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by ToughDev
Emulate parallel port printer to capture data from Tektronix 1230 Logic Analyzer
by ToughDev
How to interface TEA5767 FM Receiver with PIC using I2C
by ToughDev
Code to set and get current time using the RTCC module on PIC24
by ToughDev
How to interface Nokia 3510i and 5110 LCD with PIC Microcontroller

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by ToughDev
Custom USB device that processes input from peripherals and displays on computer
by ToughDev
Emulate parallel port printer to capture data from Tektronix 1230 Logic Analyzer
by ToughDev
How to interface Nokia 3510i and 5110 LCD with PIC Microcontroller
by ToughDev
Code to set and get current time using the RTCC module on PIC24

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29 Jul 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
Refer to the manual with the LCD you are using, it will have a SDK/documentation which you can program with and send data to display.
29 Jul 2012 by CPallini
It really depends on the LCD device you have (above all on its controller, if it have any).Many LCDs use the HD44780 (or equivalent) controller, if this is also your case then Google may really help you: interfacing a PIC microcontroller with a HD44780[^].
31 Jul 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
1) It's absolutely not a problem to send any kind of data to a COM port using .NET (#C or not):[^], see Write members.2) If something can read a number (what size, though?), it means it can read a string. It depends on...
2 May 2014 by OriginalGriff
Firstly, stop opening and closing the port: it won't help and it may cause data to be lost. While the port is closed, anything received by the physical port will be thrown away...and it allows other applications to "grab" the port as well. And you don't need an event handler to pass the data...
2 May 2014 by leon de boer
Ok I had a quick look at the datasheet for the PIC16F877 and the ADC is 10 bitI have not checked but I assume this line does the right thing and bring the high and low ADC results togetherval= (ADRESH
20 Nov 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Please see my comment. You don't need to use PictureBox. Instead of helping you, it only eats up some resources, performance and development time. It is really designed only for simplest cases. Even though you can achieve results with this control, you loose, not gain. I'll tell your what to do...
2 May 2013 by OriginalGriff
You are probably going to think I'm being really nasty to you here - I'm not...The first thing that springs to mind is: where did you get the idea that a 2ms delay would be enough time to guarantee the receive of a character will occur? You can't just go "Oh, I've got a char, another one...
2 Jan 2015 by bling
Use libjpeg.[^]It will likely take some effort to compile for the PIC.
1 Jun 2021 by Patrice T
Not your question, but: Advice: Learn to indent properly your code, it show its structure and it helps reading and understanding. It also helps spotting structures mistakes. #if defined(__PCM__)#include #fuses HS, NOWDT, NOPROTECT,...
8 May 2023 by ToughDev
Emulate parallel port printer to capture data from Tektronix 1230 Logic Analyzer
7 May 2023 by ToughDev
How to interface TEA5767 FM Receiver with PIC using I2C
27 Mar 2012 by MaxLovic
26 Mar 2012 by E.F. Nijboer
But why use the rel prefix? Probably the constant data is relocatable and could therefor be moved around which would break the relative addressing. What happens if you remove it?
27 Mar 2012 by Pandvi
What if you change your absolute address to relative address. ie: .\data\mdynamic-no-pic.jpg or something like that.
27 May 2012 by zahraBatool
plz need a code for spi interfacing between two pic microcontrollers in MIKROC..the data sent by the MASTER recieved by the SLAVE and Slave displayed it on LCD...plz need urgent help
27 May 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
You are asking a very broad question which is out of the scope of this forum.
4 Jun 2012 by GabeA
I have my PIC 16f690 processor connected to an LCD screen that uses an Hitachi 44780 driver. I would like to use 4 bit mode (since I only have the 4 data lines connected, D4-D7). I have found some ways to do this online, but there is always a couple of differences between them, and none of them...
4 Jun 2012 by Mehdi Gholam
Try this :[^]
5 Jun 2012 by GabeA
Ok, I figured out why it wasn't working:Turns out that my I/O ports were all defaulted to analog inputs instead of I/O. So I had to add the command ANSEL = 0. That's it. Lot of time for a silly problem.Anyway, thanks Jack for the clarification on the high byte - low byte stuff.- GabeA
30 Jul 2012 by Arsalaan Ahmed
I am new in LCD programming, please help me.I need to know how to display "Hello World" in an LCD, I'm using PIC microcontroller 16f877a.
9 Dec 2012 by Member 9671224
hi i want to display string on Lcd. i m doing work on explore 16 board. i stuck with delay can u plz help code is as follow#include "../../support/PIC24F/h/p24FJ128GA010.h"#include "lcd_1.h"#include "delay.h"_CONFIG1(JTAGEN_OFF & GCP_OFF & GWRP_OFF & BKBUG_OFF & ICS_PGx2 &...
9 Dec 2012 by YvesDaoust
Declare j to be volatile and time your routine.
12 Jan 2013 by Matan Fihman
Hello everyone I have started a new project using PIC controllerthe idea is to program it through USB with a GUI based on C# or any other type of program leng what i mean is that the user will a grid the connects 8 input to 8 output and using a menu or something similar to the right click...
