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by Mircea Diaconescu, Gerd Wagner
Learn how to build a Java back-end web application with minimal effort, using Java Server Faces (JSF) as the user interface technology, the Java Persistence API (JPA) for object-to-storage mapping, and a MySQL database.
by Azim Zahir
In this article I cover localizing text, date and currency
by Keyhole Software
A couple of examples of the kinds of components that can be used to quickly bring up a user interface

Latest Articles

by Azim Zahir
In this article I cover localizing text, date and currency
by Mircea Diaconescu, Gerd Wagner
Learn how to build a Java back-end web application with minimal effort, using Java Server Faces (JSF) as the user interface technology, the Java Persistence API (JPA) for object-to-storage mapping, and a MySQL database.
by Keyhole Software
A couple of examples of the kinds of components that can be used to quickly bring up a user interface

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20 Nov 2015 by Mircea Diaconescu, Gerd Wagner
Learn how to build a Java back-end web application with minimal effort, using Java Server Faces (JSF) as the user interface technology, the Java Persistence API (JPA) for object-to-storage mapping, and a MySQL database.
30 Jun 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Nobody is supposed to "recover a password", otherwise it would defeat one of the most important properties of the passwords. Passwords should not be recoverable, ever. If a password is lost, a brand new one should be created. I would say, the major purpose of password recovery would be...
15 Nov 2017 by Azim Zahir
In this article I cover localizing text, date and currency
14 Oct 2012 by Patrick Wanjau
It is a matter of choice which you select either JAX-Ws or JAX-RS. The difference is that JAX-RS is light weight and handles all requests in HTTP. On the other hand, JAX-WS is transport protocol independent, and you can use HTTP, SMTP, etc. JAX-WS is best to use if your application is heavy and...
18 Oct 2021 by Bradley Wellington
Hello everyone I'm new here and didn't find another place to post this question. So recently I graduated from University as a Software Engineer in Sweden. I’ve been taking some time off to recover during the summer and to think through what to...
18 Oct 2021 by RickZeeland
Kotlin seems like a good alternative to Java, see: alternatives-to-java-for-android-development[^] I'm not an Android developer myself, so I can not tell more about the subject. For job security it might be better to look what languages and...
8 Feb 2022 by Richard Deeming
commandButton (JSF 2.2 View Declaration Language: Facelets Variant)[^] Literally the first result of a search for "JSF commandbutton". In future, please try to do your own research.
3 Oct 2012 by Siana0123
i wanna change label text english language to japanese language in dropdownlist selected change event... my project is using JSF 2.0, Spring and iBatis.... plese help me....
3 Oct 2012 by TorstenH.
The keyword for that is NLS or - sometimes also used i18N. Sometimes it's even called internationalization or multi language support.Java uses UTF-8 for the GUI, looking at this tutorial:JSF 2 Internationalization Example[^]...I expect the JSF Components to do the same.I strongly...
8 Oct 2012 by sivis sans
Dear Sir/Madam ,Good-afternoon , how to pass a list-value(comes from bean) , i want to pass those list values to JavaScript function .how we pass from jsf to JavaScript function ,What is the procedure to follow , give some guidance to proceed further,Thanks in AdvanceSankar
9 Oct 2012 by Nelek
Have a look to[^]. Hope it helps you
9 Oct 2012 by santhosh1985april
I am using jsf and created treenode with check box i need to give validation. If i save with out selecting checkbox in the tree it need to show the validation msg.
10 Oct 2012 by santhosh1985april
how to load data in a picklist in jsf ..i want to display the backend value in picklist in jsf
11 Oct 2012 by TorstenH.
Lars Vogel has a grat tutorial for JSF:[^]There you'll find how GUI components are generally loaded with data - which is what you need here too.
12 Oct 2012 by bbirajdar
"Give some sample code to view and give guidance to proceed further . ".....I can help you in the second part by providing you the guidance - 1. Start googling, you will find a lot of code samples. 2. Try to adapt them to your requirements. This way you will learn. 3. In case you face...
14 Oct 2012 by sivis sans
Hello ,function validateRelationshipGender() { var gender, genderForm; gender = document.getElementById("NewUser:ContactPersonGender").value; genderForm = document.getElementById("NewUser:ContactPersonGender").disabled = true; if (gender == "Male" ||...
