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by Er. Puneet Goel
This tip implements the TreeView like DropDownList with Search Functionality using Telerik Kendo.
by linush
How to serialize a kendo treeview current view into JSON data
by freedeveloper
Small library to explain how to create basic message boxes using kendo and Typescript.
by Chris A. Johnson
How to implement 'Batch Mode' using Kendo upload control for ASP.NET Core

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by Chris A. Johnson
How to implement 'Batch Mode' using Kendo upload control for ASP.NET Core
by Schatak
In this article, we will be learning how to export CSV files in Angular with Kendo UI control
by Ezequiel Campos
JavaScript utils for helping handle Kendo widgets
by Yogesh Jamkhindikar
Kendo dropdown within Kendo sub-grid using Editor Template and Client Template +ASP.NET- MVC

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9 Jan 2015 by Er. Puneet Goel
This tip implements the TreeView like DropDownList with Search Functionality using Telerik Kendo.
10 Jan 2014 by gurdev
yes, you are right "Merging cells in Kendo UI grid is not supported", so finally i had decided to merge cells after the rendering of kendo ui grid, so i used javascript to merge cells in DataBound event of kendo ui Grid.function defition that i have called in databound event : function...
26 Aug 2013 by linush
How to serialize a kendo treeview current view into JSON data
11 Oct 2014 by Shemeemsha (ഷെമീംഷ)
In kendo documentation page I saw the below code in RowTemplate section..Link@model IEnumerable@(Html.Kendo().Grid(Model) .Name("grid") .RowTemplate(@ Product Name: @product.ProductName Units In Stock:...
12 Oct 2014 by Satya Ranjan Sahoo
Get the value of combo box and set the value after inserting the new row explicitly.i.e.function CreateNewGridRow() { var selectedValue = $('#comboBoxId').data('kendoComboBox').value(); var grid = $("#SubGridSecuritySection").data("kendoGrid"); if (grid) { ...
10 Jan 2014 by Maciej Los
Merging cells in Kendo UI grid is not supportedPlease, read this: Dynamically Add / Remove Columns and Cell merge of Kendo UI grid[^]
9 Oct 2014 by Shemeemsha (ഷെമീംഷ)
How to change the style of default Kendo edit button. The default button contain a pencil symbol with 'Edit' text. Instead of that I need to place an icon ..I am using the below code for creating the edit button columns.Command(command => { command.Edit(); }).Width(80);
8 Apr 2016 by Dave Kreskowiak
It's far easier than the code you've written:public JsonResult GetMessageTemplateJson(){ var messageList = _context.MessageTemplate.ToList(); return Json(messageList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);}
4 Jul 2016 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
There is no built-in support for that...The only option I know of is to change the menu from the columnMenuInit event of the grid...Configuration, methods and events of Kendo UI Grid[^]UPDATEWhile all I wrote is right - based on the official documentation, there is a - totally...
4 Nov 2013 by sushil_gupta
I solved the problem. Below is the sample code. columns.Bound(a => a.Flag).ClientTemplate( "# if(Flag == 'Value1') { #" + " class='info k-button k-button- icontext' onclick='clickhere(#=parameter1#)' value='ClickHere' />" + "# } else { #" + "NormalText" + ...
31 Jan 2014 by karthik mushyam
I have this attachments column columns.Command(command => command.Custom("Attachments").Click("showAttachments")).Width(100).Title("Attachments");and my kendowindow @(Html.Kendo().Window().Name("Attachments").Title("Upload...
3 Feb 2014 by freedeveloper
Small library to explain how to create basic message boxes using kendo and Typescript.
9 Oct 2014 by Suraj Sahoo | Coding Passion
fiddle[^]Please check this fiddle. This might work out.Thanks:)
12 Oct 2014 by Suraj Sahoo | Coding Passion
Since we pass the Model through the Grid, the Kendo Grid using row template is smart enough to get the values asmodel => model.ProductName using @product.ProductName, we could use any name @item.ProductName too...
12 Oct 2014 by Satya Ranjan Sahoo
The "Name" property of both the grids are same. This should be unique as "Name" becomes the id of the grid and ids are unique by nature.Also, Instead of passing the "SampleId" directly in the .Action method use ".Data" property to pass additional data to Action Method as you have done in Outer...
20 Oct 2014 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
According to Telerik, you have to define the type and root of xml...schema: { type: 'xml', data: '/logData/log', model: { fields: { historyId: 'historyId/text()', userId: 'userId/text()', taskDate: 'taskDate/text() } }},Remove also the
24 Oct 2014 by GutierrezDev
I would like to know if there are other MVC Server Wrappers beside Kendo UI?Thanks in advance for answering.