12 Jan 2013 by CPallini
Your project looks ambitious: the C# application should convert each function (actually they looks more similar to a programs) into a set of statements the PIC can understand. That is you have to implement a compiler (to an intermediate language) on the PC (C#) side and an interpreter (able to...
23 Jan 2013 by Matan Fihman
i had change my view about that type of project to a more primitive form of itso for the time PROBLEM SOLVED ...see you soon with the modified project :)
30 Jan 2013 by Christophe73
I am trying to flash an LED and sound a piezo at the same time, as a buggy is reversing.I am using flowcode and cannot have the two outputs high together and at different frequencies. At the moment I'm pulsing the Piezo for 250ms at 40us / 40us - then turning the LED on for 250ms then...
23 Mar 2013 by OriginalGriff
That is really not going to be too easy.The problem is that VGA signals are pixel and row oriented, rather than character or vector based. You can do it ([^] is an example) but frankly I think you will be using most of your processing capacity just...
16 Apr 2013 by raveendrahegde
Hi I have a problem in sending message in project, I am using pic16f877a and sim300. the main function runs repeatedly. Some characters are missed in the sent sms. my program is like this...void main()//main function{Serial_init(); // initialization of serial...
23 Apr 2013 by OriginalGriff
We can't answer that.The software will depend on exactly what you are doing in hardware - and we don't have any access to your hardware design.Once thing to note though. Be careful with your hardware: do not attempt to drive the solenoid directly from a PIC output pin - it may work, but...
2 May 2013 by salah_abughalyon
hi i have a problem with UART that when i send 0 from vb and the PIC receive it and multiply it by 100 it it become 1111 on the led i use PIC18F452 and have a lot of consecutive UART readcould any one help me ????????[Added from OP comment]here is the reading code in PIC if...
2 May 2013 by salah_abughalyon
hi could any one tell me how to know if the UART is busy or not after read or write using mikroc??????
11 Nov 2013 by DoingWork
Operating system: Win7Programmer (Hardware) connected at PC's parallel port.Melabs Programmer software version: v4.50 beta.on clicking "program" button, error message display "Programmer not found".While on same machine, in XP Operating system, it works fine.Anyone please help...
15 Feb 2014 by Member 10600233
I wish to receive a text sms from a mobile and send the hex values through a port in the PICa
24 Apr 2014 by Duaa7
i have PortB(pins RB0 through RB7)of the pic16 defined as an input with a dip switch connected to it PortD(pins RD0 through RD7)as output each connected to a LED,also each pin of PORT B corresponds to one from PORT D how can i configure that this port is the input and output in the...
1 May 2014 by Member 10415564
HiI wish to take the samples from pic16f877a,4Mhz HS( if it is given a sine wave input) and plot the same.I am giving 230vp sine wave 50hz as input and transformed it into 5v range and level shifted it into positive voltages.This is my codefloat val,val1;//Declare the adcvalue...
2 May 2014 by Duaa7
can i write a byte to the serial port and then read the values it 'll send me ?i want to be able to write to the serial port "1"and when my pic micro controller receives this "1" it will sends me the values of portD in which i want to use laterbut i 'm not able to communicate correctly...
4 May 2014 by leon de boer
The joys of standard functions the code for them is everywhere on the net :-)/* The Itoa code is in the puiblic domain .. daniweb*/ char* Itoa(int value, char* str, int radix) { static char dig[] = "0123456789""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int n = 0, neg = 0; unsigned int v; char* p,...
4 Jun 2014 by Afnan Arshad
18f4550 interfacing with pc on usb port
4 Jun 2014 by CPallini
At product's page[^] on the Microchip website you may find application notes and software libraries.
5 Nov 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
You need to start with reading the manufacturer's documentation on your particular microcontroller. Before asking a question here, think about it: what information might be needed to help you.—SA
29 Dec 2014 by Eddy Chin
I am working on a project that required to read JPEG image in the SD card and display it to the LCD (using 32 bit PIC microcontroller). I am able to read the BMP image based on the Byte[] and plot to LCD pixel by pixel. However, how can we decode the JPEG image to pixel based on its Byte[]?Thanks.
15 Apr 2019 by Member 12444281
Hi I have written the code for serially send data transmission between PC-hyper-terminal and PIC16F877A. When I am using MP LAB IDE Hitech C compiler its showing the error like pointer is required and any of you please check the code and register description is correct or notWhat I have...
7 Apr 2016 by CPallini
Quote:void string_uart(char *q){ while(*q) { *(*q++);}Did you actually meanvoid string_uart(char *q){ while(*q) { tx((unsigned char) *q); ++q; }}?
3 Sep 2016 by Member 12672754
Hi, I have been trying to find out how to set up a timer on a PIC4321 which will start timing once a switch is pushed and stop timing once it is depressed. The time of the switch being pressed will then be outputted. I am not aware how to achieve this without utilizing time.h which is not...
3 Sep 2016 by KarstenK
Stay away from timers because they are "high level abstractions" of hardware. They are very incorrect and even more in comparisions. The error rate is to great to accept. Any looping is bad.Use some hardware high resolution API like Tick count of the processor. Maybe here is some useful example.