15 Oct 2012 by RohitGupta_
Add following statement in function return false ;
31 Oct 2012 by sivis sans
Dear friends , We are using Primefaces 3.4 for our application.We want to import some java files in xhtml page, how to import java files in header in xhtml.Awaiting your reply for further guidance..Thanks,Shiva
4 Dec 2012 by Amrita Ray
Actually i want to process 500 files. for that it will take long time for the process to complete. So at the same time i want that we can carry out other activity and let the first process run in background.Please suggest how to do the following using tomhawk, JSF and java.Thanks in advance.
4 Dec 2012 by TorstenH.
Threads in Java[^]Keep the operation to the server and only present the result to the client - asynchronous.
4 Dec 2012 by sivis sans
Dear All, I am developing an application using prime faces where i use contact form in that which consists of mobile and telephone numbers..Here the sample for telephone are as follows:(country-code).(state-code)(telephone number).(+91).(80).(4465444)..Where in India country code...
4 Dec 2012 by TorstenH.
You already said it - validation is the key. You need to check the entered value before you use/store it.If the value is a valid number it's ok. Otherwise react.State codes are fixed values. They don't change. So it's pretty simple to compare them.Comparing a number should not be a big...
10 Dec 2012 by mnd017
Hi, I need a little help with JSF2 application which is run on Glassfish 3 and user authentication . I want to use Form-Based Authentication with Container-managed security. I've got few tutorials but everyone is based on direct connect to database to verify user and password. (like this...
13 Dec 2012 by mnd017
Hi,First of all, I don't have much JSF and JAVA experience. I'm a .NET developer. What I need to do: I need to create a project, which use many (about 20 or 30) databases, but only one at the time. So user will choose which database - on first (login) page. Every database is large (about...
2 Jan 2013 by Keyhole Software
A couple of examples of the kinds of components that can be used to quickly bring up a user interface
6 Jan 2013 by mnd017
Hi, as simple as I can - On one side I have web-service application (WCF) and on the other side website client in Java JSF2. I need to get large data from WCF and display it in my JSF2 website. Basically it will be DataTable passed via WCF to the JSF2 app and displayed in dataGridView...
6 Jan 2013 by Christian Graus
1 - if you use a standard webservice, then your WCF code should be hidden behind a standardised interface2 - you will need to create a web service that returns partial data in a complete call. You can't make half a call, if your webservice does not offer pagination of the data, and only...
29 Jan 2013 by Sandeep Mewara
Thrown when an application attempts to use null in a case where an object is required. These include: Calling the instance method of a null object. Accessing or modifying the field of a null object. Taking the length of null as if it were an array. Accessing or modifying the...
29 Jan 2013 by sivis sans
It's working fine.Thanks sandeep for your valid comment :)
4 Feb 2013 by Member 9809848
i have uploaded fies to a server, and what i want to do is now some how display these on the xhtml page, but i only want to display the pdf files currently i have but obviously this will only...
11 Apr 2013 by Member 9972948
hiI want to send jsf page directly for printing by pressing a button.and I needn't to convert the jsf page to pdf.Thanks
21 Apr 2013 by nischalinn
Hi:I want to learn from basics of JSF with HIBERNATE. Where can I get a good tutorials to start with??I googled but can not found any useful resources from which I can learn from the basics of JSF with HIBERANTE.Please provide me the links.
21 Apr 2013 by Sudhakar Shinde
Please check this [Google Search]. First three links are what you are looking for.
9 May 2013 by amineel9
Hello Every one ,My Question is how can I export/import data from LifeRay to Excel?thks
29 May 2013 by sivis sans
I used data table(OpenFaces) for selecting a row in data table using the attribute o:checkboxColumn rowDatas this will filter the selected rows only .o:checkboxColumn rowDatas="#{tBean.srInventoryList}" sortable="true"> ...
25 Jun 2013 by Ganeshbabu.R
I want DataTable in JSF Example for official purpose.Regards,R.Ganesh Babu
30 Jul 2013 by morojele
Hello guys, i am currently learning JSF and at the moment i am learing how to use cookies but now i am faced with a problem, here is the code of the managed beanString userName = request.getParameter("username");String password = request.getParameter("password");String rm_me =...
2 Sep 2013 by arthur.rafa10
helloI'm starting with JavaServer Faces - JSF and have a problem which I can not solve. I use eclipse + tomcat 6.0 + mysql + jboss tools+ hibernate.when I run my project the following error:2694 [main] WARN org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory - Could not obtain infor connection to query...