24 Oct 2014 by Suraj Sahoo | Coding Passion
Alternate to Kendo UI[^]Jquery UI[^]please look into the above sites. You can use Jquery UI. But Telerik's Kendo is really a nice tool to be used.Thanks.:)
15 Nov 2014 by Manas Bhardwaj
I would rather suggest to ask this question at Telerik/Kendo forums. You would get a better audience for this question who are more experienced with this specific component.[^]
13 May 2015 by Bhis
I've a Contact page, where a user can maintain it. Using Kendo grid, I listed the contact on my initial grid with only few columns. When the user clicks edit button, a PopUp comes up so edit/delete can be performed. However, the contact table has 3 foreign keys (AccountId, StateProvinceId,...
25 Aug 2015 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Refer - Getting selected row’s data from Kendo Grid//Selecting Gridvar gview = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");//Getting selected itemvar selectedItem = gview.dataItem(;//accessing selected rows dataalert(;
4 Jul 2016 by bahman.01
columns.Bound(p => p.IsSelected) .Width(50) .IncludeInMenu(false);We must work with "IncludeInMenu" and set to false If we don't want it to be shown in column menu and true and showing.
19 Oct 2016 by OriginalGriff
No.Why do you think we are here, not over at SO answering questions?If you want an answer, put some effort into it and ask it properly, not just link to another site. That's just rude.
21 Nov 2016 by Karthik_Mahalingam
Simple answer,Both are UI frameworksKendo UI is a paid version, Angular is a free oneKendo owns by Telerik, where as Angular by GoogleKendo vs Angular[^]
19 Dec 2016 by adityasahver
I am facing an issue with the DateTimePicker where the time in the selection box is appearing up twice.Attached is the image - Image[^]What I have tried:The code that I have done for round off and for setting the max value is below, please let me know where i am going wrong.Code...
16 Feb 2017 by NileshKRathod
We have a kendo tree-view already implemented in our web application. In our new requirement we have to add some additional controls inside tree view.>> Scenario 1: Once user select a check box from tree view one textbox should be shown near to selected checkbox (based on some business...
19 Feb 2017 by Graeme_Grant
Here is a good place to start looking: Telerik Kendo ComboBox samples[^] and a good place to ask questions is: Telerik Forums[^]
31 Aug 2019 by Chris A. Johnson
How to implement 'Batch Mode' using Kendo upload control for ASP.NET Core
10 Sep 2013 by stpdevi
I am working with kendo ui functionality is to filter the grid based on date-time and drop down selection. This is working on chrome but not in FF and IE.var gridResult = $('#Grid').data("kendoGrid"); var condition = { ...
11 Sep 2013 by amr mustafa
I have this code to draw kendo pie chart...and it's read data from json...the the title of the chart appear but the chart not appear function createChart() { $("#chart").kendoChart({ dataSource: { ...
14 Sep 2013 by javad_r_85
hi, i want use mvc kendo ui treeview and load children node when selected node but i don't Know implement it, please help me?public JsonResult Employees(string id){ var dataContext = new Data.ISMSEntities(); var employees = from e in dataContext.Assets ...
27 Sep 2013 by Member 10004269
Hello ,Kendo UI experts Please help me..I am new to Kendo ui. I want to return id of Selected node in kendo treeview in my code.but it is returning only same node.On selecting Node i want to return id of selected Node to my code, and in Code i am returningchild elements of that...
1 Oct 2013 by Ovais Memon
Please go through the code below. In below grid, I've a column with hyperlink. I want to open a kendo window when i click on the particular link. How can i achieve this. Currently it is navigating to some other page.@model IEnumerable@{ ...
24 Oct 2013 by Srinivas Uttareshwar
my grid fields{ field: "Fname", width: "10%", title: "Name" }, { field: "Address_Line1", width: "20%", title: "Home Address" }, { field: "workaddress", width: "20%", title: "Work Address" }, { field: "Personal_Email",...
1 Nov 2013 by sushil_gupta
I wants to enable/disable custom command in kendo-ui grid based on some other column. How do i achieve that? Below is sample code@(Html.Kendo().Grid().Name("Grid").Columns(columns => {columns.Bound(a => a.Name).Width(90);columns.Bound(a =>...