13 Nov 2017 by Member 10515225
#include "mcc_generated_files/mcc.h" #define EUSART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE 8 #define EUSART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE 8 /** Section: Global Variables */ volatile uint8_t eusartTxHead = 0; volatile uint8_t eusartTxTail = 0; volatile uint8_t eusartTxBuffer[EUSART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE]; volatile uint8_t...
13 Nov 2017 by KarstenK
You must better understand the send process. You send single bytes (by accessing an char array, so a string is a char array and it works out of the box. But for sending an int you must copy integer into byte array with a terminating zero. char buffer[5] = {0};//memzero memcpy( buffer, &intValue,...
8 May 2023 by ToughDev
Code to set and get current time using the RTCC module on PIC24
8 May 2023 by ToughDev
How to interface Nokia 3510i and 5110 LCD with PIC Microcontroller
7 May 2023 by ToughDev
How to interface VS1053 Audio Encoder/Decoder Module with PIC using SPI
4 Apr 2023 by ToughDev
16-bit Stereo Audio DAC on dsPIC33FJ128GP802
8 Aug 2012 by peter gabris
Example PIC microprocessor program on a tiny RF transceiver.
14 May 2012 by El_Codero
14 May 2012 by Dave Kreskowiak
On top of what has already been said, there is no way you're going to get 1,000 frames a second updating a textbox.Your textbox should be painted on a "snapshot" schedule. Nobody can read 1,000 frames a second, so why are you trying to update at that rate? Update the textbox with the...
8 Jul 2014 by EngDRJ
An finite state menu implemented using multiple linked-lists and function pointers in C for use with embedded programming.
13 May 2012 by Ranabasu
Hi every1.... Im trying to communicate my PIC (18f4550) micro controller with PC using USB HID, and a DLL driver. The host application is developed in C#. The data send to the pc is collected using Event catcher function. Communication, data receiving all the stuffs going well. Though I...
14 May 2012 by sjelen
At first look I think setText() method is your bottleneck.Try using BeginInvoke instead of Invoke.this.OutBox is a TextBox?Try:this.OutBox.AppendText("\r\n" + array[1].ToString());instead of:this.Outbox.Text = this.Outbox.Text + "\r\n" + array[1].ToString();I'm not familiar...
13 Jun 2012 by GabeA
I have written code to both setup and read the voltage going to the PICs onboard ADC, and displaying the digital value on an LCD. I ran the code with analog channel 9, and it worked perfectly, displaying the correct value on the LCD. However, when I changed to channel 7, I ran the same code and...
13 Jun 2012 by TRK3
You declared ADCvh as an unsigned char (8 bit value).The last 3 lines of readADC() you shift that 8 bit value by 8: ADCvh = ADCvh>>8; ADCv = ADCvl + ADCvh; return ADCv;Shifting an 8 bit value right by 8 is an undefined operation. A C compiler is allowed to do...
3 May 2023 by ToughDev
How to integrate FatFs FAT filesystem module with CH375/CH376 USB controller
7 May 2023 by ToughDev
How to use picojpeg library on a PIC with ILI9341 320×240 LCD module
13 May 2023 by ToughDev
Custom USB device that processes input from peripherals and displays on computer
31 Jul 2012 by Khalid Sabtan
hellow membersMy c# program sent a string="123" as a password to picThe pic16f883 job is to read this string and insure that it is "123"I could not do thatThose are my problem 1- i guss there is no way to have the c# program sent a number throgh serialport i can only sent...
20 Nov 2012 by iKsn
Hi comunity, i've been started a image viewer project, the application must show a spesific photo linked to a part number and show information about the Part number.DB: MS Access 2007Source Code: VB.NET 2005The picture is set in a PictureBox, the picture Box is set into a Split Panel...
2 Jun 2021 by Merin Mariam Jose
I have written the code for perturb and observe(p&o) MPPT algorithm for the microcontroller PIC16F877A in c language, and while compiling, it was showing some errors (like 'Undeclared identifier 'setup_adc' in expression') . Can anyone provide...
11 Feb 2013 by C-P-User-3
The chip in question is PIC24FJ256GB210We have an embedded system with two of your microprocessors. The two microprocessors use UART #3 to communicate. I place 4 bytes into UART #3. The 5th byte will not go in.My local hardware expert says that if I turn off flow control that...
15 Feb 2013 by C-P-User-3
Chip is PIC24FJ256GB210 This happens 4 times okay...Send_Byte_In_W1_To_UART_3:Wait_On_UART_3_TXBF: Btst U3STA, #UTXBF ;Got space ? BRA NZ, Wait_On_UART_3_TXBF ;No, wait some more ;*** Fourth time thru,...
23 Mar 2013 by ALNAJJARALI
Welcome all ,I need a help about interfacing pic16f877a micro-controller with a CRT or LCD screen via VGA cable.I just want to display only a colored text from the pic on the screen.any help is appreciated.thx in advance.
5 Nov 2014 by Richard MacCutchan
You could try[^].
15 Apr 2019 by Gokul G Lekshman
void string_uart(char *q) { while(*q) { tx(*q++); } }