25 Nov 2013 by OriginalGriff
Assuming you are using Membership, then probably not: if your user isn't logged in then the Membership system will do an auto redirect to the access denied login page - passing the original URL as the query string so you can return the user there. This overwrites the original query string with...
11 Jan 2014 by ali 10
I am new in J2EE Technology ,I just want to know that i want to make know that what are the basic prerequisites of Java Server Faces and other J2EE technology . I want some expert guides so that i can hold grip on these technologies.
21 Feb 2014 by srkrishnan0509
Hi friends i am going to develop an ERP based project from scratch. i decided to use Hibernate for data access and iam little bit confused with MVC Spring or JSF. Or the combination of Spring and JSF is good?.. Please anyone can suggest me.. Thanks in advance.
14 Mar 2014 by vj_prajapati
I am developing project management system in java using JSF( Primeface). my question is how to implement gantt chart in my project. it must be from the database.
16 Mar 2014 by CHill60
some pointers on this post[^]from oracle [^]wordpress[^]
11 Jul 2014 by Member 10935347
i have a problem in property the class the error stace is : javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /pages/index.xhtml @10,73 value="#{clientBean.client.idClient}": Target Unreachable, 'client' returned null at...
9 Sep 2014 by jcaceres121
(sorry for my english)Hello. Firstly, I have to say that I'm new in Web development. I'm learning by myself thanks to the information I find on the Internet.I'm developing a JSF application with Eclipse, JSF 2, Tomcat 7 and primefaces 5. I'm quite happy with my progression, but I'm stopped...
15 Sep 2014 by cafepoa123
How to hide input file browser upon selecting a value hide from dropdownlist and show when value is show using JSF?
16 Oct 2014 by Shiva Shankar
Hi,I am using JSF 1.2 for my application.
21 Oct 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Instead of re-posting a question, please edit your original question using "Improve question". Try to explain everything properly, in sufficient detail. If you fail to do so, chances are, your questions will be automatically removed due to some members' abuse reports ("not a question", "not...
28 Oct 2014 by bhagirathimfs
May be you are using External JS and CSS file and giving wrong path in the root page.You can use below code. @import...
10 Apr 2015 by Jenny B Jones
I want to upload multiple files at the same time in HTML5, but don't know how to do it. Can you explain how to upload multiple files in html5, js and php? Please share some demo..
10 Apr 2015 by Peter Leow
Check this out:[^]
13 Jul 2015 by ZurdoDev
No one is just going to give you all the code to do this. We would love to help you so if you get stuck on something specific, please come back and post the relevant code you have and show us where you are stuck.
24 Jul 2015 by Member 11834242
Hello, I am making a Java project that takes a docx file as an input and generates its image and then save it as a PDF file.i.e. .docx -> .JPG -> .PDFWhile coding the first part i.e .docx -> .jpg , here is my code but I am specifying the path of my document, but I want to ask how to make...
24 Jul 2015 by Richard MacCutchan
See[^] and[^]. Both found by Google in less than 30 seconds.
21 May 2016 by Member 10835404
hi all , i have a xhtml file that include a table that the user can change ( personally changes ).the page build by ui:repeat from java bean class that include an array List . when the user change the table ( the array list ) only the last array index is changing .the XHTML file : ...
2 Dec 2016 by Paulo Augusto Kunzel
Hello,We are using primefaces to expose html e-mails to the client. However, it was noticed that for a tag like the one below (I know it's messy, but I can't control what is inserted):
5 Sep 2018 by Paulo Augusto Kunzel
Hi, I am working with a DataTable that can be expanded to show the variations of a product. This variation should be editable and I thought about the inplace componenet to do so. However, when trying to save, the new is not sent to the back-end. Here is part of the xhtml ...
8 Sep 2019 by alidayan
Dear I have a JSF project and want to update a row in JSF datatable. I have a database which called domain has columns domainName failed na inProgress. Domain...
3 Jul 2020 by m.r.m.40
Hello, I'm new to both java and ubuntu. Currently I'm practicing java, JSF with netbeans on ubuntu. after writing my first application and trying to run. I see a pop-up window saying "GlassFish server could not be started with JDK11 (Default)....
3 Jul 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
GlassFish needs Java EE, see Oracle GlassFish Server[^].