12 Nov 2013 by piyush modi
Hi,I have created Web API in MVC4.I have used entity frame work.As i am able to get data in Json but i am not able to integrate those data with my HTML page. I have used kendo UI control (List view) in html page.This is the I have written in Controller: public...
12 Nov 2013 by mangalord
I am trying to get navigation of kendo ui to work with angular js. The problem is that whenever i set ng-app navigation stops working. So if i leave it works but when i use it stops working.
17 Nov 2013 by Kaushik.Subramanian
i am using kendo grid my controller is here am passing the entity to my model then calling in view public ActionResult samplem1([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request) { var t=GetCustomers().ToDataSourceResult(request); return Json(t,...
20 Nov 2013 by mangalord
I want something simple in jaydata. I want to run a query and return true or false. For examplevar existingPatients = Database.Test.filter("Id", "==", 5);and then if it returns true i want to update the specific patient of add...
25 Nov 2013 by venkivenkatesan
i had one kendo combobox.i want that combobox all data in variable? using jquery?please send me answer?
25 Nov 2013 by TrushnaK
I think you should refer below site:-[^]
26 Nov 2013 by Kaushik.Subramanian
Hi All,I have a kendo grid which has a kendo filter ,i have set extra(false) in the kendo filter and removed the dropdown using the below code ,here the filtering is happening only when i give complete value ,instead i need to filter with starting value
15 Dec 2013 by Amir Hamza Md. Kayes
Inside the .DataSource please mention the pagesize.PageSize(10)
24 Dec 2013 by Puthiphorn
I want to build an application with Gantt Chart such Microsoft Project with MVC! I want to know that what the best open souce control or tool to use???
24 Dec 2013 by JoCodes
You can try Jquery based plugin which is easy to use[^]Using Daypilot,[^]DayPilot Gantt Chart for ASP.NET[^]Hope this helps...
26 Dec 2013 by karthik mushyam
Am using Kendo button in MVC4 application .How and where should i write the Navigation to another page on button click .@(Html.Kendo().Button().Name("btncancel").HtmlAttributes( new {type = "button"} ).Content("Cancel"))I did like this but i am not getting
22 Jan 2014 by Puthiphorn
How to save time from kendo timepicker with json into sqlserver?
22 Jan 2014 by Christian Graus
Well, there's several steps1 - grab the time from the time picker in to a variable.2 - using stringify if you MUST turn it in to JSON ( although I have no clue why you'd do that )3 - make an AJAX call to pass the value to the server4 - insert it in to the databaseYou are...
22 Jan 2014 by Puthiphorn
My Model: public partial class WorkTime{ public int WorkTimeId { get; set; } public int CalendarId { get; set; } public string DayName { get; set; } public System.DateTime FromTime { get; set; } public System.DateTime ToTime { get; set; } public int...
22 Jan 2014 by Christian Graus
Please don't post question after question on the same thing. Just edit your question so that it's got the detail we need.Have you set breakpoints in your page in Chrome to see what value you're getting from the control and what you're passing to the AJAX call ? Have you set breakpoints in...
23 Jan 2014 by Puthiphorn
How can I hide the Today Button and calendar from kendo Scheduler?
23 Jan 2014 by gurdev
hi i have numeric column in grid which is formatted by using kendo.tostring(123456789, 'n2') and it is formatted like [123,456,789.00] but i want to format it like [12,34,56,789.00] , is it possible in kendo number or string formatting?
6 Feb 2014 by Member 9579525
i want apply color picker on is not applying//code @(Html.Kendo().ColorPicker() .Name("colourpicker") .Value("#ffffff") .Events(events => events.Select("preview")) ) ...
17 Feb 2014 by Member 9579525
can we implement any chart control like gantt chart in mvc kendo ui...plz help...
4 Mar 2014 by Pavithra Pagadala
Hello, I am new to mvc kendo ui i used kendoautocomplete and able to get the list when i typed in the textbox. here is my razor code @(Html.Kendo().AutoComplete() .Name("CPT") .DataTextField("cptcode") ...
9 Mar 2014 by An@nd Rajan10
hi,i want to get the coachId when clicking on the row of get the coachid and how to pass the value to controller... $(document).ready(function () { var users; $("#grid2").kendoGrid({ dataSource: { data: users, pageSize: 10 }// binding...
9 Mar 2014 by Abhinav S
I would request you to go through some of the help resources - Kendo UI Demos[^]Selecting a row of a Grid programmatically[^][^]
12 Mar 2014 by keyur_raval
i have created a Web Application in in which i am using a listview control. That control i want to bind data using Kendo grid jquery. And also i want to paging , sorting functionality developed in my site using kendo jquery. All are working only client side nothing used in server side...
