Richard MacCutchan
The rules are exactly the same whether it is 32 or 64 bit; see Creating and Using a Dynamic Link Library (C++)[^]. Check your project settings to see that you are correctly marking the different functions for export.
21 Jun 2017 by Member 13272039
I have a solution developed in VS 2013 containing some 20 odd projects which used to build fine initially but now for past couple of days we are facing an issue where the build randonly hangs. I looked up in Task manager and noticed the process CSC.EXE is running but not doing anything...
21 Jun 2017 by RickZeeland
First thing I would do is check all running processes and close suspicious ones. Then check the Build order. Then check if there are no conflicts with x86 / x64 / AnyCpu. Rebuild all. If that fails then reinstall Visual Studio.
23 Jul 2017 by Rahul@puna
Hi All, I am using win7 build environment and have organized code using dirs and sources file. I use windows build command to build source files. During my development i am facing a issue. Let me describe the scenario. ProjectA.dll, ProjectA.lib - This is a third party DLL with its .lib and...
23 Jul 2017 by KarstenK
You must include your third party files completly in the ProjectC, because it isnt linked staticly in the ProjectB.
20 Sep 2017 by Dwaraknath N Keerthi
If a batch file is executed with below line, then my solution is getting build. If the same batch file is executed from a then nothing happens. SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE devenv C:\XXX\XXX.sln /rebuild Release What I have tried: ...
15 Nov 2017 by Member 13523492
Hey guys I have very little experience with coding, I have dabbled in Java and also on Dreamweaver. I do not know where to start or who to go to for a project I would like built. I want a software that can take a worded document and using an algorithm and converter in the software to...
15 Nov 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
Finish a conversion? On the surface, from your very limited explanation, this problem is so incredibly complex, you have no idea the level of complexity you're talking about. This is not something that you're going to get a couple of people off the street to code for you. Perhaps if you...
15 Nov 2017 by Patrice T
Quote: Who could build this? Short answer: you can't. Quote: I want a software that can take a worded document and using an algorithm and converter in the software to automatically complete conversion's. Is this possible and how would I go about getting this built, I have searched my local area...
2 Jan 2018 by Tabaku
I want to create an app for my smartwatch that alert me on my phone or by itself when my pulse beats get lower than normal and i start falling asleep . My smartwatch can measure the pulse i just need to create the app now and if you could help me do it i am ready to pay for it ! Please...
2 Jan 2018 by OriginalGriff
I'm sorry, but we are not a "code to order" site: we only help people who are stuck with a problem. You need to try somewhere like and ask there. But be aware: you get what you pay for. Pay peanuts, get monkeys.
8 Mar 2018 by Member 13376650
I am trying OpenCV with VS2017. But I want to use command prompt to build&run my projects. Because I can use "argv[1]" argument simply to pass images trough my apps. But I don't know how can I do it? Inside the Linux it was easy and I could do it by these commands: g++ name_of_app.cpp -o...
8 Mar 2018 by OriginalGriff
You can pass arguments to your apps from inside Visual Studio (and get the advantages of using the debugger at the same time): 1) Open your project in the Solution Explorer pane. 2) Double click the "Properties" branch. 3) In the resulting page, click the "Debug" tab on the left hand side. 4)...
6 Jun 2018 by nkphuc700
I did search and read so many posts talk about the error message "A potentially dangerous request.querystring value was detected from the client". But, I believe my problem is totally different. In my web.config file, I already defined two keys below:
6 Jun 2018 by Jochen Arndt
You are passing HTML containing a script tag from your form. Such is potentially dangerous. The goal is not to get rid of the error message by setting some options but to avoid that such dangerous data is passed. This can be done by encoding the data upon submission and decoding before...
29 Jun 2018 by Salman350
While I am trying to build my windows application, I am getting following error. The command "C:\repos\CommunityLive\CL_GateApp\signing\StrongNameUnsignedAssemblies.bat C:\repos\CommunityLive\CL_GateApp\signing\" exited with code 2. What I have tried: Following is my Pre-Build event...
20 Jun 2018 by Dave Kreskowiak
An error code (also exit code) of 2 means "File not found". So, somewhere in your batch file, a file was specified that doesn't exist and whatever command that tried to execute exited with that exit code. Since we know nothing about your batch file, it's impossible to tell you anything beyond...
29 Jun 2018 by Salman350
It is solved by the creater himself. I really dont know what he did. Thanks for your efforts.
15 Jan 2019 by nkphuc700
My web application is published as a precompiled mode (full site), so all my resource files (*.resx) are now replaced by some resource DLLs like this. app_localresources.usercontrols.245f38a1.dll app_localresources.usercontrols.cdcab7d2.dll app_localresources.usercontrols8.1.cdcab7d2.dll Both...
30 Nov 2018 by UA12
these are the errors. Quote: QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSLv23_client_method QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_CTX_new QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_library_init QSslSocket: cannot...
15 Jan 2019 by Maciej Los
Please, read this: How to use Assembly Version and Assembly File Version[^]
22 Jan 2020 by OriginalGriff
We can't help you. We don't have access to your code, or your data, or your system: so we have no idea what kind of access you are trying to get to the root of drive D:, or even that D: exists on your computer. Probably it does exist: the error message is telling you that your application (or...
30 Jan 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
java.lang.RuntimeException: Duplicate class found in modules classes.jar (:UnityAds:) and classes.jar (:unity-ads:) Duplicate class found in modules classes.jar (:UnityAds:) and classes.jar (:unity-ads:) Duplicate class...
7 Apr 2020 by Oleg Pruh
CommandInvokationFailure: Gradle build failed. D:/JDK\bin\java.exe -classpath "D:\STOP\Editor\2017.4.36f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Tools\gradle\lib\gradle-launcher-4.6.jar" org.gradle.launcher.GradleMain...
21 Apr 2020 by Vikash Vyas
I had converted the WPF installer to the English to Portuguese (Brazil) also set the prerequisite. While I build the setup project it gives an error related to the Microsoft framework and 'Visual C++ "14" Runtime Libraries (x64)' ERROR: To...