25 Feb 2021 by Member 13723368
I am trying to upload a pdf file in jsf but before upload I would wish to allow user to see preview of the pdf before hitting submit button but its failing and giving this error in console ...
30 Jul 2021 by Nasir Abbas 2021
I am building a JSF Maven project in which i need to change some html properties dynamically like rendered etc through javascript. I have so far tried following functional examples which are working for style and readOnly clauses but for...
30 Jul 2021 by Chris Copeland
rendered isn't a valid attribute for a HTML element, check the Element - Web APIs | MDN[^] documentation page. If this is a custom attribute then you should probably prefix it with data- to indicate that it shouldn't be considered an actual DOM...
26 Nov 2021 by Drawig Pg
I have the following line in my Java code VisitContext.createVisitContext(...); The class VisitContext is from javax.faces.component.visit This line causes an error with following stacktrace java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find...
14 Oct 2012 by sivis sans
Dear Sir / Madam , Good Afternoon , I have problem with following codes ,JSF :-------
23 Mar 2013 by mnd017
Hi, I've a composite with calendar component inside. I need to catch an event when calendar was changed but in my mainBean (not composite bean). So, I've got 4 files:, main.xhtml and coposite: myCalendar.xhtml with I want to call 'changed' event in and...
11 Jan 2014 by CHill60
Some expert guides here[^]here[^]and here[^]
11 Jan 2014 by Peter Leow
Check this out:[^]
20 Oct 2014 by morojele
I am learning JSF and i decided to do a login with the help of a text file, now i am faced with this problem. when i click the login button on the JSF page, nothing happens.... i would like to know whyTHIS IS MY JSF LOGIN PAGE Please type your user name:...
14 Oct 2012 by I.explore.code
I would recommend using jQuery, it makes JavaScipting easier to write and read:To disable a control using jQuery use the attr() function passing in the attribute as the first parameter and value as the second.$("#ddlc").attr("disabled", true);where ddlc is the id of the control...
13 Jul 2015 by Member 11834242
i need java code (full) which takes document file as an input, generates its image in .jpeg format and then change it to password protected pdf(.pdf) file. if possible give the full code taht to even gui based java code.
11 Oct 2012 by ppk.007
I am Java Developer, i am confused when to use which web services, either i should use JAX-WS or JAX-RS or any other 3rd party & why?Please help by an example like:1.) if i am making Login form which web services is better or their is no need of web services at all ?2.) if you try to make...
12 Oct 2012 by sivis sans
Dear Sir / Madam , Good Evening ,I have the following fields as follows ,1.To Address 2. Subject 3. Content 4. Attachment ,I have a link for this draft message once i clicked that link it will displaying all the informations Dialog .I don't want dialog , need same...
14 Oct 2012 by bhargavpp
29 Jan 2013 by sivis sans
Dear Friends ,While i try to deploy my appalication in Tomcat 6 following stact trces occurs .Give some guidance to resolve this error.Caused by: com.sun.faces.spi.InjectionProviderException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at...
30 Aug 2013 by arthur.rafa10
hello everyone.I'm starting to work with javaserve facses - jsf and I have a problem. use eclipse indigo, and the same does not open files of type. "xhtml". I can not edit (write code) in xhtml files, shows the following error:An error has occurred. See error log for more /...
25 Nov 2013 by Member 10426282
Is there any way to pass username and password from html link to jsf page to by pass the login page
4 Mar 2014 by Member 10641701
HiI used java and jsf.I created dynamic datatable in java file.can i call java method from setOnchange() event?I am able to call java script function from setOnchange() event.see the below code which is working fine for java script.HtmlSelectOneMenu selectOneMenu = new...
25 Oct 2014 by Member 11179478
I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get my JSFiddle to display and work properly locally. Heres the fiddle: I save the page source from JSFiddle, the spacing of columns seems off and the JQuery does not work at all.If anyone could help me...
29 Dec 2014 by Member 11341017
Combination of JSF and MVC Spring is good.Beacuse front end section will be easily handled by JSF and backend logic will be manage well by spring along with security
6 Jul 2015 by Member 11813845
Is Bootstrap preferred for an application with JSF? I am hearing about PrimeFaces being better for JSF...
30 Jun 2013 by leocode7
Hello Friends,I have a web aplication with JSP pages and servlets.I have a jsp page with a form with a password input, but when I clicked in the form button I sendthe form elements in javascript function that open a new window calling a servlet.the javascript function that open a...