12 Mar 2014 by Member 9998003
Hello guys,i'm having problem with gridtempletecolumn, when i add boundcolums the data shown properly but when i use templetecolum it does not show the data, can any one solve my problem.check these images for more...
18 Mar 2014 by littleGreenDude
What is the correct syntax to set the filter so it will only display loans with a non-zero balance in the grid?@(Html.Kendo().Grid() .Name("Loans") .Events(events => events.DataBound("onDataBound")) .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource .Ajax() ...
19 Mar 2014 by RoopaSekhar
I have created a kendo tab strip control.I want to add next and previous buttons in tabstrip control to navigate between the tabs and i want keep all the tabs data persisted until the last tab.In the last tab i want to save the data.
1 Apr 2014 by bintaprasad
I am developing an MVC3 application with Kendo UI. I have a kendo combobox control in my form.While clicking on save button, i have a confirm box with OK and Cancel button. On clicking save button for the first time and if there exists a validation error, first time combobox control appears. But...
7 Apr 2014 by ank170989
i am assigning the date from kendo date pickerfor() but its not passing the selected dateselected date to controller but instead passing some default value@(Html.Kendo().DatePickerFor(model => model.DOB) .Name("dob")//The name of the datepicker is mandatory. It specifies the...
10 Apr 2014 by Amalraj Ramesh
Hai im using kendo grid,How can i focus first row?Any help?
13 Apr 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Here we answer specific questions which members face during programming.If you face any difficulty while coding, feel free to come back here and ask another question with specific issue describing the scenario.
16 Apr 2014 by littleGreenDude
I have a web page that renders Kendo grids within 2 partial views. The top grid contains orders with an outstanding balance for the customer. And the bottom grid contains paid off (zero balance) orders for the same customer. If an order from either grid is clicked on, the user can see the...
16 Apr 2014 by aiurovet
As mentioned at, you can add data handler as:.Update(update => update.Action("Edit", "YourControllerName", new { entity = Model }).Data("onUpdateRequest_Details"))Then specify the fumction...
21 Apr 2014 by Member 9579525
i am exporting grid data to pdf. i have kendo controls in grid and i want to show that controls also in it possible ? if plz help.
21 Apr 2014 by Mehdi Gholam
PDF is an offline format so it is not possible to put HTML controls in it.
24 Apr 2014 by Nelek
This is not how CP usually works. Most important goal here is to learn and help learning.You are supposed to try it on your own, and come here when you got stuck with something, with a concrete question about your code, design, etc. Please have a look to What have you tried?[^] to see a good...
29 Jun 2022 by Varinder Raii
I need Pagging in which when user click on Page number then i will get pageNo, make Ajax call, Retrieve Data and Bind to Kendo Grid.Is there any event to do this.So far i have tried DataBound which give current selected Page no, but this event fire on Data bind too which call...
29 Apr 2014 by Member 10784917
Hello, I am using Kendo Grid to display events in my project along with server paging. I wish to use SignalR and view the events as and when they occur in the kendo grid without a refresh. I wanted to know if Kendo grid server paging could be used along with SignalR,if yes,please help me with...
1 May 2014 by littleGreenDude
On GridTwo set the AutoBind to false, for example@(Html.Kendo().Grid() .Name("MyGridTWO") .Events(events => events.DataBound("onG2DataBound")) .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource .Ajax() .ServerOperation(false) .Read(read =>...
5 May 2014 by jiji2663
i want use aggregate in kendo grid but,i'm confused how to use it in my projectmy code:my model public class PreOrdersViewModel { public string NameProduct { get; set; } public long? Price { get; set; } public int? Count { get; set; } ...
5 May 2014 by developerArt
have you seen this following for aggregate??[^]and for renaming header please refer to this[^]
8 May 2014 by jinu jagadeesh
Tried these codesdocument.getElementsByTagName("form")var $form = $(activelement).closest('form');$('form').validate().showErrors(errorArray);var form = this.currentForm;$(this).closet(‘form’)$(this.form input[name='id'])[0]this.form;These all will get name of the main form not...
14 May 2014 by Member 10819186
hi,I am using Kendo ui splitter with Angular ui router and Angularjs application.Splitter does not initialize properly onPageloading first time, but after resizing the browser window it works as expected.This issue only Comes when splitter size is in percentage.when width and height of...
27 May 2014 by Kaushik.Subramanian
Hi All,I hav a Kendo Popup it contains a Kendo Grid and a Html Search Boxif i give a text in search box the particular details will come and display in the gridthe problem am facing is that am getting the searched details but it is not binding in the grid here is my code...
19 May 2014 by Member 10042156
Hi, Grouping is not working for my kendo listview. here is my code, Am i missing anything please help me!!$(document).ready(function () { dataSource = new{ transport: { read: { url:...
20 May 2014 by DGKumar
How to bind grid by using kendo Ui,and how to manipulate CRUD operations in mvc4 by using kendo UI
25 May 2014 by Thanks7872
See this:$(document).ready(function () { $("#btnCreate").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '../Create', contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8', ...
27 May 2014 by Kaushik.Subramanian
$(document).ready(function () { Button Click Popup $('#button').click(function (event) { var BatchID = $(this).attr("id"); $.ajax({ cache: false, url: "@(Url.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName"))", ...
27 May 2014 by Kaushik.Subramanian
First Emptied the existing grid$("#ManageDetails").data('kendoGrid')[]);//Fill the current grid with new data $("#ManageDetails").data('kendoGrid');
27 May 2014 by Kaushik.Subramanian
1.Use the Namespaces using Kendo.Mvc.UI;using Kendo.Mvc.Extensions;2.Http get pass to certain view where grid view is therepublic ActionResult samplem1() { return View(); }[HttpPost] public ActionResult samplem1Post([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest...
30 May 2014 by littleGreenDude
Basically, I am looking for the MVC version of this demo:[^]Here is what I currently have.Columns(columns => { columns.Bound(e => e.ID) .Hidden(); columns.Bound(e =>...
29 May 2014 by Kaushik.Subramanian
.Filterable(f => f.Extra(false))
30 May 2014 by Member 9965416
THIS IS MY .CS CODEusing System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.Services;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using System.Configuration;namespace...
5 Jun 2014 by littleGreenDude
Do I need to define the schema? If so, what should that look like? My searches for this seem to only turn up js solutions, I'm looking for the syntax to define it in the...
10 Jun 2014 by dhage.prashant01
Hello friends,I have object which has properties1. name: String2. selected: Boolean I'm, creating Kendo UI TreeView using this object.My issue is I want to create nodes for only those items in the object whose selected value is false.Any idea how to do in in Kendo...
11 Jun 2014 by karthik mushyam
I am doing ExportWithOpenXML kendo grid. I downloaded code here[^].Here in code I find this.public FileResult ExportWithOpenXML([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request){ //Get the data representing the current...
11 Jun 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Refer the most popular answer by Sergey "Object Reference not set to Instance of an object", please see the code below.[^].Saying that, I would suggest you to post this in Telerik forums, so that you will get better replies.
17 Jun 2014 by waleed ahmed wadkar
I have a KendoDropDownlist as Follows for(ix=0;ix
25 Jun 2014 by ahp-1984
Hi Team, I have number,percentage and Currency Fields in side Telerik Grid and i need to Show Value of Each Control in Standerd Number in comma Seperated Format. like if value is 12345 then it Shuld appear as 12,345 so for that i have Applied Format("{0:n}" so its Working for...
3 Jul 2014 by sankarsan parida
See some example using Kendo css in asp.net[^][^]
22 Jul 2014 by shalim ahmed
This is qit easy. I dont post very lookrative. You can read step by step tutorial from hereHow to Bind Kendu UI Grid with ASP.NET MVC Html5 Step 1:Inside Home Controller past this code to overriding About function.publicActionResult About(){BLC_DEVEntitiesob =...
12 Aug 2014 by dhage.prashant01
Hi friends, Is there any way to highlight matched text in kendo autocomplete? I have checked the configuration of autocomplete, there is highlightFirst which highlight only first entry. I want all entries with the text to be highlighted.Thanks in advance
20 Aug 2014 by Kunjammu
Hi,How can i get all rows in a kendo grid having more than one pagei used like this var grid = $("#grdVesselDetails").data("kendoGrid")but getting only first page data
26 Aug 2014 by prabu19
Hi friends, I am trying to build a nested grid inside kendo grid using mvc..For this i am using Two list load action bcs two grid need to load..Problem here is, second load action which means inner grid load action is not called..pls hel pme to solve this issue...\\ this is...
29 Aug 2014 by Vondersmith
The code below works. The controller receives the value "Test Value" when the Upload widget is executed. However, I have a key value from the model that is displayed within this view that I need to send instead of the hardcoded text. Note. This is a custom template within a grid popup...